• Published 30th Apr 2018
  • 987 Views, 30 Comments

Shadow and Crystal - GreyGuardPony

Cheerilee and Spike travel to the Crystal Empire, where they encounter a shadowy threat. But that's not all that's coming to the city... A Lunaverse Story.

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4. Corruption and Warnings

Celestia was beginning to grow bored with Blue Agate.

She did have to give the mare some credit. There weren’t many ponies who could stubbornly argue with an alicorn for hours on end, especially one as ancient and skilled when it came to negotiation as she was.

“...so you see, while I still do appreciate your reparations, I can not recognize you as a legitimate government, in exile or otherwise.” She paused and adjusted her spectacles before brushing a lock of her blue mane out of her eyes. “Now, if you and your sister resolve whatever differences you might have-”

The words died in her throat from the intense glare that Celestia gave her. Then she coughed and glanced towards the door. “...Then again, perhaps if you wished to talk more tomorrow...”

That was fine by Celestia. She’d enact more of Yangin’s plan in the morning. It had been quite a while since she had seen the Crystal Empire anyway. It would be nice to see it in a non-occupied state. Sombra’s taint had done so much to ruin what was a beautiful city.

Winding her way out of the Crystal Palace, Celestia took a moment to more closely examine the elegant structure. It was...a fair recreation of the former palace she had destroyed. She was surprised to see that they had stuck with the open courtyard design of ages past. While I did allow ponies to easily see the Crystal Heart...it also let anypony just wander right up to it, with the Crystal Guard being the only real defense it had. A defense easily bypassed by a smokey, shadowy moth.

Celestia frowned at the thought of the beast. There had been many creatures like it back during the war. Of the many threats that stalked the world back in the day, Sombra had been among the most insidious. Emotions were what he had played and experimented with, forging the worst feelings ponykind could experience into weapons. Shadowy stalkers of fear. Brainwashed slaves to hatred and prejudice. Simpering sycophants of loathing that would whisper honeyed lies into pony’s ears. All weapons of terror and madness that Sombra spread with impunity among the empire.

A tired huff escaped Celestia’s lips. Sometimes being an alicorn was akin to being a maid with exceptional powers. Set one part of the world right, turn around to fix another and by the time you turned back around the first part had a fresh round of mud tracked on the rug. Well, this was one muddy hoof print cleaned up at least.

The larger mess cleanup was still to come.

Speaking of clean up.., she mused to herself, idly counting down from ten in her mind.

“It’s Corona!”

A gaggle of reporters, most likely tipped off by somepony in the Crystal Guard, swarmed towards her like an agitated flock of birds. Their cameras were flashing before they even reached her. This remained an aspect of the modern world that Celestia was still not entirely used to. Back when she had last sat upon Equestria’s throne, there had been no independent press in the nation. It was just heralds, official decrees and the like. But now?

A whole class of ponies, dedicated to printing rumor as much as fact. She was quite sure that Luna used Equestria’s own press as a tool to help keep control. She was also quite sure that if she banished ever reporter to Tartarus, there’d be updates from there in the paper before the next morning’s breakfast.

But she’d have to deal with it for now. Yangin’s plan involved playing in the so called “Court of Public Opinion” and that involved talking to the press. So she bit back her desire to vent her feelings upon the assembled reporters.


“Celestia,” Celestia corrected. “Princess Celestia, please. The false moniker thrust upon me is not one I recognize.”

“Why are you here?”

“Did you discuss something with The Speaker?”

“How does this involve the Crystal Empire? Are you asking us to get involved in your civil war?”

“I am here for the purpose of...diplomacy,” Celestia answered with a beatific smile.

- - - -

“When did you decide that you wanted to spend time with ponies, rather than dragons?”

Spike trailed behind Schwarzkopf watching the older dragon’s face carefully. His previously wide smile had drawn taught.

“I am sure that it is not a surprise that I went through my own rebellious teenage phase.”

Spike cocked his head. “Honestly, compared to some dragons I’ve met, you still kind of look like one except for the glasses. No offense.”

Schwarzkopf chuckled and adjusted his glasses slightly. “I shall take that as a compliment. But when I was thoroughly in that young hot headed phase of my life, I had gotten quite sick of what I viewed as the slow life in Beren.”

He glanced skyward for a moment. “So I ran off to the dragon lands and tried to fit in.”

“And that didn’t go well.”

“Not at all. From what little I know of your own situation, I imagine that our situations played out similarly. Lots of posturing about strength, size and what loot they had managed to steal. There was a particularly nasty brute at The Forge at the time. Torchyernakisus. He was the main one that wanted to lay claim to me for my gem like scales.”

He idly tapped a claw against the dark purple of his right arm.

“Looking back on it, I’m still not entirely sure why I thought my little sojourn was a good idea. I grew up studying and reading thanks to the influence of my adopted pony parents. There was no higher learning there. I was just young and foolish.” He chuckled and shook his head. “You’d think I would have learned my lesson then. But I’d return later when I was older and ‘wiser’ to try and convince the dragons of my point of view.”

Spike sighed and crossed his arms. “Young and foolish. Like me huh?”

“There are some similarities. In fact they are what drew me to assist when Miss Cheerilee wrote me. Your situation is difficult and I wanted to help as much as she did.”

Miss Cheerilee.

Spike had to admit, she had put in a lot of work to help him. Covering the cost of his tickets, following him up here...not to mention everything that had happened at The Forge. She had been a lot nicer to him than most of the other creatures he had spent time with. ...Except maybe for Zecora.

He balled his claws into fists at the thought of the zebra. He had trusted Zecora and she hadn’t spoken up at all when Corona had used him as a monster. He hated Corona for breaking the closest thing he had ever had to a family. Part of him hated Zecora for it too. Why hadn’t she spoken up? Why hadn’t she told him to run away from the alicorn? Why-


“Sorry just...thinking.”

Schwarzkopf placed a clawed hand on his back, slowly guiding Spike back into his office.

“Come. We can talk until Miss Cheerilee arrives. Whatever you wish to discuss.”

Spike clambered up onto a chair. “You know, if I didn’t know any better I’d swear this was your job instead of being a magic teacher.”

“I may have also picked up a few other minors in my time.”

Spike raised an eyebrow. “...How old are you again?”

“Old enough. So, tell me some more about yourself.”

Spike shrugged and began to talk. He talked about his travels with Zecora, the brief time he had spent with Corona, more details about his attempts to unite dragons and his time with Sjach. But all the while his mind kept half dwelling on Miss Cheerilee. Maybe that was the answer. Sjach was nice for a dragon but he wasn’t sure he really felt at home in the Cavallian lair either. Maybe he could spend some time staying in Ponyville? See what it was like to live with a bunch of ponies, rather than wandering the wilderness or staying with other dragons.

While that last thought was rattling around his head, Cheerilee came stalking into the office, looking like she had just bit down on a dozen lemons all at once.

Spike blinked. “Are you okay?”

Cheerilee’s expression softened almost immediately. “I’m...fine Spike. Yangin was just being incredibly...difficult.”

Spike wanted to know more about what was going on between those two, but it didn’t feel like the right time to bring it up, considering how upset Cheerilee looked about it. He’d ask more about it later.

“Anyway,” Cheerilee said with a smile. “It’s starting to get late. Should we get some dinner?”

Spike’s stomach was feeling a little rumbly at the moment. “Yeah, that sounds good.” He glanced back over at Schwarzkopf. “Can we talk more tomorrow?”

“Of course. I’ll be free in the afternoon, after classes.”

Spike nodded and hopped back off the chair. At least someone cared about his well being.

- - - -

Yangin caught up with Celestia just as the impromptu press conference was beginning to wind down. She could tell just from looking at Celestia that talking to the press had strained her good will nearly to the breaking point. She could see it in subtle movements of her wings and tail, annoyed little twitches of frustration that were threatening to boil over.

She landed at the Princess of the Sun’s side.

“Alright everypony, Princess Celestia has answered enough of your questions for today. Shoo.”

Instead, this triggered a fresh round of bulb flashes as she became the center of attention.

“Who are you ma’am?”

“What’s your relationship with Princess Celestia?”

“Where’s the camel that the Crystal Guard saw earlier?”

Yangin rolled her eyes. A subtle ruffle of her wings stirred the wind around them, a sudden breeze kicking up. It slashed across the the front of the assembled reporters, ripping their notepads from their grip and carrying them down the street. The reporters, now suddenly worried about the fate of their existing story, went galloping after them, leaving her and Celestia alone.

“...That was well played,” Celestia said, the barest hint of laughter in her voice.

“Mortal buttons are easy to push sometimes,” Yangin responded with a grin. “I’m guessing that everything is going to plan so far?”

Celestia nodded. “So far. I imagine that word has been passed onto my sister at this point.”

Yangin sighed. “I hope that she doesn’t show up. Somehow I doubt she’s forgotten that black eye I gave her. Really not relishing the thought of fighting her again.”

“That will come sooner or later. When we move on Canterlot-”

“I know.” Yangin ruffled her pegasus wings again before letting her body fade back into its natural form. She eyed a member of the Crystal Guard who had shown up to keep tabs on things during the interviews. “In all seriousness though, we need to talk someplace private. Now. Cheerilee told me something disturbing.”

Celestia raised an eyebrow but nodded and motioned for Yangin to follow her. “Very well. I believe that Blue Agate has arranged for lodging in their diplomatic quarters, since the Equestrian embassy is closed to us.”

The Crystal Guard, who had clearly been listening in, perked up at that. “This way your highness. I’ll escort you to the quarters we have set aside for you.”

Celestia allowed the clumsy eavesdropping to pass by uncommented upon and dropped into step behind the guard.

As was befitting the dual desires of the Crystal Empire to keep everything centralized and under their through control, its embassy row was built within viewing distance of the Crystal Palace and at the opposite end of the street from the headquarters of the Crystal Guard. The message to those who worked in the various embassies was clear.

We have our eyes on you, so watch yourself.

From what information Kindle had passed onto her, Celestia knew that there was a second reason for such close proximity to the palace. Ease of spying. Even back in her time, espionage was the great game played between states. Looking for an edge was just part of it all. She was quite sure that each of the embassies were laced with magical and mundane spying methods that their occupants were constantly countering back.

There was one building at the end of the row, a little less impressive than the other structures, for visiting dignitaries that didn’t have permanent buildings of their own. Once inside, it was a short trip to their chamber among the others.

It was not the most lavishly appointed set of chambers she had stayed in. But it was done up in the usual Crystal Empire style of geometric patterns and thin, graceful arches. There was only one four post bed in the room...though Celestia supposed that neither one of them truly needed it.

Celestia turned to face her once they stepped inside, Yangin closing the door in the guard’s face with a flick of her hoof. Celestia took a moment to channel, her horn tip glittering as she wove a dome of magic around them. Only once it was securely in place did she fully focus her attention on Yangin.

“What is it that Cheerilee told you?”

“That Solrath somehow got his claws on and then swallowed the Rainbow of Darkness.”

Shock washed over Celestia’s face as her wings flared wide. “Impossible! The Rainbow is locked away in Tartarus alongside its twisted master! The wyrm could not have gotten his claws on it!”

Yangin huffed in frustration. “Really? With all due respect, he’s an ancient dragon, obsessed with vengeance against your sister. Do you really think he wouldn’t try to get his talons on something that dangerous to use?”

“I have no doubt that he would like items of such power. But Tartarus has its own guards and protections. One can not just waltz into its depths and take anything thou wishes! Especially from the likes of Tirek! That monster is one of that pit’s most wicked prisoners!”

She stomped her hoof in emphasis, sending a spiderweb of cracks radiating outwards from the impact.

“Even if that’s the case, I think we should take this seriously!” Yangin exclaimed back. “That dragon will betray you without a second thought!”

“I am well aware of Solrath’s delusions! And I can handle his impotent rage should he try anything!”

Yangin sat back on her haunches, crossing her forelegs. “If it’s just him? Sure. But didn’t you get banished by your sister when she was channeling the power of Tirek?”

Celestia’s mane and tail burst into crackling flames. The temperature spiked in the room, the edges of the furniture beginning to catch alight from the alicorn’s rage. “Watch. Thy. TONGUE!”

Yangin held up her hooves. She had pushed things too far. “Okay, okay! I’m sorry! I’m just worried. You’re one of the only creatures I’ve met who knows what I actually am and that’s viewed me as something other than a trinket to add to their collection. I know you can’t actually die...but it’d be really boring waiting around for you to come back.”

Celestia’s flames died back down to her shimmering, flowing mane. “Very well. If what you say is true...I shall deal with Solrath when he makes his move. I still have my doubts.”

Celestia’s tone brooked no argument, so Yangin let the matter drop. Instead, she shifted topics.

“Are you ready for tomorrow then?”

Celestia nodded. “Yes. A bit of public relations in the morning then more time with The Speaker. Though the presence of Cheerilee complicates things somewhat. I imagine she’s already sent word to my sister and her friends.”

“You just worry about putting on a good face,” Yangin said. Her eyes flashed with power for a moment. “I’ll worry about that mare.”

That statement elicited an eyebrow raise from Celestia. “You are forbidden from harming her, Yangin. Whatever wrong she might have inflicted against you, she remains important as an Element Bearer.” She ruffled her wings, throwing in another observation almost as an afterthought. “Besides, it would undermine our goals if one of Equestria’s heroes was wounded here.”

“I’ll keep everything under control, promise.”

Celestia nodded and trotted over to the bed to lay down. Yangin picked one of the chairs and settled into it herself. She didn’t need to sleep, but a bit of meditation would help clear her mind. Closing her eyes, Yangin centered her mind on the raging core of magic within her center-

A half formed whisper reached her ears. “If you fail me, I’ll subject you to exquisite agonies.”

Yangin’s eyes snapped open. Had Celestia? But the alicorn seemed to be engaging in some meditation or deep thoughts of her own. Yangin frowned before settling back into her own efforts. Celestia could be a stern taskmaster. But she wouldn’t torture her...right?

- - - -

Cheerilee couldn’t sleep tonight.

While Spike snored away in his bed, the teacher found herself standing at the hotel room’s window, staring out at the city’s skyline. The day’s previous clashes with Yangin hung in the back of her mind, refusing to vacate no matter how much she wanted them to leave. For there was a question she just couldn’t run away from.

Was she actually a good pony?

Before, she was pretty convinced that she was, despite her more wild youth. But now that she thought about it more... What happened with Tarnished, driving her friends crazy with “training, seizing control of Yangin… It was hard to ignore the thought that she was perhaps a bit too ruthless, a bit too willing to do what was “needed” for the sake of her friends and Equestria.

She looked back at Spike and thought about her students back in Ponyville. At least when it came to foals she hadn’t made any massive mistakes yet. She was going to make sure that things worked out for Spike at least. Even if she could never get Yangin to forgive her for her mistake, she’d make sure that one thing went well on this trip.

Sighing to herself, she forced herself to go to bed. She’d see what the morning brought.

Author's Note:

Is Cheerilee a good pony?

Up to one's personal interpretation, I suppose. I still think she is.

Also, there seems to be something bad happening with our jinn. I wonder what's going to happen with that? We'll find out next time!