• Published 23rd Jul 2012
  • 3,367 Views, 37 Comments

DK Has a Big Heart - Horatiojones

Human arrives as Donkey Kong in Chess Game of the Gods Universe.

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Demon The Bunny (05)

Somewhere Else
“B4” said a top hat wearing, crushed velvet suited, leather cape adorned, human, his colour and general aspect declaring a Native American heritage.

“You sank my battleship” replied his gaming companion, a strange chimeric creature, constructed of body parts from multitudes of differing beasts.

“Ha” the human laughed, slapping his thigh in a jovial manner, as heard the boat explode, going everywhere on his opponents board.

“I really don’t see what the humans find entertaining about this game. E5” the creature grimaced, not understanding the others joy in the game.

“Miss. Eh, it’s been around for a while, I think it might just be because their naturally attuned to war. J10” said the human, his eyes betraying a hint of seriousness behind these words.

“Miss. You say they made a movie on this? G3” queried the beast, his face showing utter confusion.

“Hit. Yeah, well, it wasn’t very good. A2” laughed the human.

“Miss. Anyway, Tezcatlipoca, my old friend, I wanted to talk to you today, as I am confused by your choice of piece. Though I find him being based on an arcade game character hilarious, well done on that by the way, I must say, he seems a mite to serious for a trickster god.” The beast said, smiling with mirth, eyes lit with curiosity.

“Discord, you know very well my own opinion on these games of yours, the orphans created the last two times, all those children, they never grew up with a parent, rather, those of us that had the heart to do it, had to create a whole new world for them, and leave them out to dry. I will not allow that to happen this time, never again will I let the chess players leave a destroyed world behind, rather, I like others, want to stop your world destruction. I, personally, find nothing wrong with a good game or two, but, I cannot condone the orphaning of children. My piece, though he does not know it yet, was put into play, to protect these innocent victims” responded the homosapien, his face displaying anger and hate.

“Yes, well, as noble as your goal is, it appears that your piece is already adding to these orphans, and I believe he will soon be adding more to it” replied Discord, smirking with a slight cruelty, remaining quiet, though his eyes showed a reflective dislike of the man.

“Just so we’re clear, I never want to see you again, you used to be so much fun, Peter, but these days your no longer the child I so adored. Now that we have finished our discussion, I call tactical nuke.” Discord said, before clicking his claws, and a small atomic bomb appeared above the game, descending rapidly towards. The creature then disappeared, leaving the human, his eyes showing a quiet sadness. His clothing rapidly changed, becoming a t-shirt and shorts, as well as boots, formed out of leaves and vines, while the human’s own body rapidly changed, regressing to that of a young boy of twelve.

“Never is an awfully long time” whispered the boy, his head dropping to his chest, shaking as the boy sobbed, before he too, vanished.

The next morning, I woke up, the sun shining through my wagons bars. I jumped up immediately, desperate to empty my bladder, and fled the wagon, heading into the surrounding woods. Still barely awake, I stumble around, eventually knocking my head on a low hanging branch. Disoriented, I swang around, and lost the direction that I came from. Not seeing it though, I started to relieve myself on a nearby tree, hoping that any animals in the area weren’t sentient.

I finished this arduous yet necessary task, and turned around, hoping I was heading towards the wagons. I realise now that I should have climbed a tree, but at the time, I was still awaking from my stupor, so the necessary mental capacity to decide this, was simply not there. Instead I stumbled around the forest for a while, before quite literally falling on to what looked like a wolf. I just tripped, and landed on it. I slowly got up, now slightly more aware, and found my chest covered in blood, dripping slowly down my pectorals and onto my stomach. I looked around myself, and found I was surrounded, by a large group of very angry looking, very flesh and blood wolves, there had to be at least 10 of them, all eyeing me. I saw the largest bend back, getting ready to leap at me, when suddenly, I saw a black blur erupted from a nearby shrubbery, and leapt onto the coiling wolf’s back.

Once it reached the wolf, I saw the black blur, was in fact a dark black rabbit, which was now viciously ripping into the wolf’s neck, while the rest looked on in abject fascination. Not thinking, I reached over with one arm, and grabbed the wolf, bunny and all, then ran off, soon hearing the sound of the wolves racing after us. I was surprised to find the wolf in my hand was in fact dead and leaking blood heavily. I dropped it, throwing it behind me, but keeping a hold of the bunny, which was strangely not struggling at all, by the scruff of its neck.

I found the wagons, bursting out from the trees into the clearing we had camped in the night before. I jumped in my wagon, dropping the rabid rabbit on my bed, wincing slightly when I recalled it was covered in the blood of its foe. Still, the beastly little critter had in fact helped me, and who was I to decline my saviour the use of my bed, only because of cleanliness. I saw that both Shining and Cadance were staring at the wolves now coming out from the tree line, having just sat down to, it appeared, eat breakfast. The wolves growled, stalking menacingly forward, before breaking out into a sprint straight at the honeymooning couple, filled with a burst of anger, I leapt out of my cage, the door clanging against the bars. I raced towards the rapidly advancing wolves, when I felt myself lifted above the ground, by some unknown force, and saw the wolves entrapped in a small pink bubble.

I felt my body being turned around, before I was dumped on the ground, I looked at the two ponies, Shining was looking at the caged wolves, and my blood and gore covered chest, alternatively, while Cadance had rushed back to their wagon. A moment later, she came back out, cantering towards me, some kind of first aid kit clutched in her teeth. I, meanwhile, was crouching on the ground, wiping the wolf of my chest, by the time the princess had reached me, most of it was gone. She dumped the first aid kit in front of me, and began scrambling through it, before emerging with a large needle, and thread. She advanced towards me, the large as fuck needle pointed straight at me. I stumbled backwards, backpedalling quickly, until I found myself caught in her magic.

“It’s not my blood, I fell on a wolf, now get that needle the fuck away from me” I, basically, screamed. I felt myself dropped, then saw they were both looking at me strangely, with their heads cocked sideways, much like a dog.

“What, so yeah, I tripped and fell on a wolf, it’s not like that’s the first time it’s happened to anybody” I said, sarcastically.

“Well, firstly, these are actually Barghest, and secondly, I am actually more surprised by how afraid you are of needles”, Shining said, trotting over towards me. I thought about this for a moment, I could tell them the truth that I feared needles after a few immunisations went wrong, as the nurse at the orphanage didn’t really care how many tries it took to hit a vain, but eventually I decided to go with a half-truth.

“When I was younger, I was attacked with a needle; in fact, I still have scars from it. So, I really, really do not like them”, I explained, while Shining picked up his bubble of Barghest, whatever the hell they are, and trotted towards the forest. Cadance meanwhile, much to my chagrin, was rolling around in the grass, laughing. I went and picked her up, before placing her on the ground in front of me, serious face on my features.

“It’s not nice to laugh about someone’s fears, how would you feel if I laughed at your for being scared of, I don’t know, Shining leaving you or him dying of old age, while you live on” I asked, somewhat miffed at her laughing about my fears, regardless of rationality. I seemed to have struck a chord, as she started crying loudly, bawling her eyes out, and since she was a pony, one of these adorable creatures, and pink, it almost made me start crying too.

I reached out to pat her, it seeming the right thing to do, even if I would personally find the action condescending. She shied away from me, and instead walked slowly back to her wagon, sniffling all the while. After a while, of my sitting on the ground, feeling guilty about what I had said, Shining stepped out from the forest. He heard his wife, still crying, through the walls of his wagon, looked at me, anger in his eyes, and then ascended the steps of his wagon, and walked in, leaving me to my thoughts.

I heard a metal rattling noise and turned back to my own wagon, which I saw now, contained a very irate black bunny rabbit. I walked over to the cage, and opened its door, where I found myself assaulted by this same bunny, it was beating into me, as if trying to hurt me without actually breaking the skin, or causing any real damage. Eventually, she, as I now noticed, calmed down.

“What is wrong little one” I asked, calmly, trying to sound reassuring. I was unsurprised by her sentient appearance, if angel bunny was anything to go by, this was normal. The bunny then began a series of movements, playing a complicate game of charades with me, but eventually getting the point across that her parents had been killed by the barghest, and she had decided, as was the way of her ‘people’, the dark rabbits, to seek vengeance for them, by killing a leader. The leader in question was apparently the same one as that which I fell on. So now, though she was thankful that the creature was dead, she had been robbed of causing the death herself, something I could understand.

I apologised, to which the bunny accepted, then asked “So, what now”, She began the charades game again, motioning that she wished to follow me, for reasons that I was unable to discern, though I believe it had something to do with abject curiosity, if the magnifying glass was anything to go by. I agreed to her accompanying me, to which she seemed pleased, but then I realised, my new companion had no name, so I began thinking of one, recalling any rabbit related information I had. It occurred to me a few moments later.

“Demon, yes, that would be a good name for you” I said, enunciating my decision, to which the rabbit accepted, and agreed to the new name. Monty Python, eh, it’s allowed, it’s not as if I'm liable to run into any other humans while I'm here. Now, all I had to do for the rest of that morning was waiting for my other two companions to leave their cabin.

After an hour or so of waiting, I decided they weren’t coming out, and so I hitched myself up to the two wagons, and started walking along the path, still headed towards the Everfree. I trudged along, Demon having apparently decided that my shoulder was a comfortable place to rest, after I had placed her there while I walked around the camp, making sure we were ready to leave. She was lying against my head, her black fur making her seem to disappear into my fur. It had at first surprised me how little I had cared about my nakedness, but I had decided that nothing was clearly visible, my covering of fur thick enough to hide it. This gave me great comfort, as I had at first feared, that wearing both clothes, and having fur, I would be much to warm.

I had been walking for a long while, passing a few carts along the road, each time the hauler, which I had noticed was exclusively an earth pony, would eye me, fearfully and curiously. I would stare right back at them, which each time made them cow away in fear, going as far to the other side of the road as they could. I hadn’t seen anyone for at least a half-hour, or at least that’s what I believed, not having access to a watch, something I aimed to fix at the earliest opportunity, when I heard hooves alight themselves atop my wagon, the thudding noise of trotting on wood, coming closer towards me.

“Hello DK that is a very nice looking rabbit, what is its name?” asked Cadance in her light voice.

“Its name is Demon, a name from my home, and it is a she. What brings you here, and where is Shining?” I asked. I hated to act so callous towards her, but currently, I was not sure how to act around her, she is, at least for now, as I had only realised recently, vastly more powerful than me. Her magic, in a fight, would make her easily defeat me, as I had figured out when she had picked me up when I was running towards the barghest. Something that, knowing the weight of a normal gorilla, of about 400 pounds, a fact I had no knowledge of how I know it, would be at least increased by half in me, was a very impressive task, especially since it didn’t appear to take that much out of her.

I hated to admit it, but for now, I had every reason to fear the more powerful of unicorns. I aimed to find some way of negating this effect, as I figured there had to be something that would stop it, otherwise unicorns would have been ruling this entire world a long time ago. Still, as of right now, I actually feared my two companions, something I am loathe to admit, both because they were nice ponies, and because I don’t like to admit that I feel fear, as it is something I am unused to.

“Oh, I just thought you might want some company. Shining said he was tired, so he’s having a nap” she responded, I had turned to face her by now, still walking along the road, not really need to see the road, as it was straight at this point, and I saw her blush slightly, heh, honeymooners. I smiled at her, and she looked at me, with a tinge of sadness in her eye.

“What’s wrong princess” I asked, slightly sarcastically. She looked at me in surprise, before finally getting up, and flying down to the ground beside me. She trotted by my side for a moment, obviously deep in thought, before finally clearing her throat.

“DK, what you said this morning, it, it really is something I think about almost constantly. I just, these days, can’t imagine life without Shining. When I was in the caves underneath Canterlot, I missed him so much, I just get so scared when I think of how he’s probably going to die one day” She said, much to my surprise, here she was, just completely opening up to me, somebody she had only met days before.
Right now, I’m chalking it up to ponies being innocent, even if that doesn’t seem likely, if what I had experienced in the last week and a bit was anything to go by, considering I had seen ponies imprisoned, and then been paid to kill by those very same ponies. Cadance was obviously waiting for a reply, looking up at me, questioningly.

“Look, you’re actually older than me, so I can only assume you know more of this aging thing than me, but, well, in my opinion, it’s really, not that bad. Think about what you just said, you fear he is going to die, I too fear that Kami is going to die, but I get on with life, things die, that is how it is, and will probably always be. I have seen people die, cradle them in my arms as the gasped their last breath, even if they usually where only in my arms because I needed protection. I have seen death in many forms, accidental, natural, and malicious, and I can honestly say that fearing it is totally and utterly natural. I don’t mean to sound like a cliché, but really, take the time you have, don’t think too far ahead, if that does happen, well, you’ve got a good 60 years before it does.” I preached, nodding as I realised I agreed with this statement, even as I made it.

After this, I walked along, the pink Winged Unicorn walking beside me, marching along in silent contemplation. Demon was nuzzling my head affectionately, something that caused me endless mirth when I considered how I had seen her take down a barghest. After a time, I found we had entered an area again completely surrounded by trees, having wandered through plains of wild grass for a while. Soon, I again heard a familiar buzzing, only this time it was louder, as if something bigger was making it. The sound built up and built up, as the changelings gathered around us, increasing in closeness to us, and in number.

Cadance went ahead and di her thing with the crystal. As it spread out its words, I heard ominous thuds coming from the forest. Out of it stepped a group of changelings, the likes of which I had never seen in the show, they were huge, easily bigger than Shining Armour, one of the biggest ponies I had seen up to this point. Sure I was still bigger than them, but with a group of 5 from what I could see, I was fairly sure at the very least this would be an even fight. These brute changelings, seemed to completely ignore Cadance, and instead ran at me, charging like a herd of elephants. I was surprised, as I was fairly sure you couldn’t beat the love out of someone, but this didn’t seem to be stopping them.

The first reached me, so I picked up Cadance and threw her into the air, before bringing that same hand down on the brute’s head, feeling it crack under the pressure. This one seemed out of commission, but just as this thought entered my head, I was hit from the side by a changeling, getting gored in the process, by its horn. My side in pain, I head butted it, killing it instantly. I found I was now surrounded on all sides by the changelings, so I began swinging my arm, before finally advancing towards the nearest, and hitting it with an uppercut, sending it flying.

I picked up the next closest one, and threw it at its compatriots, before jumping in the air and dropping down on the pile this created. I felt carapaces break under my arms and feet, cracking. I stood up, and saw I was surrounded by a battlefield of twitching changelings, some in their death throes, other’s just in immense pain. I looked up, and saw Cadance flying above me. She smiled sweetly down at me, before flying towards her wagon. Only then, on knowing she was safe did the adrenalin leave my system, and I found myself clutching my side, blood pouring out from the hole I had been stuck with. I felt a tap on my foot, so I looked down, and saw a very irate bunny looking up at me; evidently she had fallen of my shoulder when I began fighting. Cadance came back towards me, medical kit in mouth, before she dropped it in front of me.

“I can heal the internal damage with magic, but I'm going to have to use a needle and stitch for the actual wound”, she said, calmly and in an assuring tone, before levitating a large needle from the bag, and some thread. I started backing away from her. Slowly stepping backwards, I tried to reassure her that the damage wasn’t that bad, no matter on the truth of the statement. I felt myself hoicked of the ground, and then a zapping noise. I felt myself instantly tire, my eyes drooping, the last thought I had being, fucking magic.

Woah, this bloody month, if I told you guys what happened this month, you wouldn't believe me, just agree when i say it was shitty. Anyways, new chapter, tell me what you think