• Member Since 23rd Jul, 2015
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Comments ( 1473 )

This is great! Love the concept.

Interesting premise.


Oh look, mah fetishes.

Good to see someone else got around to making one of these after I completely forgot that I was going to...

I'd love to see a one shot sequel, maybe Discord watching the impending mega-orgy. It's mega-casual world! Get with it, prudes!


This is exactly what I've always wanted. Not only is the premise wonderful, but your execution is great too; well-written and well-paced. I can just tell from this opening chapter that this is gonna be good.
I'm honestly super excited to see where this goes,

Ooh, I'm following this.

I like it. Please continue.

Pros: A nice concept that I haven't see before and rather well written.

Cons: Yet another author that thinks retardedly oversized tits are attractive.

This is not attractive to me. Actually, it's a pretty big turn off. It's like reading someone's fetish novel about the morbidly obese. I know that these attributes are popular to some people... I just don't understand it.

Okay, lets see where this goes.

6323047 Agreed. What ever happened to normally sized breasts? Why do people think that everyone likes giant flesh mountains?


You know what I don't get? I don't get the motives you people are writing this stuff "hueg teets are not good". No, I understand that there are different tastes, and people have full right to have them for whatever reason.
Yet there was warning and stuff especially for those people who don't like the stuff written. No, I understand that those comments may be nothing but a little nagging about "dem fleshmountains lovers" and stuff, but, well, not quite imformative comments. I mean, you quite agreed with the stuff, why bothering about it? Don't like what you were warned about - don't read, no?

Edit: and whoever downvoted wasn't me.

6323465 It's just that I see it SO MUCH compared to the other options that I just needed to rant a bit. I mean what's wrong with smaller than normal breasts? Nothing more than larger than normal breasts, so why are the larger ones written more often than the smaller ones? etc. etc.

6323481 Because writers want to write about dem flesh-mountains, that's why.

6323488 ... If it wasn't 11:30 PM where I am now I probably wouldn't have found that as funny as I did...

That's not to say that I wouldn't have found it amusing at all...

6323481 it's a demographic thing

of the people most likely to write adult fanfiction, the majority of them are of a certain age group
of the people in this age group, the majority of them have some very common fetishes
of the common fetishes for this age group, this particular one is very easy to get into young and hold onto for a while, and there are no lack of places on the internet where this fetish is encouraged without rebuke

that said i'm trying to write this with a degree of self-awareness and even a little shame when it works for the characters. i'm writing this because it's my fetish dammit and i see it written too poorly to often around here with only a handful of notable exceptions

but yeah i find the demographics of fetishes on the internet kinda fascinating

thanks for the obligatory discussion that i totally knew was going to happen because hey i can recognize patterns

*this is a joke, plz don't killafy me*
well it looks like *puts on sunglasses* you don't have any Universal Acceptance

Well, if it weren't for the hyper proportions. I'm sure I'd enjoy this, since the rest of it is rather spot on to my interests.


that was too easy; something's up

>Not liking bubbly, comically oversized milk-machines
What are you, some kinda casual?!
I'm just kidding, mate. Everyone has different tastes, mine just happen to include 'dem huge titties.


i'm writing this because it's my fetish dammit and i see it written too poorly to often around here with only a handful of notable exceptions

Well you seem to be doing a great job so far! Congrats on the feature.

How could such a normal, universally acceptable fic not be featured?

6323866 I have a theory^ everything that has "sex" in tags has higher chances to get featured.

Loving this start so far.

Here's a thought, what if his dreaming of all those breasts turned all the individuals other than him in Equestria into girls that thought things were normal. Like Big Mac, Spike, and Shining waking up as girls, but thinking that that's normal. Let alone what would happen come morning due to his fantasy. Due to his magic now determining what's normal and whatnot.

So, he has the power of suggestion, but doesn't realize it yet? I keep an eye on this for now.

Ah, the dreaded conflict of morals vs. perversion.

Discord's probably laughing his mismatched butt off.

This is going to be good.

Okay, I get that they've been giving him a pretty hard time, no pun intended. And for some things that he really can't change, such as his pheromones. To expect him to stop smelling like a human is insane and blatantly unfair. That the flower trio wanted him beaten up or worse just to see him leave is not okay in the least.

But! He's also kind of a creep. I mean, going behind somepony's garden to masturbate? It's not exactly out in public, but the chance of getting caught is still high. And that's precisely what happened. Now it's true that he doesn't have a place for himself, so perhaps to expect him to keep it in his pants also doesn't work out.

Pascal isn't a bad guy. He's not trying to hurt anyone. They would do well to cut him some slack, especially when Discord pulls much worse on a daily basis without any shame whatsoever, but he needs to work on his self-control as well. Or... he needed. With the spell in place, life is going to become much more accommodating.

Ultimately, the story doesn't yet have a true villain. And I like a setup like that.

Loving this. And also loving how you're taking it slowly, with us knowing that there'll be lots of perversion, but that there's considerable build up to it.^_^ Basically, perversion with good story. No wonder this got featured.:D

I must say, you've inspired my imagination. In regards to that, I have a number of ideas to mention. Up to you if you use any of them.^^

For one idea, his magic doesn't only make others think things are normal, but it also determines what IS normal. Towards that end, I had this idea:

After Pascal had some... odd encounters with females, like what just happened, Thunderlane flies down and lands by him, stating: "Hey, Pascal!" Putting his arm around the smaller Pascal, Thunderlane says: "You know, me and the boys felt bad for how we treated ya and wanted to make it up for ya. Maybe ya can spend some time with us or somethin'?" Pascal: "Umm... thanks, Thunderlane. Heh. You know, if you were to fit this morning, you'd be a girl right now." Suddenly, Pascal without looking feels something off. Thunderlane's arm feels smaller somehow. And was it coming from a lower angle now? Suddenly, he hears a giggle, and he turns his head, jaw dropping wide open. "Who's Thunderlane, Pascal? That's a boy's name. My name's Sparkleaisle, you know that." Standing where Thunderlane was is now a girl pony slightly shorter than him. Her mane, though the same length, is now curved down onto her head, similar to Faye Valentine's but with one side longer than the other, and man, is she stacked. And not only did her gender change, even her clothes changed into a more... sexy number, sort to speak. Pascal, after having a moment for his brain to get started up: "U-uh... right.... Sp-Sparkle.... Umm... do you notice anything different about yourself?" She giggles. Sparkle: "No. Same as I always've been. Why? I don't have a zit, do I?" Pascal: "Uh... no. No, you don't." Sparkle: "Oh, thank goodness. So, you up to spending some time with me and the guys?" Pascal: "...Uh... don't you mean the girls?" Sparkle blinks a moment and shakes her head: "Of course. That's what I meant. Want to spend time with me and the girls?" Pascal: "...Maybe later... I need to go sit down a moment." *walking off in a daze, wondering what the hell just happened.*

For another idea... well, it was said that getting one's cutie mark causes a massive growth spurt, and he essentially gained such. So, wouldn't he slowly improve? I'm guessing he'd still have some pudge after the change, but likely become more fit that he was before thanks to it.

Next... this bit I'll just copy and paste from some PM's I sent. Basically, ideas for the girls' figures compared to each other. Up to you if you accept them or not:

To explain my concepts in terms of figures better, I'll use this as an example. I like to consider part of the aspects as being what I call a breast/butt-to-waist ratio. As examples of this, take Rangiku from Bleach and Nami from One Piece. Rangiku's breasts are HUGE, yet when looking at the two, it doesn't seem that she's much bigger than Nami at first glance, even though her breasts are noticably larger than Nami's. The reason the first glance gives the illusion of them being similar is because, though they're both skinny from front-to-back, they're noticably different in terms of skinniness in terms of side-to-side width. Rangiku has a noticably wider waist than Nami, and that makes her breasts seem smaller than they really are, and vice versa with Nami having a much smaller waist.

Now, for the mane six. Take note, for what I'll be explaining, their outfits could very well hide their figures well.

For what I have in mind for them, they're all very... 'developed' for their ages, in part due to the magic floating through the land as they grew up in it. The fact that they've been empowered by the elements of harmony further effects this fact. But, that's compared to average girls, not to each other.

For compared to each other, I'll list these first. From smallest to largest:


1. Rarity

2. Rainbow Dash

3. Applejack

4. Twilight(pre-ascension)

5. Fluttershy

6. Pinkie Pie

7. Twilight(post ascension, though on par with Pinkie)


1. Rarity

2. Fluttershy

3. Applejack

4. Twilight(post ascension)

5. Rainbow Dash

6. Twilight(pre-ascension)

7. Pinkie Pie

Now, for explanations:

For waist sizes first, Rarity and Fluttershy would be smaller than AJ and Rainbow Dash due to the fact that their jobs keep the two ladies fit, without overly exercising their muscles in that area. AJ and Rainbow's muscles making them a bit thicker there. And on top of that, Rarity and Fluttershy also keep watch of what they eat, Rarity especially due to watching her figure, and this in turn makes them all the skinnier.

As for AJ and Rainbow... well, when she works, Rainbow may work harder than AJ, but this is complicated by the fact that she naps all the dang time, thus reducing her overall workload compared to AJ, and thus, AJ is smaller in waist there.

As for Twilight, well, ascension slowly caused change to her, as even confirmed in the show when Rainbow, when being taught by her, drew pics of her being super tall and skinny. But, before ascension... well, she didn't exercise as much, but she also didn't eat as much due to being so tunnel visioned on studying. This caused her waist to be wider than the others, but not greatly so due to the compensating fact that she doesn't eat much, at least in terms of number of times she eats a day. Though as shown(with Hayburgers), she tends to binge to make up for the lack of meal times she has. XD

And then, Pinkie... with her, I think she'd have a bit a pudge, but only enough that you'd only notice it if she was in her underwear. Thing is, she has an insane metabolism. Case in point with her eating that entire cake in the mysterious express ep and recovering from it in no time. If she didn't eat so dang much, she'd likely be much smaller in her waist in comparison.

As for breasts... well, I sorta based it both on their ribcage size and their lifestyles to a degree. And though Rarity is considered the smallest among them, take note that she actively tries to flaunt what she's got with both her clothes and her grace to compensate, so that combined with her extremely skinny waist makes her seem a lot more developed than she really is.

As for Fluttershy being so developed... well, it'd explain why she lacks the stanima to fly for long, yet somehow has the strength to, on rare occasion, outfly even Rainbow Dash in terms of speed. Walking around with those all the time adds to her more weight to get her muscles worked out, after all. Though, since she's shy, it's likely she wears more baggy clothes to hide just how dang attractive her figure is. All of this would also explain why Photo Finish chose Fluttershy over Rarity as well, if she was noticably more developed than her and whatnot.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash, in terms of chest size, are about on par with each other. But, due to AJ having a smaller waist than both her and Twilight, it gives the illusion that she's larger breasted than the two of them, when Twilight's actually larger than she is and Rainbow isn't that far off from her size.

And of course, the princesses that have been alicorns for longer have had more time to develop compared to Twilight, so Twilight's still the smallest of the group, despite still being quite developed for her age, since these comparisons are two one another. When compared to most girls her age, she's quite developed.

What do you think of this headcanon?

And that's the end of that copied and pasted PM. Up to you if you accept that or not.^^

Either way, loving this fic so far. Slow but gradual perversion that will clearly get really sexy later on, and yet, is going slowly and having great character and plot build up. Hard to find such in fics that'll have as much sex as this will have. Really loving it so far.:D

6324606 True, but it's forewarned in the story that it'd be overpowered and sex and whatnot, so if you're not wanting any villainous aspects, you're likely out of luck. But, the fact that things are very progressive is much appreciated, I'll admit. Making sure there's character development and whatnot. Really making you get invested in his point of view. So, even if he goes the villain route, you really feel like you can empathize with his point of view.

I did say that it doesn't have a true villain yet^_^ I completely agree with you on having things develop. I like it when that happens!

6324843 Glad to hear that.^^ Speaking of develop, since you replied, could ya check my other recent comments on this? I think you'll like it. XD They're mostly ideas. Up to the author what's used though.

Now his only obstacles are his out-of-shape body, his lack of self-confidence, his morality, and the sneaking suspicion that the magic in his body is just waiting for the right moment to turn him into the most normal stallion in the world instead.

Self-inserts aren't supposed to be this self-aware, you know.

I need more of this. 100 chapters of 4000+ words each, every day until the end of time. Then a sequel.

So like Discord is god of chaos, Pascal is now god of normality? Or rather he ate the god of normality, sealing it inside him and using it as power source?.

6324535 And what a Mismatched butt he has.....fuck.

This was pretty good; I sincerely hope you write more.

6324811 i shouldn't have to tl;dr a comment, but i did

what pm? i didn't get any pm from you

i've got my own headcanons about relative sizes (or at least enough to get started), thank

also wow you're set on r63'ing the whole universe huh? not gonna say something like that's off the table, but if you're waiting in the wings for that to show up you're going to be waiting for a loooooong time

it's called a slow burn

can't become god in chapter 2, that's the rules

6325659 lol I said that part of what I said was copied and pasted from an old PM of mine. Not that I sent one to ya. Not sure what you mean by tl;dr a comment though.

And understandable about their sizes. I just tried offering my ideas. I fully understand that it's your call in the end on them.^^

And yeah, would love to see the 63 rule involved in such a fic, immensely.

Despite that 63 desire though, I do agree with you. Can't rush this. Gotta take the fic slowly, eh? If I have to wait for the hopes of his powers causing 63, then I'll just have to wait. And with how well you've been writing so far, I'm more than fine with that being the case.

I mean, it's rare to find someone take such an obviously pervy idea, and take it slow and in a meaningful way, while still keeping the personalities, dreams, and identities of others in mind. You have gotten great respect from me for you managing to pull that off and do so well with this so far.

Although.... well, even though I'm willing to wait, that doesn't stop me from being eager for your next chapter, eh?^_^ On average, how long does it take you to write these amazing chapters?:D

6325686 your previous comment was way too wordy, so i just skimmed it - too long; didn't read (also i used tl;dr as a verb because why not)

this is a passion project, as in i had the passion so i started the project. every chapter is hot off the presses; it's done when it's done. it'll probably be slowing down over time, i'm a writer after all, but after the instant feature i was like, 'well, shit, gotta start off strong at least' so i'll probably be writing every night for a while

6325701 Glad to hear. And it's good to see you're putting so much passion into it.:D It shows with how well you've written it.^^

And darn to you skimming the comment. Buuuut, understandable. I know full well how... long-winded, I can be. XD

What's that on the horizon? Why, it's my fetish.

6325709 fimfic comment in general is not a good place for super long-winded discussion that takes multiple mousewheel scrolls to cross. there are forums and pms for that

this goes for me too actually, making a long exclusive discussion out of this in multiple parts

Oh, and I wonder if the mention of humans is 'humans of the past', as in they're extinct on Equestria till he arrived.

6325722 Understandable. As said, my fault for being long winded, eh? And regardless, as said, I'm sure you'll continue to write it well, considering how well you've written it so far. Heck, I wouldn't mind being a proofreader if you needed such.

6325722 When is the next chapter coming out?

6325722 What he said in that long comment (at least, a first part) is "change genders of ponies cos' Pascal said so".

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