• Published 13th May 2018
  • 2,492 Views, 84 Comments

The Lawyer and The Unicorn (T-Rated Version) - Firesight

The storm has passed, but the bond that Twilight and Phoenix formed still lingers... can it grow further?

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11: Karmic Encounters

How do I keep getting myself in these situations? was all Phoenix could think as he carried a blanket-wrapped Maya in his arms, trying mightily not to think about how about her state of undress or that she had stirred and snuggled up to him during the walk to her room.

He and Ferro had already attended to a sleeping Pearl, the latter picking her up like his own child while Phoenix led him to her room—with her mother imprisoned for trying to frame Maya for the murder of Turner Grey, Pearl had been moved to Fey Manor along with her caretakers, where she could now be raised by not just Maya, but the entire village. He then returned for Maya, still lying curled up on the carpet, and picked her up to take her to bed. Uncomfortable at the thought of touching or moving her in such a state, he considered leaving her there or just shifting her to the couch, but decided that might raise too many questions with the manor staff if they found her there unclothed the next morning.

Which isn’t to say they wouldn’t have some questions if they saw me NOW! he grimaced, hoping he wouldn’t encounter any of them on the walk upstairs.

Fortunately, he didn’t. He also worried he was going to have to put her down to open the door, but it was ajar—having such a tight-knit community, they didn’t usually lock doors in Kurain—and he pushed it open with his shoulder, hitting the room light with his elbow so he could see well enough to tuck her in, hoping the light didn’t wake her.

Her room was decent-sized, certainly bigger than most in Kurain given her stature as the heir-in-waiting to the title of Kurain Master. To his surprise, she’d done some decorating since the last time he’d been there and now had on display a lot of keepsakes of their cases—the guidemap to Global Studios, Steel Samurai trading cards, a Berry Big Circus poster and card deck autographed by Max Galactica, various newspaper clippings and photographs, and, most notably… a slightly washed-out picture a tabloid photographer had snapped of their reunion after her release from Shelly de Killer’s captivity:

He smiled at that as he laid her gently on her bed, taking great care to leave her covered, remembering how relieved and happy he was to have her back. There were also some souvenirs from Equestria, though she had been careful not to openly display any pictures from there. A wise precaution; he had stashed the group photograph that Trixie signed into his personal case memoirs, though other things, like Fluttershy’s feather or Pinkie’s rock he displayed openly since nobody could tell where they came from. In Maya’s case, she had a now-half-eaten jar of Pinkie’s rock candy, Vinyl’s magenta shades, one of her music crystals and, somewhat to his surprise, a selfie photograph of them together from the pony DJ’s earlier visit as a human.

The most prominent pictures of all, however, were of her lost family; her sister and mother… and of him.

Wow… guess I never really knew how much of her life was wound up in mine… he reflected as he pulled up the covers over the young mystic and immediately turned to leave.

He had just hit the light switch and was about to walk out the door when she stirred, reaching out and grabbing his hand. “Nick…?” she called to him in the darkness, weakly.

“Y-yes?” He froze, suddenly keenly aware of her presence again.

He could hear her propping herself up on the bed. “Nick, listen, I… I know I’ve been a brat over Sparkle. And I’m sorry. It’s just that… look, I know she needs you, but… I need you too…” she clutched his hand harder, causing a moment of panic in Phoenix as she thought his teenaged assistant was offering herself to him.

“Wh-what do you mean?” he asked, trying but not quite succeeding in keeping the nervous catch out of his voice.

Unaware of his sudden anxiety, she went on. “I mean that wh-when sis died, you and your cases… they gave me purpose. Something else to focus on instead of the fact I’d lost her,” she explained. “Helping you was a way to help others and to honor her memory… carry on her work. Then Sparkle came along, and, well… I thought she was going to replace me in your life,” she told him, slumping.

He looked at her, startled by the statement despite his nerves... and to his own shock, an element of excitement as well. “R-replace you?”

She took a deep breath and took the plunge, finally voicing her fears to him. “Y-yeah. I mean, she was your co-counsel there instead of me, she can do all sorts of things I can’t, you really like her, and… I mean, if she’s there, then w-what do you need me for?” she sniffled, clutching his hand with her own.

Phoenix stared back at her for a moment, his heart starting to slow back to normal and excitement starting to recede… if only just. Oh, THAT kind of need! he realized in no little relief. It brought a question to the forefront of his mind, one that he’d been ignoring as well—what kind of relationship could he and Twilight ultimately have, given the distances and differences involved? Being occasional lovers is one thing, but anything more than that would be… problematic… he instinctively knew. “Maya, listen…” he sat down at her bedside, pulling up a chair from her desk. “This is as new for me as it is for you, and we’re feeling our way along right now.

“But whatever the future may hold, whatever happens between me and Twilight… I promise I’m not going anywhere,” he swore to her, placing his hand over hers. “My life here defending clients, while hers is in Equestria with her friends and the princess. And whatever relationship we form is going to have to reflect that…” he said as much to himself as to her. “She was co-counsel in Equestria because she needed to be, and I couldn’t have won without her. But the same holds true for you, Maya—I’d’ve lost most of my cases if you weren’t there… or weren’t there to channel your sister,” he reminded her a little wanly, motioning to the souvenir-filled room around them.

“R-really…?” she asked him, belatedly realizing she was in fact unclothed after channeling Firefly. “I-I mean, you want me there as much as…” she trailed off, confused by the thoughts suddenly going through her head.

Phoenix felt his excitement start to rise again and cursed himself for it. “I want to be with Twilight, yes,” he reminded himself as much as her, still mentally reeling from his renewed reaction—where is this COMING from? I’ve NEVER seen Maya as anything sexual before!—“but that doesn’t mean she’s going to replace you in my life, or behind the defense bench. You’re my assistant and friend, Maya, and nothing changes that. I promise,” he squeezed her hand, trying to keep a tremor from it.

He sensed Maya smiling in the darkness. “Pinkie promise?” she asked, a blush on her own cheeks as she sensed his aura intensifying again.

He chuckled at that. “Well, I’m not sticking a cupcake in my eye, but… Pinkie promise,” he told her. “And that means I have to my hold my promise…” he sentence was cut off by his phone ringing, startling them both.

After a second of fumbling in the darkness, he finally answered the call. “Uh… hello?”

“FOREVERRRRRR!” Pinkie Pie’s voice sounded before the connection cut. They gaped at each other for a moment… then burst out laughing, their tension ended.

“Good night, Nick,” a still-giggling Maya told him, curling up under her covers.

“Sleep well, Maya.” Phoenix answered before quietly leaving the room and heading for his own, giving the teenaged mystic one last look before departing.

Back in the guest inn, Twilight lay in bed, troubled.

She had thought about joining Phoenix as Celestia had already joined Ferro, but in the end did not, deciding she needed to be alone to think things over. What had happened, or almost happened with Celestia bothered her on many levels, not the least of which was how readily she was suddenly willing to set aside her feelings for Phoenix to have a fling with her teacher.

And what would HE think if he knew I suddenly got turned on by a longtime friend just a day after we finally made love? she shook her head, certain he wouldn’t even begin to understand. Hay, I’m not even certain I do…

Despite that, she couldn’t stop herself from stretching out her magical senses in Celestia’s direction, trying to get a sense of what she was doing with her human lover, only to hit a magical barrier her teacher had apparently erected around their room to prevent just that. A good idea… Twilight conceded, mentally scolding herself for trying to impinge on her mentor’s privacy. Not just for me either; Kurain practitioners like Maya do seem to have some magical awareness. So with that shield, they shouldn’t sense anything… she nodded to herself, still fighting an odd sense of being left out.

Still, no matter how much she thought about it, she had to admit Celestia’s reasoning was sound. You have mated for the first time, and now you see all your friends and teachers through a sexual lens… want to explore the pleasures of the flesh in full, Celestia had explained, and Twilight knew she was right—for as much as she had already experienced, she wanted even more… and now worried that she didn’t much care from where.

A very heady time, but a very dangerous one as well… for you do not yet know your boundaries… the princess had warned her, and Twilight now recognized how right she was and how close they had come to doing something they might both sorely regret.

But then… what ARE my boundaries? What’s okay and what’s not? she suddenly wondered, deciding she needed to settle that question before she was with Phoenix again, still debating whether to tell him what had happened, uncertain how he would take it.

In Equestria, such an encounter would not rate more than a few raised eyeridges, and that would be more for exceeding an acceptable teacher/student relationship than the two being together. Celestia’s status as an ageless alicorn aside, it was a given that mares mated with one another since stallions were so few, and that scarcity also meant that stallions were shared amongst mares, both within a herd… and, though it was at least mildly frowned on, without. In fact, it was not at all uncommon for stallions to be shared among friends; many a herd had started from such arrangements.

But for humans, things were different. They tended to be monogamous and had much stronger societal strictures against multiple partners. Their family units consisted of a single matched pair that bore and raised their children, and there were very strong taboos against intimacy outside of marriage, which seemed to be as much a religious institution as a societal one.

I knew this would be an issue from day one… she reflected, staring up at the ceiling while listening to the dying crackling of the fire. Just like I told Rarity—human mating and dating rules are completely different than ours, and if I’m not careful I could easily run afoul of them and upset Phoenix without meaning to…

Then another troubling question reared its head. I’m wondering how Phoenix would react to Equestrian norms, but what about the reverse? I mean, would I be willing to share Phoenix with MY friends…? she suddenly asked herself, and got thoroughly mixed feelings in response, a mare’s desire to share warring with a more selfish and perhaps human-influenced one to keep Phoenix to herself.

Huh… would they even be interested…? Well, I know Rarity would! she grinned, remembering her reaction to Phoenix giving her the royal treatment after fixing his suit, looking all but ready to swoon as he called her beautiful and kissed her hoof in gratitude. Fluttershy seems to really like him too, but sexually…? she found she had no idea, quickly moving on to her other friends. Pinkie’s good with anything as long as it’s fun for everypony. Dash I’m pretty sure is more into mares and Applejack… she grinned wanly.

Near as I can tell, Applejack doesn’t have any hang-ups at all. If she likes you, she’ll have you and make no bones about it. I guess in some ways, that’s the ultimate expression of honesty… she shook her head and chuckled.

Her smile vanished. But the thing is… I keep thinking in pony terms, even when I’m wearing this human body. I told Phoenix that mares court stallions, and that means I come to him, do things on HIS terms. And yet, even after all my reading I don’t entirely know what they are… she shook her head. He might be angry just that I was thinking about Celestia instead of him… and Luna only knows how he’d react to the idea of being shared amongst my friends… she sighed, reflecting that she wasn’t sure how she’d react either. Way, WAY too early to even consider that anyway…

In the end, she simply decided that she and Phoenix would have to have another talk, one where she would lay out the expectations of Equestrian society and make certain she fully understood the human ones as well. Might be a little awkward, but… best for the long run, right? she decided, finally drifting off towards sleep.

The morning sun dawned bright over Medium Valley as the group sat down in the Grand Hall to a late breakfast.

There was a definite tension at the table, Ferro couldn’t help but note as they ate, and a lot of bleary faces, though he and Celestia had in fact slept quite well… after she gotten some tension out of her own system with him, surprising him by teleporting in just as he was getting into bed the previous night.

She had told him apologetically about what had nearly happened with Twilight and, after being assured of his understanding, spent her passion on him, even bringing some of her stronger magic into play so should satisfy her sudden desire for a woman-on-woman encounter.

Ain't often you get gender-swapped in your own BODY! he reflected afterwards with a wry grin.

As it turned out, she hadn't been the only one with restless night. He had run into Phoenix earlier that morning, at the gym. He had been surprised to see him, and over the course of his workout they two had talked again, Ferro recognizing that his new friend was troubled and asking him why. As they trained, Phoenix had told him what had happened with Maya the previous night with no small amount of shame.

Ferro couldn’t help but laugh at the story, to Phoenix’s annoyance. “So… your longtime assistant, a pretty eighteen-year old girl, ends up naked, gets carried upstairs by you… she then tells you she needs you… and now you’re wondering why you were turned on?” he asked mildly and with the barest hint of a grin.

That caught Phoenix short. “Well, when you put it that way…” he conceded, though he still seemed troubled, going on to say it bothered him that he could even look at her—a child—that way. “Thing is, it’s not just her either. I’ve been noticing everyone, it seems. Never gave girls much thought, but now…” he started pumping his weights even harder.

Ferro shook his head. “Maya Fey’s no child, Phoenix. Hell, from what I’ve heard that girl’s been through more and got more responsibilities than most adults,” he noted, catching Phoenix short again. “It’s only natural you’d feel closer to her after all you’ve been through together, especially after that last case of yours. And as for the rest… the same thing actually happened with me after Tia showed up. I was with her, and all the sudden I was noticing all sorts of women after years of no interest—friends, coworkers, even the college kids at the beach. She woke that part of me up, much like it sounds like Twilight did for you. So my advice is simple—don’t worry about it. There’s nothing wrong with you for it. Just enjoy the scenery, as it were,” he smirked and lightly punched Phoenix’s shoulder.

“Huh.” To his satisfaction Phoenix, seemed to turn thoughtful, falling silent for the rest of his workout.

Despite his earlier talk with Ferro, Phoenix was still feeling uncertain as they cleaned up after breakfast. While Maya and Pearl went to their morning training, he and Twilight headed out for a walk into the surrounding hills. When they finally had enough distance, they sat down in a clearing and began to talk, each surprised to find the other seemed scared but strangely eager to say something.

Twilight went first, the story spilling out of her uncontrollably about what had happened with Celestia the night before. Though stunned, Phoenix immediately got very turned on at the idea, to Twilight’s surprise. That led to a new discussion about difference in social mores between Earth and Equestria, Phoenix informing her that for many human men, the idea of two women ‘getting it on’, especially under such circumstances, was a very titillating.

In return, he told her about his sudden and surprising attraction to Maya the night before, how guilty he felt over it and what Ferro had said that morning. “I think he’s right, Twilight. I’ve been with you, and all the sudden… I’m noticing everyone, not just you—even a longtime assistant and friend. I think that’s in part what’s been happening with you as well.”

Celestia said as much to me… Twilight nodded to herself, starting to feel better. She was surprised and at least slightly perturbed at Phoenix’s story, but at the same time, relieved to know he understood what she was going through. “I guess I’m just afraid that having these thoughts somehow means I cheapen what we have… what I feel for you,” she voiced the fear she’d been feeling for the past day. “I’m in love with you, Phoenix Wright. And as much as I may want to try more new things… I don’t want to hurt that.”

“Neither do I, Twilight Sparkle,” he answered her in like tone, taking her hands in his own. “And there’s no reason we can’t try more things,” he reminded her with an ironic grin, inviting her to press close.

They had wondered—and worried—if having their heads turned by friends and teachers meant they were no longer interested in each other. But a single kiss silenced that fear, and the subsequent ones obliterated it. When they finally parted, their cheeks were flushed and passions rising. “Do you want to…?” Twilight teased him with aura, speaking slightly breathlessly.

Sorely tempted though he was, Phoenix thought better of it. “Not here… too close to the village and there’s always a chance Pearly or the other Kurain kids are around—they go on field trips every so often. Can you wait until we’re back at my apartment tonight?” he asked, not even sure he could.

“If I have to…” Twilight replied, giving him a parting kiss that took his breath away, the pair walking back towards the village hand in hand.

They had nearly made it back to the grand hall for lunch when they rounded a corner, only to run right into…

“Watch where you’re going, you fool!” a familiar voice shouted as its owner and Twilight fell in a tangle of limbs.

Phoenix bit back a groan as he recognized not only the woman’s voice, but her attire as well. “Franziska…?” Oh, CRAP, this can’t end well…

“I’m sorry!” Twilight apologized, looking a bit frantic as the pair separated, finding herself face to face with a rather severe-looking young woman with a gold-trimmed black business suit accented by a poofy white blouse, dark stockings and black gloves in an ensemble she wasn’t sure if Rarity would love or hate, but complimented her icy eyes and features quite well. “I wasn’t looking where I was going!” she stammered, suddenly noticing the mysterious woman also somewhat ominously had a whip coiled at her side.

“Apparently,” Franziska von Karma grumbled as she got to her feet and dusted herself off with a gloved hand. “Be thankful that I have no pressing concerns at the moment, or else you would receive a proper lashing!”

Phoenix bristled at that. I don’t care if you whip me, but don’t threaten MY girl with it again, or I swear you’ll regret it… he thought, suddenly remembering Firefly’s point about having something to fight for. As he helped Twilight to her feet, he asked, “Something I’ve always wanted to know… why the whip, von Karma? Why choose that as your signature hobby?”

Franziska started slightly, having only noticed Phoenix at that moment. “If you must know, Phoenix Wright, I chose the whip because I was trained in horseback riding and my father gave me a riding crop when I was younger. As I grew older, so too did my reach.”

That doesn’t really answer the question… both Twilight and Phoenix thought, the former already mildly intimidated by her attire and manner.

Glancing between the two, the prosecutor’s steely eyes finally settled on Twilight. “Aha! So would this be your mysterious paramour, Phoenix Wright?”

Phoenix’s eyes widened. “How did you know about that?!” Does Pinkie have access to other worlds’ postal services…?

“Maya Fey informed me that you were in, quote, ‘romantic trouble’,” Franziska replied with an amused smirk. “She needed someone to talk to, so I filled the part. Though I have to admit, I was rather surprised to hear it. You don’t normally give any woman a second glance.”

Phoenix had to stop himself from giving Franziska the once-over as she said that. ENOUGH! She’s only eighteen, Phoenix, plus you have Twilight! he reminded himself yet again, trying not to think of how many women his eyes had been roving over during the past few days.

Sensing Phoenix’s discomfort and the tension between the pair, Twilight decided to take matters into her own hands. “I’m Twilight Sparkle. Pleased to meet you, Miss…?” she said, holding out a hand.

Rather than accepting it, the young, frosty-haired woman sketched a short curtsey. “Franziska von Karma, prosecutor,” she said.

“Prosecutor?” Twilight blinked, and looked at Phoenix. “How many prosecutors do you know here, Phoenix?”

The lawyer shrugged. “Edgeworth, von Karma here, her father… some guy I can never remember the name of…”

Franziska snorted. “You’re perhaps the luckiest lawyer alive, Phoenix Wright. To have defeated not one, but two of the illustrious von Karma family in your career is quite the resume. You even bested Miles Edgeworth, my father’s hand-picked protege.”

Phoenix shrugged again. “I just do what I think is right—defend my clients and seek the truth,” he said, then glanced at his watch. “Think we’re due for lunch, Twilight,” he noted.

Twilight nodded. “Yeah. Maya said she wanted us back with plenty of time to eat and watch the last movie. I know the Princess is looking forward to it.”

“Princess?” Franziska asked, curiosity piqued as she looked around. “Is there some foreign royal visiting this charmingly rustic village?”

Biting back a retort, Phoenix nodded and grinned. “Yeah. May interest you to know that Twilight here is actually the Princess’s personal student.”

To his surprise, the young prosecutor prodigy actually seemed impressed. “Well, now! Someone has set their sights high, Phoenix Wright!” She seemed to consider something for a moment, then nodded. “I believe I should pay my respects to this visiting royal,” she announced, causing both Phoenix and Twilight to cringe as she started striding with purpose towards the grand hall.

“What? No, that’s really not necessary…” he stammered, but Franziska had already made her way inside.

Phoenix and Twilight caught up to her just as she turned the corner and found herself face to face with Celestia, who was enjoying a cup of tea with Ferro and Maya.

“Princess, we’re sorry! She wouldn’t…” Twilight began, but trailed off as she saw the other woman stop short, her eyes settling on Celestia and then widening as if in recognition…

And then abruptly, she curtsied. “Princess Celeste!” von Karma acknowledged in a tone that bespoke genuine respect. “And Sir Stabile. It has been a while.”

Wha…? Phoenix, Maya and Twilight weren’t nearly as shocked by that as Celestia’s response. “Indeed it has, Miss von Karma,” she bowed her head back and offered her hand. “It would seem you have grown into a fine young lady, and from all reports, a feared prosecutor. I do not believe Ferro and I have seen you since that bank fraud business in Geneva two years ago.”

“You are correct, milady,” Franziska confirmed, then shocked Phoenix and Twilight by laying a kiss on Celestia’s offered hand in the same manner a commoner might pay homage to a noble. “I thank you for your kindness, though I fear that present company has taken my luster away,” she said with a glare back at Phoenix. “You have been well, I trust? What brings you and your paramour to this rather backwater village?”

“A simple vacation. A desire to spend time with Ferro, and to show my student a foreign land,” the princess explained, the barest hint of her coy grin on her face. “Miss von Karma, I assume you have already met her, but may I formally present my student… Miss Twilight Sparkle,” she motioned to a still-stunned Twilight, who stepped forward, and uncertain of how to greet the odd and slightly-scary young woman, simply bowed.

Franziska gave Twilight a return bow and an appraising look. “Twilight Sparkle is an interesting name. And how did you meet Phoenix Wright?” she challenged.

“Oh, um…” Twilight tried not to squirm under the other woman’s withering gaze, suddenly wondering how Phoenix had stood up to her in court. “The Princess had me summon him to… to our country to defend my friend from a murder charge,” she explained somewhat shortly, only barely catching herself before she said Equestria.

Franziska arched an eyebrow at Phoenix. “Romancing a client’s friend? Really, Mister Phoenix Wright?” she said in a disapproving tone. “I am so happy to know that attorney ethics mean so little to you!”

Says the woman who embarks on personal vendettas and deliberately withholds information at trial? Phoenix stifled a snort. “I didn’t intend it, von Karma. I ended up staying in her country for two weeks and it kind of just… well, happened,” he admitted a bit sheepishly, rubbing his hand behind his head.

“Hmph. You falling in love in such a manner is almost as unlikely as were Miles Edgeworth himself to. And you won your case, I expect?” she crossed her arms and said in an-almost disgusted tone.

“Yes, he did!” Twilight spoke up for him, pride and gratitude in her voice, taking Phoenix’s arm in her own. “Spectacularly, too!”

“But not right away,” Celestia clarified, an odd smile on her face as she watched the proceedings. “He in fact initially received a guilty verdict before a last-second witness appeared and new information turned the trial around.”

“Truly?” von Karma said in a grudgingly impressed tone, her arms crossed and squeezing her left forearm with her right gloved hand. “I see. I believe I would like to meet the prosecutor that could push Phoenix Wright to the brink,” she grinned, causing Twilight to tense and a trickle of sweat to run down Phoenix’s back at the more-than-slightly scary thought of Trixie and Franziska together. “And I am told you are a librarian?” Franziska asked, turning her attention back to Twilight.

“Oh! Um… yes?” she confirmed with a startled glance at a smirking Maya, suddenly worried about how much she had divulged. “And just so you know, I didn’t plan on it either. I was his guide and co-counsel while he was there, and, well… over time, found myself falling for him…” she rubbed the back of her own head. “He defended my friend without hesitation, fought for her—and me—as hard as he could and uncovered the truth behind the case, saving her life. So I guess it was hard not to fall for him under the circumstances…” she mused, feeling her heart warm at the memories.

“Just as he always has,” Franziska said softly, mostly to herself. “Then I am pleased to know that he was able to help your friend, and in the process won the heart of such a lovely and well-learned lady as yourself. Though given I know from personal experience how utterly infuriating he can be, perhaps I should give you my old riding crop to help keep him in line!” she suggested, causing Twilight and Phoenix to go bright red and Maya to stifle a giggle. “Then again, for as much punishment as my whip has given him, one almost thinks he likes it,” she couldn’t resist adding with a grin, delighting in the squirming reaction her suggestion brought.

Still giggling, Maya finally spoke up. “Hey von Karma… we’ve been showing our guests the Lord of the Rings trilogy and we’re going to eat lunch and watch Return of the King before everyone heads out. Would you like to stay and see?” she offered, hoping her presence would make Nick and Sparkle squirm some more.

“I regret I cannot, Maya Fey, as I am in the middle of an investigation. I simply came here to meet Phoenix Wright’s paramour, and I have,” she replied, to Phoenix’s relief, which was short-lived as she abruptly unfurled her whip and took a lashing pose, arms raised over her head and whip pointed directly at him. “PHOENIX WRIGHT!” she shouted, startling all present. “You will treat Lady Celeste’s student with all due courtesy and respect, or you will answer to me!” she proclaimed, her whip cracking an inch from Phoenix’s chest, causing him and Twilight to flinch back. “Is that understood?”

Phoenix gulped, his ears ringing from the whip crack. “Y-yes ma’am!”

She turned back to Celestia, who had watched the entire scene with mild amusement up into the point the whip came out but was now frowning. “Milady,” she curtsied again. “My work takes me many places. So if you are ever in need of a prosecutor…”

“The offer is appreciated, Miss von Karma,” the sun princess replied evenly, but coolly. “Though you will forgive me if I prefer not to have need of your services.”

“As it should be,” She bowed her head and then turned to Phoenix, challenge smoldering in her eyes. “Until next time… Mister Phoenix Wright!”

“Until next time… Franziska von Karma.” Phoenix rejoined, though he had an odd feeling as she strode out that he might never face her in court again.

* * * * *

Twilight watched the young prosecutor leave intently, an unreadable expression on her face as she abruptly pulled away from Phoenix. “Twilight…?” he called out in concern, having felt the heat level suddenly rise from her body.

“I’m fine, Phoenix. I’ll be right back, I just need to take care of… something…” she assured him a little cryptically, and, with a glance at Celestia, who nodded her understanding but gave her student a quick mental admonishment to keep her magic and temper in check, she followed Franziska out the door.

Once they were out of sight and earshot of the others, Twilight carefully schooled her expression. “Ms. von Karma!” she called out, almost amicably.

The prosecutor stopped and turned. “Is there anything amiss, Miss Twilight Sparkle?”

“Not as such,” Twilight replied, carefully keeping her voice level over her still-rising anger. “I just wanted to thank you for your concern over how Phoenix treats me. I promise you, though, he’s been a perfect gentleman to me for our entire relationship, and I see no reason that won’t continue.”

“That is… reassuring,” Franziska allowed, although she seemed skeptical of the shorter, dark-haired woman with brown eyes. “You seem like an upstanding young girl, and I do not wish to see a student of Lady Celeste hurt.”

“Thank you. That said…” Twilight’s hand lashed out like a viper and grabbed Franziska by the collar, yanking the silver-haired prosecutor down, enhancing her grip with magic. Twilight was actually somewhat shorter than Franziska, but that made little difference as the shorter girl glared into the eyes of the taller, who found to her shock she couldn’t move.

Twilight waited a beat before speaking. “Phoenix is my man, and I don’t much appreciate any sort of threat, oblique or otherwise, made against him. I may not look like much, but be assured I am quite capable of making my displeasure known. You are not to use your whip on him ever again, or you will regret it. Is that… quite… clear?” she all but growled through bared teeth, allowing her eyes to glow red for the barest of moments, just long enough for the shocked eighteen-year old prosecutor to notice but wonder if she’d imagined it… or the fiery, conical glow that briefly appeared around the other woman’s forehead.

Whether imagined or not, Franziska turned an even paler shade than usual. “Q-quite…” she stammered, feeling a very rare trickle of fear.

”Good.” Twilight released the young prosecutor, satisfied the message had been received. ”Good luck with your investigations, Ms. von Karma. And have a nice day.” With that, she turned and walked off, leaving a stunned and sweating Franziska von Karma behind.

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