• Published 31st Mar 2018
  • 4,846 Views, 164 Comments

White Curse - Jumpitydude

The students of the School of Friendship run away to stay together... only to get wrapped up in something much larger than themselves.

  • ...

Chapter 14

Wind Jet was heaving. He mostly avoided damage but was still worn out. His eyes slowly drifted up to the Pegasus stallion standing above him.

The stallion smiled, then held out his hoof. "Well done, Wind Jet. I'm sure you'll win most of your fights in the future."

Wind Jet took the hoof and stood up. "Thank you, sir. I think that's enough for today." With that, he stumbled into a tree.

"Aqualine?" The combat trainer said over his shoulder. "Can you do something about this?"

"Just a second." Aqualine walked over, clearly dizzy from using her powers, but better off than Wind Jet.

"If you don't mind me asking," Striker spoke up, reclined up in a tree branch, "Why are your methods so harsh?"

The trainer shrugged. "It's what I'm used to. If it's too harsh for you-"

"I've had some nasty trainers. That's how I got as strong as I am. But your methods are far harsher than anything they did. They look like pansies in comparison to you."

The trainer raised an eyebrow. "Why are you complaining, anyway? I'm not able to teach you anything."

"That just proves my point." Striker hopped down from his branch. "I'm too good for your training, and I didn't go through anything that harsh. Ergo, this level of training isn't necessary to reach my level."

"So what if you Griffons are pansies."

All five of the students looked at the trainer in shock. "EXCUSE ME?"

"I'm kidding. I've faced plenty of Griffons as strong as me, if not stronger. To be honest, it's because this is how I'm used to training my soldiers. And you kids can't exactly risk taking too much time with your training."

"That's a fair point." Wind Jet got back to his hooves. "Alright, back at it."

Smolder rubbed her head. "Are you guys still feeling yesterday?"

"Yona still feels week."

Silver looked at the Yak. "Week as in time? Or weak as in feeling?"

"What are the five of you doing?"

They all froze up, then slowly turned to look back at Twilight.

She didn't look happy. "My office. Now."

The students shared a look, then followed Twilight back to her office. Why was the Headmare so frustrated with them? They got to the office... just in time to witness Ocellus let out a huge yawn.

If Sandbar wasn't worried before, he was now. "Ocellus?"

Ocellus looked at the colt, clearly weary. "Oh. Heh. Hey, guys."

Twilight walked around to the other side of her desk. "I'm sure you all know, or at least have an idea of, why you are here right now?"

Gallus was worried he was the only one who didn't. "I-I... uh..."

"It's because of this." Twilight lifted up six files.

The six students were wide awake. Something about those files was absolutely terrifying. As if the contents of those files could rip their lives in half. Twilight opened them, one by one, and the students felt their hearts sink.







"You've been failing your classes."

Ocellus was scared. "I... How could I..."

Gallus grew irate. "You're the only one to not get an F!"

"SILENCE!" Twilight yelling was scary. Twilight using the Royal Canterlot Voice was a nightmare. "I already asked around. A certain somepony I know is in town for no apparent reason. Somepony that has apparently been seen with a small group of creatures. Is there a reason you're forgoing friendship for fighting?"

Most of them started stammering. Most of them were confused. Most of them had trouble answering the question.


"It's because of Professor Fluttershy."

Twilight looked at Sandbar in shock. "Are you blaming your teacher?"

"I'm blaming whatever took her over while she was in the Everfree Forest. We've been there for three of those incidents. Who knows how many more we end up at in the future?"

"I can shapeshift into other, more dangerous creatures, and Gallus is only helping with their training."

"Are you saying I got an F because I'm me?" Gallus felt offended.

"The others are training so they can stay safe. I don't know how they got in touch with that stallion specifically, but you shouldn't blame them for being worried about their own safety."

Twilight stared at them. The students couldn't help but worry about what kind of punishment they were about to receive.

"... Fair point." Twilight finally broke into a smile. "To be honest, I hadn't thought of the fact you six have been at most of the incidents up until now. With that in mind, it makes sense for you to be worried about your personal safety." Twilight pulled the Fs out of the files and put the files away. "I'll void these Fs and let your teachers know you need today to rest up. Now get back to your dorms. I don't want an incident because you kids passed out here."

The six friends let out a sigh of relief.

You guys are in bed, right?

Silver jumped slightly at the sound of Sandbar's voice, then realized he was talking through their minds. Yeah. Plopped down as soon as I was in my room.


Pretty much.


You want to talk, right?

Gallus was confused. Talk about what? We dodged a bullet. What else is there to-

Sandbar cut Gallus off. We don't, but Ocellus does. Right?

Yeah. I do. A few things actually.

Something jumped right into Siler's mind. Is Gilded Lily one of them?

Yes, but you won't like this. I learned absolutely nothing.

What? That's been bothering me all week! Silver slapped her claw to her head.

I'm sorry. It seems like she's used to avoiding questions like this. I don't even know if she knows we're the White Cursed or if she thinks we have some other deep dark secret.

Silver rubbed her face. That's gonna keep bothering me.

I also have some bad news related to our powers. I was looking into where the weapons might be, but the only one really guarded was the Land-Sea Bow. We got lucky with the Castor Staff, but the others are completely lost right now, as far as I can tell.

What? No! Yona want smash things!

You can smash things without a hammer, Yona. Smolder sounded annoyed.

Sandbar got things back on track. Is there something you have good news on?

Well, I looked through some history books. The White Curse book didn't name the old heroes, so I tried to figure out who they may be.

This interested Gallus. So who are the suspects?

I've got seven maybe, four probably, and one almost definitely.

Gallus stroked his chin. Almost definitely?

Sky Blitz. Remember when we met Gold Strike during the festival? He called Sandbar "Blitz". Given what Blitz has accomplished, and his leadership abilities, I'm convinced Gold Strike was referring to Sky Blitz.

Gallus was impressed. Nice detective work.

Sandbar was also impressed but had other things on his mind. Alright, who are the four probably?

Blazer the Dragon, Castor the Abyssinian, Eshan the Yak, and Gabriella the Griffon.

Wait, Gabriella?

I think it's a Terramar situation. Like Silver's brother, you sister figure was probably named after her.

Gallus scratched his head. Oh yeah. Terramar.

Castor and Blazer are because of the Castor Staff and the Blazer Blade. Eshan's story clearly states that he left his homeland to join Sky Blitz's team.

Sandbar smiled. Not bad. And the rest?

First one is Amber Light, The Mare with the Butterfly Wings. I wouldn't be shocked if those wings came from our power. Next is Baxter, a Diamond Dog. They were apparently more civilized back then. Next is Samba Bright, The Mare that Danced with Flames. But we already have a likely fire candidate, so she might not be one.

Gallus shrugged. Who said they couldn't have more than one fire type.

True. Anyway, there was a Gargoyle named Lexington and a Zebra named Zander, but no indication that they would or could have joined. There's Lizzy the Parrot, but she sounds like she was more selfish than someone with our power should have been.

Yona thinks a Pirate would be a bad idea for hero team.

Agreed. That leaves High Power the Minotaur, and Nature Kiss the Deer. No real reason, they just sounded like they would have joined.

Gallus rolled on his side. So seven of them were on this team?

Six and Terramar. Sandbar corrected. I think Sky Blitz and your four probably choices are right. I think Amber Light is the seventh.

Gallus scoffed. My money's on Samba Bright.

Silver rolled on her stomach. No love for Baxter?

Yona think High Power. He sound strong.

Ocellus scratched her head. Who made this a competition? What do you think, Smolder?

I'm sleeping!


We probably should get our extra rest, huh?


I agree.

Night night!

Hey, Ocellus? Try not to push yourself too hard, okay?

I... Alright, Sandbar. I'll try.

Sandbar laid in bed, but his mind was barely resting. "... Soon. I'll tell her soon... Yeah. That day. That day will be perfect. I just have to survive until then."

"So, you've finally gotten combat training."

They looked over the six files they had on the students.

"Is it because you've realized your own fragility? Or was it Fluttershy? She did nearly kill some, if not all, of you. Or maybe someone important to you suggested it?"

They walked over to the window.

"And how does Lily factor into things? Is she an ally? An enemy? Or did she just happen to get involved with no reason to? More importantly, what will happen going forward? Will she be your seventh member? Or will she remain a civilian without powers?"

They looked over at the closer of the castles.

"Who else knows? How are they helping you? You can't be getting all of this on your own. Who would even be helping you? Anyone that knows the White Curse should know it's a bad thing. Did you get someone to help you without them knowing about your powers?"

They looked back at their files.

"No. That doesn't sound right. The first thing they gave you was a way to hide your identities. They wouldn't have done that without knowing you need to keep your identities hidden. They even gave you a book on the subject. Speaking of which, who defaced the one from the library? What was their motive?"

They sat down back at their desk, and let out a sigh.

"Why are so many of my questions unanswered?"

The mare flew back in from the ocean. "I'm sorry. I still couldn't find it."

Her friend patted her on the back. "That's alright. We've got time."

"It would be nice to have soon, but there's no time limit on finding it."

"We could always ask those kids to-"

"That wouldn't be wise. It'd be bad if we got associated with them."

"Do you really think we'd be executed with them?"

"I'd rather not take chances. I doubt Celestia would execute us for any reason, but I also would never have thought she would have forgotten the value of that power."

"Her weakness is that she's too trusting of others. Perhaps someone used that against her?"

"Undoubtedly. But who?"

"If I may interject, I know we can't go to the children, but perhaps we can ask the world leaders? King Thorax seems willing to help."

"... That may work."

Author's Note:

I now have a Patreon! Find me at:


Feel free to support me. If you have the cash to spare.

And yeah, I listed off the characters from the old team earlier, but that was Celestia and Twilight. The students weren't there for that.