• Published 13th Apr 2018
  • 868 Views, 37 Comments

Diamond of Darkness - alfonso_rd_33

My name is Diamond Tiara, and this is the story of how I became a Succubus Royal in another universe...

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10 - Youth in Ecstasy - of Dreams and Dreamers...

So, while the Beacon Combat Academy part began its operations, the part that was the Dream Factory did too. Something that Morrigan and Diamond Tiara noticed at the time was that their partners, at least the vast majority of them were adult succubi, they started going to Opal's office.

Diamond of Darkness

Chapter X: Youth in Ecstasy - of Dreams and Dreamers...

"And what kind of dreams do you think we’ll be assigned, Dia?"

Morrigan asked as she looked at her classmates, noticing the relative age difference, to which Diamond replied.

"The truth is, I'm not sure, remember what the maid said. The purpose of the Dream Factory is to corrupt mortals so that when they die their souls create new Incubi and succubi. ”

And both laughed merrily while the other succubi looked at them, shaking their heads on disapproval despite their smiling faces.

"And then why are there no new succubi and incubi in the House, Dia?"

Morrigan asked not so innocently as they waited in the hall surrounded by the older succubi who were the bulk of the factory workers, who looked awkwardly before someone said.

"What happens is that, unfortunately, it seems that humans are no longer so innocent, Miss."

And before Morrigan could ask the succubus any further, Opal's clear voice was heard screaming.


And Morrigan moved forward, entering the office while Miss Opal just watched her from behind the desk, in her eyes a pair of glasses that she pushed up with a finger before speaking.

"Oh, Miss Morrigan, now, do you know what this is?"

Opal asked as he gave Morrigan a diamond-shaped gem that Morrigan looked at almost in a daze, so Opal continued.

"This is a gem of dreams, it's basically the dreams of a given human world's inhabitant given shape, with this gem the succubi we can enter human dreams, and manipulate them to obtain some of the energy we need to live and corrupt them and that in the end, their souls create new creatures of Makai."

And the young heiress of Belial Aensland observed the ancestral succubus, who smiled and continued.

"Now, after giving the gem you will go to one of the convening temples, where you can enter the dream inside the gem using its magic, and corrupt the dreamer, understood Miss?"


Morrigan replied, almost shouting as Opal gave her the diamond, which Morrigan took and left after looking at the other gems on Opal's table, following her older companions, all this before the jealous gaze from Diamond Tiara.

Morrigan's POV

Once I entered the temple, which was basically a room with a bed, I sat on that furniture and watched the crystal in my hands, watching how it shone, the gem was one of the most beautiful I had ever seen, shimmering with the colors of the rainbow even in the horrible temple lighting, still, I put the beautifully cut Diamond on my forehead as I said.

"Mmmmm... Now what I'm supposed to do with you?"

To which the crystal only shone and I felt as my body was pulled inside, causing me to lose consciousness for a moment.

" Ugh... What happened...?"

Was my first thought as I felt how my body transformed into the new form that the dreamer wanted me to have, a little lower in stature while my hair changed color to a light brown and my eyes turned blue, my clothes changing to that of a plebeian: A flat brown dress, a white apron without any decoration, simple brown shoes and a scarf covering my hair was all my clothing, covering the underdeveloped body that I now had, which honestly was highly unpleasant to me.

"Oh, you're still here? Mmmm yes, that could be useful."

And one of the most disgusting men I had ever seen was before me, elegantly dressed despite the fact that the uncontrollable desire on his gaze made me feel dirty, so my reaction was to take a step back while the magic took a little control of me.

“M... Master, please don't look at me like that..."

I whimpered as I saw the man-shaped insect, who just kept watching me with uncontrolled lust, taking me rudely by my right arm moments later, violently throwing me to the elegant bed that my plebeian self was attending before tearing my clothes and violently taking my virginity, ignoring my screams and pleas for him to stop.

“Heh, heh, heh... what a delightful little thing you are..."

Said the lusty creature while It was still using my body for its pleasure, in what seemed an infinite number of hours I was used in an infinity of forms, the only constant was that the only being that felt pleasure was the man.

Diamond meanwhile received a much more pleasant task, a young man's dream, with what she could enjoy a little. A couple of more sessions with dreams of the same line, Morrigan with violent dreams and Diamond with calmer and more pleasant dreams.

"Ahhh! What a nice day! "

Diamond said as she transformed into different human girls, while Morrigan just grabbed her own left arm with her right and looked down at it.

"Huh? What's going on Morrigan?"

And Morrigan told Diamond what his day was like, the horrors of the dreams they gave her, as she was raped by pedophiles, rapists, and other types who could practically be considered citizens of Makai already, to which Diamond said.

"Really? How strange, to me it only gave me young boys with brides and mature men, it was fun and relaxing. Do you want me to stop her? "

"No, the most possible thing is that it was only today, you will see that tomorrow I will be given some of those dreams that she gave you today."

Morrigan replied smiling, assuring Diamond that things would turn out well. Unfortunately the next day the assignments were repeated, and with that same routine the days became weeks and then months, Morrigan became more saddened to see that they gave her either the most difficult dreams or rookies that didn't know or care that she felt pleasure, this caused the other succubi who worked in the factory to feel a little compassion for the future Queen of Makai.

"What a pity what's happening to Miss Morrigan! I mean, it seems She has the worst luck in choosing his dreams."

Said one of the succubi as she prepared to start the day, the woman, almost a girl with short white hair, white skin and blue eyes looked at another one, similar to her but older, The young woman wore a light blue dress topped by a white ribbon at the top, with a pink-colored band at the height of the hip, white gloves with blue bands at the top, blue bands at height her ankle and blue sandals completed her dress, she had been, in fact, the one that answered the question Morrigan had that first day.

"You're right Azaji dear, but what do you plan to do? Mistress Opal is the one who assigns the dreams, besides I don't think it's our business to interfere with the future of the Queen of the House."

The older one replied she was wearing a red bodice that barely covered her breasts, leaving the center of the body exposed from the neck until just before the area pelvic and red boots to the knee, seeing the girl coldly before continuing.

"Just remember, my dear little sister, don't let that your stupid idealism end up putting you in the sights of some stupid bitch who can abuse you."

Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on what someone might think) Diamond Tiara chose that moment to enter the room, seeing the now determined as sisters, reaching to hear the response of the young woman, after that the three succubi moved to the temples designed for them, in order to start the task.

"Mmmmm, interesting."

Diamond Tiara said, meanwhile, Morrigan was having her own problems, since the most recent dream would bring her a new wave of problems.

"Ohhh! by the Abyss my head! What's happening...? "

Morrigan mumbled as she took note of her new surroundings, noticing the absence of a definite background, obviously, the dreamer didn't care about that, or giving her clothes, the only thing defined were the ropes holding her, separating her arms and lifting her right leg, Morrigan also noticed the physical changes in her, short red hair, green eyes, less bright than her natural eyes, massive tits and impossibly slim waist.

"Well, well, it seems that the little princess is awake and I thought that she was going to miss all the fun."

Said the voice of a teenager with a tone of mockery intertwined with lust, laughing before continuing.

"After all, the spell to enter the dreams controlled by the succubi was not easy to obtain and learn."

And the figure to whom the voice belonged came to light. The white hair that never seems to fit young girls, although the pink tips gave it a nice touch, pink eyes, her dress was simple: pink gloves and stockings, the strangest thing of all was the crimson lips that gave her an aura of unnecessarily false maturity, which surprised Morrigan.

“W... who are you? What are you looking for?"

Morrigan asked weakly as he saw the young woman, who approached the trapped succubus, smiling cruelly as she said.

"My identity and desires are things that my slaves should not try to understand, but now the most important thing is to get rid of that illusory body of yours, after all, what value has a stupid whore whom I already surpassed compared to a demonic princess?"

And the young woman moved to stand behind Morrigan, giggling sadistically as she pressed both sides of her head hard, magic coming out of her fingertips and digging deep into the tied succubus' brain.

"Uh, a stupid whore that you already surpassed? What are you say... YEAAAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHH...!"

Morrigan screamed as her mind was assailed by both the greatest pain and the first sensation of pleasure she thought she ever felt, this caused her body to shake out of control while her bodily fluids created puddles at her feet as they flowed freely.

"Aww, the little princess can not even stand a little bit of painsure. The Queen of the Shapeshifters obviously overestimates you."

To which Morrigan could only keep screaming as the young girl poured more and more magic into her brain, overloading her centers of pain and pleasure, that is, until Morrigan couldn't take it anymore and passed out, forcibly and violently exiting the dream, which threw her on the bed, so hard that she even fell off of it while her tortured body continued to show signs of the forced pain and pleasure to which she was subjected.

Author's Note:

Ahh a new chapter...

Here we are to witness the first attempt of the Queen of the shape shifters to destroy Morrigan... Honestly it's hard to get what is the limit between teen and mature, but will do my best