• Member Since 1st Nov, 2013
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Professional imbecile

Comments ( 39 )

I can totally see this happening, especially if Jackpot does not know that Trixie is his daughter. Both have big enough egos to where I can see them having sex like that. This was a great read.

Forgot to add "sex" tag.

Very nice. I knew the instant I saw him that Jack Pot was Trixie's dad. Or at least related to her in some way. And the way they act! They are so much alike! It's almost like masturbation, not incest! She's just having sex with the male version of herself. XD

Thought I missed something, thanks!

Actually, did you know Trixie was originally going to be a stallion?

Think about that and her current association with Starlight. :pinkiecrazy:

Could it be that they used her original stallion design for her father?

Fuuuuuuck that was hot. I'll bet that if Trixie found out that she married her dad and got pregnant with his children, it would turn her on even more.

Well written and smoking hot! Liked. Faved. Saved. Fapped to in public. Came buckets. Got arrested for public indecency. Typing this message on a phone cheekily stolen from a prison guard :twilightblush::trixieshiftright:

I've got a minor bit of technical feedback, though: Jack couldn't cum into Trixie's womb and further swell her belly while she was pregnant, as usually during pregnancy the cervix is sealed. Though this is Equestria, so maybe anthro ponies work differently than us Earthlings :rainbowhuh:

But all in all, it was a delight to read :twilightsmile:

Adjusted it, thanks. Sounds like you like it a lot 😂 thank you.

Just wait until the DNA tests come back on the foal...at least if such a concept exists.

Usualy im not into incest stories, but i have to give credit this was very good. Plus i was in the mood for some Trixie stuff. But i do have to question the inteligence of these two, both of them look disturbingly similar to each other and none of them even questions it that its a bit weird?
So far it Would've great, however the ending was a bit of a mood killer and just fucked up for me. Plus i just hate the guy after what he has done to his own daughter. Personally i think it would've been better if both panicked and realised what just happened after looking at the photo, but thats just me.

And that is how Cobalt was conceived...

Actually, she wouldn’t get a swollen belly from any of that. For abdominal bulging to happen, an individual would be filled with what would be a lethal amount of fluid, as doing such a thing could also be referred to as Waterboarding, a form of torture.

... That's NOT what waterboarding is. Waterboarding is strapping someone back down to a plank, then tipping them backwards, with their feet slightly in the air. Water is then poured across the face. The end result is very little physical damage, but psychological torture most people can't think of.

I think that only works when it goes down the mouth.

Ah, the Westermarck effect on action!

Or two narcissists meeting a mirror. XD

Well, I remember that there is some form of torture involving sticking a hose hose into an individual. Still, If one were to experience abdominal inflation, it would be extremely painful.

Found this video about what if you drank to much water.

I wasn’t meaning being inflated with water, and I didn’t mean drinking the fluid. Different magnetic pole, you’re referring to the North Pole. I’m referring to the South Pole.

so even after 7 months she still doesnt know thats her father, impressive


She might do! It's up to you.

Can we get a source for the coverart pls?


Image 1713066 on derpibooru. Add that number to the end of the URL. NSFW.

If I didn't believe in magic before, I do now!!:heart:

One thing is for sure, that is gonna be one fucked up kid. It'll surely have some kind of mental or physical deformaty.


Well, from the way she acts and talks its pretty safe to say that she has no idea.

Problems arising from first generational incest are highly exaggerated. Offspring from women in their late thirties have a higher chance of defects. Not saying it's impossible, but deformities typically come with repeated 'cesting.

The fact he seduced her so thoroughly, just like Spectacle, adds an even spicier layer to it... She was, essentially, born to fuck him. If that's not humbling, deliciously so, I don't know what is.

Well the way things have gone between the two its guaranteed theres gonna be more kids. And if the first one doesnt go defect the others will and its just downhill from there.


Unless he just all of a sudden decides to piece out and leave her in the dust with her defective kid(s) like he did with her mother. Or, Trixie finds out the truth and just bashes his brain in for what he did to her and her child(ren).
The possibilities are there.

Might wanna Google "linebreeding / horses." Literally thousands of inbred foals are born a year, often on purpose. It tends to produce superior stock as often as normal offspring, so long as both 'participants' are healthy.

Maybe the MST3K mantra while you're at it...

Well im not an expert on this so ill take your word for it, but these are not exactly, you know, "real horses" now are they? so the possibility could be there that something can go wrong. This is just my way of looking at the story and ill stand by my statement and not changing my mind about it.

Ach, yes, you're right. My slip!

I know, I just couldn't resist XD

I know, I just couldn't resist XD

Loved it! They're total cuties together.

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