• Published 9th Feb 2018
  • 2,709 Views, 38 Comments

Dragon Mercenary - Zamorakas Devilhorn

Spike raised by The RED team... Inspired by The Nine Fathers By Tatsuro

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Leaving Home, Going Home

Over in Coaltown, Arizona, we see a man in a hard hat and red work clothes working on a strange device, using parts from scrapped robots. All of a sudden, a green and purple, anthropomorphic, adolescent dragon comes over. The dragon is wearing what seems to be red camouflage, with tall black boots, a pair of black fingerless gloves with metal studs on the knuckles, and a red beret. “Hey, Uncle Enji. What’cha workin on?” He says, catching Engineer’s attention.

“Hey, Spike, well, I’m trying to get this teleporter to catch the cosmic signature of the world you came from, but it just ain’t working right.” Engineer says with a Texan accent, scratching his head.

“Bummer.” Spike said, “What seems to be the problem?”

“Well, I’ve tried every single world where dragons are a dominant species, and I keep coming up empty.” Engineer says. Spike thinks on this, and comes up with an idea.

“Maybe they aren’t a dominant species where I come from, but just a sapient one. Try worlds where dragons are prominent, but not the main species.”

Engineer tries this, and then starts to chuckle. “Well, I’ll be. Ain’t that a surprise. You’re from Equestria.”

Spike blinks. “Equestria? As in, My Little Pony? Rainbows, happiness, and the magic of friendship? Where villainy goes to die a painful death? THAT Equestria?”

Enji nods. “Something like that. It seems to be Generation 4 too, the ‘Best Written,’ according to fans of the show.”

Spike buries his head in his hands. “Wait until Scout hears about this. He’d probably say something about how girly this makes me.”

Enji laughs, “I don’t doubt that. Why don’t you gather the others, and we’ll see what we can do about this, okay?”

Spike smiles, holding onto the machete on his hip. “Poor Man and I can do just that. See you in 5 minutes.” He then leaves, presumably to get the rest of the “family.”

(5 minutes later)

The whole RED team has gathered in Engineer’s lab, each of them wearing a different red-themed outfit. The assault side of the team were Scout, who wore a baseball uniform, and was holding a baseball bat in one hand and a scattergun in the other; Soldier, who wore a soldier’s uniform, was holding a shovel, and resting on a rocket launcher; and Pyro, covered head to toe in a fire retardant outfit, and leaning on a fire axe covered in barbed wire, with a flamethrower on his back.

There was the rest of the defensive side, whom were Heavy, who wore a simple red t-shirt and black pants, and was holding a minigun, which he had been polishing, like it was his favorite child, singing a lullaby in Russian; and Demoman, who, unlike the rest of the team, was black, and wore a black beanie, an eyepatch, tall black boots, a pair of black pants, and a red sweater over a black tee, holding a bottle of rum in one hand, and resting a sword on his shoulder with the other. He also had a tattered kilt near the right side of him, showing that he was of Scottish descent.

Then there was support side of the team, which were Sniper, who wore a hunter’s outfit and a red jacket, holding, of course, a sniper rifle; Spy, who wore a red ski mask and a red suit, wielding a knife and a pocket watch that made him invisible, with a revolver holstered on his hip, singing a small tune in French; and Medic, who wore a white doctor’s uniform with red and black accents, such as red gloves and a red tie, and a strange contraption he called the Medigun. Medic was also singing a short tune, this time a victory song, but in his own native language, German.

Enji looked over the team, and nodded, saying, “We now know where Spike came from.”

The Mercenaries shouted, both in joy and in sadness. Joy, because they could go with him, finally get out of the robotic hellhole they were in, and introduce themselves to his friends; And sadness for his friends, as when they found him, Spike had amnesia, and didn’t remember anything about who he was, except his name. “Well, where’s he from, hardhat?” Scout said with a Bostonian accent.

Enji chuckled, knowing what was coming next. “Y’all aren’t probably gonna believe this, but I’ll tell ya anyway. He’s from Equestria.”

The rest of the mercs are stunned stiff, until Scout lets out a chuckle. “Oh-ho, man, how ironic. Spike, one of the best killers on our team, coming from a place where friendship and peace are such an important part of daily life.” He said, getting the team to chuckle at the irony.

Demoman then speaks up. “Wait, Scout knows wha’ irony is? The world’s comin’ ta an end!” This gets the rest of the team, even Scout, to laugh for a few good minutes. “In all seriousness, Enji, how are we gonna get there without standing out like a buncha Scots in an Irish bar? I mean, the ponies walk on all fours, right?”

Enji chuckles again. “Not exactly. Yes, they are candy-colored ponies, but they are anthropomorphic candy-colored ponies, showing a sort of alternate universe. Since this specific teleporter seems to change us to the most common sapient species, be they humans or otherwise, we will change species, but we won’t have a drastic change in physiology.” The mercs nodded, showing that they all understood. “Well, then, everyone ready?”

The team shouts out a collective yes, and went through the portal together, eager to meet Spike’s friends.

The team teleports into a plain, and Spike sees what species his family had turned into. Engineer, Sniper and Heavy had turned into earth ponies, while Scout and Soldier had turned into pegasi. Spy, Medic, and Demoman had turned into unicorns, and Pyro was a…

“Pyro, you’re a dragon?!” Spike exclaimed, making the rest of the team look at their fire-obsessed teammate, and sure enough, he had turned into a dragon, about 10 years older than Spike. The strangest thing was, the rest of the team wasn’t all that surprised. Pyro just gave a thumbs up, clearly pleased.

“‘Course he is, Spike, it was kinda obvious that he could become one.” Sniper said with an Australian accent, walking around to get used to his earth pony body. “Now then, how about we go meet your friends, that is, if you’re memories are back.”

Spike thinks about Equestria, and he found memories he never had before, and yet he knew they were his. “Yep, my memories are back. C’mon, I have to show you guys around Ponyville.”

Author's Note:

NEW STORY! Also, More new ones to come as well! :yay: