• Published 23rd Jul 2012
  • 3,367 Views, 37 Comments

DK Has a Big Heart - Horatiojones

Human arrives as Donkey Kong in Chess Game of the Gods Universe.

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Kami (01)

I was in love, deeply madly, in love. I left the gang for my love, I stopped my criminal activities for my love, and I became a better person, for my love. I fell so madly deeply happily in love with her, and she with me.

We met under a moonlit night, my motorcycle and I finding her weeping, about to be accosted by those denizens of society’s darkest depths that I, until recently, associated with. I stopped their frightful thoughts with a glare, and we met, I hugged her to my side, and led her from that deplorable part of town. I asked her name and she whispered “Kami”, no second name, just Kami, she asked mine, and I responded “DK”, my nickname, from my initials, of David Kane.

She had stayed with me since that night, only admitting our love for the other after a week of this closeness. She was like a child, her little knowledge of this world shocked me again and again, when it came to making love she knew more than enough, yet it was physically obvious she had never committed the act before me. This last gift was what broke me down completely, any barrier I had built against love torn down by her willing gift.

She begged of me to stop, what she believed, my wicked ways, and I complied, who needed anything when I had her. My accomplices complained at this, but I said I was out, and there was naught they could do about it, my wallet was hit by the loss of my income, but I resolved to re-enter the honest work force, something along the line of protection. Yet the ways Kami enriched my life made up for this, she cared so deeply for the world around her, loving every flora and fauna she saw, leading me to love them as well. Then she showed me My Little Pony and the fandom connected with it.

I became enamoured with it, the love these ponies showed made me happy, as a former orphan, love was nothing I had known, until Kami, and this world she had revealed to me, of caring and love, was just another way to show her appreciation of me. We watched the episodes together, looked at the art, read the stories, listened to the music, tasted the show inspired foods and drinks, all for the adoration we both felt collectively towards those 6 ponies. Then came the night, she admitted to me, that she came from there.

I was surprised to say the least, but then she asked, “Would you like to go there”, I nodded, not thinking, still shocked by her statement, to which she replied, happily, “good, because I need your help”. Suddenly, I lost consciousness, as if overcome by sleep, and I descended into a slumber too deep for dreams.

I woke, and opened my eyes, turning, expecting to see Kami next to me, as she had been, every time I awoke, for the last month. She was not, neither was my room, nor my bed, nor my floor, rather, there was dirt, and green lush plants, surrounding me, I looked up, and found huge tree’s blocking my view of, what I assumed, was the sun. I noticed then that I felt wrong, my whole body just felt, different, I looked down at my body, and groaned, unbelieving at what I saw. I was a dark, dull brown, at least, my fur was, which decorated all of my viewable body apart from my chest and feet. I looked at my arms, which felt strangest of all, and found they now reached my feet, and my forceps and hands where huge, easily triple their previous size.

I stood, and found myself unsteady on my feet, but soon balanced, using my long arms as third and fourth feet by my side. The trees before me moved suddenly, their limbs collecting together until a shape created of leaves, came to be, which looked oddly familiar.

“Kami, is that you”, I queried, scared and confused. The humanoid leaf shape seemed to whisper along the wind, her answer coming from everywhere, and nowhere.

“Yes my love, it is I, Kami, but I should let you know, I am, quite obviously, not what you thought, rather, I am the spirit of this forest you now occupy, though it is a small forest, it is what you now epitomize, as my champion, as my representative, in this chaotic game of Discord’s, my chess piece, if I could be so crass, as to reduce you, my dearest, to such a thing. Because of this, you are now the physical actuality of this forest, and hence, you feel it all as I do”. This finished, the trees shifted, and she broke apart, leaving me to wonder on her words. But at that moment I had only one question.

“Why Kami, I love you, and would do anything for you, but why, why did you bring me here?” The trees reformed, and the tree being looked endearingly down at me, before the wind sighed to me.

“DK, I need your help, recent problems created by these chess pieces, has led to the Diamond Dogs, of Gem Fido, entering into our forest, I cannot reach them, they are too far underground, but you my sweet can, and will teach them what it truly means by spirit of the forest”. I was confused immensely, but assumed I would learn in time, as long as Kami is around, I would be happy, but still I asked another nagging question.

“Kami, I don’t understand what’s going on, I know I’m not dreaming but, I know you don’t like violence, you said so yourself, why would you ask me to cause it?”

Kami smiled and the wind whispered to me “I said I abhor needless violence, but this violence has a need, you are a manifestation of this forest, do you not feel the wrongness that the presence of the Diamond Dogs have caused, do you not feel the very personal invasion, that these diamond dogs have caused. Do not place any strange feelings as to being caused by your new body; only your conscience and memory have been placed inside this body, the rest of you, is as used to your body as it can be.” I nodded, realising she was right, I felt like I could run, beat my chest, swing from tree to tree, do anything in this body, yet still I felt wrong, my entire body felt strange.

I growled my grievance to this incursion, to which Kami murmured, “my brave warrior, you are like the tree’s, your body as strong as oak, yet you need not fear fire, only the strongest and the swiftest of attacks shall harm you, but as is always with this boon comes a price, you must always remain in contact with nature, through tree’s or through the ground, mortar counts, but seas do not, nor air, avoid these at all costs, as without contact, I cannot aid in your mission. Now my love, I must leave, these wretched dogs are trying to assault my tree’s, but fear not, the closer you come to what you quest for, the tunnels of these dogs, you will know, the feelings may begin to overwhelm you, but accept them, they will help you, do what must be done”. With this, her presence left, and I felt it.

I lumbered over to a large pond, desperately thirsty, using my legs to actually walk and my arms to provide the right gravity to the movement. I drank deeply from the pond, and found it quite delicious, the crisp fresh taste so different to what I was used to. Once I had finished this drink, I looked at my reflection in the water, seeing my face for the first time, as well as getting a better view of the rest of my body. My first reaction was, ‘oh, I’m a gorilla, I guess I should have expected that’, but then I looked closer, and saw that it was much more cartoon like, akin to a meaner, badder, darker version of, Donkey Kong, than an actual gorilla. I realised what Kami had done, creating me from a character in a video game was her sense of humour, especially as he was my favourite character on Super Smash Bros Brawl. Yet I was surprised by how truly dangerous I appeared, ‘what kind of problems did Kami expect me to face, to need such a physique’, I wondered.

I decided to climb a tree, figuring that, as a gorilla, I should be able to go all Tarzan on these trees and their vines. As tall as I was, slightly taller than I was on earth, at about 6 foot 7, these trees where many multitudes higher. I went to the first tree I saw, and grabbed its lowest hanging branch. I pulled myself up the tree slowly, branch to branch, resolving to see the sun first, and so climbed for many minutes, until finally I alighted on the top of the tree, and found that, much to my gladness, I had picked one of the tallest trees in the forest. I looked at the vast expanse of trees my love and I now protected, then I looked further, to one direction seeing what I assumed was the ocean, and to the other a huge, overbearing mountain, which high as I was, seemed to reach into the heavens above. I realised that I did not know where I was in Equestria, if I truly was in Equestria, although I knew for sure Kami would never lie to me. I had never seen anything like what was before me, on earth or in the show, as I hung of the tree, one huge arm clinging to a limb, the other above my eyes to block out the sun.

Eventually I decided that I’d had enough of the view, and so descended slightly, hoping to find a vine to try and swing off. I found a strong looking candidate, and grabbed it with both hands; I jumped of the limb I was currently, and swung towards a nearby tree. As I was swinging, it occurred to me, that I had no idea how to stop, or how to slow down. As this occurred to me, I found myself rapidly approaching the tree, before I connected, with a solid “thunk”. I was stuck to the tree for a moment, in true George of the Jungle fashion, before I found myself disconnecting from the tree, a face full of bark, and falling to a lower branch, straight on my testicles.

I lay on that branch, gasping in pain, recalling the little I knew of physics, and realised I had been going about it all wrong, rather than just stopping, I would have to let my kinetic motion reduce, either by climbing the vine, by swinging until it stopped, or just taking the momentum on my arms, which I decided could probably take it. I got back up and grasped a conveniently placed vine, and swung from it, leaping of my branch. I swung towards some more vines, and managed to go from mine to another, without losing any momentum, I did this again and again, swinging from vine to vine, until I decided to stop, and let go of my vine, aiming for a nearby branch. I grabbed it with my arms, and then found myself swinging around it repeatedly , before finally I stopped, and landed in a heap a top the branch, thinking, ‘I'm hungry’, before recalling that, beyond bananas, I really had no idea what I ate.

I didn’t even know if I was a vegetarian or an omnivore, I had pretty big canines, but the idea of eating meat just sickened me, which it had never done before. I decided to stick with fruit, and see where that got me. I rose to my feet, which I found where almost like another set of hands, so could grip just as easily, and looked around for a fruit tree, I noticed a banana tree in the distance. I swung over to it, and grabbed a bushel of bananas as I passed, before landing on another tree, easy as can be, and began munching on the bananas. Now, I was never a big fan of bananas, but currently I found them irresistible, they just tasted so good, and soon I found myself looking at a large amount of banana peels, and no bananas.

I was tired after my exertions, and decided to sleep, finding a small canopy of large leaves, which when I stepped cautiously on it, I found myself not falling; I believed this was good enough. I lay down, finding the leaves extremely comfortable, I fell asleep to the sound of Kami whispering “goodnight, my love”.

So my first adventure related fic, see where we go, just decided that maybe a piece should interact with their master in a nicer fashion, as in LOVE, but really, thought this might work.

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