• Published 13th Apr 2018
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Diamond of Darkness - alfonso_rd_33

My name is Diamond Tiara, and this is the story of how I became a Succubus Royal in another universe...

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13 - Youth in Ecstasy - Of Fights and Pleasure.

Diamond of Darkness

Chapter XIII: Youth in Ecstasy - Of Fights and Pleasure.

And while Ajamiri was dealing with the most recent coup attempt of the Shapeshifters, Morrigan decided to enter the dream she received from her. The first thing Morrigan felt was the warmth and detail of the dream, completely different from the usual hazy, needy, and lustful dreams she was used to.

-By the abyss! What is this warmth? It feels very, very nice.-

Morrigan thought as he felt his features change. Now she was of Chinese descent, with her hair in a kind of ball. A sleeveless silk blouse covered her upper body, tracing her body proportions tightly as a silk robe clung tight to her attractive curves.

However, these fashion changes were minor compared to the drastic differences in her body. Being shorter was no big surprise to her as she had gone from being essentially Caucasian to Oriental. It was the sensation of his entire body tensing with powerful muscles that caught her attention. Almost all her previous dreams had required her to become "soft-bodied", slender and barely fit to have an attractive figure, so since that was the state of her real body at the time, the changes were always minor, if any. But this time it was different. This time she had the hardened body of an athlete-level woman, so she felt strong, powerful, and that feeling led to a sense of confidence that she rarely felt.

-I think I like this feeling-

Then she looked at her client. He was also Chinese, unsurprisingly, and although he wore white robes that were much looser than her garments, she could feel that his body possessed the same type of lean but powerful musculature as her own.

The Young Man stood up confidently and pointed a finger at her. She felt a thrill (which she received mainly because of the dreamer's expectations) for the strong and imposing figure he presented.

"Huang! I challenge you for your hand in marriage!"

The young man demanded. Under the control of the dream, Morrigan felt a malicious smile tugging at her lips, as she decided not to try to control this dream, letting him shape it however he wanted. This was something very different from the type of dreams she was used to, and she was curious about what it would be like.

"I accept, Shui."

Her voice spoke, using the same Chinese dialect that he was using.

"Let's see if you can finally prove yourself worthy of me."

Morrigan felt her body adopt a fighting stance that she had no idea how to perform. When the two started fighting, she realized how wise it had been to let him control this dream. Without the skills imprinted on her by this man's imagination, she would have taken a good beating.

Which didn't mean that she was winning this fight, this 'Huang' she was imitating reacted appropriately, as each blow to her body ached a little, though not as much as Morrigan thought it should. If the boy had hit * her * so hard, and so many times, Morrigan was sure she had already been beaten and thrown to the ground, yet 'Huang' was still fighting fiercely. Then Morrigan studied the fight closely.

Strikes were exchanged between the two fighters at speeds the young succubus could hardly believe. How could he move so fast and keep control of his movements? Worse yet, how could she? Morrigan couldn't believe it. Maybe it was just an exaggeration of the reality brought about by the man's dream, but it didn't seem like it.

The fight lasted a long time, but eventually, the young man won (it was *his dream* after all). Morrigan, in the dream body, lay on her back, unconscious. Morrigan herself was aware of what was happening, so she saw Shui gently pick up her unconscious body and took her to a house, laying her down on a cot.

Now, if this had been on the waking world, Shui would have patiently waited several hours for Huang to wake up. However, this being a dream, that long and boring period was skipped, and Shui only waited a few moments, admiring the young woman's beautiful face while sleeping comfortably, her bruises quickly healed during her 'wait'. Such was the illusory reality of dreams. In the end, Huang woke up, feeling disoriented.

"I… I lost?"

She stuttered in shock, to which Shui just smiled kindly.

"Yes, Huang. Now I am your husband."

The eyes of Huang's dream version of the man filled with tears of joy.

"Oh Shui! I've waited so long for you, waiting for this day to come! I love you, my husband!"

Shui knelt by his cot, taking her hand in his.

"Oh, Huang! Finally, you accept my love for you!"

"Yes, Shui! You are worthy of me. You are so strong and manly! Take me, my husband!"

Then the clothes disappeared without being physically removed, and the dream shifted to the more normal job of a succubus-induced dream, Morrigan was stumped on the new concepts she had learned. Carnal love? Marriage? Those concepts were strange to her, so she decided to think about the previous fight.

That had been most unusual. She had felt so incredibly powerful, using Huang's body. She had never felt like this in his life!

After a moment, Morrigan turned her attention to the sex... or rather, to the sexual act. This was also very different from what she was used to. As was almost always the case, Shui had wanted her to be a virgin, but the deflowering she envisioned was very different from what most of her former clients had wanted Morrigan to experience. It had hardly hurt at all, just slight discomfort, causing her to bite her lip and show her that her Huang had been a virgin, even if she didn't bleed. Even that discomfort vanished almost immediately, allowing them both to enjoy their sex lives with nothing to take away from their pleasure. Shui didn't want her to feel pain, just pleasure, and he seemed to have a realistic idea of ​​what he had to do to make that happen.

Morrigan had been forced to have multiple orgasms before, primarily to degrade and humiliate her. This time, when Morrigan came, she came out of true joyous pleasure, not forced pleasure whose purpose was to degrade her.

She would later wonder if the powerful feelings of affection that welled up in the young man were the cause, or perhaps it was because he felt a deep need to earn every one of her orgasms.

The dreamed Shui did not allow himself to come until he was successful in bringing her three times. Only then did he feel it was right for him to experience that pleasure for himself.

The dream ended with the two lovers sleeping in each other's arms, Huang expressing their love for him many times before it ended. You can't fall asleep in a dream, of course, so what happened was Shui's dream transformed into a dreamless dream, from which he would eventually wake up in the real world with a sticky mess on his bedding.

The dream had left Morrigan feeling very satisfied (a feeling she was not used to) and also very confused.

"Is this the kind of dreams Dia and the rest are having?"

She wondered. After all, EVERY DREAM Opal had ever given her had been of violent beings, whose priorities were being the only ones to receive pleasure and full and complete control of their unfortunate prey. Naturally, she didn't feel Shui's love to a great extent since it had been directed exclusively at that girl, Huang, but she had tasted it. And, of course, his kindness and willingness to think of her first instead of himself left Morrigan completely baffled.

She thought instead of how it felt to be Huang the warrior; be so strong, powerful, and confident. Those feelings were different, too, but easier for her to understand.

She liked to feel that way.

So, at the end of that day, and after all her other chores were done, Morrigan stood in her room and tried to put herself in the defensive position where Huang had started. It was awkward and inexperienced, but it was a start.

She followed the movements of the fight slowly, one by one. She had to make adjustments for her limbs, weight, and the fact that her wings created resistance and affected her balance, but she progressed slowly and gradually.

And in the following months, Morrigan practiced the dream fight over and over again, trying to get her succubus body to move as smoothly as Huang's dream body had. Every time she had free time, she practiced the fight as if it were her private dance. She might not have known what a Martial Art was, but she was essentially practicing one.

When she finally perfected the movements, she began to think about how they came about. If Shui had punched her in the head, then she had blocked him with her left arm and then executed the counterattack with her right. By analyzing the fight this way, the dance she had been practicing began to make more sense. She divided the dance into specific movements, imagining an opponent hitting her as Shui had done, and then counteracting the movement as she had imagined Huang. He realized that not all fights would go exactly like that, so he also started practicing the movements with the opposite side of her body; If Shui had thrown a left spinning kick and Huang had blocked with her right arm, Morrigan imagined him kicking with his right leg and she blocking with her left arm. Having mastered all the individual movements, she brought them together in a new fighting dance, a mirror image of the first she had learned.

She kept practicing the movements until they all seemed smooth, and almost as fast as the two Chinese warriors had performed.

Both fighters?

AHA! She had discovered something else he could practice! Shui's movements! She spent another month practicing the fight from Shui's point of view, favoring both the left and right sides, in the end, Morrigan decided she would have to get more dreams if she wanted to learn more.

"Oh? Hello Miss Morrigan, yes, what would you need from me, Miss?"

It was Ajamiri's question once Morrigan approached her, months after that day they had exchanged dreams, of course, by then she had warned Diamond Tiara of what was happening with her younger sister and had agreed to leave Opal alone, leaving Morrigan to deal with the ancient succubus in whatever way she thought fit, as for the intruding witch... well, if Morrigan liked the dream that Ajamiri had exchanged with her, then all the factory workers who wanted would help her re-educate the little slut. If not, Ajamiri would be offering to exchange dreams with Morrigan until they found a type of Dream she would like, all without Opal knowing, of course.

"I was wondering if you would like to exchange dreams with me."

Morrigan said, unaware of the plans in motion to punish those who wanted to hurt Queen Succubus by hurting her Sister, which made Ajamiri mysteriously smile at the future Queen of Makai.

"I thought you didn't like the dream I traded with you last time, seeing that you didn't want to change any more later, Miss."

This, of course, made Morrigan blush, realizing that she had been going through the torture and humiliation sessions that the stupid little witch had been subjecting her to, so she responded arrogantly.

"Well, it was a... decent dream... but I had other matters to attend to, so I took the dreams that Miss Opal gave me, at least while attending to those other matters, but now I'm done with them, so... "

And Ajamiri just smiled broadly as she said.

"Well, I suppose we could resume the dream exchange if you so wish, Miss, I am even sure that the rest of the girls would not object to making exchanges with you, as long as you tell us what kind of dreams you want, of course. "

"Of course, Miss Windsoul, I think dreams like the one you traded with me the first time would be ideal, dreams that have the girl getting hit a little before sex, by skilled men and even women if there were any of those. "

And the smile that adorned the succubus gleamed mischievously and a slight edge of cruelty when she replied.

" Of course, Miss the dream I have right now could be to your utter satisfaction. "

And so, Morrigan found the martial arts lessons she craved, in the wet dreams of the world's fighters.