• Published 30th Apr 2018
  • 987 Views, 30 Comments

Shadow and Crystal - GreyGuardPony

Cheerilee and Spike travel to the Crystal Empire, where they encounter a shadowy threat. But that's not all that's coming to the city... A Lunaverse Story.

  • ...

2. Fire and Shadow

“Woah!” Spike exclaimed, his face pressed to the glass of the train window.

Cheerilee didn’t vocalize her own feelings, but Spike was 100% right in expressing his amazement at the fortress that loomed before them. She had heard stories about the mighty southern fortress of Schluesselschloss. The name translated to Key Lock in Equestrian and was originally a small fort guarding the Gray Mare Pass between The Crystal Empire and Equestria. After Princess Celestia obliterated King Sombra and started down the path to becoming Corona the Empire had massively expanded it. Of course, it was one thing to read about it in the history books and quite another to see it.

The castle itself was set on the right side of the pass, half way up the mountain. It was a sprawling mass of impressive granite walls and buildings, decorated with gleaming crystals positioned to reflect the sunlight into the eyes of potential flying attackers. They also did a good job of hiding the location of the cannon batteries, as Cheerilee couldn’t pick out their locations on those sturdy looking battlements. From the main fortress, a massive wall flew off, blocking the whole of the pass save for the one opening that allowed the train to pass through. But even that could be sealed off by a huge portcullis.

The train was beginning to slow as they passed through said opening. On the other side, Cheerilee and Spike could see that a small collection of buildings had been built. Hotels, restaurants and trading posts were clustered around a central square tower, this one constructed entirely from crystal. The banner of the Empire, a multi-faceted gem set before a mighty mountain, fluttered from its peaked roof. Cheerilee was pretty sure that was an administrative center of some kind.

“I was expecting a bit more crystal,” Spike said as he pulled back from the window.

“Well, we are right on the border. I imagine we’ll see more the closer we get to Beren and the Crystal Heart.”

Spike nodded, but then crossed his arms and frowned. “This is going to be like walking through a town made of cake.”

“Don’t worry!” Cheerilee smiled, digging something out of her saddlebags. “I have it on good authority that there will be plenty of actual crystal treats for you to snack on. Twilight Sparkle told me that the presence of the crystal heart has lead to the existence of actual crystalline crops that ponies and dragons alike can snack on.”

It was a thick book that she held in her hooves, its title equally thick. “A Treatise On The Effects of the Crystal Heart upon The Empire’s Flora and Fauna: By Professor Schwartzkopf”. It, along with the equally lengthy “A Treatise On The Crystal Heart and its Additional Magical Effects.” had been given to her by Twilight to have the dragon professor sign. Apparently he was was well known in magical circles.

As the train came to a stop, the door to their section of the train opened up and one of the conductors came trotting down the aisle.

“Tickets please. Crystal Empire inspection.”

Cheerilee and Spike dutifully passed over their tickets to be stamped by Crystal Empire customs. While they waited, Spike turned his eyes towards the window again.

“Hey, something’s going on over there,” he said, jabbing a claw towards one of the buildings surrounding the train station.

Cheerilee followed his outstretched claw to one of the nearby taverns. Two groups of ponies were locked in what looked like a bitter argument of some kind. The larger of the two groups were local crystal ponies, while the smaller group might have been Equestrian. It wouldn’t have been a bad guess based on where they were. They all looked like academic types though, judging by their dress and bulging saddlebags. After a few more rounds of shouting were exchanged, both groups stomped off towards Schluesselschloss.

“That was...strange,” Cheerilee said, blinking slowly.

“What do you think they were arguing about?”

Leaning back in her seat, Cheerilee looked up at the ceiling and thought. “Well, in my experience academics usually bicker about discoveries and interpretations of them. I’m more wondering what they’re doing in Schluesselschloss. It’s a military fortress.”

“Maybe someone found something old in a basement. That place looks like it has a lot of them.”

Cheerilee chuckled. “I’d say that it would be pretty silly to find ancient artifacts just randomly in a fortress basement...but then my friends and I found a jinn running an antique shop in Naqah, so stranger things have happened.”

A slow smile spread across Spike’s face. “Oh yeah? Stranger than there being an eeeevvvill feather duster in that basement?”

“An evil feather duster huh? What would an evil feather duster do?”

“Oh, you know. Probably compel you to make things more dirty. And laugh evilly. That’s what makes it evil.”

The train began to move again at that point, the conductor coming back in to return their tickets, now bedecked with half a dozen official stamps. Tucking it back into her saddlebags, Cheerilee let the squabbles of academics go for the time being. She had more important things to tend to while here.

- - - -

A few hours later, the train pulled into the capital.

True to her previous guess, Beren fit the popular image of the Crystal Empire much more. The buildings they passed were crystal. The streets were crystal. And the glittering edifice that was the Crystal Palace dominated the skyline, its flying buttresses and elegant construction making it seem more of a delicate sculpture than government building. Supposedly, it was built in the exact center of the city, which was at the exact center of the Empire itself. And in the center courtyard of the palace was the Crystal Heart, the source of the unique appearance of the country and its ponies.

Once the train had come to a stop and they collected their bags, Cheerilee and Spike began their winding journey through the streets towards their intended destination, The University of Beren. Though there had been a small detour along the way.

“Mmmm! Just like fresh amethysts!”

Spike was referring to the crystalline corn on the cob they had snagged from a streetside stand. Cheerilee considered her own cob as they kept walking. It was certainly the color of amethyst, that much was hard to deny. The taste though...

“I’m not sure. It tastes like corn to me.”

“No way! It’s totally amethyst! It tastes just like the stuff we’d find up at the Forge…”

He trailed off, expression growing distant at the mention of that volcanic landscape where his attempt to unite dragonkind had gone so very wrong.

“It wasn’t your fault Spike.”

“I know. Sjachthur says the same thing. But neither one of you decided to wear a cursed necklace and watch everything you were trying to do blow up in your face.”

Cheerilee paused and placed a hoof on his shoulder, giving him a soft smile when he looked up. “You still tried to do something. Which is a little more than most other dragons have. That still means something. And, hey, you’re not the only one anymore, right? Sjachthur is trying. And Professor Schwartzkopf clearly isn’t about hoarding and pillaging.”

Spike perked up a bit at the other dragon’s name. “I admit, I kind of can’t wait to meet him. A dragon that’s a teacher and who’s written actual books? It's hard to believe.”

“Well then, let’s hurry up and ask him how he’s done it!”

Smiling a bit wider now, Spike wolfed down the remains of his crystal corn and took off at a run. Cheerilee quickly followed suit, her heart just a little lighter at Spike’s more upbeat mood.

- - - -

The University of Beren was a sprawling complex of buildings, almost a neighborhood onto itself once one factored in the dorms and other support structures. Creatures from across the known world walked its halls and well maintained pathways, all united in their desire to study. From what Twilight Sparkle had told Cheerilee, while the university taught many, many subjects it was most well known for being one of the centers of magical study outside of Canterlot. Though it focused more on the connections between the different kinds of magic used across the world. Again, according to Twilight Sparkle.

Something that was a good sign as far as Cheerilee was concerned, was the fact that Spike’s presence wasn’t drawing a lot of attention from the students around. Sure, there were occasional glances his way but nothing else. So they were used to seeing dragons around.

The massive university would have been a place quite easy to get lost in, if not for the fact many of the maps and buildings were also labeled in Equestrian.

Thank Luna that this country is bilingual, Cheerilee thought as she lead the way through one of the lecture buildings. My Griffish is incredibly rusty.

It had also taken a bit of asking around to work out where the dragon professor currently was, but they were eventually pointed towards his offices in the main building of the complex. Spike’s eyes were wide as they entered the crystalline structure.

“So many gems! I don’t know how Schwartzkopf stands it!”

Cheerilee placed a hoof on the young dragon’s shoulder. “Do we need to take a break?”

Admittedly, Cheerilee wasn’t entirely sure how to do that in a country that was literally overflowing with the stuff. But to her relief, Spike took a deep breath, held it for a moment and then exhaled, a determined expression settling on his face.

“I can handle this. I found my way to the Dragon’s Forge myself. I can handle a stupid building made out of glittering rock.”

Cheerilee smiled as they continued onwards, eventually winding their way through the halls to Schwartzkopf’s office. As they approached it though, they could hear the sounds of talking. The conversation was entirely in Griffish and seemed to be between a deep male voice and a softer female one. Coming to the door, Cheerilee and Spike poked their heads into the office to see a dragon and a pony arguing.

Schwartzkopf almost looked like he was carved from a glittering block of jet. Ontop at least, his underbelly and the undersides of his wings were more of a dark purple color. Twin horns framed the sides of his head, while a smaller row of spines ran down his back and to the tip of his tail. He also wore a few pieces of clothing, mostly a tweed vest and a pair of glasses that were balanced at the end of his snout.

On the other side of his desk stood a crystal pony mare. Her coat gave her the impression of being made out of rose quartz, while her long light blue mane and tail were more representative of aquamarines.

Schwartzkopf waved a talon at the mare and muttered something in Griffish. She huffed in response and stomped out of the room. Cheerilee watched her go, blinking a few times at her outburst of emotion.

“...Did I interrupt something important?”

“I’m sure that Rose Heart thought so,” Schwartzkopf said, before giving a deep, rumbling chuckle. “Something was discovered in a hidden chamber in Schluesselschloss. But the Crystal Empire has many archaeologists and I have made commitments to my time before it was discovered.”

Coming out from behind his desk, Cheerilee had a better judge of the dragon’s size. He was about as large as Corona, but a bit longer once one factored in the tail. He extended a claw to Cheerilee, smiling slightly.

“It is not everyday that one gets to meet an Element Bearer after all.”

Cheerilee shook his taloned hand. “It seems that we’re well known, even up here.”

“To be fair, I have been working on a paper on a theory that’s been rattling around my brain since they were discovered again.”


“Yes. But I shall bore you with the rigors of academia at a later date,” Schwarzkopf said, turning his attention to Spike. “I believe that we are here to discuss our young friend here’s issues.”

Spike looked up at the scholar dragon and blurted out a question. “You heard the call of the m- the Overlord?”

“That I did.”

“Why didn’t you come then?”

Schwarzkopf shrugged. “I didn’t want to. The commands and whims of the rest of dragon kind are not my concern. I am a citizen of the Crystal Empire and professor at the University of Beren...with tenure, I might add. I had no intention of throwing that away to play rampaging monster.”
Spike frowned. “I suppose that makes sense. ...Too bad more dragon’s don’t take your path.”

“Most aren’t given the chance, thanks to the nature of The Forge. Which I understand that you’ve seen first hand, yes?”

Spike nodded, his frown growing ever deeper.

“My egg was found in one of the Empire’s many mines,” Schwarzkopf continued. “I was born around ponies. Grew up around them. Learned alongside them. For me, being part of a society that values my contributions is the superior choice to hiding in a cave and hoarding gold.”

Spike nodded again, but he didn’t seem any less disappointed. Schwarzkopf placed a hand on Spike’s back.

“Come. We shall discuss things more, over a meal. It is a Crystal Empire tradition of a sorts. And I do have a favorite cafe not far from here.”

“That sounds nice, actually,” Spike smiled.

With the decision made, the trio headed back out into the city to eat and talk.

- - - -

Schlüsselschloss was old.

While it had been the first of the mighty defensive fortresses constructed in the Crystal Empire, it was actually built upon the remains of another, older fortress that had once been occupied by King Sombra’s forces, which had in turn been built on an even older structure. Even with two different groups of archaeologists working in the basement, they weren’t entirely sure which structure the hidden room had originally been a part of.

Gray Granite hated this place. As old as it was, one could never entirely get rid of the vermin that lived within it. Their warrens squirmed and burrowed through the dank depths, their scrabbly little paws carrying them through every hidden crack and nook. Even now as they waited in a corridor illuminated only by lantern light, he could hear their little paws scrabbling on stone.

It was in one of those ancient, long forgotten chambers, that the cask had been discovered in. It was formed out of black crystal, like so many of Sombra’s creations, easily the size of a pony. And because of that, the ponies of the Crystal Empire weren’t going to take any chances.

“A telegraph has arrived from the capital,” one of the Crystal Guard declared, handing it to Gray Granite. “Schwarzkopf insists that he’s busy at the moment and isn’t available to examine it.”

Gray Granite nodded, turning his attention to the cask. “Then prepare it for transit. We shall lock it away in the deepest vault until it can be safely examined and disposed off.”

Some of the local archaeologists and some of the visiting ones from Equestria sprang into action. Heavy ropes were wrapped around the cask which were then lashed to poles for the ease of carrying. The poles were then picked up by a few members of the Crystal Guard and resolutely marched out of the fortress. Up and up they went, through winding stairs and onto the battlements. Then across the battlements and towards the stairs that lead down to the train station. There an armored car was waiting to whisk the item away to some of the secure vaults in the capital.

They were halfway down the stairs when the cask shook.

The Crystal Guard froze, those not actively carrying the thing drawing their weapons immediately. Nopony moved. They simply watched the cask, not entirely sure if what they had seen had come from it or a slight misstep coming down the stairs.

With a massive bang sound, the cask shook again. It shook so hard that the poles snapped in half, the cask tumbling down the stairs in a fury as it continued to bang and rattle as something tried to burst its way out. The Crystal Guard chased after it, Gray Granite already shouting orders.

“Surround it! Don’t let whatever is in there escape!”

With another loud bang, the cask was sent vaulting over the last dozen steps, landing hard on the landing below. The impact shattered the crystal into a thousand pieces with an almost ear splitting shriek. And in that brief moment, Gray Granite saw a wisp of dark shadow dart from those shattered remains and flow through a crack in the gates and into the town beyond.

“Open the gates!” Gray Granite shouted. “We have to find that thing!”

Crystal Empire efficiency sprung into action. A simple flick of a lever from the guards on the walls sent well oiled cogs into motion, the massive gates swinging open in a matter of moments. Gray Granite lead the charge, a dozen of the Crystal Empire’s finest following after him. He gave his commands with confidence, assured in the training he and his fellow guard went through.

“Meadow Bolt! Telegraph house now! Warn the capital! Everypony else, groups of two, standard search pattern. If you see anything, signal with your whistles.”

With the orders given, the group split off into into their pairs, weaving through the streets with steely determination in their hearts. As they trotted along, occasionally citizens would peek out of windows and doors, wondering what had the guard so riled up.

“Return to your homes!” Gray Granite called out. “Everything is under control!”

Gray Granite was on the far side of the village, near the telegraph office when he heard the scream. The scream had sounded like it had come from the telegraph office itself. His eyes narrowed at that realization. There was no way...whatever had come out of the cask could have known about his orders. Still, he galloped for the building at top speed, pegasus officer Swift Wing at his side. When they arrived at the office, Gray Granite lead the way, shouldering his way through the door and then drawing his sword.

Empty. Or so it seemed.

Gritting his teeth harder against the hilt of his blade, Gray Granite stalked around the right side of the front desk, while Swift Wing came in from the left. There he found Meadow Bolt and the telegraph operators.

They were huddled up in balls, quivering in fright.

Sheathing his blade, Gray addressed his subordinate. “Meadow? Can you hear me? What happened.”

“Walls...the walls. Won’t leave me alone. Won’t let me out,” she muttered, her eyes glassy and unfocused.

“They’re out of it too sir,” Swift Wing said, having checked on the telegraph operators.

“Just what was in that cask?” Gray muttered.

Distantly, more screams rang out, Swift Wing and Gray Granite whirling about almost instinctively drawing their blades as they did. Exchanging a pair of wary glances, they returned to the streets and headed in the direction of the screams.

When they arrived, they found four members of the Crystal Guard locked in similar catatonic states to those that were in the telegraph office. Of their attacker, there was no sign. Just four ponies locked in a horrible state of fear.

“This is getting out of hoof,” Gray Granite declared.

Swift Wing was looking around, eyes wide. “Where is this thing? What is it? Why can’t we see it?”

“Stay calm Swift Wing! If we lose our heads, we’ll have no chance to dealing with it!”

“Deal with it? We can’t even see it! How are we supposed to deal with it?”

Another round of screams echoed from a nearby street, the warble of a whistle dying out along with it.

“Nope! I’m done!” Swift Wing shouted, taking to the air.

“Swift Wing!”

A smokey black bolt of movement shot up from between the house roofs. Swift Wing caught whatever it was out of the corner of his eye and beat his wings faster, desperately trying to get away from whatever it was that was giving chase. But it was quickly evident to Gray Granite that he was fighting a losing battle, as the smokey shadow struck him like a thunderbolt out of a clear blue sky. Swift Wing cried out, plummeting from the sky and smashing through the thatched roof of a nearby house. The shadow came about, seeming to unfold as it did. Larger and larger it grew, mighty wings unfurling from a body of blackest night. Black, save for the two glowing red eyes that burned like red hot coals of malice and hate.

It looked...like a moth?

A staccato, echoing cry rose from the shadow moth as more darkness billowed outwards from its body. As the sky was plunged into darkness, Gray Granite heard moans and screams of terror all around him, emanating from every building in the town. Granite grit his teeth, turning to run for the telegraph office. It was too late for Schluesselschloss, but he could at least warn Beren.

But he had barely taken a few steps before his ears twitched towards new sounds. Horrible squeaking and chattering coming down the street from behind him. Glancing over his shoulder, his stomach twisted at what was chasing after him. A horde of dog sized rats came teeming down the street in a dark brown wave of mangy fur and flashing, yellow fangs. And the eyes! The horrible glowing red eyes.

“No! NO! NO! NO!” Granite shouted, pumping his legs all the harder to try and escape the living carpet that was scampering his way.

But the rats moved to fast. The wave slammed into him from behind, dragging him down beneath the flood of verminkind. He was screaming now, the hundreds of scrabbly little feet running over every inch of his body. The last thing he saw before he mercifully passed out, was the shadowy moth wheeling away from Schluesselschloss and flying north.

- - - -

Spike had to admit, if there was one thing he loved about the Crystal Empire so far, it was the food. The cafe Schwartzkopf had picked had ended up being only a few blocks away from the university and was quite busy. Spike guessed that most of the ponies and other creatures crammed around the circular tables were students. The owner certainly knew Schwartzkopf as he had called out with a hearty wave and hello when they arrived.

Huddled around a table of their own under the outside awning, the three had prompty been delivered mugs of tea and scones with crystal strawberry jam that were on special today. Freshly baked, they practically melted in Spike’s mouth. And since the professor was covering the bill this trip, Spike was more than happy to help himself to as many as he could eat. He, Schwartzkopf and Cheerilee were clustered around an exterior table on one of Beren’s broad avenues.

Schwartzkopf- or Schwartz as Spike had taken to calling him- really was an odd dragon. Not that his oddness was odd in and of itself. Having spent some time with Sjach, Spike was used to a dragon that looked down on his own race. But while Sjach was more depressed about his own race, Schwartz barely acted like a dragon at all. He was just so...casual about his connection to the Crystal Empire and its crystal ponies.

“So, Spike. How has your time been Sjachthurkearverthichaoposs?” Schwartz asked.

Spike finished swallowing his current scone before shrugging. “Alright, I guess. He’s kind of a cool dragon. ...Doesn’t have his head stuck up his butt at least. He’s been kind of busy teaching a few dragons a different way to do things.”

Schwartz steepled his claws on the table. “Interesting. I wish him some success. More of our kind could stand to work with others.”

Spike thought for a moment and frowned. “Why haven’t you tried? You’re a teacher. Why not...teach?”

Schwartz hummed to himself, idly stirring his cup of tea with a claw. “Well...I have tried. When I was younger, I traveled into the dragon lands and tried to explain my ways to the dragons I found. It ended...poorly.”

Cheerilee cocked her head at that. “If you don’t mind me asking...how did it end badly?”

Schwartz tapped the side of his head. “All that glitters is not always the best. Especially when dragon greed is involved.”

Spike blinked. “Wait...you’re saying that they tried to add you to their hoards?”

“Indeed. ...Which isn’t to say that I’ve not been completely devoid of success. One of my students is another young dragon. While she may be a little young for university, I feel like she could use some guidance.”

“Actually, that reminds me. How do you live in a place that’s nothing but crystals without going crazy?” Spike asked. The temptation of the gems had been a near constant thing since they arrived here.

Schwartz chuckled. “I’ll tell you a little secret.” He waved a claw at the surrounding buildings. “Tell me Spike, what do you see?”

Spike looked around. “...Crystals and gems. Isn’t that the problem?”

“Answer me this Spike. Just how valuable do you imagine gems and crystals to be in a land that where it’s used as building material?”

Spike blinked. “Well...if it's being used to make buildings I guess it can’t be that expensive.”

“Exactly. In the land of gems, a diamond might as well be a hunk of granite,” he spread his arms apart, giving a toothy grin. “Reminding myself of that helps quite a bit. ...Though I also suspect that the Crystal Heart plays a role. It’s magic helps bind the Empire together and it clearly had an effect on myself.”

Spike nodded and let his mind and his gaze wander back over the buildings again, picturing them as just...normal rocks. Normal rock bakery, normal rock library, normal rock benches, giant shadow moth, normal rock streets.

“Gah!” he yelped, pointing a claw at it. “Giant shadow moth!”

His exclamation drew everypony’s eyes to the creature as it came swooping in low over the crystal roofs, dragging a lingering trail of darkness behind it. Panic immediately set in, both in the streets and in the cafe, with tables being up ended and ponies stampeding in every which direction.

As the shadow moth shot across the main avenue the cafe was built off of, Spike watched as ponies under its shadow trail collapsed to the ground wrapping their legs around their bodies and going nearly catatonic.

“Spike! Look out!” Cheerilee shouted.

The moth had banked sharply, the edge of its shadow threatening to fall across the edge of the cafe. Spike felt Cheerilee’s hooves wrap around him from behind and yank him backwards, the shadows just barely avoiding him. The moth then wheeled back across the street, eliciting a fresh round of screams and panicked rushing from the nearby baker, before shooting forward with a heavy rush of its wings.

Schwartz shot into the air with a beat of his wings, scanning the horizon for a moment before dropping back down. “It’s heading for the Crystal Palace!”

“The Crystal Heart!” Cheerilee exclaimed, leaping up from the table. “I have to go!”

“Wait! Why?” Spike asked. “What are you going to do about that thing?”

Cheerilee shrugged. “I don’t know. But I’m an Element of Harmony and that thing looks very unharmonious!”

Spike hesitated for a moment, before jumping onto Cheerilee’s back. Cheerilee reared up for a moment, before twisting her head around to glower at Spike. “Spike! You can’t come with me, its too dangerous!”

“Oh no! I’m not going to be left alone while a monster attacks the city. If you’re going, I’m going with you,” Spike declared, grabbing two clawfuls of Cheerilee’s mane and giving her a determined look.
“I shall come to,” Schwartz said. “My magical knowledge might come in handy.”

Cheerilee bit her lip before sighing and breaking into a gallop. “Okay. But if things get bad, you’re going to go with Schwartzkopf and get out of there.”

Spike nodded. “Deal.”

- - - -

Cheerilee felt like her decision to let Spike come with her was becoming worse and worse as she passed catatonic guard after catatonic guard. The Crystal Palace was one of, if not the most heavily, defended castles on the continent and that moth...thing was cutting through it so effectively that she had just been able to waltz into the place.

“At least it’s leaving me a trail,” she grumbled as she galloped onwards.

Eventually though, the trail of guards came to an end in a grand courtyard. A quick glance told Cheerilee that they were under the central tower of the castle now. Supported by three mighty crystal arches, she could immediately see why the shadow moth had come here.

The Crystal Heart.

If the situation hadn’t been as dire as it was, Cheerilee would have been in awe of the artifact. Formed out of the most delicate looking crystal she had seen in her life, it floated a few feet off the ground, suspended between a stalagmite and stalactite of crystal, pulsing with a soft light. With each pulse there was a soft, musical chime.

But all of that was secondary to the shadowy monster that clung to it. The moth was gently, almost tenderly, caressing the Crystal Heart. Cheerilee had no idea what was planning but she was quite sure that it was going to be bad. Dozens of members of the Crystal Guard had surrounded it and were preparing to attack.

“Spike, stay with Schwartzkopf!”

Spike hopped off her back and Cheerilee galloped forward again to assist the Crystal Guard.

She was halfway there when everything went wrong. A magical pulse radiated outwards from the Heart, washing over every crystal pony (and dragon) that was in the courtyard. They dropped to the ground at once, screaming and clawing at themselves in what Cheerilee could only describe as sheer terror. And as she knew that the Crystal Heart connected itself to the land that made up the Crystal Empire, it was good odds that everypony in Beren was currently just as afflicted!
Without any real option, Cheerilee charged. Springing neatly around the moth’s fluttering wings, she snapped out her forehoves in a series of rapid punches.

It was like punching pile of dough. The dark tendrils of magic that made up the creature wrapped around her hooves and tried to drag her deeper into the mass. Half formed images flickered through her mind as she was reeled closer. Images of madness and horror that-

“Fulminating Flame Cage!”

Even through the haze of the moth, Cheerilee knew that voice.

“Yangin?” Cheerilee gasped.

A crackling cage of raw fire snapped into place around the moth, thrusting Cheerilee away and making it tumble away from the Crystal Heart with a high pitched screech of pain. Yangin stood a few yards away from the now trapped creature, in her full jinn glory. Short mane that was pure flame, dancing merrily in the breeze? Check. Coat the color of glittering bronze? Check. Platinum anklet that Cheerilee had once used to bind her into service? Double check. Cheerilee had no idea how she was here, since the last she had seen of the jinn, she had been taken away by the likes of Kindle.

But the jinn was wearing a cocky smile as the shadow moth managed to burst out of the cage. “Oh ho! So the Sombran wind up toy does have a bit of life to it!” She clapped her forehooves together in a mocking taunt. “Have at you then!”

The moth shrieked and charged, a massive cloud of dark shadow swelling before it. A few feet before reaching Yangin, it flared its wings to come to a halt, throwing the wave of shadow at the jinn.

In response, Yangin took a deep breath and exhaled. A massive gout of flame lept from her mouth, washing over the oncoming shadow. In a moment, it was burnt away, leaving behind an acrid smell. The wave of flame rolled onwards, now engulfing the moth with a burning fury.

It roared back. Needle thin tendrils of shadow and darkness whipped forward. Yangin tried to dodge, but they snapped against the sides of her head. The tendrils seemed to seep their way into her, Yangin’s eyes going black for a moment. The jinn stumbled but then her eyes and her body roared to life with fire, the darkness recoiling and bravado returning almost instantly.

“Fear is a nice trick, I will admit. It is, however, very limited. But trust me you glorified shadow puppet…” Yangin’s eyes flashed with magical power. “There is nothing you can conjure that I’ve not already experienced!”

With that, she clapped her forehooves together and two sections of the crystal courtyard rose up in mighty slabs. Another gesture wreathed them in crackling fire. And a third slammed together, smashing the shadow moth between their bulk. When they retracted, Cheerilee could only see the smoky remains of a smear upon the crystal.

With the moth vanquished, the catatonic ponies began to stir. Cheerilee started to trot forward, eager to ask Yangin how she had escaped Corona...when she suddenly began to talk again.

“Citizens of the Crystal Empire! My name is Bocogu Yangin and I come to you as a herald and messenger! And while it was I that vanquished Sombra’s ancient creation, I only act on behalf of a pony that asks for one simple thing...”

A horrible sense of dread was growing in Cheerilee’s stomach as Yangin swept into a bow.

“...your humble forgiveness.”

There was a golden flash of light and Corona appeared in the middle of the courtyard. She had taken on a different appearance, now sporting a mane and tail of blue, turquoise and pink that seemed to wave in an unseen breeze. Her eyes were no longer pure white either, now a soft pink color.

And to Cheerilee’s confusion, Princess Celestia bowed to the assembled ponies.

Author's Note:

If Yangin has learned one thing from her time among normal ponies and other creatures, it's the value of a good story.

It's probably debatable which one of Corona's minions is better at the propaganda game. In my totally unbiased opinion (....yes, totally unbiased. Shut up. :P ) Yangin might have a slight edge on Kindle as she's less of zealot and can see her own propaganda from outside her own eyes. But I imagine you could argue things the other way and say that Kindle is willing to put himself on the line more than Yangin.

I also find Corona pretending to be her older self amusing. It comes across somewhat ironic to me.