• Published 13th Jun 2018
  • 1,265 Views, 32 Comments

EntiQuest [OLD] - Sputniik

Time is twisted, and so are fates. After Equestria's apparent fall out and death of the Princesses, Twilight seeks out an old enemy in desperation, and later, even an old friend. But now, everything is okay. Because in the end, Good always prevails

  • ...


NOTE 8/23/19:: Please excuse the poor writing in earlier chapters. I was way more inexperienced then, so skipping ahead to more recent chapters is totally fine. If you'd like to know what you missed out on, just let me know; I'll be more than happy to fill you in ^^.

DISCLAIMER: Please note that this fanfic-crossover-au, is not suitable for younger audiences. Topics of heavy violence, occasional gore, horror themes, and PTSD are included in this story. Viewer/reader discretion is advised.

NOTE: Night mode 'Enhances' the experience~

The town was in beautiful chaos. Inhabitants running for their lives, shrieking at the top of their lungs as heavy pairs of feet followed them, threatening to crush them beneath it's pine-needled claws. Occasionally, someone would have claws gracing their back, and just barely miss having their backs sliced open.

But it was only the Armourous.

It roared in some sort of victory, grabbing a sidewalk tree in it's jaws, swinging it's head madly, tossing it carelessly across the road. It spread it's wings in displeasure, letting out a sound that must have shattered glass across the city. Armourous felt so powerful; because these little ants ran away from him, and now he could finally play with the toys they left around.

But a tree was certainly not entertaining enough. So Armourous discarded it with a grumble, stomping through the city, swinging his head about.

He did, soon, glance down to realize the tiny ants pointing silvery sticks at him. They were shouting something, that Armourous couldn't quite hear well enough to even distinguish if these ants in dark blue that matched their evening shadows, were inviting him to play.

But when one of the ants fired something at him, he found himself in pain, and pulled back his lips to snarl a warning at these tiny creatures. Now the ants continued fire, and Armourous was bothered by the tiny ant-pins and fire-stones that poked and pierced his rocky skin. He roared a warning at the ants, before they paused for a long moment, then retreated into one of their machines, and ran off in it.

He locked his jaws around the corner of an apartment building, instead, trying to remove it from the ground, only something buzzed in his ear, that greatly annoyed him.

This one was purple, and yelled something at him from a far, that Armourous certainly couldn't understand. Then he saw another one. This one was orange--or white. Maybe both. It had been confused for a while-- this fly didn't have wings, yet it was buzzing in his ears, too. But confusion gave to annoyance, and the beast roared at the puny flies.

He bat his foreleg at the first one, only having something bright and vibrant touch his palm, that sent a stung across his arm. Armourous roared in fright, briskly shaking his head.

Danny had glared up at her from the ground, who'd been recently escorting people out of the Nowhere. Twilight returned the glare, making it at least even, taking her eyes off the monster for a moment in frustration.

"What? Do you really think I don't know what I'm doing here?"

Armourous glanced at the quarreling duo, before swinging his foreleg at the surely-purple fly, roaring in amusement as it shrieked, slamming into the pavement below Armourous. It got back up a few moments later, barely able to even keep airborne anymore. Armourous had almost swung at it again, but realized he was not entertained by the flies anymore, and decided to go find another pole to tear from the ground.

But then a more violent shock course through his body, as the maybe-orange-maybe-white fly had caused him pain. Armourous shrieked, vibrating the earth beneath them, rising onto two legs flaring his wings and throwing the unsure-orange fly back, and watched him slam into a glass window of a building a few blocks down. The purple fly, though, had snuck up behind and fired at him behind his head, and the world flashed and flickered many colors, before Armourous could no longer stand. He faintly heard a frightened shout from the maybe-white fly that he could almost understand.

"Don't do it."

Twilight yelped, as the spell had backfired. Possibly it had bounced off the armor-like skin of the Armourous, and reflected the magic. She really wished she'd thought it through further. Because a spell at that level could--

"Agh..!" Twilight yelled out in pain, holding her head as she slowly descended next to the monster. "Daniel...! Where in Equestria... are..."

She felt like her mind was slipping into a lucid dream, or maybe just her mind leaving her body, because every sense had faded away, like her nerves were tearing off her skin. And she remembered nothing else except pain, and the flashing of colors before her eyes.

dont... go...

It was all a dream, the voice had said. Twilight believed, because she wanted to understand nothing else.

She'd awoken-- and wasn't sure when. But Daneil was walking ahead of her, glancing back until he decided to stop, furrowing his brows in either worry or confusion. Maybe both.

"Uh…" He

Oyu Oitdi, Oyu Ditoi WTAa idd I Tlel Uyo I Wlil Likl Uyo Foebre I Offre A SecnDo Airnwng Yuo Lwli Ont Get Ni ym awy Teg The Lehl Tuo Of Eher od I Emak Symelf Clera

The Polyverse… she'd always heard of it, but she never thought…

"What? Never been here before?" She spun around, an eyebrow raised. Danny found his fingers threading worriedly through his hair. "I thought you've been here before?" He squinted awkwardly.

"How would you have been able to travel from one universe to another, anyway?" he whisper-yelled, for no reason in particular.

Twilight tapped her chin for a second. "Eh… Teleportation spells, Direct portal transportation?" She motioned to the gadget strapped to Danny's wrist. "Besides, I never had an... Inverse Portal... thingy, anyway. You do know that Equestria is just catching up on technology just now, right?"

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TOXsty'X SnOXck ShOXck

Eth OBy Wlli Eb Melintaied Irsft
HET Nolmeatiiin Alsb
I Hcculek Ta hte Ohtught
Eth Pripign Enpo Of Oyru Hortta
Or Repahps Eth Solw Onisfuoactf Nutil Eyht Ilces Yuro Klsul In Lahf
Shi Iidtenty Is A Esrcet
Wyh Oshldu I Crae

--His expression darkened a bit at the thought.

dont believe anything you're reading, do you hear me?

"HEY eht ikcigtn lccko ti uahtls, eth naevr corws, eh eses ierht eman adn otu eh esog! !" He exclaimed, slightly over the sound of music, chatter, and clanging dishes and silverware.

please tell me you can hear me.

But everything after…. Was a messy blur. Something had happened. They all knew it. But it was.... missing? Or maybe it--

i shouldnt be here, but there isnt much time to fret over stupid morals, alright?

A pounding headache began at the back of the alicorn's head. She shut her eyes, and took slow, deep breaths. When they reopened, her violet irises quivered.
"W-we're… not going back… No. Not yet." it was barely a whisper, but Danny managed to catch just about every word. He opened his mouth to argue back, but Twilight shook her head.
"No. Just… trust me," Twilight quirked an eyebrow as Danny seemed to flinch at her words.
"…I just know that there was…. Something….I..."

there are always eyes. I want you to use them.

She trailed off, and sat back on her haunches, as if in either deep thought or question. It felt like both. Her eyes darted about in the endless teal-green abyss, every portal suddenly worth her attention. Her ears flattened against her head in shame, as she realized she truly had no logical explanation for this.
Any of this.

A frustrated sigh escaped her lips.

"How long has it been?"



"Stop ignoring me!"

"Are you even listening? Do you even know where we're going?" Twilight grunted. The retort at the tip of her tongue was killing her, and for the past few hours, she'd had to hold onto it. She bit her lip and exhaled.

"That's it. We're stopping."

can you see him now? no... but you cant see them on this side. take out her eyes, and use his. please. just... trust me.

The Princess tilted her head.

"What?" She mentally slapped herself for even replying. And that wasn't the worst part. The worst part was that Danny had actually seemed pleased with her response. Twilight snarled quietly.

"I said…" Danny refolded his arms. "I'm not moving."

Then the scary thing was that he seemed genuinely serious with his decision. His feet firmly planted to the ground… or, at least, whatever ground this was…

Twilight flashed him a suspicious glare, which he returned, and suddenly, a bit of green visible in his eyes. She raised an eyebrow. He really was serious. Nevertheless, Twilight twisted around, marching off in the opposite direction.

"Stop being so childish." She muttered. Danny smirked.

"Huh, I guess you did need to remind me of my age, after all,"

"You're not moving, are you?" It sounded more of a statement.

"Not a muscle."

In that instant, The alicorn's horn ignited, as the halfa's body was encased in a violet aura. Eyes suddenly wide open, he groaned in protest. Yes, he certainly was moving. Whether he was doing it himself or not.

its not too late. ITS NOT TOO LATE


Author's Note:

Darkness is out there
Is he still alive ?
or.. Perhaps... he's.. someone else?
Perhaps he Is in plain sight.
He watches his prey like the predator
in the shadows just waiting... waiting..
until hE finally