• Published 12th Feb 2018
  • 6,297 Views, 150 Comments

Sunset in the leaves - Vansho-Lakon

Rescued by students from Hidden Leaf Academy Sunset Shimmer will begin a new adventure at a new school with new friends

  • ...

The Frost Demon Attacks! Wendigo Rampage!

"Hey AJ," Applebloom said in a defeated tone.

"Applebloom, there's a lot I wanna say and ask right now, but I'm not sure where to start." Applejack said with a stern tone in her voice.

Under normal circumstances, the younger sister would flinch and cower under such a tone, but Applebloom merely lowered her head in shame.

"E'yupp," said Big Macintosh with a look of disappointment on his face.

"What made you think you could trust someone Like Mizuki? Sunset may have been bad, but Mizuki was ten times worse."

"Well, he hadn't done anything in a long time after Sunset made a fool out of him, and he was really kind and understanding. And he brought up a good point."

"And what would that be?"

"AJ, were you just hanging around her because of that Twilight girl?" Applebloom asked.

'That thing was nothing but a charity case, and a trophy pet,'she heard that mocking voice of Mizuki in her head.'You would have thrown that bitch off a bridge if it wasn't for that princess,'Applejack shook her head to get him out of her head.

"I admit I was skeptical about it at first but, after spending time with her and getting to know her, I did grow to see her as a friend, even... like-like a member of the family," the elder sister admitted. "I made a horrible mistake, we both did. Now we have to do what we can to make things right. "

"But how?" Applebloom asked.

"Granny Smith called in a favor from an old friend. He'll be joining us shortly."

It was a late evening at Asura Residence, but the paperwork before needed to be examined and taken care of. Only to be interrupted. 'Just the break I needed,' Asura thought, seeing who was calling. "Hello, Cadence. A late evening of work for you as well?" He asked.

"How are Celestia and Luna doing?" Cadence asked.

"They're hanging in there. This whole aftermath of this cyberbullying incident has left the whole school as grim as a funeral."


"Asura, your back."

"It took me a few tries to figure out how this thing works, but I managed to get the data you want, I think,"Asura said holding out the device. "But before I give this back, I need you to do a small favor for me Twilight."

"What would that be?"

"I'd like it if you didn't go near CHS for now. I know your curious about the strange events that are going on there, but things aren't looking too good over there right now from what I can tell."

"Things are that bad there?" She asked, to which he nodded.

"I'm afraid so." 'Not to mention the other Twilight over there. If she showed up there right now, they would mistake her for the "Princess," and things would be a much bigger mess than what they already are,' He thought. "But I'm going to help them get things back on track for them the best I can."

"Also I found the hidden boyfriend radar feature on your device and with it, I was able to find several candidates that are compatible with you," Asura teased.

"Very funny Asura," Twilight said, with a flustered blush on her face taking her device back.


"I heard the strangest thing from Luna a few days ago. She apparently met someone with the same name as her, saying she was a princess," Candace said while Asura took a sip of his coffee.

"Phffft! What!?" he exclaimed spitting out his coffee.

'I'm going to get even with Tayuya Uzumaki'Sunny Flare declared to herself.'While she's asleep I'll-'

"And what are you doing up at this hour?" Asked a voice, pulling her from her thoughts of revenge.

"Nothing," Sunny quickly said.

"Certainly doesn't look like nothing,"Adagio said. 'And why is she still wearing the spandex?' She wondered.

"Well, it's none of your business!"

"Something tells me you're up to something."

"Well well, I wasn't expecting to find you here as well," Said a voice, causing both girls turn to see a man with elongated limbs and raggedy clothes, white hair that moves on its own, looking like it was made out of a foggy mist. And an unnaturally large mouth full of pointed teeth and icy blue glowing eyes. "That makes this even better."

"What the hell is that thing?!" Sunny Flare asked in terror as both girls stood frozen in fear. The pale man dashed towards the two with unnatural speed, slashing its claws at Adagio giving the girl a nasty gash on her right arm as she was slammed to the ground. 'It only attacked her? Why?' the crystal prep girl thought.'I have to run, I have to get help I-'Her thoughts were interrupted as she found herself trapped in a circle of frozen spikes that surrounded her.

"You can't escape me, and nothing will save you from me!" He said while glaring at her while holding the orange hair girl by her injured arm. "So, where are the other demon skanks?" the pale man asked looking at his victim.

"I'm not telling you anything," Adagio grunted out defiantly, only for the white-haired creature to dig his claws into her wound making her grunt even more in pain.

"Leaf hurricane!" Shouted a voice as Rock Lee kicked the creature in the head, forcing it to let go of Adagio.

"Vacuum palm!" shouted Neji Shattering the spikes

"Neji!" Sunny gasped.

"Get going, hurry!" Neji order to which she nodded. "Can you move?" Neji asked helping Adagio up. "It's best if you get to safety. Lee and I will handle this,"

"I only came here for that demon bitch, but if you fools wish to die then so be it," The pale man said.

A sudden loud noise along with several strange growling sounds awoke the two sleeping redheads. "What the hell is with all that noise?" Tayuya asked as she and Sunset got off the couch they both fell asleep on and exited their room.

"I don't know but, I gotta bad feeling about this," Sunset said. As they went down the hall and ventured towards the source of the commotion. As both Girl's got Closer they felt the air get colder like someone left a window open, but there was else to it something sinister that made them both feel uneasy as they got to the source. "What is that?" The fiery-haired girl gasped, seeing Rock Lee and Neji fighting some pale skinned monster.

"Quick, over here before that thing spots us!" Tayuya said, spotting a bar counter.

"Things aren't looking too good," Sunset said while glancing a peek of the fight.

"I got an idea," Tayuya said. "Hey, you! Make Fuzzbrows drink that!" She said, tossing a bottle of gin to Neji.

"What are you doing giving him alcohol!?" Sunset asked.

"Back when I was a part of the sound five gang, we spiked the punch at a school dance. Lee got drunk off his ass and started beating the crap out everyone and wrecked the place there while saying a bunch of random drunken nonsense," Tayuya explained. "Turns out he's a natural drunken fist user."

"How is that supposed to help?" Sunset questioned.

"You'll see," She answered confidently.

"Lee," said Neji grabbing his green-clad friend's attention.

"What is it?"

"Drink up." Forcing his mouth open and pouring the alcohol down his throat.

"What are you looking at ya ugly (hic) snowman?" Lee slurred out.

"Incredible," Sunset gasped. "He can't lay a hit on him," She said, watching Lee easily doge the pale man's attacks and delivering unorthodox but powerful counters, looking like as if he were dancing with it.

"Hold still you green-gah!" the creature screamed.

"Achoo!" Lee sneezed onto the creature.

"I said HOLD STILL!" freezing Lee's leg in place.

"Lee!" Neji said, rushing to his friend's aid only to be slammed into a wall by a powerful backhand by the frost demon.

"Shit! Not good. Okay, plan B."

"That would be?"

"We set the frosty bastard on fire," grabbing two bottles, a lighter, and a cleaning cloth. "On the count of three, we throw."



"Three!" They both said nodding as Tayuya lit the flame.

"Die in a fire asshole!" The redhead shouted as the two tossed a Molotov cocktail at the beast.

"Let's book it Sunset!" Tayuya shouted as the red-haired duo fled.

"It's her," The frost demon hissed catching sight of his prey.

"Dynamic Entry!" Came a voice, the pale demon receiving a powerful kick to the head.

"Another one?!" The frost creature asked. Looking at the older green-clad man in front of him.

"I don't know who you are, but I don't approve of you attacking my students," Guy said.

"Get out of my way! I will not be denied!" The creature said, only to get punched hard in the gut.'This one is much stronger than the other'The creature thought as he was then hit with an uppercut which knocked him into the air, and then slammed down into the ground with another punch and sent skidding across the floor.

"Enough of this!" The pale creature shouted leaping out the away from Guy's assault and creating a large thick wall of ice between him and the green-clad man. The creature then ran down the hallway the girls went down.

"You won't get away from me!" the frost beast shouted hurling an icicle at the fleeing duo.

"Sunset look out!" Tayuya shouted, pushing Sunset out of harm's way as a barrage of icicles spears struck her. The fiery-haired could only gasp in shock as the frozen spikes pierced the redhead next to her.

"TAYUYA!" Sunset screamed, rushing over and cradling her injured friend in her arms. "Tayuya, why?"

"I made a promise to someone that I'd do anything in my power to protect those who are precious to me, so that I never have to see another friend die. Because you and I are a lot alike Sunset. To be angry at the world and to become a despicable bastard to lash out in hate when deep on the inside, we are crying in pain. I know the same loneliness you went through." She confessed, struggling through the pain her body was in. "You're not a she-demon or Anon-A-Miss or anything like that. You're Sunset Shimmer-Uzumaki. You're my family and my best friend, and don't you dare forget it." She finished, her brown eyes shedding tears as they look into Sunset's cyan eyes, which were also tearing up.

"Don't feel too bad, you'll get to die with her after I make you squeal in agony!" The pale creature said, now standing behind the two, forming razor sharp claws of ice on his hands.

"NO ONE HURTS MY FRIENDS!" Shouted a voice, as Sakura slammed her fist into the frost demons gut, sending it flying into a wall.

"Sakura," Sunset gasped in awe of her friend's strength.

"Chidori Senbon!" Came another voice as needles of electricity struck the stunned frost demon, causing him to howl in pain."Naruto! Finish it now!"


"You got it Sasuke! Rasengan!" The blonde replied slamming a spiraling orb into the wendigo's face.


"Hang in there Tayuya, I'll get you fixed up," Sakura said, using her healing powers on the injured girl. "Are you okay Sunset?"

"I'm fine Sakura, just focus on her," Sunset replied. "And thanks, I was wondering when you guys would show up."

"Well, it looks like we made it on time," Naruto said with a grin.

"It's not over yet," Sasuke said. "It's getting back up," The others turned to look as the creatures face began to reform back to normal, with sicking crunching and squelching sounds as it lifted itself back onto its feet.

"YOU!!" The frost demon shouted with its sight focused on the blonde. "I will devour your flesh and bones!"

Author's Note:

Here it is at last, sorry for the wait. Real world problems for both myself and my proofreader came up and slowed things down considerably. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and stick around for the conclusion of the first arc of this story in the next chapter.

(5/24/18*tweeked & improved*)

Thumbs up and fave if you're enjoying the story I truly do appreciate every one I get. :twilightsmile: and thank you to everyone who has.