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Chapter 1: The meeting.

Author's Note:

Yo, Kona-chan here! This turned out way different as how I was planning it at first.

But hey! I can probably have some fun with this, also I'm sorry if I don't get Trixie's or Starlight's personalities right, first time I try them.

Any advice is appreciated as always.

So, until next time guys, Kona-chan out!

Today was a very nice day: it wasn’t too hot or too cold, not that any of that was a bother for our chibi vampire.

Flan enjoyed any type of weather as long as it wasn’t too sunny, but having some help from Rainbow during the sunnier days made it easier for her whenever she chose to visit Ponyville. After all that happened with Twilight and the ponies in the past, she considered Equestria her second home: Remilia actually gave her permission to stay there all the time she wanted. And, just for that, she didn’t bite her that day.

Anyways, since Flan now had all the time in the world to be with her friends, she started thinking where to go first. The only exception being Twilight’s castle, mostly because Twilight’s choice of entertainment was reading boring books about useless spells or history. Don’t take it the wrong way, Flan was up for a good reading, but didn’t like those particular topics. She was more of a fantasy/comedy girl.

The thought of going to visit Applejack and maybe play with her some like they planned the last time she visited crossed her mind, being the most athletic earth pony around, she was a good playmate. Sure, Flan had to hold back a whole lot in their little contests in order to not hurt Applejack, but it was good fun for both of them and even Rainbow joined them from time to time.

But a strange sound caught her attention, and then smoke could be seen coming out of the clearing where she and her friends had their picnics during her weekend visits. Being the curious little cutie she was, Flan decided to check it out: maybe something interesting could be happening for once.

Well, it certainly was something, but of very little interest: there were two unicorns in the clearing practicing magic of some sort, but Flan couldn’t figure out what they were trying to do. She was curious so she approached the pair and recognized the pink one from her visit at the gems cave that one time. But the blue one was a new pony she hadn't met before.

“Why is this so complicated?” the blue one grumbled, being the primary source of the smoke.

“Maybe because you should take it easy and relax some? It’s not that hard to pull off, Trixie,” The pink one said; Flan probably heard her name from Twilight maybe once but she couldn’t remember it, and she wasn’t around during Flan’s entire stay, so she just forgot about her.

“What are you…” Trixie started but her eyes caught Flan’s little silhouette approaching them, “Starlight, what is that?”

The one Flan now knew as Starlight turned to see what her friend was pointing at and saw Flan's approach. Her pupils shrunk while she backed away from the little terror. Trixie was confused by this, but before she could ask, she felt something softly pulling on her mane. She looked at it and saw the little two-legged thing next to her, looking up at her eyes with innocence and overall cuteness.

“Awww... you are such a cute little thing, what do you require from the Great and Helpful Trixie?” The way she said that made Flan give her a confused look, but then she took her ever helpful chalkboard and wrote something to show to Trixie.

“You seem confident, but I feel sorrow in you. Did something happen to you, miss Trixie?” was written on the board and a sympathetic look on Flan’s face.

Trixie was somewhat touched by this.

‘How did this little thing know?’ she thought as she sat down and brought a hoof to her chest, a single tear escaping from one of her eyes.

Flan then opened her arms like asking for a hug. Trixie then lifted her from below her arms, forgeting all about her telekinesis, and gave her a big hug.

Starlight snapped from her panicked stupor and looked at her friend, noticing now the midget that bit her was now latched onto to her friend. Afraid about what that thing could possibly do, she ignited her horn and teleported only Trixie to where she was, causing Flan to fall on her butt.

“Trixie are you okay?" Starlight asked, checking her friend all over, "that… thing didn’t hurt you, right?”

Trixie blinked and looked at her, confused.

“What are you talking about Starlight? Trixie is always okay. Also where did Trixie’s little admirer go?” she asked while looking around for Flan, “oh, there she is!”

“Trixie no!" Starlight grabbed hold of her friend, "that thing is dangerous. Don’t get close to it!”

“Oh don’t be ridiculous; my little admirer is nothing but a real charmer who gets Trixie....probably better than anypony else,” Trixie said the last part with a bit of sadness.

“Hey, I get you too Trixie, I’m your best friend, remember? So please leave that hideous thing alone and let’s go practice somewhere else.”

Flan didn’t take that comment too well. She honestly could have broken Starlight right then and there, but Trixie took action before her.

“How dare you insult Trixie’s little admirer! I thought you were better than this!” Trixie said, angrily.

“Trixie, this thing bit me for no reason over a week ago, how do you expect me to react? Go and hug it?” Starlight replied with her own anger.

“Why not!? Look how cute she is!”

“Are you even listening to me!? That thing bit me! Also, why are you calling it a ‘she’?”

“She’s wearing a dress, that’s reason enough!”

Starlight facehoofed, this argument wasn’t going anywhere and just made her angrier. Flan, on the other hand, was just sitting on the grass enjoying the show; this was quite amusing to her.

“That’s it! We’re leaving right now!”

“You can leave if you want, but Trixie isn’t going anywhere!”

“RIGHT NOW!” Starlight’s anger was mixing with her fear, which was never a good sign. Feeling that something was off, Flan got up and walked over to where Trixie stood, standing in front of the blue unicorn.

“What are you doing?” Trixie asked Flan, but the little vampire just waved a hand, dismissively.

“YOU!” Starlight ignited her horn and Flan’s expression changed to a serious one, because she felt this pony was about to do something very dumb and she would have to correct it.

But before anything went off a blue blur with a rainbow trail tackled Starlight to the ground getting a loud “Oof!” from the unicorn. Starlight shook her head a few times, some of the steam left her, when she noticed Rainbow standing over her, a little anger came back “What was that for?!”

“It’s nice to see you too," Rainbow muttered, "and I just stopped you from being totally bucking killed in a gruesome and bloody way. You’re welcome.” Rainbow then faced Flan and gave her a smile “ ‘sup? Flan, What are you doing with these two? I thought you would be in A.J's like we promised last time.”

“Uuuuu,” Flan said while throwing up her arms.

“Oh, so you thought something weird was happening and found them, then you took interest in Trixie, but Starlight was being a butt and monopolized her?” Rainbow said it in question to make sure she got it right.

Flan nodded.

“Hey!” Starlight took offence on that.

“Just getting the message across, don’t take it on me,” Rainbow put her hooves up defensively.

“How does ‘uuuuu’ translates into all that?” Trixie asked, curiously.

“Flan has a unique way of speaking, but I think all the time I spend with her helped me learn how to understand it, with some help from Fluttershy too,” Rainbow explained.

“I don’t care. Trixie we’re leaving-” Starlight began, but saw the serious expression on Trixie’s face.

“Trixie is not going anywhere with you. Especially with that tone!”

“Trixie, I'm trying really hard to keep it together, so -please- don’t do this to me right now,” Starlight snapped, stomping closer to Trixie.

Only for Flan to stand between them in a completely casual manner.

Starlight stared angrily at her, but Flan just boringly stared back.

“Believe me when I say you don’t want to mess with her, Starlight,” Rainbow extended a leg to block Starlight’s path.

“And why would that be, may I ask?” Starlight looked uninterested.

“Flan will kick your flank. You -really- don’t want to make the same mistake Twilight did,” Rainbow warned, which made Trixie perked up.

“What mistake did Twilight make? And why is she so dangerous? She doesn’t seem to be aggressive,” Trixie proved her point by casually lifting Flan from behind, again without magic, and holding her close to her.

“Well, I think it’s better if you ask her yourself… hehe…” Rainbow nervously chuckled while rubbing the back of her head with a hoof.

“Don’t be like that, tell Trixie what is that about," Trixie begged in a whiny voice, "you know Twilight will never tell Trixie about her mistakes."

It was an adorable sight, especially with Flan being like a doll on Trixie’s hooves. Until Flan tapped Trixie’s leg to get her attention.

“Hmm? Is something wrong?” the blue unicorn asked, prompting Flan to point to a group of bushes in the distance, “what about those bushes? Is something in there?”

Flan nodded and slipped out of Trixie’s grasp. Ignoring Starlight’s death glare, Flan walked towards the group of bushes, stopped just in front of it, and stared at them.

“What is she doing?” Trixie asked Rainbow.

“How should I know?”

“Well, first of all you’re her friend. And second, you said you understand her.”

“I understand her way of speaking, I can’t read her mind you know.”

“Ugh, you’re so useless,” Trixie said in disappointment.

“Don’t push your luck Trixie: Flan may like you, but I still don’t trust you a bit. If I’m keeping my cool here, it's because of her, so you probably should be thankful if anything.” Rainbow said with a hint of annoyance before following Flan.

Trixie was taken aback by that statement, and made her remember the situation she was in. The sneers she still got from the Ponyville populace, the isolation, and how lost she actually felt deep inside. It was tearing her apart, but she held strong, and somehow meeting the little vampire made her lose her worries for a moment.

“Starlight?” Trixie called.


“Do you think I will ever be forgiven?”

“Huh?" Starlight broke her death glare to look back at her friend, "why do you ask that so suddenly?”

“Because… now I’m starting to believe I will,” Trixie looked at Starlight with a serene expression before turning and following Rainbow to where Flan was, leaving a confused Starlight behind.