• Published 13th May 2018
  • 2,487 Views, 84 Comments

The Lawyer and The Unicorn (T-Rated Version) - Firesight

The storm has passed, but the bond that Twilight and Phoenix formed still lingers... can it grow further?

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1: An Unexpected Guest

Early afternoon found Phoenix Wright where he was most days, sitting at his desk awaiting the call of a client. Maya was there as well, lounging on the office sofa, texting with her friends as Pearly, now on her summer break from school, played a videogame and munched on corn chips in the other room.

It had been five weeks since their return from Equestria, and all was back to normal… for better and for worse. Phoenix couldn’t speak for Maya and Pearls, but to his surprise, he’d actually had some trouble readjusting to back home after ten days in Ponyville, getting used again to all the hustle and bustle, noise and smells of the city. After the perfect weather and the pristine atmosphere of Equestria, he found the midsummer heat and smoggy skies of Los Angeles to be particularly jarring, and more than once wished for a squadron of pegasi to come through and clean it up. Heck, even a little rainstorm would be nice once in a while… but since when does it rain in L.A.?

He shook his head at that. The more removed he got from his time in Equestria, the more like a dream it seemed. Talking ponies in a magical world… a trio of cases I can’t tell anyone about… a unicorn mare I may have fallen in love with… it couldn’t truly have been real, could it? he’d asked more than once, but the keepsakes on his desk and the fact that Pearl couldn’t stop talking about their visit said differently…

To say nothing of his newly bloated bank account.

The $50,000 cheque from Celestia, to his astonishment, had been valid, traceable to a small Swiss bank but no further—the attached note said that the Sun Princess maintained an identity and account in the human world to help finance her agents and serve her interests on earth. She keeps agents here? Why? He couldn’t help but wonder, uncertain what ‘interests’ a demigod pony princess who could control an entire sun would have with his world. Edgeworth had wondered as well and launched an immediate, if off-the-record investigation, but found nothing untoward happening with the bank or its transactions. Not sure if I’m more relieved or worried by that…

The cheque’s validity confirmed, he had deposited it and immediately paid several bills, including his apartment and office rent through the end of the year, and gone on to spend some of it on himself, buying a new bike as well as updating his home and office décor. He still hadn’t bought the new sportscar he’d always fantasized about, only because he was dreading the idea and embarrassment of taking driving lessons.

Still, the expensive new additions to his home and office didn’t measure up to the simple ones on his desk and shelves. Fluttershy’s feather he’d had turned into quill pen, and he used it frequently, though the shop he’d had do it had remarked to him that despite its innocent and fragile appearance, the yellow feather itself was unusually tough. Much like Fluttershy herself, he chuckled, picking up the feather pen again and running it through his fingers, finding it as blissfully soft and sweet-smelling as always. It never seemed to get dirty or damaged even despite the fact that he’d spilled coffee on it once, always shaking off dirt and liquid easily and instantly springing back to its original, immaculate shape.

He smiled again as he studied it. Having this here feels like she’s right here with me. I’ll never fear anything again as long as I can remember her saving me in the forest…

His other gifts from his pony friends remained treasured keepsakes he’d already found places for. Applejack’s red ribbon and Rainbow Dash’s medal he kept in a display case on one corner of his desk, while Pinkie Pie’s brightly decorated rock he used as a paperweight on the other. The perishables the party pony had given them were long gone; he, Maya and Pearls having quickly devoured the coffee and cupcakes she’d also sent home with them. Applejack’s apples had likewise been polished off quickly, though he hadn’t touched the small cask of her family’s ‘special reserve’ cider she’d given him yet. For special occasions only… she remembered the country mare’s admonishment. Dunno, guess I’ll save it for winning a big case?

He also hadn’t opened the package containing Rarity’s suit yet, and supposed he wouldn’t for some time—he was too in love with his classic look to go to anything else, and he was honestly worried he’d open it to find some jewel-crusted outfit like Jet Stream had worn, completely inappropriate for court apparel… or anything short of an Elvis Impersonator in Las Vegas. Probably not giving her enough credit… he conceded, but still didn’t feel ready to open it. Maybe when the time is right… whenever that is!

Sonata’s gift he still wasn’t sure what do with, taking it out of his desk’s pencil drawer to hold and study. A heart-shaped locket wasn’t something he could really carry around without odd questions being asked, though he allowed it might look good as a simple gold chain hanging out of his pocket and attached to a lapel button as he’d seen some well-dressed attorneys do. He didn’t really have a picture to put in it, though. A special somepony, Sonata had said. Maybe I could put a picture of Twilight in there…?

He blinked, surprised by his thought. Though time and distance had dimmed his memories of Equestria, the one thing he still could recall clearly was Twilight Sparkle, especially the unexpected kiss he’d shared with the violet unicorn just before being sent back. The feel of her lips paired with the silky strands of her mane running through his fingers. The equally soft lavender fur under his hands. The warmth and blush on her cheeks as the surprise and delight had registered on her face much as it had on his. Her happiness turned to sadness as she finally sent him home, possibly never to see him again.

It was a sadness he shared. He had wondered many times since whether what he felt for her was real or just some magical artifact of Equestria, and yet… I miss her! he was increasingly surprised to realize.

Not having her here is like I’m missing some magic from my life…

He shook his head again, considering the question of their unexpected attraction once more. There’s no magic like hers here, so anything she’d’ve done to me before would have worn off long ago. Then does that mean what I felt for her… it really WAS real…? He fingered the purple iris she’d given him, still sitting in a small vase on his desk. It had lasted much longer than the flowers he could get from his local shops but was finally starting to wilt despite his efforts to preserve it… preserve his memories of her. What if it was the flower that was somehow doing it? Does that mean my feelings for her would disappear when it dies? He found the thought more than a little depressing, but had little time to consider the question before his phone rang.

Maya beat him to it, quickly standing up and snatching his cellphone right out of his hand. “Wright and Co. Law Offices, defending you like it’s nuttin’, baby!” she used her favorite slogan again, making Phoenix groan, certain she’d just cost him another potential client. Maya, you really need to stop…

But to his surprise, she broke out in a huge grin as she talked. “You do…? You are…? Yes, we’re here…” she said at intervals. “Yes, please come over immediately, and we’ll see about taking your case!” she promised, hanging up the phone before turning decidedly smug.

“Well, Nick. Looks like you were wrong about my slogan after all! We’ve got a new client! She said ‘she needs you’ and she’ll be here in ten minutes!” Maya said, her tone chipper as she straightened his tie. “Now clean all that Equestrian crap off your desk and get ready! We need to look professional!” she instructed, proceeding to tidy up the rest of the office, picking up some scattered newspapers and magazines around the waiting area.

The promised knock at the door came ten minutes later, quickly admitted by Maya to reveal… a young blonde-haired woman. “Ph-Phoenix Wright?” she asked him with a trembling voice, her eyes holding an odd mixture of fear and excitement as Maya looked at her funny.

“Yes. May I help you, Miss?” he immediately asked, inviting her inside. Phoenix shared Maya’s confusion, thinking something was both familiar and off about their prospective client. She was a rather pretty and buxom blonde with brown eyes, about midway in height between him and Maya, attractive by most measures he knew, except for her attire—her clothes were decidedly gaudy and even tacky, consisting of a set of mismatched skirt, boots, vest and blouse as if she’d been dressed by someone who had no idea what constituted proper personal apparel or fashion.

She entered at his invitation, stumbling once over the threshold like she was unsure of her footing and looked around his office. Her eyes, she noticed, immediately locked on to the violet iris on his desk.

“You… you kept it…” she said almost giddily, making Phoenix’s brow furrow further. Her voice and mannerisms all seemed familiar, somehow… and judging by the look on Maya’s face, he wasn’t the only one to think so. “Excuse me, but… do I know you?” he had to ask, even as his heart was screaming that he did.

Far from taking offense, the mystery woman’s grin got broader as if she’d been complimented. “I guess my spell is working perfectly, then! Here’s a hint, Phoenix…” she grinned and closed her eyes, and Phoenix was startled to see a dim purple aura surrounding a narrow area of her forehead jutting out conically from it; when he looked close he could see what looked like the faint outline of a single spiral horn in the swirling energy. The glow of the phantom horn faded and she opened her eyes to reveal her irises had turned an impossible shade of purple…

A shade he had only seen on one other person—one other pony—in his life.

Her eyes… that voice… it…it CAN’T be! His mouth went dry and he felt himself going weak in the knees, but there was no doubt left in either his mind or his suddenly thudding heart, the shock of her appearance leaving him leaning heavily against his desk.

“Tw… Twilight?”

She answered him with a kiss.

Taken completely by surprise, Phoenix did not resist as the all-too-human Twilight pressed close and did not come up for air for another ten seconds, leaving his lips tingling from their different yet surprisingly familiar feel. When the pony-turned-person finally did break the embrace, there was a flush on her cheeks. “You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting to do that again…” was all she could immediately manage, the moment only broken by the sound of a door opening followed by a very irate young voice.

“So who’s this, Mister Nick? Why are you hugging that girl?” the newly arrived Pearls rolled up her right sleeve, fire in her eyes. “How dare you see your Sugar Mama right in front of Mystic Maya!”

Twilight gave Phoenix a knowing glance and wink. “Sorry, Pearly. Maybe this will help?” She closed her eyes and her ethereal horn glowed again, changing her hair from blonde to very dark blue bisected by a single violet and magenta stripe, leaving no doubt of her identity.

The young girl’s expression instantly changed from anger to one of delight. “Mystic Twilight!” Pearl threw her arms around the gaudily dressed woman while Maya’s reaction was considerably more surprised and uncertain, looking like she wasn’t sure whether to be more angry or embarrassed by the brazen display. “I’ve missed you!”

“I missed you too, Pearly!” she hugged her back, a little awkwardly, Phoenix noting she wasn’t able to do much with her hands, treating them like hooves in that she kept her fingers curled in and didn’t grasp with them. “You been taking care of Mister Nick like I asked?”

“Of course!” she nodded eagerly. “Are Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo okay?”

“They are,” Twilight confirmed. “Still getting into trouble, though they’re on summer break from school now. They’ve asked me about you as well, Pearly. They even wrote you a letter!” She reached into her purse, trying to grasp something with her hands before giving up and flaring her hidden horn to float a small scroll over.

“A letter from them? Wow!” Pearly eagerly accepted the scroll and unrolled it, beginning to read it.

With that, Twilight turned her attention back to the still-stunned Phoenix. “It’s great to see you again, Phoenix,” she told him, noting that he looked like he was in a state of shock, leaning on his desk heavily. “I’ve really missed you,” she added, somewhat nervously, uncertain if he was happy to see her or not.

“I’ve missed you too, but wh-what… how…?” he stammered as he motioned to her decidedly human form, not immediately sure if he found her more or less attractive for it.

“Do you like?” she spun around before him like a fashion model, stumbling slightly as she did so, making him reflexively catch her. “Sorry. Still having trouble walking on two legs,” she admitted sheepishly. “I’ve been working on this spell for weeks. It’s taken me a while to get right, and even longer to get used to this form. And I still haven’t figured these out, either!” she admitted, wiggling her fingers at him. “Hello, Maya,” she nodded to her left, where the teenaged mystic appeared to have some decidedly uncertain feelings on the matter as well, looking at the new arrival warily, having recognized her at the same time Phoenix did.

“Uh… hey, Sparkle,” she managed, pursing her palms and giving a short bow. “So… what brings you here to our world?” she asked, a leery note in her voice.

“To see Phoenix, of course!” she replied instantly. “And to deliver a few messages… in fact, I have one for you too, Maya!” she floated her another scroll out of a purse that looked like it had been fashioned from an old saddlebag.

Maya accepted it with some surprise, but unrolled it and began to read it. “Oh! It’s from Vinyl, Nick! She says my dance mixes are a huge hit at her parties and she wants to know how her music’s doing here!” she grinned, going to the desk for Fluttershy’s quill pen and quickly writing her own message below Vinyl’s.

Twilight watched and nodded, admiring the fact that both Maya and Pearls could write so readily with their hands. “My friends give their regards as well,” she told them. Or they would have if they knew I was coming! “I see you’ve made good use of all their gifts!” she nodded with approval at the items arrayed on Phoenix’s desk and shelves.

“Thanks. But… does this mean you can now visit whenever you want?” Phoenix asked, his own feelings on the matter thoroughly mixed. Glad to see her, but not sure I want her popping in here any old time she likes… “I had no idea you were coming, you know. You’re lucky we were here and not out investigating or in court.” Not that I’ve had any clients since I got back, of course…

“Well. Not all the time,” she explained, a disappointed note entering her voice. “Magic doesn’t work the same way here. It doesn’t flow as easily, and I don’t recharge as quickly since there’s less ambient magical energy to draw on. Also, it’s only really possible to make the trip when interdimensional ley lines align and it takes much less mana to make the trip. And that only happens about once a month or so,” she said. “And yes… I took a chance, simply because I didn’t want to waste the opportunity—it was either now or wait another month. Guess you could say I ‘winged it’!” she offered with an ironic grin.

“Welcome to earth, then. But uh… who dressed you like that?” Maya wanted to know, looking up from her message and motioning to her mismatched clothes.

“Well… Rarity did…” the unicorn-turned-human admitted. “Though considering some of the looks I was getting walking over here, maybe she doesn’t quite have it right?”

“Walking over here? Where did you arrive?” Phoenix asked, suddenly concerned about her walking the streets of L.A. alone. Well, it’s not like she couldn’t defend herself…

“In an alley down the street,” she explained. “By chance, there was an arrival point for Equestrian agents there where you can materialize without being spotted. After that, I called you via a telepathy spell, and now… here I am!” She looked very pleased with herself.

“Here you are!” Maya repeated, somewhat sardonically. “Okay, first thing we’re doing is going clothes shopping, then…”

Twilight grimaced. “I’d love to, but… I don’t think I’ve got the time,” she explained a little sheepishly. “I can’t stay more than an hour.”

“Aw…” Pearly went crestfallen while Maya’s expression was one of relief.

“But… you just got here!” Phoenix protested, surprised at his own disappointment.

“I know, but… this was meant as an experiment to see if I could do it… and then get back. I set the teleportation circle to pull me back in one hour, and I can’t hold my transformation longer than that anyway. It takes too much magic to maintain.”

“Well, then… maybe we can at least treat her to lunch!” Maya suggested with a sideways look and smile. “I’m sure Sparkle here would love to have a burger…” her grin turned almost evil, causing Phoenix to stiffen.

“Nah, no oatburgers for me, sorry,” the pony-turned-human chuckled. “I had one last night anyway.”

Maya’s grin got broader. “I meant—”

Actually—” Phoenix quickly cut her off, giving Maya a warning look. “Why don’t we take her to the Greek place down the street? I’ll treat!” he offered. “They’re quick, and we can catch up a bit.”

Maya was only momentarily thwarted, immediately shifting her menu choice. “Works for me! You in, Sparkle?”

“Uh… sure!” Twilight replied, having no real idea what ‘Greek’ meant as Phoenix led her out the door and onto the busy street.

The Greek eatery he frequented for lunch was just a block away, but the walk took longer than normal as Twilight seemed to be cataloging everything she saw, from the cars and buses on the street to the airplanes overhead. She seemed both awestruck and aghast at the sights, her face occasionally crinkling at the noise and dirty air, commenting that her research really didn’t prepare her for the actual experience of being on earth.

“Ugh, I will never take pegasus-cleaned air for granted again,” she moaned. “How do you people breathe in this?”

“A lifetime of practice,” Phoenix deadpanned in response, “and we’re fairly hardy creatures to boot. We can live just about anywhere, given enough resources.”

You manage to cope with THIS? Guess humans are tougher than you’d think… she shook her head, wondering how long she could hold her breath.

“This place is one of our biggest cities, Sparkle,” Maya piped up. “It’s loud and proud, and also a big entertainment capital. Lots of movies are made here!”

“Really?” Twilight blinked. “I might like to see a few. Guess that’ll have to wait until I can sustain the spell longer, though…”

“Did you invent this spell on your own, Mystic Twilight?” Pearly asked, causing Twilight to giggle.

“I’m flattered you think so, but… no. Human transformation is a known spell, taught to only a few select ponies in support of Equestrian interests on Earth. Princess Celestia gave me special permission to learn it for my visits!”

“Then she approves of you coming here?” Phoenix was surprised.

“She does!” Twilight beamed, remembering her schoolgirl delight as she’d received her mentor’s blessing. “She said it would be the perfect way for me to enhance my friendship studies and learn about a new culture in the process!”

‘Enhance her friendship studies?’ And just what is THAT supposed to mean? Maya gave Twilight an askance look as they arrived at the storefront restaurant, clearing out after the end of the lunchtime rush.

Seeing Twilight was bewildered by the menu choices, Phoenix chose for her, ordering a falafel-stuffed pita and clear soda for both her and himself. In contrast, Maya made a point to order the most meat-laden dish she could, sticking her tongue out at Phoenix when he gave her another glare. Pearly, as was her custom, stuck to simpler fare, just wanting the pita bread and hummus with a little undressed pasta salad on the side. She enjoyed her junk food but hadn’t seemed to have gotten into Maya’s meat-loving habits just yet. I’ll do my best to keep it that way too… thought Phoenix.

They found a table off in the corner, and Twilight’s nose twitched appreciatively as Maya got her order. “That smells good, Maya. What is it?” she asked as Phoenix held his breath, shooting a pleading look at teenaged mystic, who gave him an evil grin back.

“Oh, nothing… just a little something I call…” she paused to savor the moment. “Roast chicken,” she said gleefully, watched Twilight’s reaction carefully while Phoenix slumped, certain Twilight was about to flee the restaurant and their lives, never to be seen again.

But far from recoiling, Twilight looked merely puzzled for a moment. “Chicken?” she repeated before understanding dawned. “Oh! Interesting…” She studied the plate like a lab specimen. “So there’s a protein, a starch, and vegetables… a balanced human meal!” she nodded in approval, motioning to the meat, rice, and cooked celery and carrots in turn.

Twilight looked between a stunned Phoenix and Maya. And then, to the surprise of both, she chuckled. “Oh. Is that what this is about?” she grinned back. “I’m perfectly aware humans are omnivores, Maya. Griffins eat meat too, you know, and I’ve been around a few when they did. When Princess Celestia receives Griffin Diplomats, meat is always on the menu—game animals from the Everfree, usually. In fact…” her grin got devilish as she reached over to Maya’s plate, her horn flaring just long enough to lift a piece of chicken into her palm. “When nopony was looking, I tried a piece once. For science, you see.” She popped the meat into her mouth and chewed it, causing both Maya and Phoenix’s jaw to drop. “I didn’t much like it then, but now… it may just be this body, but it does taste good…” she admitted, giggling at their reactions. “Don’t worry, Phoenix… I won’t tell Fluttershy!”

“Wait… you mean… we could have had meat there?” Maya’s shoulders slumped. “I didn’t have to go vegetarian that entire time in Equestria?”

Twilight’s grin got bigger. “Not with the race happening and some griffins in town for it! There are establishments that cater to them. There was meat if you knew where to look.”

“But… why didn’t you tell me?” Maya went forlorn, her long-awaited moment of triumph turned back on her.

“You never asked!” Twilight was laughing now, and so was Phoenix, this time in relief as his order number was called. “Next time, don’t assume!”

Phoenix was still chuckling as he returned with his and Twilight’s plates. “So what’s new?” he asked as he helped her to grasp the sandwich, taking her hand in his own and closing her fingers around it. Her cheeks warmed at that and so did his, though Maya’s eyes narrowed as she watched.

“Well, let’s see… oh, Gilda’s out of prison,” she remembered, her eyes widening in delight as she took her first bite of the pita and crunched into the falafel. “She was released a couple days ago. Turned out she got a good lawyer—remember that attorney named Golden Rule we saw after Rainbow’s trial?—and only served six weeks.”

“Really?” Phoenix blinked. Score one for Marvin Grossberg—or at least his pony doppelganger! “I’ll bet Sonata’s relieved… So are Gilda and Rainbow friends again?”

To his surprise, her eyes narrowed in annoyance and exasperation. “I guess they will be… once they get out of the hospital.” She carefully put down the sandwich and worked on grasping her drink cup, carefully raising it to her lips. She seemed a little surprised by the clear fizzy sweetness, much different than the sodas she knew, but took a longer draw on it. “That’s good…”

Phoenix’s sandwich froze halfway to his mouth. “Hospital?”

She put down the cup and rolled her eyes. “Rainbow was waiting outside the prison when Gilda was released. They met, they bumped hooves, they hugged…” she trailed off as if gathering herself. “And then they fought. Hard. No warning; they just went at each other. Didn’t hold back either, in the air or on the ground.” She shook her head. “Rainbow yelled at me not to interfere, so I didn’t, but they ended up beating each other so badly that they had to be hospitalized with broken bones, severe bruising and claw wounds.”

“Are they okay?” Rainbow actually fought Gilda to a DRAW? Guess she IS as tough as she says she is…

Twilight rolled her eyes again, picking the pita sandwich back up, this time with both hands. “Aside from being beat up? Yes. Afterwards, they were friends again. They even asked to be put in the same hospital room. When I went in to visit yesterday, they were laughing and joking, even in the middle of playing a prank on the nurse.”

“Huh,” Phoenix mused. Guess they just had to get it out of their system!

“Oh, yeah, and… I’m to pass along a message to you, Phoenix. Gilda says that if you ‘ever show your face’ to her again, she’ll ‘rip it off and feed it to you.’”

“Sounds charming,” Maya snorted as Phoenix nearly choked on his pita. “Gilda’s that griffin witness from bolt-butt’s trial?” she asked, using the nickname she’d come up with for Rainbow Dash, making a point to use it because she knew it annoyed the obnoxious mare to no end.

“Yes,” Phoenix said shortly. I think that’s reason enough not to return to Equestria…

Twilight noticed his discomfort, putting a hand over his. “Don’t worry, Phoenix. Rainbow stood up for you, and I told Gilda in no uncertain terms that if she ever harmed you, she’d answer to me,” she said with an eye gleam.

“And she listened?” Phoenix asked dubiously, seeing once again the griffin’s orange-eyed stare and her going into a stalking crouch, roaring and ready to attack him during the trial. Just hope I never end up in a courtroom with THAT again!

The gleam in her purple eye got more pronounced. “Let’s just say she didn’t know one of Dash’s ‘dweeby’ friends was a fire elemental,” Twilight said mildly, fumbling with a napkin. “I made sure to educate her.” Her eyes glowed red for a moment in emphasis, causing Phoenix and Maya to stiffen, the pair looking around to make sure nobody in the crowded diner had noticed.

“Um, Sparkle…” Maya made a slashing motion across her throat. “Not here.”

Twilight eeped and immediately killed her eye glow. “Sorry… Celestia warned me not to display my magic publicly here,” she conceded. “I don’t think I could really do much more than light a candle here anyway. Too much power, not enough ambient magic. Between that and all the mana I’m spending to maintain the transformation, levitation alone is hard enough right now.”

“So why would seeing your ele-metal abilities cause that griff-rin lady to back off?” Pearl asked, happily munching on a raw cucumber.

Twilight smirked. “Let’s just say that, according to ancient history, the last time a fire elemental got ticked off at the griffins, the old Griffin Imperial Capital of Mosclaw was razed to cinders.”

The three humans fell silent at that. Finally, Maya shook her head. “Yeesh, guess you weren’t kidding when you said you could cause as much or more damage than Miss ‘Great-and-Powerful’ back during her trial,” she noted. “So how’s my not-so-favorite ice queen doing, anyway?”

“Oh! Have you heard from Mystic Trixie, Mystic Twilight?” Pearls asked eagerly.

Twilight’s expression dropped a bit. “Well… I’m sorry but… no, Pearly. I know she went off with her father for a bit and they were giving shows together, but he eventually returned to Canterlot and she went off on her own again. He wrote me and said she needed some time and space ‘to find herself’, asking me to keep my distance and not search for her. So far, I’ve kept that promise,” she said a little sadly. “As far as I know, she’s kept her nose clean as she hasn’t made any effort to come after me again. Here’s hoping it stays that way.”

Pearl had looked rather contemplative for the last little while, aside from her questions. Finally, she spoke up. “Mystic Twilight… you can’t stay very long because you can’t get your magic back as quickly as you can back in Equestria, right?”

Twilight nodded as she took the final bite of her sandwich. “That’s right, Pearly. It’s frustrating, but that’s how it is.”

Pearl cocked her head. “Why don’t you just get some kind of magic battery and use that to stay longer?”

Twilight blinked. “Bat-er-y? What is that, some sort of preserve for bats?”

The three humans chuckled at that. “No, Twilight,” Phoenix explained, “a battery is an object that stores energy - usually electricity - for later use.” He pulled out his phone, and opened the battery compartment, showing it to her. “It’s how our phones can be used even when not connected to a direct source of electricity.”

Twilight blinked. Then blinked again. “That’s… that’s a brilliant idea! If magic could be stored in such a way, it would solve a lot of problems, not just for me, but for all ponies everywhere!” Her eyes started to sparkle as she started to imagine the possibilities.

Maya just laughed a little. “I take it you don’t talk with Vinyl much. I had to explain it to her, and I think she’s already working on making a portable record player with a magic battery so she doesn’t have to take her entire setup with her on trips.”

Phoenix chuckled, seeing Twilight’s eye twitch as she processed the fact that she wouldn’t be the first pony to try this revolutionary technique. “Well, don’t worry too much about it, Twilight. It’s a good idea for extending your stays here, but I imagine you prefer your true form to this human one. You’ve already complained about fingers.”

Twilight nodded, mentally resolving to talk shop with Vinyl when she got back. “Yeah, seriously. They seem so fragile and difficult to use. And then there are these.” She cupped her human breasts and hefted them within her shirt. “That’s a really awkward placement for mammary glands, and… what?” She trailed off, noticing that Phoenix had turned red, and Maya wasn’t too far behind him.
“Um, Sparkle…” Maya was shaking her head as a mortified Phoenix looked around them, praying nobody was watching. “Don’t do that.”

“Do what?” Twilight looked confused, not taking her hands away.

Rather than say it while Pearl looked on, almost as confused as Twilight, Phoenix motioned Twilight to lean in towards him. He then whispered in her ear the exact reasons why her actions were considered inappropriate for public display. The explanation ended with Twilight almost slamming her hands into her lap, her face as bright red as Phoenix’s.

“They’re really thought of… that way?” she asked, mortified.

“Yeah,” Phoenix said with a nod.

“Oh…” she said. “Sorry. Guess I now know how you felt after what happened with Fluttershy.”

Maya looked up. “What happened with Fluttershy?”

Twilight hesitated before speaking, her cheeks going redder. “Phoenix stroked her wings.”

Maya spit out her drink. “You felt up Fluttershy, Nick?”

“Mister Nick!” Even Pearly seemed to know what that meant.

“It was by accident!” his face flushed hard again, his raised voice causing heads to turn their way from other tables. “I was hugging her, thanking her for saving me. I ran a hand through her wing and didn’t know it was wrong, okay?” the memories of her stiff wings and mortified expression came rushing back to him. As mad as she was at that point, I was lucky Twilight didn’t yank me off her and fling me halfway across the yard!

“He apologized and Fluttershy forgave him… as did I,” Twilight spoke up for him. “It was my fault for not educating him about pony social mores from the start—he didn’t know how sensitive they were either. Guess I’ve now got a few to learn about here, too!” she admitted, focusing her attention back on her food.

The rest of lunch went reasonably well, Twilight thoroughly enjoying the meal and company, but her hour was up all too quickly, and they rushed back to the office to make sure that nobody would see the magic that would accompany her departure.

“Are you sure you can’t stay, Mystic Twilight?” Pearls asked forlornly as they reentered Phoenix’ office, the young human girl giving Twilight her best doe-eyed look.

Twilight smiled at that, thinking she must have picked up that ability from her time with the CMC. “I really can’t, Pearly. The return spell is going to pull me back in less than…” she glanced at the clock on the office wall. “Three minutes. But even if it wasn’t, my mana’s running out. I’m going to lose my ability to maintain my disguise shortly,” she suddenly looked fatigued, rubbing her forehead around where her hidden horn would be.

“You can stay as a pony!” Pearl tried again. “I like you better that way!” she insisted, leaving Phoenix wondering if he felt the same way.

“Oh, Pearly…” Twilight hugged her again, her eyes going misty for a moment. “I’ll work on that bat-er-y for you so I can stay longer next time, okay?”

“Okay,” she sniffled. “But could you give this letter back to Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, Mystic Twilight?” she passed her a quill-written letter on notebook paper.

“Promise,” she put the note in her improvised purse. “How about you, Maya? Any message you’d like me to give Vinyl or Pinkie?”

“Well… here’s one for Vinyl,” the teenaged medium passed her back the DJ’s message scroll. “And tell Pinkie I said hi… and that we’d love more cupcakes!” she bowed low.

“Deal,” she grinned, doing her best imitation of the bow before turning back to Phoenix. “I’m sorry this was so short, Phoenix. But it was great to see you again,” she told him, fidgeting a bit, knowing what she wanted to do but afraid to ask for it, now wishing she hadn’t made her visit so brief.

Phoenix couldn’t help but smile even though his insides were churning again, all his feelings and emotions reawakened, finding himself wondering about what he felt for the violet unicorn anew. Maybe we need to talk again… he thought, deciding it was for the best she’d be taking a month between visits. Give me some time to think about things some more… “It’s great to see you again too, Twilight. But… you need at least to give us at least some warning when you’re coming. There’s always a chance we’ll be in court or won’t be available. You were lucky we were here today.”

“The interdimensional alignments that allow me to travel here aren’t predictable more than a week or so out. But I’ll find a way to get you word, I promise,” she gathered her courage and hugged him again. “Until next time?” her eyes sparkled hopefully.

“Until next time,” he agreed, hugging her back and finding he didn’t quite want to let her go. She settled into his embrace again, imitating him by wrapping her arms around him as Maya and Pearls looked on, the former wary and the latter looking a little confused. Twilight looked up at him and smiled, and despite the presence of the two girls, Phoenix felt their faces drifting closer again, destined for another goodbye kiss…

But just before they met, her form glowed white for a moment before she disappeared from his arms, leaving nothing more than a few fading magical wisps behind.

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