• Published 13th Jun 2018
  • 512 Views, 6 Comments

Buttercup Rose: the Breaking - PoneStudios

a mare living Ponyville named Buttercup Rose has a horrible secret; something she has never told anypony, not even her own sister; that secret is named Scarlet Knife.

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Chapter 2: The Unease

Buttercup’s mind went into overdrive. She backed up. Turned around. She bolted out of the crowd. Ponies stared at her as she galloped back home, panic overtaking her mind. She had to get away from ponies as fast as possible. Once home, buttercup bolted into her room, locked her bedroom door, and hid in her closet. From outside, Sunset’s muffled voice could be heard.

“Buttercup? Are you alright?” Buttercup didn’t answer. She held her hooves to her head and groaned.

“Buttercup?” Sunset was getting more worried, Buttercup could tell. She only buried her face in her hooves.

“Oh…” Buttercup moaned.

“I’m coming in there!” Sunset called. Buttercup jolted up.

“N-no, no, don’t--” But Sunset was already in the room. She opened the closet.

“What happened?” Sunset sat down. Buttercup sighed a shaky sigh.

“I-it… it was Peony Stem…” Buttercup looked down.

“What about her?” Sunset asked.

“She went missing two nights ago… and they… f-found her… this morning… in pieces.” Buttercup shuddered. Not because of the horrible sight, but because of the fact that Scarlet Knife had mercilessly tortured and killed a pony the night before last. That was what Scarlet did for a living; kill.

“Oh no… are you okay? I know Daisy Pearl will be devastated when she hears…” Sunset said. Buttercup sighed.

“I-I’ll be fine…” Buttercup smiled shakily.

“Buttercup, please… you know I can tell when you’re lying.” Sunset said.

“A-alright… I guess I’m not in the best shape.” Buttercup’s smile faded.

“You need a hug?” Buttercup nodded. Sunset embraced Buttercup. Buttercup sighed. Several minutes passed. Sunset broke the hug. Buttercup smiled.

“Feeling better?” Sunset asked. Buttercup nodded.

“That’s good. You want to be alone for a few minutes now?” Sunset smiled. Buttercup nodded. Sunset smiled and left. Buttercup closed the closet door. She groaned and buried her face in her hooves. She quietly began to cry.

“I… why? Why does she do this to me? Why does she kill to hurt me?” Buttercup asked to herself.

Because i’m just like that, Partner. Buttercup shot up.

“I never asked you!”

Oh, but you did. You asked yourself, and therefore I must answer. And besides, it’s far too much fun watching you squirm. Buttercup sighed at Scarlet’s words.

“Well, can’t you just leave me alone for a minute?”

Oh, no, my dear Partner! To leave you alone would be to let you calm down! And we both know why that can’t happen… Buttercup shuddered.

“Just… please. I want to be alone, truly alone, for a minute. …Please.” Buttercup sighed.

If i must. Buttercup felt Scarlet retreating back to whatever part of her mind she’d come from. Buttercup buried her face in her hooves once again. She hoped this awful event would blow over soon.

Later, Buttercup came out of her room to see Sunset sitting in the kitchen, waiting. She smiled at Sunset.

“Hey.” Buttercup sat at the kitchen table.

“How are you doing?” Sunset asked. Buttercup smiled again.

“I’m fine. Might want to call in sick for the day, though.” Buttercup sighed.

“Alright, I’ll call Ponyville General and get you a day off.” Sunset went to the phone on the wall. She called Ponyville General. Buttercup didn’t listen to Sunset. She just slumped onto the table. She wondered how Peony had died.

She died well, Partner. She didn’t even scream. She grunted, but no screams. Buttercup grunted and squinted her eyes shut. I didn’t ask you!

Sunset came back to the table. She noticed Buttercup.

“You okay, Buttercup?” Sunset sat down. Buttercup shook her head.

“Huh? Y-yeah… I’m fine.” Buttercup smiled.

“Alright, but if you need anything I’ll be here, okay?” Sunset smiled. Buttercup nodded.

“Thanks.” Buttercup smiled. Sunset smiled back and then went into the living room.

You’re not getting anywhere by resisting me, y’know.

I’m keeping myself sane for another day.

Suit yourself.

Buttercup sighed.

What am i going to do with myself?

Lavender trotted down the road that led to Buttercup’s house. She sighed.

“I hope Buttercup’s alright…” Lavender went up to Buttercup’s front door. She knocked. Sunset opened the door.

“Hey, Lavender! How are you?” Sunset smiled.

“I’m doing fine, thanks! Is Buttercup here?” Lavender smiled. Sunset nodded

“Yup! She’s in her room. I’ll get her for you. Come in!” Sunset motioned for Lavender to come in. she went to Buttercup’s room and got her. Lavender went into the living room and sat down on the plush couch. Buttercup came out a few minutes later.

“Hey, Lav’!” Buttercup smiled. Lavender sighed. Buttercup sat down.

“Hey, Buttercup! Glad to see you’re not dead.” Lavender smiled.

“Yeah, i just got a bit sick today is all. I’ll be fine with a day or two to rest. So, how’s life?” Buttercup smiled.

“It’s good. Mom’s sending lil bro to Canterlot U to study for his doctorate in science.” Lavender smiled. As the conversation continued, Lavender noticed Buttercup’s smile was different than her usual smile. It was… less happy than normal. Almost like a mask. Her eyes showed the same. They both showed a mask over panic and fear. Lavender sighed inside.

“Hey, Buttercup?” Lavender asked.

“Yeah?” Buttercup smiled.

“I’m gonna go get a drink of water. Kay?” Lavender stood up. Buttercup nodded and smiled. Lavender went into the kitchen to get Sunset. Sunset was sitting in the kitchen, reading the latest edition of the Ponyville Chronicle. Sunset looked up when Lavender came in.

“Hey, Sunset?” Lavender asked.

“Yeah?” Sunset looked at Lavender.

“Have you noticed Buttercup’s smile today?” Lavender asked.

“What about it?” Sunset asked.

“It seems… almost fake. Like a mask over something, but I can’t tell what the thing is that’s bothering her.” Lavender sat down at the kitchen table.

“I noticed that this morning, but I don’t want to make her feel uncomfortable. The mask smile comes out whenever she has days like this one, when she sees something outside and panics. I don’t know what to do…” Sunset sighed.

“I can take her to Princess Twilight tomorrow if you want. I think that’d do her some good.” Lavender smiled. Sunset nodded.

“Yes. let’s take Buttercup to the princess tomorrow morning. Maybe she’ll know what to do.” Sunset smiled.

“Kay. we’ll go just before work, so we both can get some help. I have some problems with my dad to fix.” Lavender said.

“Good. thanks for helping, Lavender. This’ll help her, I just know it. And I hope things will be alright with your dad.” Sunset said.

“Thanks. And you’re welcome.” Lavender smiled.

“Well, i’ve got to get back to Buttercup. She’ll be waiting for me. Bye, Sunset!” Lavender went back into the living room.

The next day, Buttercup trotted to Lavender’s herb shop. She’d explained yesterday, that she wanted to go see Princess Twilight and see if Buttercup had any problems regarding friendship. Buttercup smiled at Lavender’s want to help her.

You why she wants to see the princess, Partner. Scarlet’s voice came to forefront of Buttercup’s mind.

I know. And I think it’s nice that she wants to help me.

She wants to see us both in jail, Partner.

Hush. you and I both know that she only wants to help. It’s not her fault that she doesn’t know what she’s dealing with.

Alright then, but remember if you tell on us, it’s on YOU. you’re going to be to blame, because YOU told.



Buttercup trotted up to Lavender. She waiting in front of her shop.

“Hey! You ready?” Lavender asked.

“Yup! Let’s go see the princess!”

Author's Note:

welp. I got a new chapter uploaded! hope you enjoy(ed)! also, I changed chapter 1's name.
oh, and sorry if anyone thinks adding Twilight was a bad idea. she's only in chapter 3, though.