• Published 31st Mar 2018
  • 4,846 Views, 164 Comments

White Curse - Jumpitydude

The students of the School of Friendship run away to stay together... only to get wrapped up in something much larger than themselves.

  • ...

Chapter 26 part 2

... Why am I conscious? That was the very first thing I thought after I finished my spell.

I honestly thought it would knock me out, and I wouldn't be conscious at all while I was sealed away. But I saw so many things.

I saw the union between races fall apart.

I saw the Diamond Dogs go underground.

I saw the Hippogriffs hide in the sea.

I saw Lagomorph cause incidents to keep you safe.

I saw the Kirin, my own kind, silence themselves.

I saw the Centaur kingdom become little more than rubble.

I saw... so much.

It wasn't until years after that fateful day that I sensed those with the "spark." Those that could use the same power I have. Those that could be our successors.

But... they were never close enough to work. If I gave one of them their power, that would start the time limit, and I already knew that I didn't have the luxury of wandering around freely. I didn't think of using an alias or changing my form until after I was free, and even then I had to be careful.

At first, I was hoping to get some creatures that knew not to out themselves too quickly, but as time went on I had to abandon that thought. I wanted trained fighters, but that had to be abandoned as well. By a hundred years ago, I just wanted more than two of them to be near each other.

During that time of waiting, I saw so many with that potential that I wanted to help. So many I wanted to hold. Even this past decade, I saw a Unicorn that lost her horn and her way, a Diamond Dog that wanted to break free, a Dragon that was tortured and had no memory of it, and a Griffon that just wanted a friend. But I couldn't do anything.

There was only one thing that nearly made me break the seal. Luna. When she became Nightmare Moon, I thought I had lost her for good. I thought I would never get her back. Seeing her return, I wanted to hold her. To kiss her. To go right back to being at her side.

I couldn't. I still had something I needed to do.

It wasn't until something major happened that I finally saw freedom.

The School of Friendship opened and, by pure chance, drew in six with that potential. Then things happened that led them to the Castle of the Two Sisters, where I could reach them. Silverstream had a darkness hidden in her heart I was able to take advantage of. That led to Smolder breaking the mirror, releasing me and letting the power back into the world.

You realize why I was trapped in that situation, right, Celestia? Why I needed to manipulate a group of children like that?

It was because of you.

You were the one that sent Nightmare Moon away, taking Luna away from me. It felt like I died that day.

You blindly believed in someone that destroyed the old Ponyville, making my teammate's deaths meaningless.

You listened to Ponies that wanted you to fall and never second guessed them, dividing the races and weakening them significantly and needlessly.

You're the reason all of this happened.

Princess Celestia.


I never blamed you for anything.

Celestia's eyes snapped open her cheeks soaked with tears. At some point during the flashback or monologue, Gold Strike hugged her and was still holding her. She returned the embrace and started crying again.

Autumn put her hoof to her mouth and giggled. "I think I picked a good idol."

Rain Shine nodded in agreement. "I think you did."

Gallus was blinking. "What just happened?"

Ocellus sighed. "I don't blame you for not understanding, because it's a little complex. Every creature's brain operates on electrical signals, and the brain sends those signals to control the body through the nervous system. If Gold Strike has the power to control electricity, then it's likely that he's able to manipulate those signals."

Sandbar put his hoof to his chin. "Ah. So he sent out electricity that basically made us part of a big nervous system, with Princess Celestia as the so-called brain."

Ocellus opened her mouth, then shrugged. "Close enough."

Silver looked at the Kirin. "Doesn't that mean he has the power to control electricity?"

Smolder finally turned back to normal. "It's kind of obvious at this point, but yeah. He has the same power as us."

Silver rolled her eyes. "Well, I knew that. After what Ocellus and Gabriella revealed, I'd have to be eating my own feathers not to know."

Gold Strike looked over his shoulder. "Gabriella?"

"She left her aspect with the Tree of Harmony. We spoke with that," Gallus pat his Changeling friend on the head as he spoke, "and Ocellus asked if you were part of their team."

Ocellus let out a nervous chuckle. "I thought some of your actions were contradictory towards your supposed intents, so when I got a chance to ask someone who knew, I took it."

Sandbar took a few wobbly steps forward. "Hey, Gold? What was that thing you sealed away?"

"... A dark entity that caused a number of problems. It created Discord, Nightmare Moon, I wouldn't be shocked if it created the Changelings, probably the Pony of Shadows, and all of those things you six have been fighting. I'd rather not talk about it right now."

"It's alright." Celestia broke off the hug and gave Gold Strike her usual smile. "I feel better now."

Gold Strike mirrored her smile, in stark contrast to his sadistic one from just minutes ago. "That's good. We've both been through a lot."

"Your Highness." Flash Magus walked over to the side of the moat. "I would like to apologize for going behind your back to help Gold Strike and his allies."

"No need. You were doing the right thing. Though I'd like to know, were all of the Pillars helping them?"

Flash nodded. "In our own ways. I can detail them later for you."

"That would be nice, captain. For now, we should prioritize figuring out who among my court and guards are part of the Night's Embrace."

Flash looked off in the distance. "I have an idea of a few of them."

Gold Strike coughed to get their attention. "I did accidentally cross some of their thoughts on a few slow nights, and it does seem like some of them, including most of those in the castle itself, are more sided with Luna herself rather than Nightmare Moon."

"So they may jump train if Luna asks them to."

"Why did you keep her in the dark about everything?"

Celestia sighed. "She doesn't need to know how damaging Nightmare Moon really was, given how much those few days got to her."

"I... suppose that makes sense."

"Does she know you're back."

Gold Strike rubbed the back of his head. "She knows, but I never approached her directly."

"Same with Twilight. If you talked to her, you could have avoided a lot of trouble."

Gold Strike raised an eyebrow. "Do you really think Twilight would have listened to me?"


Twilight saying it would have been one thing. Her friends would have been another. But literally everyone there? Even those that barely knew Twilight?

Gold Strike looked around for a bit. "... Ehe. Well, I... That was... I..." He suddenly flung Lagomorph off of his back. "I blame you for this!"

"What the hay?" The bunny got back on its paws and pointed at Gold Strike. "What are you blaming me for?"

"You didn't tell me she would listen to me!"

"And how was I supposed to know?"

Rain Shine bit her lip. "Well, this is an interesting case of arguing with oneself."

Gold Strike opened his mouth, only for him and the students to suddenly look off in the distance. Everyone else followed their gaze and discovered what had drawn in their attention.

Canterlot. Specifically, the dark cloud that was starting to surround it.

Thorax was the first to speak, "What is that?"

Novo stepped back. "Is that the Storm King again?"

"It's not." Gold Strike was suddenly focused. "It's the monster that has caused all of our problems. Erebus."

Silver looked over her shoulder. "Erebus?"

"The darkness in everyone's heart. It must have drawn in enough power to go at us head-on."

Celestia stared at Ocellus. "And how do you know that?"

Ocellus looked at the Princess. "Discord mentioned it. He didn't say any names, though."

Fluttershy put her hoof to her mouth. "D-Discord?"

"We need to seal it away."

Twilight gasped. "You mean you have to go back to the mirror-"

"The mirror's gone! I broke it!"

"We don't need the mirror. If there are eight of us with different powers, we can seal it away using that."

"Problem." Gallus motioned to his friends. "There are only seven of us."

Gold Strike nodded. "We need one more."

Smolder bit her lip. "But the mirror-"

"We don't need the mirror." Gold Strike lifted his hoof and a dagger popped out. "The gems on our weapons have the same properties as the mirror, so they can be used to give someone powers. The problem is finding someone with the potential."

Sandbar hopped off the platform. "How do we do that?"

"An important thing I learned about our power is that fate is more prominent with us than anyone else. Odds are, you've met someone with that potential already."

Rainbow flew over. "Then I'm probably your best bet! I've been helping them almost the whole way."

"I'd agree if someone else became the Element of Loyalty. Because you are actively an Element of Harmony, you can't use our power."

Celestia sighed. "The spark that the Elements have is inherited, so Rainbow Dash would need to have a child to lose that spark. That's not going to happen in the next hour."

Yona suddenly smiled. "Gilded Lily! She's been involved in our lives a lot, so she-"

"She doesn't have that potential. I did a scan of the school, and the only results came from the elements."

Fluttershy scratched her head. "When did you- Never mind. I can ask later.

Rainbow growled and clutched her head. "So what are we looking for?"

"Like I said, it's probably someone they've met before, even once. They need a different element from us, so they'd need to be described as mechanical, cautious, or protective. Ideally, they'd know how to fight, but that's not necessary."

Twilight suddenly let out a cry, catching everyone's attention. "I've got it! I know who can be your last member! Give me your dagger and I can give it to her!"

Gold Strike produced a leather pouch. "This would be better. It's the last of the weapons that my old team used. But you have to be sure about this. Only eight of us can exist at once."

"I'm absolutely positive! You mentioned her in your monologue even!"

The Kirin stared at the mare for a bit, then gave her the pouch. "If you're sure, then I'll trust you."

Twilight nodded and ran off.

Smolder looked back at Canterlot. "We need to hop onto a train straight to-"

"Trains would have shut off by now, but there is a way for you to get to Canterlot fast. Please step off the platform."

The students stared at Celestia then each other before flying up or stepping off (aside from Sandbar, who was already off). Once they were clear, Celestia flipped the platform over. On the side that was suddenly showing was an odd looking magic circle.

"Ah. I get it." Gold Strike hopped up on the platform. "You were going to use this sigil to send Smolder to your room up in Canterlot."

Celestia nodded. "I got corrupted when I overheard Twilight's friends screaming at her, so I had plenty of time beforehand to set it up. The only reason I didn't use it is because of my corruption."

Smolder landed back on the platform, followed by her friends. "If you didn't get corrupted, I would be up in Canterlot right now."

Ocellus was last back on the platform. "It's a good thing you aren't. This looks powerful, but one use only."

Gold Strike looked at Celestia. "Will Twilight be able to get her friend to Canterlot fast?"

Celestia nodded. "If she can't do it herself, I can help her."

Gold Strike looked back to his new team. "Then we shouldn't waste any more time. Let's get going."

The rest of the team nodded, and Gold Strike lit up his horn. The sigil glowed, then the seven of them vanished.

Celestia looked at Canterlot. "Be safe, heroes."


"Yak no understand."

Author's Note:

I wonder how many of you can guess who the eighth member is going to be.