• Published 15th Feb 2018
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Dadonequus Discord, But It's The MLP Movie (And still doesn't have Discord) - CrazedLaughter

The "Hero Colt" Anon finds himself within the events of the MLP movie and tries to win the day in his own way. Of course, like everything else he does, this doesn't go at all like he plans

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Chapter 13: Meeting up with Twilight

The mane 6 were sighted on the side of Mount Aris on a rather grey and rocky beach. But something was off, not only were there no hippogriff army, but Twilight and Spike were separated from the rest of the group, and all of them looked rather down.

You came to two conclusions. Something big happened and they got separated and don’t realize they are near each other, Or they had some sort of fight. If it was the latter, because that’s what you were going to go with, it meant you probably should start with Twilight first since it’s just her and Spike. Get her to understand and the rest will follow suit.

You asked Celaeno to park the ship as close as possible to Twilight’s position and let you off. The mist was rather thick, so it’s not as if you’d be noticed until touchdown anyway.

She complied and began to circle the mountain while slowly dropping altitude until she could get to a level you could safely go off the side of the ship and onto the cliffside Twilight was on. While she did so, she decided to discuss something with you. Something she found off.

“You know, maybe I’m dreaming. Because the fact that I’m a pirate again AND the Storm King’s strongest commander is now on our side really makes me believe none of this is real. Look, kid, I’m willing to help bring down the Storm King, no question. But do you telling me how you managed it? And the way you even came on my ship, how’d you do that?”

You look up at her for a moment, then look on ahead as you planned your entrance. You were serious and deep in thought. “Experience. I know it sounds weird since I’m a kid, but being the son of the spirit of chaos puts you through a lot of trials you’d never, by design, ever expect. Also, the horn around my neck is a powerful artifact that lets me cast powerful magic twice a day. Though, it being chaotic magic, it’s really hard to manage if you have no idea how it works. It allows me to pull of anything I can conceive in my mind. Whether it be my entrance or convincing Tempest to join our side.” You look up to her with a serious expression on your face “Does that answer your question, Captain?”

Celaeno herself looks ahead for a moment to adjust her heading, then looks back down at you with an unsure nod. “I guess it does. Before today, my entire crew and I were working as the Storm King’s dregs, shipping his stupid merchandise across his kingdom. Now? We’re assembling the most misfit crew ever seen to put a stop to him once and for all. So you being “The son of chaos” doesn’t sound so far fetched. Heck, now I’m just wondering if that thing can just blast him to smithereens. It can, can’t it?”

You nod “It can but….ugh” You just realized something “I can’t really just do that unless I have a clear shot. If he’s in a spot where’s there’s prisoners or something, then I’ll have to come up with something else. And that’s assuming I’m the one who goes up against the guy.”

Celaeno chuckled at that, and looked at you with a smirk “A little TOO heroic, don’t you think? No one is telling you to go up against him yourself. You’re too young for that sort of thing. Besides, it doesn’t have to be one of us. If his army is thin then we could probably all take him down together.”

Did she infer you couldn’t take the guy one on one? You already got teased about it before. But you knew now just to blast the guy the way Tempest suggested. “I mean, yeah we can all take him together. But I’ve had a lot of experience fighting. I can take him down by myself.”

Celaeno reached down and moved your hat back a bit so she can give you a gentle pat “Sure you can. Anyway, I’m sure the princess has noticed us by now. My men will set up the walkway so you can talk to her. And then, after that, I guess is our big battle. I just wondered what happened to those hippogriffs, they must have been a myth after all.”

You hold back from letting out a groan. You could take him down, you were sure you had it this time. Whatever, you also knew she was right. Whatever was the best way to take him down was the way it should be done.

As Celaeno positioned the ship. You took the time to explain to Tempest and Capper what you planned to do. You’d hop out first and greet Twilight, wait for your cue, then they hope out. Should be easy. If you could ease Twilight into it, then the others should be cake.

When the walkway was set, you made your way from the ship to the gloomy spot Twilight and Spike had found themselves in, a desolate platform of stone with the mountain wall to it’s back and endless ocean and clouds on every other side. When you came to spot Twilight, Spike was busy talking to her while she herself was looking rather downtrodden. Somehow, they had not noticed the ship or you yet. Well then....

“Yar mateys, what be going ons around this here rock?” You greet them with the most gruff piratey voice you can muster.

“What the hay! Twilight watch ou-...wha?” Spike was the first to turn around, caught offguard by your greeting. But when he noticed it was you, he was blown away. “Anon?! Woah! Anon! What are you doing here?! How’d you escape?! And...what’s with the cool pirate gear?”

You smirk as you strike a dashingly cute pose “Like it? I thought it’d fit the theme considering-”

But then Twilight turned, her face full of tears from whatever was bothering her. When she noticed you however, she too smiled not just from your presence, but from her own relief knowing you were safe. She seemed really depressed despite being happy to see you. “A-Anon? ...Anon.” She walks over to you, and gives you a tender hug as tears run down her face and onto your coat “Y-you’re safe...I was scared, I thought leaving you there...I thought it was a mistake...I should have tried to rescue you. I’m sorry”

Holy fuck...what happened? Like, you get it, the situation was scary. But damn, you’d expect this from Fluttershy, not her. Either way, you return her hug, she looked like she really needed some cheering up. “Twilight, it’s ok. That’s what the hoof signs were for. What’s the matter? What happened to the hippogriff army?”

Twilight ended her hug, and sat down as she looked down in shame. “There is no army….there is no hope. I messed up”

“Twilight, hey come on.” Spike walked up to her and gave her a gentle rub on the back “Don’t beat yourself up like that. We’ve never been in a situation like this before. We just made a bunch of bad moves, that’s all.”

“Spike…” Twilight sniffed, and wiped her eyes “I made all of those bad moves. I didn’t trust in my friends. I let Anon stay captured instead of trying to at least rescue him. And now? We’re doomed….just because I tried to take things into my own hooves. And…” Twilight looks down a path, presumably where the rest of the group was. “I got angry at them...when it’s not even their fault. I doomed us all….” Twilight looks to you, her tears building once again. “Anon…”

Ohhhh, none of that sounded good. In fact, it sounded like the time Twilight nearly sealed you up. She didn’t trust you back then. And now? It seemed she didn’t trust in her friends for some reason.

“Twilight, c’mon. It can’t be that bad. And even then, why are you acting like everypony isn’t going to forgive you? You’re Twilight flippin’ Sparkle! The Princess of Friendship! And they are your friends just as much as they are mine. Of course they’ll forgive you, just like you forgive them for anything they may have done. Like, seriously? How is this even an issue?” What the fucked happened to get her like this? What did she do?

“That’s what I’ve been saying! See Twilight? Even Anon is saying the same stuff. You got to pull yourself together. You’re the pony with the plan! Whatever plan you got, we’ll follow it. But you just got to trust in everypony. Come on, I bet their as worried as you are right now. It was just a crazy moment, that’s all.” Spike did his best to convince her. Yeah, it seems Twilight did have a spat with the others.

“I don’t know…” Twilight still seemed so unsure.

“Twilight, I don’t know what happened while I was stuck in a cage. But Spike is right, whatever happened happened because we are out of our element. This Storm King guy is one of the most dangerous foes Equestria has ever seen. He came out of nowhere, right? How could you or anypony possibly be prepared for something like that? The answer is none of us could have been ready for it. Even I screwed up, that’s how I ended up in a cage in the first place. But now I’m here, You’re here, and Aunt Fluttershy and the others are really worried about us. C’mon, let’s go down and say hi to them. Ok?” You give her a warm smile. C’mon Twi, cheer up!

“He’s got you there Twilight. Come on, look. Anon is ok! We’re ok! We’re all together again, that’s what’s important, right?”” Spike added, just wanting to see Twilight back to her former self.

Twilight looked to you and Spike again, then it seemed she turned away from the both of you as she looked into the endless sea of cloud. She was silent....

“Twilight?” Spike said with caution

Twilight turned her head, a vibrant smile on her face “You’re both right. This isn’t even the first time hope seemed lost, if we all pull together, then there’s nothing that can stop us! We’ll put a stop to Tempest and the Storm King’s plans. We’ll do it together!”

Ha, Tempest...hahahaha

“Alright! I knew you could pull it together Twilight! C’mon, let’s go see the others. They could use some optimism right about now.” Spike said, excited to have Twilight back to her old self. He then turns to you with a nod “And with Anon here, We’ll know Fluttershy will cheer up for sure.”

“Yeah...about all that.” You give them both a Discord like smirk, pure smug “There might be a slight alteration to the plan”

“Uhhhhh...What do you mean by that?” Spike asks

“Yeah…” Twilight then realized something. She was so happy to see you that she had forgotten to ask how you got here, considering you never answered Spike as well. It caught his attention as well. “How did you get here anyway?”

“Well,first of all...” You start speaking with a smug sense of pride “I already did half the work. I met the pirates you guys ran into, which is how I got here...If you couldn’t tell by my swanky clothes. Oh, by the way, that also means we totally have the pirates on our side if you were worried they weren’t. Let’s see, oh, I still got my horn with me, so that means we got a lot of chaos power on our side. Oh, and we don’t have that much opposition in the first place since I dealt with Tempest myself.”

“Woah” Spike was blown away by your words, then he pumped his fist as he gave you a determined look “So, you beat Tempest?! That’s amazing Anon! That means we got this in the bag for sure!”

Oh yeah, it felt good to be the mary sue right now. “Actually, I did one better. I reformed her. Now she’s willing to fight on our side. I mean…” You felt some of your pride wash away as you realized this was still Twilight you were talking to. She always seemed to have something to say to you about this sort of thing. Especially since you fucked up with Chrysalis “Twilight, you...erm..Yeah, I mean. I know that sounds off and-” Your cut off when Twilight puts her hoff gently on your shoulder.

“Anon, I had enough of not believing in my friends for one adventure. Considering what you have done for Starlight,Thorax, and Scrappy….I’m willing to roll with it this time. But I’m curious, how did you pull it off?” Twilight looked upon you with hopeful curiosity.

Holy fuck...you got a freebie?! Geez…

“Oh well, it’s really kind of a Starlight 2.0 type of thing. Bad childhood, thought she wanted this thing, but all she really needed was friendship. That sort of thing.” You shrug, trying to act cool “Also, Capper is with us too. Which, might I add, was totally your guys thing. Now before you say anything, he was the one who got me out of my cage and was leading Tempest away from here in the first place before I got the ball rolling on the rest. So yeah, we may not got a Hippogriff army. But we got each other, and some of his old goons backing us up. Pretty awesome, right?”

Twilight takes a moment to look behind you to your side, and notices the the ship through the thick mist. She then looks to you with a nod. “That is pretty awesome. I’d like to meet her right now….but, I think we should tell the others first. I think we should all meet her together.”

That sounded like a pretty good idea. Besides, you wanted to make sure Fluttershy was ok most of all. It’d probably be good to ease her mind before bringing Tempest out. “Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. Lead the way, Twilight.”

Twilight stepped forth, and started leading you and Spike down to the other five. You started to reflect on the situation and how it’s gone so far. It actually was going phenomenal. The biggest fucking hurdle was jumped just because Twilight seemed to be having trust issues all along this crazy adventure. The other five should follow suit pretty damn quickly at this point. And then? Off to kick some Storm King booty.