• Published 13th Jun 2018
  • 511 Views, 6 Comments

Buttercup Rose: the Breaking - PoneStudios

a mare living Ponyville named Buttercup Rose has a horrible secret; something she has never told anypony, not even her own sister; that secret is named Scarlet Knife.

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Chapter 1: The Usual

22 years later

Buttercup groaned awake. She sat up, sighing and rubbing her forehead with her hooves. It would another one of those days. Buttercup stood up and went to her vanity. She brushed her mane and tail, and then just sat there, staring into her mirror drowsily.

“Hey, partner!” Buttercup didn’t even move when the voice she was so used to hearing every morning came out of the mirror.

“What do you want, Scarlet?” Buttercup’s voice wasn’t a happy voice.

“Oh, nothing! Just wanted you to know that I made a present for you last night!” Scarlet grinned.

“What is it?” Buttercup was concerned.

“This!” Buttercup pulled out a little doll that looked like Lyra Heartstrings.

“Is that Lyra?” Buttercup tilted her head to the side.

“Not this time! I made this out of Deluxe Doll Fabric from Canterlot! Now, granted, I did steal it, but, hey, at least it’s not from Lyra herself. I don’t have Lyra scheduled until August.” Scarlet smiled and held the doll out to Buttercup.

“Oh. well, thank you, I guess? This is the first time you’ve done something for me and not to me.” Buttercup took the doll.

“Now, what am I forgetting? Hmm… oh, I’ll tell you later, I’m sure you’ll figure it out.” Scarlet grinned.

“Seeya later, partner!” Scarlet disappeared.

“Why did I have to make that horrible decision so many years ago?”

Buttercup trotted down the dirt road in Ponyville, heading to Ponyville General, the place where she worked. She smiled a relaxed smile and hummed a cheerful tune. Buttercup turned a corner onto the street that led her straight to the hospital. It was a beautiful day outside. The pegasi had certainly done a good job with the weather.

“Heya, Buttercup!” Buttercup looked to see her best friend, Lavender Blossom trotting briskly up to her.

“Hey, Lavender! How’re ya doin’?” Buttercup grinned.

“It’s been great so far! How’s Sunset?” Lavender smiled.

“She’s doing fine, so far. Her Psychiatry business is doing really well. She’s been planning to go see Peony Stem about her PTSD one of these days when she’s free.” Buttercup said. Lavender’s smile faded.

“What’s wrong, Lav’?” Buttercup asked.

“It’s… Peony Stem went missing last night, Buttercup. Didn’t you hear?” Lavender asked.

“Oh no… do you think she’ll be okay?” Buttercup asked.

“I hope so. The Ponyville guards are looking for her, but they doubt they’ll find her. There’s no trace of her anywhere. Her sister has been devastated ever since.” Lavender looked at Peony’s crying younger sister, Daisy Pearl. Her mother was comforting her the best she could.

“I hope she’s found. Daisy doesn’t deserve to lose a sister.” Buttercup shook her head.


“So, how’s your mother?” Buttercup diverted attention to a much less saddening topic. Lavender smiled.

“Oh, she’s great! She received the Celestial Award for Creativity. My dad sent a letter from his reserve camp congratulating her.” Lavender grinned.

“Well, that’s great! I hope she’ll go farther!” Buttercup and Lavender stopped when they reached Ponyville General.

“Here’s my stop! See you at lunch, Lav’!” Buttercup waved goodbye and went inside the hospital.

“Bye, Buttercup!” Lavender headed back to her herb shop. Buttercup went over to Nurse Redheart. Redheart smiled wearily when she saw Buttercup.

“What’s the situation? You look exhausted.” Buttercup said. Redheart nodded.

“I’ve been here all night with a patient with broken ribs and front legs. Doctor Stables says she’ll be okay, but she’ll be here for at least a month. She’s been demanding to see Stables all morning long, he’s busy with another patient who has Pneumonia.” Redheart sighed.

“Can I help?” Buttercup asked.

“Yes, you can. Go to the storage closet and get me ice packs, a towel, and some Ibuprofen, then go get Dr. Bandage. She’ll be able to calm the patient for at least a few minutes." And so, Buttercup’s day started.

After work, Buttercup wearily trotted home. It had been a long day. Lunch with her best friend Lavender had been good, though. It had been hayburgers and fries slathered with ketchup and mustard. They’d both ended up with mouths covered in the condiments. Buttercup smiled at the memory and opened the door to the small house she and Sunset Flower shared. She went over to the dining room table and slumped down into a chair with a sigh. She just waited there.

Buttercup knew Sunset wouldn’t home till later. She stood up and went into the kitchen. She made herself a daisy sandwich. She then went back to sitting at the dining room table. Sunset came home almost an hour later.

“Hey, Sunset.” Buttercup said exhaustedly.

“Oh, hey, Buttercup! How was work?” Sunset asked. Buttercup groaned.

“That bad, huh? Well, how about I make some Rotini Alfredo Pesto style for dinner tonight? That usually cheers both of us up.” Buttercup nodded. Sunset smiled and took her bag off, then went into the kitchen to make Rotini Alfredo. Buttercup went into her room after a few more minutes passed. She sat down at her vanity and tapped on the mirror. Scarlet appeared.

“Hey, Partner! How was work?” Scarlet asked.

“Eh. same. Did you hear about Peony Stem?” Buttercup asked.

“What about her?” Scarlet asked.

“She went missing last night, and I thought you’d know something about it, but now that I’ve asked, you won’t tell me anyway. You just get mysterious when I ask you. Nevermind.” Buttercup sighed.

“Oh… h--”

“Buttercup, dinner’s ready!” Scarlet was cut off by Sunset’s call.

“Coming!” Buttercup went to the dining table. Scarlet grinned and disappeared.

The next morning, Buttercup was trotting to work when she saw two guards and a stretcher. Ponies were looking towards the stretcher, horror on their faces. Buttercup wondered what was wrong. She craned her neck to see what was happening. Buttercup’s face turned to horror too when she saw. On the stretcher, accompanied by large amounts of blood, were the bits and pieces of what used to be Peony Stem. Buttercup recognized the place where the cuts were. She froze in place when heard an all-too-familiar voice.

Happy Birthday… Partner.

Author's Note:

YEE, FIRST TWO CHAPTERS! I'M NOT A LAZY COUCH POTATO TODAY! hope you enjoy, and I'll update next week, at the same time! constructive criticism is encouraged.