• Published 12th Feb 2018
  • 6,310 Views, 150 Comments

Sunset in the leaves - Vansho-Lakon

Rescued by students from Hidden Leaf Academy Sunset Shimmer will begin a new adventure at a new school with new friends

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Reforging a tattered and lost bond! Uzumaki's and Apples!

It's been almost a week since Wendigos were defeated, and things seemed to be continuing as normal for the students of Hidden leaf Academy.

"You know, I think we could make a great duet band if we wanted to do that," Said Tayuya, as she and Sunset finished another one of their morning jam sessions. "You got a great singing voice, not to mention you're great with the guitar. And with me at your side playing my flute, I think we'd be pretty damn awesome."

"You think so?" Sunset asked in a somewhat bashful tone.

"Hell yeah," Tayuya answered. "I'll see ya after class," The redhead said, fist bumping with her friend before leaving.

"It's been quite a while since I've seen Tayuya smile like that," said Kotohime fondly. "I can tell you mean a lot to her."

"Who is that?" Sunset asked, seeing the music teacher's gaze now focused on a picture on her desk. It was a picture of a girl that looked like a younger version of her but also different.

"That's my daughter, Kin Tsuchi," The music teacher answered.

"Tsuchi?" Sunset asked I thought your last name was Fuma?"

"She took her father's last name as her way of remembering him," Kotohime explained. "My daughter was Tayuya's first friend, back when they were still small, and the two were practically inseparable. Tayuya was like her big sister, and to me, she was like having a second daughter," Kotohime said, her eyes in a trance of nostalgia. "Those two would do just about everything together. From catching bugs and frogs to playing music. I wish those days would never end. Eventually Kin wanted to spend time with her father and him the same, so she left to spend time with him, which eventually lead to her moving away to spend time with him, leaving Tayuya feeling lonely and it tore at our hearts, not having her around."

"What about letters?" Sunset asked.

"For a while, it was one of the things we both looked forward too. But things came up for them, and they weren't able to write. It left Tayuya feeling like she was forgotten. Her cousin Naruto did what he could for her, but it wasn't enough sadly. That loneliness turned into spitefulness, frustration, and even hate, leading her down the wrong tracks in life."

"She joined that gang soon after that, didn't she?" Sunset asked to which the older woman nodded.

"Yes, She ended up joining Kimimaro's gang which he called the Sound Five gang, leading Tayuya down a life of troublemaking and delinquency. It didn't help that she also had a crush on the leader. But to be fair, he was a handsome young man if I do say so myself," Kotohime added trying to lighten the mood. "My daughter did come back to Konoha county, though their reunion didn't go too well."

"Why not?" Sunset asked

"She felt like Kin abandoned her, and she lashed out at her. Though I think part of her was confused on how to feel, despite that Kin didn't give up on her and neither did Naruto. Together they were able to reach her, and they were able to bring back the girl we all loved."

"A few days later thought was when it happened. Tayuya realized she wanted a better life and decided to part ways with Kimmimaro and his gang they didn't take it too lightly to the point one of them pulled a gun and tried to shoot her. My daughter blocked the bullet and protected her." at the moment Sunset mind drifted to how Tayuya protected her from Mizuki's attack and what she told her.

'I made a promise to someone that I'd do anything in my power to protect those who are precious to me. So that I never have to see another friend die.'

"Tayuya blamed herself for what happened to Kin for quite a while after to the point I was afraid she would hurt her self or worse. Thankfully she never did, but ever since my daughter's death life has been an uphill battle for the both of us. You reached her in a way that only my daughter had. For her to open her heart to you like that, it takes someone exceptional to do something like that. It's a shame that others from CHS couldn't see that,"

"Yeah..." Sunset sadly replied, her thoughts drifting to her former friends for what felt like the first time in a long while. She had been so occupied with her new family and her new school and friends, that she didn't really give them much thought. Granted she did talk about them to the counselor Kurenai, Tayuya, and Sakura, but it was mainly to vent out her sorrow and frustration. A small part of her wondered how they were, and if they even missed her. Or if they were just fine with her out of the picture.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to bring up any bad memories," Kotohime apologized.

"No, it's fine," Sunset said, pulling herself from her thoughts.

"Despite the circumstances that brought you here, I'm glad you came to this school Sunset," Kotohime said.

'What's this?' Tayuya wondered, spotting Naruto and Minato at one of the outdoor balconies. Curious, the redhead decided to eavesdrop on their conversation secretly.

"There was something you wanted to talk to me about?" Naruto asked.

"Yeah, I did. Do you remember a girl named Jackie?" Minato asked.

"Jackie... for some reason that name sounds familiar, but I can't remember who it belonged too," Naruto said, pondering who the name belonged too before something clicked. "She was that girl from that farm we used to visit, right?"

"Then perhaps the name Applejack sounds more familiar?" Minato asked, causing Naruto's eyes to widen in shock at the recognition of the name of one of Sunset's former friends.

"Wait, Jackie was her?" 'And to think I didn't recognize her when I saw her at the cafe that day,' Naruto thought to himself.

"Well, it has been a long time since you two last saw each other," Minato said. "We'll be meeting with them after school today. I would like you, and possibly Sunset as well to join."

"Oh hell no," The redhead hissed to herself, storming away from the scene without either of them noticing her.

"I don't think that's a good idea Dad. I don't think she'll want to talk any of them. Especially after what happened."

"I won't force her to go, which is why I want you to go ask her."

"Sorry Uncle, I can't let you do that. I'm not letting Sunset have to go through the pain of dealing with them. They don't deserve her, none of them do for what they have done to her. It's time for Operation: Flossy Possy."

"Girls night out, huh? Sorry Tayuya, I have other things planned this evening. Otherwise, I'd love to join," said Adagio. "But maybe Sonata would like to join you."

'I think she's gonna have other things planned too,' The redhead said to herself.

"Say Karin, when was the last time we did something fun together?" Tayuya asked her fellow redhead.


"Exactly, too damned long! So you, me, and Sunset are gonna have ourselves a night on the town doing awesome shit and having a hell of a time!"

"Awesome shit huh?" Karin questioned, wondering what's gotten into her beanie wearing relative.

"I'm good at improvising. So whatever we do it's gonna be great," Tayuya answered.

"Tenten!" Tayuya greeted while walking up to the bun-haired girl.


"You, me, Sunset, and Karin are gonna have ourselves a girls night out, so you're gonna have to put polishing your sword collection on hold."

"What's the occasion?" Tenten asked curiously.

"Just four girls having a good time is all."

"Sup pineapple."

Shikamaru sighed loudly, before turning his attention to Tayuya. "What do you want?"

"You're gonna help me."

"With what?"

"With pulling off Operation Flossy Possy,"

"Operation what now?"

"I'm trying to make a great girls night out, and I need some help pulling it off. There's a concert going on at the rec center on the east side of town, and I need your help getting tickets for it."

"Yo Sonata!"

"What's up Tayu?" The blue-haired girl asked.

"I got word that someone might be making a move on your man."

"What?! Who's trying to take my Narupookie?"

"Some chick named Jackie."

"Sunset, yo!" Tayuya called to her friend when she appeared.

"There you are Sunset, there's something that I need to-" Naruto said, walking up to the two before being yanked away by a grumpy Sonata.

"Narupookie, we need to talk," Sonata said.

"No can do on that. Naruto, Sunset and I got plans, and it's clear you got something to take care of." Tayuya said.

"I take it Sunset's not coming?"

"She's with Tayuya at a concert, and where's mom?"

"She's already there, so it's best if we get going."

"So how do you know the apple family?"

"Applejacks Father and I were good friends back then."

"I just can't believe this," Applejack murmured to herself in awe. Mainly because that her idol was at her home, and that her idol was once friends with her mother.

"What's this I hear about you slamming a girl into a table?" Kushina asked in a disturbingly sweet tone.

"Er-uh, It wasn't Applejack, it was someone else!" The blonde said in a panicked tone.

"That's no excuse! I taught you better than that Naruto!" Kushina shouted, gripping her son by his shirt.

"Ahem," Granny Smith cleared her throat.

"Um, Kushina? I know that you knew my folks, but why do you want to help me?" Applebloom asked, drawing the elder redhead's attention to her.

"Because Applebloom, I did terrible things when I was younger. But I was given a second chance. Your mother helped give me that chance," Kushina explained. "And I want to give you a second chance, like I got."

"This is gonna be troublesome," Shikamaru groaned.

"Don't be a wet blanket pineapple," The beanie-wearing redhead hissed, jabbing him in the ribs with her elbow. "Alright girls, let's make some memories tonight!" Tayuya declared cheerfully, wrapping each of her arms around Sunset and Karin.

"Okay, so what're we doing first?" Tenten asked.

"I got tickets to a concert," Tayuya replied holding out several tickets.

"Okay, so who's playing?" Karin asked.

"Blazing Roses."

"Oh my gosh, I forgot that they were playing here!"

"That name sounds familiar, I think I've heard a few of their songs on the radio," Sunset said.

"It wasn't easy getting those at the last minute," Shikamaru said.

"Thank you, Shikamaru I do appreciate this "Sunset said.

"You should be more like her, ya know? At least she thanks people," Shikamaru said, looking in Tayuya's direction. To which she just rolled her eyes in response.

"Anyway, I figured the best way to start things off before the concert would be to get a parfait here."

"Can I take your order?" came a familiar voice.

"Adagio?" Tayuya asked.

"I didn't know you worked here," Tenten said.

"Sakura got me a job here," Adagio answered.

'So that's why she couldn't go with us,' Tayuya thought.

"This Strawberry-peach one looks good. I'll take one of those," Sunset said.

"I'll take a pudding Parfait," Karin said.

"I'll go for the mango and Coconut," Tenten said.

"The mixed berry and waffle one for me," Tayuya said.

"Coffee will do," Shikamaru said.

(At the line for the concert)

"Hello, what do we have here?" Karin asked, looking a bit further up in the line at a blue-haired boy around their age.

"That's Flash, he was once my boyfriend back at Canterlot high," Sunset said, recognizing the blue-haired boy.

"Should we fuck him up?" both Tenten and Tayuya asked in unison, pulling out switchblades.

"What? No! No, there's no need for that," Sunset said. "And where did you even get those?" She then asked.

"Girls got their secrets," Tenten answered casually putting her knife away as did Tayuya.

"So he's single?" Karin asked, eyeing up the blue-haired boy with a sly look on her face.

"As far as I know, yeah," Sunset answered.

"Hold my spot will you?" Karin said

(After the concert)

"That was freaking awesome!" Tenten said in excitement.

"So what's next?"

"Say, any of you girls know where Karin is?" Sunset asked.

"I think she still flirting with that blue-haired guy."

"That's new, when did this place have kart racing?" Tayuya asked, examining the indoor race course.

"They added it last summer I think," Tenten answered before noticing the sparkle of excitement in Sunsets eyes. "So, you wanna race?"

"Can we?" Sunset excitedly.

"Thought you wouldn't ask."

"Why not, I'm game," Tenten said.

(Sometime later)

"You gotta try this!"

"I don't think this is a good idea right now. I have to go to the bathroom," Said Karin worryingly as she was fastened to the zip line swing.

"Don't worry, there's a bathroom on the other side. You'll be fine just go for it," Tayuya encouraged.

"You can do it Karin!" Sunset cheered from the other side.

"Why did stop?" Karin asked in a panicked tone as the momentum stopped, and she now found herself stuck in the middle.

"Ooh dear. That's not good," Tenten said.

"Hang in there, I'm on my way!" Tayuya said.

"Well I don't think I have to go the bathroom anymore," Karin said.

"I got an idea," Tayuya said spotting a guy in sagging pants. "Someone needs these more than you," She said, yanking the loose pants off from the unsuspecting person.

"What are you doing?" Karin asked as she was dragged into the women's restroom.

"Did she just steal that guy's pants?" Sunset asked in shock, while Tenten couldn't help but laugh at the situation.

"Troublesome woman," Shikamaru groaned.

"She may be reformed, but she still has a bit of her old bad girl self. But that's what makes her fun to be around," Tenten said, pausing from her laughter.


"It's fine Naruto, your words were a wake-up call that the others and I needed, even if it was a harsh one. I just wish it happened sooner," Applejack said.

"I take the reason Sunset isn't here is that she didn't want to see any of us?"

"Actually it's because she's at a concert with my cousin," Naruto answered.

"Well that's nice to hear, and I never wanted to see Sunset hurt."

"Paws off my Narupookie you hussy!" Shouted Sonata, kicking the door open.

'It's one of those Sirens, what is she doing here?' Applejack wondered.

"Sonata?!" Naruto asked, surprised to see his girlfriend here.

"Wait, you know her?" Applejack asked.

"Yeah... she's my girlfriend," Naruto answered sheepishly, scratching the back of his head.

"I know your plan!" Sonata said, pointing at the blonde cowgirl. "You're trying to seduce my Narupookie so that you can get to Sunset, aren't you?!"

"What?" Applejack questioned in confusion.

"Sonata, calm down. There's nothing like that happening," Naruto said, trying to keep things from getting out of hand.

"Not until miss howdy doody there knows that she can't have my man!" Sonata said.

"We were just talking, and nothing more," Applejack said, trying to reason with the former siren.

"About what? You trying to demonize me and my sisters as monsters for what we did? Well, what about you and-" Sonata said before being interrupted.

"Look at what you did with all ya kicking and stomping little missy," Granny Smith scolded, forcing Sonata to look at the broken object. "Then you come in here with the nerve to think my granddaughter is doing something illicit with that boy when they ain't."

"Despite what happened on the zip-line, I've haven't had this much fun in quite a while," Karin said.

"We should do something like this again," Tenten said.

"Next time, do it without dragging me into it," Shikamaru said.

"I guess I should also be going home," Sunset said.

"Don't worry about it Sunset, you can stay at my place for the night," Tayuya said, bringing out her phone. "I'll send auntie a message."

(Tayuya's apartment)

"Home sweet home," Tayuya said after opening the door to a modest and mostly clean apartment, with the exception of a few empty soda and energy drink cans near the couch. There is also a large terrarium tank with an orange striped tan lizard crawling atop a small rock formation to the branched driftwood log.

"You didn't tell me you had a pet," Sunset said, looking at the lizard with a sparkle in her eyes as she walked up to the glass cage for a better look. "This is a Bearded Dragon isn't it?" Sunset asked, recognizing the breed.

"Yup, his name is Tatsu," Tayuya said looking at her pet lizard. "You can hold him, he's pretty easy going."

"You sure do have quite a few flutes, "Sunset noted, looking at the small collection of unique flutes as she gently petted Tatsu. "What's this one?"

"It's a Shakuhachi. It was a gift from auntie, and it's one of my personal favorites, next to the piccolo flute," Tayuya answered.

As she was listening, Sunset noticed a picture hung up on the wall out of the corner of her eye, and it was of Tayuya and Kin. Sunset, as if entranced by both the picture and the music, she slowly walked up to the portrait. The image was of Tayuya and Kin when they were younger with big smiles on their faces, their eyes filled with innocence and joy that only a child could have. Sunset then noticed something, words engraved on the lower part of the frame. Suddenly the music stopped as the redhead walked up beside Sunset.

"'Live life for the both of us.' Those were her last words to me," Tayuya said, tracing her fingers across the words. "It was those words that kept me going up to this point. Alongside Naruto, Auntie, and Kotohime. I wish you could have met her. The three of us would have been a hell of a trio," Tayuya said sadly.

"Kotohime told me about what happened," Sunset said. "That promise you made-,"

"I made that promise on the day we held her funeral," Tayuya answered. "It still haunts me. At times I find myself murmuring her name when I try to get to sleep. At other times, I close my eyes and I find myself back on that day, cradling her in my arms, having to watch the life fade from her eyes and hearing her final words echo in my mind," Tayuya said as she shed tears. "Sorry for laying this on you Sunset-" She said, only to be caught by surprise to see a hand wipe away her tears.

"Friends listen to each other, especially best friends," Sunset said, giving Tayuya a reassuring smile. "You have been listening to me and my problems from the past, and it's only fair that I do the same for you."

"Sunset... thank you," Tayuya said, pulling her into a hug.

Author's Note:

Here it is part one of Apples and Uzumakis

I've tried my best to get scenes right and make this chapter a good one I hope I pulled it off.