• Published 9th Feb 2018
  • 2,709 Views, 38 Comments

Dragon Mercenary - Zamorakas Devilhorn

Spike raised by The RED team... Inspired by The Nine Fathers By Tatsuro

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Chapter 3: Feast, Stories, Meeting Celestia, a Job Offer, and… Discord. (So, a Lot Happens)

After Spike, the girls, and the RED team had gotten back to Ponyville, it was decided that the team would get to know Spike’s friends, and vice versa, over dinner at Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack’s family farm, and the Apples did not disappoint when it came to the food and company. The Reds instantly took a liking to the Apples, and offered to help around the farm when it was needed.

Applejack tried to tell them that they didn’t need to do that, but Granny Smith had already accepted the offer. “Ah ain’t getting any younger, dear, an’ they did offer their help.” She said after Applejack asked her why. “Besides, they remind me of our own family, in a way.” The Reds agreed, saying that they never left a debt unpaid. It was true. Good food and good company did go a long way as far as the RED team was concerned.

Afterwards, the Reds told some stories about their homes and families to the ponies who had accepted them as Spike’s family. Demo told tales of his father, Lord William DeGroot, the “Man with a Thousand Jobs.” Heavy told them tales about living with his mother and sisters, while Scout told them about his hard-working, yet loving, mother, and how he and his older brothers would get in trouble around town back in Boston.

Sniper told tales of growing up in the Outback, hunting with his father and cooking with his mother, while Soldier told them tales about his own father, a Lieutenant Jack Dover, and Merasmus, his roommate who was also a wizard. Spy told tales of his many lovers, while Pyro spun yarns straight from the legends of his homeland, finally able to take off his gas mask again (It got stuck due to an accident earlier in his career). Engineer told them about his grandfather, who got him into science, and Medic told them some of his stranger experiences as a doctor. He was just finishing one such story, (“Und that’s how I lost my medical license.”) when Spike belched out a piece of paper.

“Forgot I could do that.” He said, just as surprised as the RED team. He opened the scroll in his hands, and his eyes widened. “Uh, Twilight, guys, it’s from Princess Celestia.” This made the team’s eyes widen as well. “It says she wants to see if you’re alright, Twi, and to see the people who rescued you. She also says that she’s glad I’m back, and that she’s coming over tomorrow.” Twilight started to panic, but the Red team calmed her down quick, thought she still looked nervous.

“Why are ye so worried, lass? Sure, she’s a princess of these lands, but from what Spike told us about her, she won’t mind us.” Demo said.

“It’s not just that, she’s also my teacher, and the person who raised Spike during his early years. He only stayed with me after he was 8.”

“Didn’t you hatch him, though?” Scout asked, confused.

“Yeah, when I was 8 myself. I was still a filly!”

“Ah, that makes more sense, then.” Scout said, understanding.

Heavy, for one, was thinking about something. “Hmm, Spike?”

“Yeah, Dad?”

“Do you consider Celestia a mother-figure?”


“Then we need to meet her. Family does not avoid each other.” He said, showing some of his vast, yet often unexpected, fatherly wisdom. “Do you agree, comrades?”

The Reds nodded, showing that they were all excited to meet more of Spike’s family. Spike sighed. “Alright, but I’m still nervous myself.”

Heavy nodded. “Not unexpected. After all, this is first time meeting each other. We will be on best behavior.” The team nodded, knowing how important first impressions were.
The next day, the team was getting ready for the meeting, each having showered, and gotten dressed in their best clothes. Of course, this meant that they were dressed in their work clothes, but still, it was their first time meeting Celestia, and not only was she somepony very important here, but she was also Spike’s family, and that was more important to the team than any position of power.

They had just set the table (She was coming over for lunch, and Heavy and Pyro had volunteered to cook. The team pushed for this, swearing by the fact that they make great food), when they heard a knock at the door. “I’ll get it!” Scout said, already at the door. Opening the door, he saw a beautiful white alicorn mare with a flowing, translucent prismatic mane and tail. “Oh, you must be Ms. Celestia.” Scout said, remembering his mother’s lessons about talking to those in a superior position to you.

“I am, and you are?” She said, her voice sounding like that of an angel’s.

“Call me Jeremy, or Scout, ma’am. The others just set up the table, so we’re still getting ready. Could you give us a few moments?” She nodded, and Scout ran to the dining room. “She’s here at bit early, fellas. What should we do?” The others decided to convene to the living room, and wait for Pyro and Heavy to finish. Scout returned to Celestia, not even winded. “The others are in the livin’ room while Heavy an’ Pyro finish cooking. Would you follow me over there, please?” She nodded, and followed Scout.

“Hey, guys, this is Celestia, Spike’s mother-figure. Ms. Celestia, I would like you to meet the RED team, minus Heavy an’ Pyro.” Scout said, introducing the Reds to the pony that Spike saw as a mother. They then introduced themselves one by one.

“Bonjour, madame. I am Jean-Paul, ze Spy.”

“Hello, yer highness, I’m Tavis, the Demoman.”

“Well, howdy, ma’am. I’m Dell, the Engineer.”

“Gutentag, Fraulein Celestia. I am Christian, the Medic.”

“Hello, ma’am, I’m Janis, the Soldier.”

“‘Ello, miss. I’m Mundy, the Sniper. Misha, the Heavy, and Juan, the Pyro, are in the kitchen.” Sniper finish, being the last in line to introduce himself.

“Hello, it’s a pleasure to meet you all. So I understand Spike came under your care?” Celestia asked. The team confirmed this for here, and then started to tell her stories about Spike growing up in their care, and about themselves, where they came form, and such and such.

Pyro then came in after a few minutes, dressed in an chef’s outfit and a apron that said “Kiss-ll the cook”, a testament to his love of cooking, and his combat skills. “Lunch is ready, amigos! Oh, hola, Senorita Celestia.” He said with a light Mexican accent, waving towards the princess. She smiled when the rest of the team cheered.

“Alright! I’ll tell you right now, yer Highness, Pyro an’ Heavy are great cooks!” Demo said to the princess with an excited tone, making her giggle.

“Alright, amigos, I had some trouble with making some of these recipes when most of us are now herbivores, and I asked Twilight to help out,” Pyro said, passing out food. “So feel free to make suggestions, and please tell me if you don’t like something, and why. Also, me and Spike are still omnivores, so I had to make a separate meal for us.” He then looked at Celestia sheepishly, which was impressive for a dragon. “That is, if you don’t mind, senorita.” She shook her head, clearly pleased with his politeness. Pyro then went back into the kitchen to check on his and Spike’s meal, and Heavy came into the room.

“Алло, Princess Celestia!” He said, bowing to their royal guest. “I am Misha, the Heavy, and Spike’s father figure. It is honor to have you here.” He then sat down with the rest of the team, and Pyro finished serving the food just as Twilight and Spike came into the room.

“Hi, Princess Celestia/Hey, Mom.” They said at the same time, before looking at each other, and sharing a short laugh, and sitting down.

Celestia smiled at seeing two of the people she considered like her own children again. “It’s good to see you again, Spike.” She said, happy to she her adoptive son after so long.

“It’s good to see you too, Mom. I see you’ve already meet the team.” Spike said, happy to be surrounded by family again. And they were getting along too! Then he considered something that had been at the back of his mind all day. “By the way, I don’t think I asked Twilight this, but how long has it been since I went ‘missing?’” He asked.

Celestia frowned, already seeing the problem. “Only about 3 months, Spike. I’m assuming you’re asking because Twilight and the others hadn’t age at all compared to you?” Spike nodded, and finished chewing the food he had in his mouth.

“Yeah, because for me, it’s been about… 9 years? Is that right, fellas?” The Reds nodded, confirming his own suspicions. “So there is a time difference, then, and of 1/36 too. That may be a problem. From what Uncle Enji told me, time differentials can have a drastic effect on the body, and it’s not a good thing. But I’m not sure about dimensional time differentials” He looks around, seeing that the RED team weren’t suffering any ill effects. “Doesn’t seem like there are any problems, but then again, Grandpa Medic hasn’t done a check-up on any of us yet.”

Medic slaps his forehead. “Mein Gott, I haven’t, have I? Ve are doing that immediately!” His stomach rumbles it’s discontent at this statement, making him blush in embarrassment. “... AFTER lunch. I’m too hungry right now, and I’m sure the rest of the team is, as vell.” They nodded, and then everyone dug in, not wanting to wait anymore to eat.
After the meal, Medic did a check-up on all the team members, including himself, while Spike talked to Celestia and Twilight about growing up and into his own with the mercenaries around. “ HAHahaha, y-you have to imagine how awkward puberty was with 9 other guys in the same place.” He said, laughing with them. “When I had dreams about Rarity, because I could only get glimpses of my previous memories in my sleep, I thought I dreaming about Spy as a femme-fatale version of a pony! It really freaked me out!” That got an awkward laugh out of all three of them, before they burst out laughing, imagining Rarity as a secret agent, and, of course, complaining that she got blood all over one of her nice dresses.

“It’s good to see that you haven’t lost your sense of humor, Spike.” Twilight said, giggling at the punchline of one of his many stories. “But I wish you didn’t didn’t have to see so much conflict.”

Spike shrugged. “It was a part of life with them, Twi. Besides, it means I can actually protect you and the others when the situation calls for it, and I wasn’t ever alone. The team always backed me up.”

Celestia looked thoughtful at this statement. “I can see that, and yet, I can’t help but think…” She said. “Maybe I can use your expertise.”

Spike gained a curious look. “How so?”

Celestia gains a small smile. “What’s the cost to hire the RED team for a long term mission?”
Spike’s face gained a wide, savage grin, like that of a goblin. “Part of my job is that I handle the team’s finances, it comes to me naturally as a dragon. It would be around 30,000 bits up front, with a continuous stipend of 25,000 bits a months, to cover cost of living & upkeep of the mission, plus 5,000 bits profit split between the 10 of us. It’s so expensive because we will need to train people on how to make our weapons’ parts and ammo. The rest goes to a living fund for repairs to the place we live in, food, furniture, and other such items. I CAN cut it to 15,000 bits a month if you provide a base big enough to hold the 10 of us that is up to our living standards. If it isn’t up to our living standards, or worse, not up to code, I can only cut it to 20,000 bits a month.” He sees the stunned looks on the faces of the two mares. “What, do I have something on my face?”

Twilight screams, “It’s that expensive?!”

However Celestia whispers, “It’s that cheap?”

Spike’s grin grows even wider. “Damn, I knew the Equestrian treasury had to be vast, but to call something like that CHEAP? I’m shocked that you don’t have you and Aunt Luna don’t have your own private castles that you can go to for a vacation. And yes, Twilight, to the average citizen, that IS very expensive, but we were hired by multi-BILLIONAIRES back at Teufort, so it’s actually quite a steal.”

He then frowned. “Of course, I’m used to dollar bills, so I had to make a FEW estimates, because Equestria uses gold for its currency, which is a precious metal back on Earth.” He then proceeds to go on a small rant about finances, the value of precious metals and currency differentials, which made the two ponies feel a bit awkward, having limited knowledge on the subject.

“Spike, could you come back to Equis for a bit?” Twilight asked. Spike then stopped his rant, and focused.

“Right, right, sorry. So what’s the mission?”

Celestia smiled. “My niece's wedding is coming up, and there have been reports of… Changeling attacks around the area.” She frowns. “I’m worried that an old enemy of mine and my sister is coming back, trying to use her for revenge, possibly by stealing her fiance.” She turns to Twilight, and then back to Spike. “I think you may know him, actually.”

Spike nods. “It’s Shining Armour and Princess Cadence's wedding, isn’t it?”

Twilight’s jaw dropped at the fact that her BROTHER, Captain of the Royal Guard, was getting married to her old babysitter, who was a PRINCESS! And he hadn’t told her?! “OH, he is in SO much trouble, AFTER Spike stops those Changeling attacks!” She said, more upset about the fact that he hadn’t told her about it, rather than he was getting married at such a young age. They both were only in their early 20’s, but that wasn’t an unusual age to get married at.

“Can you tell me anything about the Changeling’s leader?” Spike asked, clearly wanting more information on the enemy.

Celestia nodded. “Her name is Queen Chrysalis, and she is a master of infiltration. One of the Changeling’s most prominent abilities is the fact that they can imitate anyone, at anytime, using their magic.”

Spike nods, familiar with this idea. “Spy can do that as well, using his technology, but he can also go invisible, and even fake his own death at any time. Each of us have been trained in the art of ‘Spy-Checking’, so I don’t think this would be MUCH different… Let me talk to the guys, and see if this is something they would want to do.”

Celestia nodded, knowing from experience when setting up the royal guard that the team had to all decide to do a mission, otherwise they couldn’t do it. If one of them wouldn’t give it their all, then the rest had to pick up the slack, which was dangerous during such a delicate mission. “I don’t need you to decide right away, the wedding isn’t for another 6 months. We have time, for now.”

Spike nods to her, and went to the team to discuss the job.
It was quite the understatment to say it a crazy day in Ponyville. Discord had escaped his stone prison, and the Celestial Six (The Reds’ nickname for the 6 mares) had been “discorded”, flipping their personalities and values around to the negatives. The RED team was sick of it, and had been called in to deal with the threat. Spike, himself, was pissed. “This… Discord is like Merasmus, only he’s got no limits! Who else wants to kick his ass!?” The Reds shouted their consent, appalled at the unfiltered and dangerous chaos.

After making it to the gardens inside the castle grounds, having been told that the mares faced him there. “Wherever this Discord is, we will find him, and kill him!” Heavy shouted, clearly upset. “He hurt family, so he will die like snake being crushed under boot!”

The rest of the team roared in agreement, knowing that their new ammo types being able to damage magical protection. “FOR PONY!” Juan said through his mask, leading the charge into the garden maze, burning a path straight to the middle with his flamethrower.
As the team went on, they came across Twilight and Pinkie, both back to normal, and they said that they would help the rest of the Six. Spike nodded, and followed his uncle’s path of destruction and fire.

When the 10 of them finally came across Discord, he seemed to be extremely nonchalant about the whole thing. When Spike told him they were there to kill him, he laughed. “You really think you can kill me, the Spirit of Chaos!? HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!”

He kept laughing, the thing all one big joke to him, until Sniper shot one of his horns off with his new magic-piercing rounds. “Bullseye, mate.” He said menacingly, scaring Discord out of his wits.

“As you can clearly see, we CAN hurt you, and we WILL kill you, as long as you are a threat. If you can come back from death, we will beat you, again and again, as long as we draw breath.” Engie said, using his Wrangler to aim his sentry at the chaotic being. “So, what’s it gonna be, partner?”

Discord, seeing no other option, used his magic to teleport away, taking his chaos with him. “COWARD! Get back here, maggot, and fight like a man!” Soldier shouted, feeling that the team had been robbed of a good fight.

Heavy, however, looked thoughtful. “If someone who only wants to cause mischief is this dangerous, who knows what someone who wants to do HARM will do?” He said, catching the rest of the team’s attention. They decided then and there that they needed to talk to Celestia.
“It seems that I must thank you again, RED Team.” Celestia said, seeing that Discord ran away. “So, what did you want to talk to me about?”

Soldier went up, unafraid to speak the truth. “WHY THE HELL DID YOU PUT THE LIVES OF ALL YOUR SUBJECTs IN THE HAND OF THOSE SIX, WITHOUT GIVING THEM PREPARATION? If we did something like that back home, our asses would have been FIRED!” he shouted, angry at the ruler.

Luna became offended, but Celestia put up her hand, stopping her from saying something she would regret. “I understand, Soldier, but you must understand, they had defeated major threats before. I thought they could handle it without my interference. Clearly, I underestimated Discord… again.” She said, hanging her head.

“Well, as long as you realize your mistake, I’ll forgive you.” Soldier said, calming himself down. “Oh, Spike had something he wanted to say to you.”

Spike then stepped up, and cleared his throat. “Princess Celestia, you offered us a job two weeks ago. The team has talked it over,” He grins widely. “ And we would be honored to accept the mission. You know our pay grade, so we won’t ask again. Just point us to where we shoot, and they’ll fall like the flies they are.”

Comments ( 24 )

He then frowned. “Of course, I’m used to dollar bills, so I had to make a FEW estimates, because Equestria uses gold for its currency, which is a precious metal back on Earth.” He then proceeds to go on a small rant about finances, the value of precious metals and currency differentials, which made the two ponies feel a bit awkward, having limited knowledge on the subject.

I’ll admit I've never seen spike as a “numbers man” but it makes perfect sense considering his upbringing.

Okay I'm not going to lie, for the first two chapters and half of this one, I thought you meant Red team as in Red vs Blue. :facehoof:

Weird not wierd.


I now realize I didn't explain this well enough, but I intended him to function like a cross between Heavy and Sniper with Pyro's speed and Demo's health, though your Medicine-gem weapon idea might make a good tertiary weapon,

still everyone has something unique and while being well rounded is a good thing I still think he should have something exclusively for him as an option, that and the trident doesn't get enough love I mean look at this camo.derpicdn.net/46a59af112839acf558261f50dea1cc6495371e9?url=http%3A%2F%2Foi48.tinypic.com%2F2e4de7k.jpg thats like one of the THREE pics I fould while looking it up, though I found one peace of fan art pre00.deviantart.net/7574/th/pre/i/2013/252/4/7/battle_of_canterlot_by_dutchgirl626-d6lnmt4.jpg https://dutchgirl626.deviantart.com/art/Battle-of-Canterlot-399171640
Admittedly I couldn't even sell myself on the lava launcher but I couldn't think of anything else.

Also, Hunting does not always involve guns, you know, and it is explained later on in the same chapter that they weren't sapient deer, but killing an animal is still taking a life.

I know it wasn't sapient I was just wondering if they taught him to use a bow before that or if that was just an inconsistency/mistake.

Though I really want to think of a “specialty” item for him sniper, soldier, and the pyro have banners/jetpacks, heavy has the food items, demo has shields, scout has the soda, spy has the deadringer, medic has anything other than the stock medigun, and engi has the wrangler, gunslinger AND the short circuit. Each has a weapon that completely changes there options and abilities during battle and I feel like spike needs something equally out of left field. Maybe instead of the gems healing anyone else spike can throw them and anyone who picks them up will minicrit for their next shot I mean there essence pure energy in a gem so shooting them out of a gunbarrel would probably do extra damage.

This is why his primary is a machine gun, and his secondary is a combat rifle. Inspiration from his family figures, but still his own.

March here! We need more chapters!

I love this

I’m looking forward to the Teufort Ten spy-checking Chrysalis.

8863730 You’re welcome. I’m especially looking forward to Chrysalis being found out by Jarate.

8865886 You mean the Sydney Sleeper?

I cant wait for the next update

Might be a while... my computer broke. I'm writing this on my parent's

Well as a wise man once said "to turn cole into a diamond you just gotta wait"

Please keep working on it great AU.

this is good story please continue!

Is this getting an update?

This is such a cool crossover but needs more hats.

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