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Chapter 6: Feeling.

Twilight found herself sitting in her dining room with a simple toast and coffee breakfast in front of her.

She blinked, once. Twice.

“Wasn’t I going after Flan?” she asked herself, confused, “was that a dream?” No sign of Rainbow Dash or Stalight. Or Trixie for that matter. “Was I always this hungry?”

The breakfast looked quite good, simple as it was: it would be a shame to let it go to waste. Her stomach rumbling was the deciding factor, in the end. She levitated the cup of coffee and was about to take a sip out of it-

“Twilight, Twilight!” A familiar voice called for her.

Turning her head in the direction of the voice, she saw a young girl standing beside her: she looked exactly like Flan, older. A teenager, from the looks of it. But that wasn’t right...

“Uh… who are you?” Twilight asked.

The girl tilted her head to the side, cutely, just like Flan would do whenever she got confused.

“What do you mean, Twilight?” the girl said with a big smile, her enlarged canines revealing her vampire heritage, “I’m Flan!”

“Oh no…” The realization came down on Twilight like a brick wall.

Her coffee splattered against the floor, the cup shattering into a million pieces just before everything went to black.

Meanwhile in the living room, Flan sat clad in her light blue pajamas, staring at Twilight. The purple alicorn lie twitching on the couch, a very distressed expression on her face, like she was having a nightmare. On the other hand, Rainbow lay at the other end of the couch, drooling like no one’s business with the silliest smile on her face. With a little yawn, Flan decided that they could stand to sleep a little longer and made her way towards the kitchen, dragging a teddy bear behind her.

In the kitchen, she found Starlight with a yellow mug of coffee levitating in front of her, reading the newspaper.

“Oh, good morning,” Starlight noticed Flan enter.

Flan held up her chalkboard, “Good morning.”

Starlight giggled with amusement while Flan rubbed more sleep out of her eyes.

“Hey,” Starlight decided to ask something, now that she wasn’t terrified of the chibi-vampire, “why do you keep using the chalkboard? You can talk just fine.”

Still groggy, Flan wasn’t sure if she got the question right and wrote an equally groggy response, “Yes, I’m hungry.”

Top notch answer everypony.

Starlight stared at the chalkboard with a dumbfounded expression.

“But that wasn’t…” she sighed, realizing she wouldn’t be getting an answer like this, “go wash your face and wake up already. I’ll make you something.”

Flan nodded with a sleepy smile and went to the bathroom.

‘Even if this is Trixie’s job, but she’s out cold like the other two,’ Starlight took a sip of her coffee, watching Flan’s retreating form, ‘might as well get used to this. I have the feeling that I’ll be visiting more often.’

Starlight put down her mug, got up, and looked for something to make for Flan. And their other guests, too, now that she thought about it-

“Gah!” Twilight shot up into sitting position in her spot of the couch, breathing heavily as she put a hoof over her racing heart.

Once her breathing had regulated itself, she looked around the room she was in, and obviously didn’t recognize it at all, in which a strong case of deja vu hit. That was until Starlight appeared from the doorway.

“What happened Twilight? Are you okay?” Starlight asked, worried for her friend.

“Starlight?” Twilight was still confused, looking around, “where are we?”

“In Flan’s house,” Starlight pointed at Flan as she re-entered the room, face clean and eyes clear.

Twilight looked at the vampire and received a friendly wave from her as she snatched up a slice of Starlight’s toast and began eating it like a chipmunk.

Twilight stared at Flan for several seconds before suddenly tearing up. Before Starlight could ask what was wrong, Twilight jumped at Flan and pulled her into a tight hug.

“Thank Celestia you’re okay!” Twilight cried while squeezing Flan.

Flan didn’t know what to think of this, glancing over at Starlight, only to see the pinkish unicorn just as lost as she was right now.

“Twilight? What happened” Starlight tried to get an answer from the distressed alicorn once again.

“It… it was horrible…” Was the only answer Twilight gave while still rubbing her face against Flan’s cheek, disrupting her eating even further.

What was horrible?” Starlight was a little bit upset, not just because she had no context to the situation, but also because she just noticed that Flan had stolen her toast.

“The-“ Twilight started, but was cut short by a grumpy azure colored pony.

“What is all this noise in Trixie’s house at such early hour of the morning!?” a grumpy Trixie yelled from the stairs before approaching.

Starlight just facehoofed.

“Oh…” Trixie realized something. She looked at Twilight with narrowed eyes as she kept Flan in a tight hold. “Twilight? What are you doing in Trixie’s house and why are you hugging Trixie’s Flan?” Annoyance entered Trixie’s voice. “Unhoof her at once!”

Obviously, Twilight didn’t take this well.

“I don’t know why I’m here Trixie, but technically, this isFlan’s house, not yours,” not letting up on her grip, Twilight managed to keep a hold of Flan and glare at Trixie all in one go, “So don’t go giving orders to others when you’re not even the owner of the place. Besides, you’re speaking to royalty. I hope you know that there’s consequences to that if you keep it up.”

“Oh, forgive me, your highness, but Trixie very much prefers unwanted guests to leave as soon as possible,” Trixie said, in a polite manner of speech laced with as much venom as possible.

Flan did not approve of this budding argument, but she couldn’t do much without Rainbow awake to translate for her It didn’t help that her current position prevented her from using her chalkboard.

Fortunately Starlight had something to say.

“Calm down you two,” the pinkish unicorn put herself between the two rivals, “let’s not say something we would regret later. Besides, didn’t you make up already? What happened to that?”

“Trixie was sincere, but this mare still didn’t accept Trixie, so Trixie’s not willing to back off anymore,” Trixie was getting angry.

“Oh please,” Twilight was already there, glaring holes into the blue unicorn, “everypony knows you’re a trickster and a liar Trixie. You only apologized because it was convenient for you.” She narrowed her eyes. “Remilia’s not here, so I’m going to say it: I don’t accept you as Flan’s foalsitter either. You don’t have what it takes to take care of her.”

Trixie stared in heartbroken shock at the revelation. Starlight couldn’t believe Twilight, of all ponies, would say such a thing and, opened her mouth to defend her best friend-


Shocked, Twilight reared back, putting a hoof to her now red and pained cheek.

Before her, Flan floated with angry, teary eyes.

“...Flan?” Twilight tried to apologize.

But Flan only gave one last disappointed look before she turned her back and flying to her room. Soon after, they heard a door slam on the second floor.

“Flan, wait!” Twilight was about to go after her, but Trixie blocked the way.

“Get out of our house,” Trixie said in a monotonous voice trying to restrain herself from losing it.

“Move, Trixie, I need to-” Twilight was cut by another slap, heavier this time with the weight of a hoof.

Get out of our house!” Trixie looked ready to unleash her anger on Twilight at any moment now.

Mouth open, but no sound coming out, Twilight saw Starlight going at Trixie’s side.


“It’ll be better if you go back to the castle, Twilight,” the dissapointment in her voice was obvious, “you’ve done enough.”


“Twilight, please leave, before I have to force you,” Starlight was doing a big effort to sound calm and composed in this stressful moment, “I still consider you a friend, so please don’t make me kick you out, because I don’t want to.”

Twilight looked at the two for a moment, the tense silence making it easy to hear Flan crying. This broke their hearts in so many levels.

“Go to her,” Starlight told Trixie and signaled with her head towards the stairs, “she needs you.”

Trixie nodded.

“I know, but she better not be here by the time I come back,” the venom in Trixie’s voice was thick before she turned and went upstairs.

Starlight just had to look at Twilight for the princess to back off, her self control was basically out of the question right now

“Please. Go.”

Twilight, with the heavy weight of guilt on her shoulders and a broken heart, used her magic to teleport away.

Not soon after, Starlight turned and headed upstairs. And through it all, Rainbow slept like a log, dead to the world.

Meanwhile, a worried mare galloped through Ponyville.

‘Flan, Ah’ don’t know what happened, but Ah’m gonna help ya, promise,’ Applejack thought as she searched for Flan, worried as to why Flan didn’t come to the farm as she promised.

A pain in her chest made her worry even more: she knew that something bad had just happened.

Author's Note:

Poor Flan :fluttershysad: