• Published 13th Jun 2018
  • 1,265 Views, 32 Comments

EntiQuest [OLD] - Sputniik

Time is twisted, and so are fates. After Equestria's apparent fall out and death of the Princesses, Twilight seeks out an old enemy in desperation, and later, even an old friend. But now, everything is okay. Because in the end, Good always prevails

  • ...



Daarin had been quick to resurface, almost immediately after the two bodies had plunged into the far deeper waters in the abyss of the cave, than they'd both thought. His head burst from the capture of it as he took in a deep breath, happy to know he sure wasn't dead.

He briefly laughed at the thought, only to notice that Danny hadn't released from the waters as he did.

"Hey! You down there?" Daarin called, only to gasp in surprise as Danny had broke out from the stream his hair clinging to his face.

"Now I'm up here," he pushed back his hair from his eyes in an almost failed attempt. "So... where do we go from here? Not like I'm complaining about leaving..."

"Hm, uh, I'm not too certain about which way we're going... I usually take the crawlspace down...." he stopped to think, glancing around at the echoing cave walls, "But I think I'll be able to find our way back on track! Follow me!" He immediately began swimming towards the nearest formation of rocky land, which turned out to be a thing, narrow strip of stone that connected to a larger 'island-like' ground that just barely peeked out of the murk.

The two had hoisted themselves back up, both now aware of their now soaking wet clothing. But if it had bothered either of them, no one said a thing. Daarin quickly skipped ahead of Danny, the squishing sound of his shoes slamming into the ground bounced off the cave. And with a second leap of faith, he leapt to the other side, shakily standing back up as he'd nearly landed on his knees.

Danny followed along, furrowing his brows as he now stood before another mouth of cave, but this one was far darker and sinister-looking. Even the light drops of water that dripped from the stalactites seemed menacing.

As if he could read minds, Daarin smiled, "Don't worry, It's MUCH brighter down there!"

"Brighter..." Danny had seemed to still be processing the words, "Wait, how can it be brighter, if we're going deeper into the cave?"

"You'll see! Trust me!" taking the halfa's hand, he had practically began dragging him down into the further parts of the cave, the little light seeming to grow dimmer and darker.

At first, the gesture of this kid grabbing him by the hand and dragging him down here had sounded ridiculous. But after only a couple minutes of dodging the pointed stones, crystals, and stalagmites that sprouted from every-which-way, Danny had suddenly grown more than grateful that he had a hand to at least guide him; because eventually, even enhanced vision couldn't pick up every deathly needle that protruded from the ground.

Danny wasn't too sure how much time had passed, but he knew it had to have been quite a while, hearing Daarin pant, releasing his hand slowly as if to signify that he was stopping.

"It's.... a-alot further.... than I re...remembered...!" although neither could see the other, it was evident that Danny had been tired out as well. There hadn't really been a sign for that, except for the sound of him shuffling to sit down against the narrow wall, and the sound of a chip of stone clinging to his jacket, pulling at the seams.

"Maybe..... we need a quick... break...?"

"Way ahead of you," there was suddenly a new sound, that Daarin hadn't recalled hearing before.

have a snickers

He nearly jumped, as a dim, green light suddenly formed in front of him, and allowing his eyes to adjust, realized that Danny had somehow lit a small, green flame, atop a stone. It hadn't really made much sense; Daarin had made many fires in his young life, and he at least knew two basic things: One, fire was certainly not supposed to be green. And Two, those types of rock-- especially with how wet it was-- had no chance of even catching fire. But he sat down next to Danny anyway, assuming it was just another 'werewolf thing'.

Under the dim light, he could see something placed on his lap, now. And it had smelled amazing.

"What's this...?" Daarin tilted his head, causiously bringing the crumbly item up close to his face to catch it's salty scent. "It smells sooo...."

"Brought some stuff from, uh, back home," Danny had managed a faint smile, as Daarin had picked out a single cracker from the sleeve, analyzing it carefully with bright, blue eyes. "It's all your's,"

"Woah, really?" the look on his face was almost too amusing, "Uh... thank you! H-how do I..... how do I eat these?"

Instead of awaiting further instruction, he'd stuffed a trio of crackers into his mouth, eyes immediately lighting up at the salty taste. Daarin hadn't even finished swallowing his first mouthful before he dove back into the sleeve to fit more of the delicacy into his mouth.

"RHO MHY GWSH!" He exclaimed, having to cover his mouth to prevent anything from falling out, "WHREH DGH YRR GRWT THWS?!"

"What?" Danny had held back a laugh. "You have... stuff in your mouth,"

Daarin heavily swallowed, wiping his face with the back of his wrist.

"I said, where'd you get these? I've never seen foods like this in any of the fields, before!"

"Oh, uh..." the older boy glanced up, searching for a somewhat logical way to explain this to some kid who probably never had foods outside the woods, manufactured in actual man-made factories, before. And unfortunately, nothing came. "It's complicated. But I'll make sure to remember to bring you some more in the future; maybe some other stuff we have there, too,"

Daarin could have sworn he felt a twinge of disappointment as he heard Danny get back up. The small moment was over; It surely hadn't lasted long enough.

But deciding it really was best to continue on before it got too late, he stood up as well, brushing off his shorts that he was almost certain had been soaking wet a few minutes ago. Maybe it was the fire.

Besides, he still did have that super-cool, awesome thing he wanted to show--

To show...

Oh no!

"Agh!" Daarin exclaimed, as Danny nearly stumbled backwards. "I don't know your name! But you know my name, right?!"

They began walking off, leaving Danny to only silently listen to the younger boy's rant.

"Just like that time with the old hellhound! He almost killed me because I... didn't ask him his name, I guess?!" he started sounding hysterical, "B-but I mean, you wouldn't do that... do that to me, I know it! I mean, it was just an... the... example... thing...!"

"An... alliteration? No, no wait, that wasn't it! Anyway! I... uh, didn't mean it like that-- actually, I think I made it worse! Oh, is not asking for a werewolf's name like a dishonor thing? I mean, that's what I think I heard... Or is it the other way around, like, am I not supposed to introduce me first? Is there an order?! Are you even allowed to know my name at all? I-it's like the... those books, where um, you-- I mean, uh.. I wasn't really--"



"Danny." he repeated, covering his mouth now to cover up another laugh, "It's Danny. You're not in trouble, kid."

"Oh!" Daarin exclaimed, balling his fists as if the revelation had been all too surprising. "OH! Okay, um... are-- Wait." He held out an arm, stopping them both in their tracks, as Daarin's glistening sapphire eyes reflected a brighter blue that emitted from a further part in the cave.

He made some sort of squealing sound, as his fists balled tighter.

"I can see the bright light coming from down over there!" he hastily pointed towards the faint sparkle of blue that twinkled further down the cave. "It's gonna be so cool! Especially at nights, I think! If we get there on time when the moon is juuuust right..."

He motioned his hands above his head, completely unaware that Danny was unable to make out the gesture. "It'll be amazing!"

The signal to continue walking again had been the sound of the younger boy's feet kicking off the stone, and the echoing sound as he disappeared even further. And not having a hand to guide him this time, Danny sighed, resorting to using a bit of ghost energy in his palm that made a faint light that made out the shapes of the walls. And also the shrinking form of Daarin.

It was at least a few minutes before the two had both stopped right before a thin wall of stone that had cracks of neon light streaking through. The little rays of light were nearly blinding, which Daarin hadn't seemed to mind at all. He looked about ready to burst, in the most positive way possible, of course.

He placed a finger over one of the cracks, hiding one bright streak of blue, tracing his palm down the rock.
"I really hope..." he trailed off, the grin on his face now a shy smile, "Really hope that... uh, you think it's as cool as I do..."

That was when he flinched his hand from the wall, as if by force, as spun around, heading further into the now even more narrow space where one of the paths made a deep right turn. Danny followed, now insanely curious.

But as he'd turned the sharp corner, he bumped into Daarin, who's small form had barely been inches from scraping the thin walls. There were think vines and strange shrubs that sprouted from the opening, as Daarin grunted to clear it. A few thinned vines had snapped, and then there was a new light that flowed through the clearing, now.
And the two had to squint at first to see past it.

Daarin had silently grabbed his hand, gently pulling him through the brush, both of them with their eyes still shut.

"Alright..." Daarin had shakily announced, letting go of the teen's hand as they approached the room. "Um... open your eyes, now..."

And they both did.

Danny was speechless.

His mouth opened to comment, but nothing came out, as he threw his glance up at the cave ceiling in breathlessness.

The room was overall, naturally dark to his surprise, but there were literal glowing crystals and minerals that grew from the ceiling, and few larger ones that poked out from the ground, and in between the walls. Their colors ranged, from a light lavender shade, to deep sapphire, and each color cast both diamond shaped shadows and echoing lights that bounded off the walls, reflecting on each other.

Just over Daarin's head where the brush had grown, there were tiny fragments of the crystal that had littered the greenery with its tame colors. And every piece that lay within reach of their eyes were glistened with a small sparkle, that felt like the room was invaded by little stars.

Then there was the best part.

Scattered on just about every cave wall were etchings of planets and stars, and swirls that resembled the milky-way. Carvings of the sun and the moon on the ground beneath their feet, and little indents of dots that looked like more tiny stars. The work on the ceiling, though, glowed along with the crystals. And some little pieces of yarn tied to the crevasses.

On the end of each piece of yarn was a well-crafted carving of a star or two. They were even semi transparent, which meant the light reflecting on them around the caveroom... made it look...


"Hah, hey... you okay?"

Danny had snapped back to reality, slightly disappointed as he realized that he wasn't really in outer space. He mentally chuckled to himself, with the familiarity of loosing his train of thought to a fantasy again.

"Uh, sure."

"O-okay...." Daarin had swallowed, silently glancing up, too. "Good..."


"Do you... do you like it...?"


"That's good too..."

The unusual silence had filled the air quick enough, as no one had responded, only casting their eyes above their heads.

Danny had somewhat broke it, as he sat down, much to Daarin's surprise. He sat with his knees to his chest, suddenly more comfortable in the cave, then anywhere else.

"So... space, huh?"

Daarin sat next to him, still making sure to leave some room between them. He sat cross-legged only a few inches away, clasping his hands nervously.

"Um, yeah," he played with his fingers, "I... I kinda thinks it's cool, and stuff... er, d-do you--"

"Yeah." Danny breathed, wrapping his arms around his legs, pulling himself closer, "I think it's cool, too,"

There was more of the silence, as the boys watched the display all around them, while not moving a muscle. There was almost no sound, until the silence had finally settled, and the faint dripping of water a mile away filled their senses. Then it felt like an ocean. One with stars and galaxies, and trails of light and floating rocks.

"I kinda wanted to go to space..." Daarin murmured, placing his chin in both palms, "Being just... out there, like you can fly? And being all alone, leaving earth and everything on it behind, y-y'know?"

The werewolf had only flicked an ear.

"And then... then you could be all alone with just yourself. And just.. kinda think, I guess." Daarin swallowed again, "I guess it kind of sounds boring... but... I mean, it's better than being on... on here, right? On a planet, in a world, where nothing's perfect."

Danny found himself playing with the drawstring of his hoodie, "Yeah. I mean..." he paused for a while, even his hands had frozen in place.

"Y-yeah, I guess. But... I think it's a it more than that... For me."

The halfa took a brief glance at his hands, before rolling the long sleeves past them. And then he glanced up a final time, before it was the obvious time to go.

"Hm, what'd you mean...?"

He was obviously stalling. But Danny only either didn't seem to mind, or didn't notice.

"Ah, nothing." Danny waved a hand (or sleeve) dismissively, leaning further into his knees, "But... geez, dude."

He paused a second, his mouth left open as he stared at the tinted ground of rock.

"How'd you... put this all together? And all by yourself?"

"Oh, it was nothing..." he beamed, bashful, "I- Actually, I had an older cousin who knew how to do all that cool stuff like carving and knitting and stuff; He was really good! Taught me how to do all of that-- Even painting!"

Danny leaned back on his palms, closing his eyes while the light still seeped through his vision. He breathed what sounded like a laugh, "He sounds awesome,"

"Totally..." Daarin murmured, cupping his chin, "I kinda miss him, but he's still kinda here, you know? I mean, through everything he taught me. At least, it feels a lot better thinking about it that way."

"Hm," Danny seemed to hum in response, glancing up at the ceiling, almost mesmerized again. "If you don't mind me asking, uh, you know what happened to him?"

Daarin shrugged, "Nah, except that we got separated, plus everyone else, during this weird storm thing a few years ago during the... uh, sickness thing. A few years as in, like... half my life ago."

"Ah. Sorry to hear that,"

Daarin shook his head, quickly revealing a sheepish grin. He waved a hand wildly, "Don't worry about it-- In fact, you being here makes it all a lot better!"

The teen scoffed, playfully rubbing his fist into the younger kid's hair. "Pfft. You're really tough, you know that?"

Daarin laughed, grabbing his arm with both hands, "Yeah right..."

"And.. speaking of which, should we get going before it's too dark out?"

"Oh!" Daarin exclaimed, springing back up and landing a palm at his face, "I totally forgot! It won't take too long to get out; I know the way-- follow me!"

In a new sudden burst of energy, the younger boy had sprinted out of sight, with Danny quickly trailing behind.

Author's Note:

There's gonna be a quick break between the mains for the next chapter. Time to shift this path a bit.