• Published 15th Feb 2018
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Dadonequus Discord, But It's The MLP Movie (And still doesn't have Discord) - CrazedLaughter

The "Hero Colt" Anon finds himself within the events of the MLP movie and tries to win the day in his own way. Of course, like everything else he does, this doesn't go at all like he plans

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Chapter 14: The Team Assembled!

Twilight and Spike led you down a path as the ocean waters swept along the rocks below. It wouldn’t take long until the other five ponies, all who have seem to have given up hope. On the way down, You and Twilight had a short discussion on how to approach them. And it was decided that you’d hide while she issues her apology, then you’d jump out right after. It was more your suggestion really. A sort of gradual morale boost sort of thing.

So you and Spike hid behind a large rock while Twilight approached her friends, looking at them apologetically as the winds blew through her mane. It made her look rather majestic.

“Girls…” Twilight calls out to them “Um, How are you all doing?”

They all looked up at her, but none of them said anything, not even Pinkie. They all looked so damn down.

“Yeah...I figured you girls might still be upset.” Twilight sighed, and looked at them with ever glistening sad eyes. “Girls….I’m sorry. I really am. I didn’t trust in any of you when I should have, I tried to take control of everything when I shouldn’t have, I didn’t listen, and in the end….I caused all this. I didn’t mean the things I said earlier. You’re all my best friends...and I don’t think I could go on without you all beside me. But...I can understand if you all don’t forgive me too. I basically doomed all of-NGH!” Twilight suddenly gets nearly choke hugged by a crying Pinkie Pie

“TWILIGHT! I’M SORRY TOO! I...I didn’t mean to get all excited like that back in town, I just wanted to help. And, what you said back there? Don’t worry about it…” Pinkie stepped back to look at Twilight with crying happy eyes “If you didn’t mean it, then of course I forgive you. You’re one of my best friends too….I...I was just afraid you actually meant that...I didn’t want to lose you as a friend.”

“Indeed, It pains me to say that I too have a hoof in the blame myself. I put all my trust in that confounded vagrant of a cat. And look what that got us. Nearly sold! Like commons pets!” Rarity scoffs “If I ever see that Capper again...oohhh, Well...I can assure you it won’t be ‘ladylike’ in execution”

“Ahh didn’t do much of anything, ah could have probably done something more than just follow along” Applejack states….hah…..she was literally background horse.

“I mean, I forgive you too Twilight. Everything was just tense and all. As for messing up? I can’t really think of a time where I did anything wrong.” Rainbow Dash says


Spike noticed immediately that you wanted to blow up on her. He shushed you and hugged your muzzle to die down your angry muttering. That cunt! She totally blew their cover!

Well, it seems the others noticed the same thing you did because they all gave her a glare.

Rainbow Dash chuckled nervously “...Well, haha...I guess the Sonic Rainboom wasn’t the best idea back on the pirate ship...eheh”

But the only one not to say anything was… “Fluttershy?” Twilight walked over to her, worried for her.

Fluttershy was silently sobbing, she looked up at Twilight as she trotted up close to her. “I-I….I forgive you too T-Twilight...It’s just…” She starts to whine “It’s Anon...ngh...I couldn’t do anything for him...A-and..I know you said..that..he knew what he was doing but...He’s young...you know that...and….and” Fluttershy grasped onto Twilight and cried onto her chest “F-for a moment, I thought of really trading you for him. I’m so so so so so so so sorry. I didn’t mean it….I was just scared. I’m still scared...What if he’s hurt? Or worse?...A-and..I just…”

Twilight gently held Fluttershy and stroked her mane as she cried ever so softly. She could of course forgive Fluttershy for that thought. You were her nephew. And although Fluttershy had come to know your secret of being a human. She still never knew your true age. Therefore, to her, you truly were a colt who needed his Aunt.

You look to Spike and whisper “I can’t...I have to let her know I’m ok”

Spike nods “No, I understand. I’m sure Twilight does too. The apology is over anyway, so go make Fluttershy smile. Alright?”

You nod back, and rush over to Twilight and Fluttershy as the rest look on, stunned and surprised that you just came rushing out of a rock.

“Aunt Fluttershy! Don’t cry! I’m here! It’s ok! Please..come on” You sat down by her side and gave and added in to Twilight’s hug.

But Fluttershy herself didn’t notice you, despite acknowledging your words. “But Anon! You’re gone! A-And I may never see you again! I-I was supposed...to...to..protect you!”

Heh….She really didn’t realize you were ok. “Aunt Fluttershy. I mean, you can protect me right now if you want. I’m right here.”

“You’re not! If you were I’d be able to hold you!” And that's what she fucking does, she turns to you without noticing you and starts to hug and caress you like a mother. “And protect you, and tell you it’s going to be ok, and feed you, and cradle you, and nuzzle you, and kiss your nosie…” And she goes and kisses your nose, and mid kiss, she finally notices you.

You smirk at her and wave a hoof “Yo!”

“ANON!” Fluttershy hugged onto you and swayed left and right “You’re ok! You’re alright! My little gentlecolt! My Anon! I was so worried!” She looked to you with relief, her eyes filled with tears of joy. “And...and….ngh…” She started to cry as she held you close “You don’t look hurt. She didn’t hurt you...H-how did you escape? How did you get here?”

“Erm...I made friends with Tempest and she’s good now. Also Capper...he’s good too…” Oh man. Suddenly this was kind of tough. You felt rather nervous suddenly having to explain this. “I sort of reformed her…heh”

The other four ponies all yelled “WHAT?!” in unison.

“Anon...a-are you joking? We all saw her, she took over Canterlot! She put you in a cage! And…..and…” Fluttershy then slowly eyed Twilight, and she could see that she already knew about this “..T-Twilight?”

Twilight gives a gentle nod “I believe him. He came to see me first and he told me the whole thing. And considering my mistrust is what messed everything up, and my constant mistrust in Anon was always usually misplaced...Well, this time? I’m going to put my full faith in him. From how he explained it. Tempest sounds like she went through something similar that Starlight went through. So, I think she needs friends if that’s the case.”

“Well I’ll be dog gone….ah wouldn’t even believe it unless Anon wasn’t standin’ there right now.. He has no reason to lie to us. But….wait” Then suddenly it hits Applejack, that it could be a trap “How do we know Tempest isn’t leadin’ us into some sort of trap?”

“Hey yeah! That’s right! What if she let Anon go on purpose?” Rainbow Dash adds

Rarity however, seems to disagree with her fellow friends as she walks over to you and looks over your pirates clothes “He’s telling the truth.”

“What?! And how do you know that?” Rainbow Dash demanded answers. “And don’t tell me it’s because he’s dressed as a pirate! That’s cool and all, but that ain’t proof!”

“Ahhh but it is!” Rarity says as she slowly slides her hoof along your captain’s hat “Rainbow Dash, darling, even you should recognize that these clothes, despite being magically created, are that of somepony who has taken charge of the situation. And look at this here, the clothes show no sign of damage or struggle, and yet that have an unnatural sheen to them. It was as if residue from powerful magical spells had coated the coat some. And finally…” Rarity notices it, some fallen hair from Tempest’s coat. Some were longer and tougher like an adult, and some seemed to belong to a filly. She takes one of the filly hairs and holds it up “And this here is the key to my observations. Given what Anon has demonstrated with his horn thus far, he must have changed Tempest into a filly. While I have no idea why he may have done that, it may have caused Tempest to have some insight and reflection on what she had done and thus allow an opening for Anon to reform her. Ahh…” Rarity sighed with a smile “It’s truly a magnificent thing to be able to gather information from one’s clothes, especially when said clothes are as glamorous as this ensemble. Good work, Anon.”

Applejack just blinked twice, then looked at you dumbfounded. “I-is she right?”

You shrug “She’s close enough. Oh...And Miss Rarity...Please don’t be mad at Capper. He not only got me out of the cage, but it was your generosity that reformed him in the first place. He was actually leading Tempest away from you guys until…” You eye Rainbow Dash with a venomous stare “Somepony did a Sonic Rainboom and let the whole WORLD know where they are”

Rainbow Dash shifted her eyes left and right slowly as she began to sweat “Yeah...I..Uh...Guess it really was that bad then, huh? Hah...haha.”

Oh you knew it, and you were sure they all did as well. “Yeah...well..Anyway.” You look back to Rarity “Miss Rarity, you can forgive him too, right? I promise he’s a good guy.” You give her an adorably cute pout.

Rarity nods, and giggles a little as she waves her hoof. “Relax dear, I already believed you when you said it. It seemed rather obvious since you already seemed to be faring much better than we are. And I must say, considering you’re here for us…” Rarity bows to you, as an acknowledgement of your skill. “It is quite the honor to be rescued by our very hero colt.”

Yes! She accepted it! Then again, she was partially agreeable when it came to Starlight way back when. Yeah, there was a few bumps. But thanks to that, Rarity was more willing to believe in cases like this now.

Also, you felt pretty honored by her words and actions. So to humor her, you bow right back. “Thank you Miss Rarity. I am truly honored by those words.”

“Well, while this sure is cute n’ all. Ain’t there more important things to worry about right now? Like, ok, ah know we’re acceptin’ pretty much everypony who tried to do us in. Ah ain’t gonna question it. Because when it comes to Anon, trying to figure out anything that fella does just leads to ah big ole headache. Besides, ah have family to protect. So the faster we mosey, the faster we can save Equestria.” Applejack said. She seemed to be willing to accept everything for sure. If only because she was afraid for her kin and fellow ponies.

“Well, I’m sure you all guessed by my attire that the pirates you guys helped are also a part of this. And, there are a lot of us, Hippogriff army or no. So, uh, we all good to go kick some butt?” You ask.

“Oh you know it Anon. That Storm King guy? Oh yeah, he’s gonna be wishing he never messed with all of us!” Rainbow Dash said as she rose up in the air, itching for a fight.

The rest of the ponies pretty much agreed as well. And with that, the Mane 6 have been recovered and all is good.

You all made your way back up to where Twilight was originally moping. You were also explaining to them exactly what happened and more about Tempest in detail so they’d be more accepting of her and Capper when you all finally got onboard the ship. But as you approached the ship itself….Oh no...Tempest, it seemed, had decided to leave the ship and wait for you where Twilight originally was. Grubber was right next to her, with a chef’s hat on. It seemed she had gotten anxious. And perhaps wanted to get a meeting with the mane 6 over with.

All of you were shocked by her sudden appearance. But you yourself knew you had to make a move before things become awkward and difficult for everyone involved. So you suck it up, and approach her with a smile. “Tempest! Hey! Uhm, whatcha doin?”

Tempest’s eyes looked to you, then slowly shifted to Twilight. She was looking rather serious, almost militant. “I decided it’d be easier to reconcile with your friends here rather than on the ship. If everyone was on board before this took place...Then...ahrm..mnnn” She didn’t know how to put it. She wasn’t exactly good at this yet.

“Woah! Hey Tempest! What’s wrong?” Grubber got worried for her, then immediately turned his attention towards the group and waved his claw at the lot of you. “Whatever you’re all doing, stop right now! You’re making Tempest all weird and loopy! And that ain’t cool!”

“Grubber...mnnn” Tempest sighs, then looks to all of you with an apologetic expression “Sorry, we’re new to this. I kind of had practice befriending Capper and Anon but….”

Twilight, not wanting to miss an opportunity to befriend this former foe, walks up to her with a smile gives her a gentle tap on her shoulder “Tempest. It’s alright, we forgive you. All of us, right girls? Spike?” Twilight looks back to her friends for their answers.

They all looked towards Twilight, then at Tempest. All of them giving a warm smile and a nod. Pinkie however? She of course had to take it up a notch. She rushed up to Tempest and gave her a hug. A hug that made her tense up and freeze in place.

“And I super forgive you Tempest! Nonny was just telling us about how you didn’t ever really have any friends after you lost your horn. And that made me really sad. So I thought to myself ‘Pinkie, if you’re sad, that means Tempest must be really sad! How do I fix that?’ And then I figured it out! A party! Yup, a party just for you once we save Equestria! Doesn’t that sound great?! You’d be able to make a lot of new friends then!” Pinkie says with her usual bouncy jovial tone.

Tempest, as expected, was utterly overwhelmed by that. “I..Uh..I don’t...I don’t think that’s a...I..”

Rarity walked forward and gently pulled Pinkie back “Pinkie, darling, considering what Anon just told us. It might not be a good idea to start out so strongly. Observe.” Rarity stepped up to Tempest, and spoke to her in a much calmer and less intense tone than Pinkie. “Hello Tempest. I can tell you’re rather overwhelmed by the fact we have all forgiven you so suddenly despite your past transgressions. Well, I can inform you with confidence that we can understand your plight and are all fully willing to be your friends. Of course, that is under the condition that you have resigned being under that awful Storm King character. That is the case, isn’t it?”

Tempest did her best to regather her fortitude. She didn’t want to screw this up. She was just glad that Rarity seemed a lot more down to earth than Pinkie. It made it easier for her to handle. “Yes, that is the case. A-are you all really willing to forgive me that easily? Anon made it sound like you’d all hate me at first.”

Rarity chuckled and waved her hoof “Oh, that’s just Anon. He can be a be quite the nervous little colt. But I can assure you that through our adventures that we have come to understand many a pony who seemed evil, but were merely misunderstood. Why, I recall when we were able to bring the great Starswirl the Bearded himself back from limbo. With him came a rather uncouth being called the ‘Pony of Shadows’. A being that may have seemed fearsome and ruthless. But in truth, was a pony merely calling out for help and friendship. That, and some moments before it, had certainly taught me to not judge a book by it’s cover”

Rainbow Dash seemed to have something to add to that as she pondered on that time. “Yeah, that was crazy. It’s just a good thing we managed to stop Anon from blasting Stygian into paste. He was like, the most sure he was just an evil bad guy.”

Ahh yes, that incident...That incident you hoped would never ever would have gotten goddamn mentioned ever. It was a goddamn giant shadowy evil thing. How were you supposed to know it was a big misunderstanding? “Y-yeah…..That...That did...happen..”

“She’s right Tempest. And due to that and our experience with how Anon managed to make friends with even the most unlikely of ponies. We are, as I said, willing to make this work and be your friend. If you’d let us of course.” Twilight says, hoping Tempest had calmed down enough to hopefully accept it this time.

Tempest silently looked to Twilight, then Rarity, the rest, and then finally to Pinkie, who was giving her this big “COME ON!” face. She then looked to Grubber “What do you think, Grubber? You think you’d be ok with being their friend?”

Grubber was taken aback by that. Tempest had never asked him for his advice before “Tempest? Are you seriously asking me that? I mean, you’re the one who’s supposed to be all that and a bag of chips. I’m just, ya know, just Grubber.”

“Well, I’m asking you because I’m feeling unsure. And, in truth, we’re both in this together now. I don’t want to do this without you. So if you want, I guess we could just stay here if you don’t want to be friends with them. It’s up to you.”

“Here?” Grubber looks around, then points to the floor “Do you mean, here here?”

Tempest nods “I mean here here. It’s called exile. Something I know I deserve for what I’ve done. I know we got this far, but….If we can’t all be friends. Then there’s no point, right? You could still go with them if you want. You don’t have to stay here with me.”

“Woah! Hey!” Spike waves his claws at her, he knew that was extreme “That’s not how it works! You just can’t throw yourself into exile over something like that! Friendship is about working things out and working together and stuff. And sure, maybe not everypony can be friends, but that doesn’t mean you have to sit on this rock for the rest of your life. Don’t you think that’s overdoing it?”

“I don’t. Considering what happened to me…” Tempest twitched for a moment as she thought about her past, her friends not accepting her anymore. “I want to make sure everyone here is ok with one another. If not, then there isn’t a point for me to continue. That’s what I’ve decided.”

Damn Tempest! Geez! When the fuck did you come to that conclusion? Some time away and she already jumped back into the depression pool.

“Hmph! Well, then I guess I’m ok with these losers.” Grubber says as he crosses his arms, giving all of you a dismissive look “I mean..” Grubber sighs, he didn’t want to lose Tempest just like that “You’re like the coolest, most rad, and most awesome pony of em all. So I can’t let you do that. Erm…” Grubber looks over at Spike, and nods to himself “That dragon guy seems pretty cool. They breathe fire right? Yeah, I can get down with that. So...er.” He looks up at her, hopeful that she’d come out of her funk due to that “You’re coming with us now, right? I mean, we’re a team! Can’t be a team without you!”

For once, you could agree with the idiot. You walk over to Tempest and give her a nod. “He’s right. You’re pretty awesome Tempest. So come on, stop thinking that way. We’re all friends here. And besides, I know you wanna stomp the Storm King as much as I do, right? Because I gotta admit, I’m really excited to fight alongside you and see all those cool moves.”

Tempest looked upon you, the ponies, Spike, and Grubber. A tear came down her right eye, she didn’t even bother wiping it. Her heart had finally been fully healed. She had friendship. She then looked to Pinkie, who was already taking advantage of the opportunity to give Tempest an inviting look as she opened her forelegs wide for her.

Tempest hesitated for a moment, and slowly went for the hug.

But then suddenly….

“OH MY GOSH! IT’S HAPPENING! THIS MOMENT! IT’S THE MOST BEAUTIFUL MOMENT EVEEEEERRRR!” Some mysterious voice screamed out as you felt yourself get grabbed and shaked in excitement

“GYAH! HELP! AHHH! AHHH! I’M GONNA DIE! I’M GONNA!....D-die?” You look up as the shaking stops, and see a young…..oh god...it’s a hippogriff.

The cutest hippogriff you ever did see. You were stunned as you began to blush. “U-uhh..”

“Princess Skystar?!” Twilight said in surprise. “When did you?...How did you?...What?”

“Oh! I was kinda watching the whole thing..from...like...the back. And it was soooooo beautiful!” She sniffed as a few tears flowed down her eyes. “I’ve never seen anything like it...well” She then giggles “I’ve never seen much of anything. But it was soooo beautiful and sweet! Even Sheldon and Shelley agreed! And well...y’know...I didn’t think any of you were really bad like my mom thought. And seeing all this friendship...I just wanted more of that too, I want to help you guys fight that Storm King guy...and oh! Oh!” She holds you up and gives you a big...soft...fluffy...hug. “Is this that small pony you talked about?! A colt, right?! He’s soooooooo cute! Can I keep him? Please? Please?!”

Y-yes...let her keep you...she was so into you already. That you could..probably..get her in bed...and…

Rarity, at that very instance, noticed your deep blushing and yanked you by the ear with her magic and pulled you away as you yelped in shock. “Anon! I’m surprised at you! You know full well you have a marefriend waiting for you to rescue her! That attitude will not be tolerated!”

“Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” You yelped, geez, that actually hurt quite a bit.

You could also hear the giggles of everyone else. Even Tempest and Grubber?...Goddammit! How could you be so damn stupid?!

The only one not laughing was Fluttershy, who was worried by the fact you seemed to be in pain. “E-erm, Rarity. C-can’t you be a little more gentle? I I don’t think that...erm...that he was just going to leave Diamond Tiara like that….though..” Fluttershy then looks to you, feeling a little ashamed of you for your reaction “Anon...Remember, good gentlecolts are loyal to their marefriends. You know that, right?”

You gulped and nodded to her. Dammit, you didn’t want to be seen as some sort of cheater. “Yes Aunt Fluttershy. I understand. it was just all so sudden though. Sorry…”

Fluttershy gives you a gentle smile and pats your head. “Don’t be sorry, it was just a misunderstanding after all.”

“I-I didn’t do anything wrong, did I?” Skystar, this yellow feathered, blue eyed beauty looked rather hurt for what she did.

Rarity shook her head “Certainly not. You were just being friendly after all. So it’s quite alright. But Princess Skystar, do you surely mean to come with us? It’s going to be dangerous.”

Skystar gave a nod, her smile seeming rather oblivious “Yup! Besides, it’s gonna be tons of fun! Especially since I’ll be with all my new friends! That Storm King guy is a real jerk anyway, how can anyone be friends when they are all stuck underwater? Well, we’re stuck underwater...And that stinks. I don’t want that anymore! So I’m in, Shelly’s in, and even Sheldon’s in! And I’m not going back now!”

“Yeah! I mean check it out! There’s like! A lot of us now! That Storm King doesn’t stand a chance! Come on everypony! Put your hooves together!” Rainbow Dash puts her hoof out.

And one by one, you all put your hooves on top of hers. Tempest is reluctant at first, but you all give her a confident nod. After that, she throws her hoof on top with Grubber putting his claw on thereafter.

Skystar just stood there, confused “Well, I don’t really have a hoof. But can I join in anyway?”

OH MY GOD! SHE’S TOO ADORABLE! “S-sure, it doesn’t matter if you don’t have hooves. This is a ‘All for one, one for all’ sort of thing” You did your damn best not to blush. God, Diamond….If she saw you, she’d probably be angry enough to lob you into the sun.

“Then I’m in! Friendship! Woooooo!” And finally she threw her foreleg in.

Finally, it was time to shove off. You were sure Capper would have an easy time making friends with the six proper given how easily Tempest was accepted. Oh yeah, it was finally time.