• Published 21st Jan 2018
  • 493 Views, 32 Comments

PBB: A Pirate's Life - AntiBronyBenSwolo

Sonata Dusk has turned to the Dark Side for revenge, and Adagio is the only one who can stop her. Who'll help her out on her adventure, however, is quite a surprise. Savvy?

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Chapter 1

It has been torture since we lost our singing voices. All the abuse from other students, calling us monsters for trying to take over the school, mocking us for our lack of talent. I wish we could talk to the teachers about it, but even they attack us. Well now, It is my time to shine. What happened was that Adagio, Aria, and I were all at the stadium where we lost the battle of the bands, mourning the loss of our voices. Then, almost out of the corner of my eye, I saw my salvation underneath the stage. I went underneath the stage to see what it was. As I dug through the rubble and dust, I saw 3 little red flashes. I picked them up and I remembered what it was. It was my old siren gem. Unlike Adagio's gem or Aria's gem, which both turned to dust, my gem merely broke into 3 different segments. As I picked up the broken stone, I felt my old singing voice coming back to me.

But I felt something else as well. I felt something, an energy field of sorts, giving me newfound powers beyond my belief. I have yet to discover them. These new powers almost spoke to me, telling me to build a vessel of sorts for the crystal fragments. I did so, with Adagio and Aria back at home, curious about my whereabouts. I went to a junkyard to find the parts I need to build my crystal's vessel, a weapon of sorts, when all of a sudden, a guard dog came out and hunted me down. I was almost cornered by the beast until I shot my hand out in front of it. As I did that, bolts of lightning shot from my hand and electrocuted the dog. I was amazed to see my power, so I continued to grab my materials and build myself a lightsaber. The lightsaber has a spinning hilt with 3 blades, all pointing in the same direction.

The next morning, I smuggled my new lightsaber to school so I could absorb more of it's new powers, and we had gym class. The girls and I played a game of dodgeball, and my team was almost loosing. That was until I let my new power kick in. I used this new mysterious energy to telekinetically catch the balls, hit the other competitors out of the game, and we totally dominated them. Adagio was, without a doubt, concerned for me. She said that I wasn't really myself. Technically, she's right. I really haven't been myself lately, what with these cool abilities and whatnot. I felt like I was wasting my time with them at the school. It was time for me to do something bigger.

As I prepared to pack my things and head out on my own, Aria got to the door to stop me from leaving, just so that she and Adagio could talk to me about what's going on. I wouldn't tell them, trying to make it a surprise, but she didn't care. "You want to know what happened to me? Fine!" I said, as I telekinetically clutched Adagio's neck, and tossed Aria into the room next door, knocking her out. When they both came to, they found themselves tied to a couple chairs, with gags in their mouth to tell me to stop or to call for help. They were at my mercy. I was about to destroy them, but I wanted to give them a chance before I did so. So, I told them that if I call the shots now, then I can help lead better than Adagio has ever been at this, and I could get us the revenge we need on not only the school, not only the Earth, not even the Universe for that matter, but the entire multiverse.

I gave my offer to Adagio, who looked at me as if she never knew me to begin with, after hearing my offer. I tried to give my offer to Aria, but she's was to scared to even look at me right now. I sighed in disappointment as I prepared my lightsaber to destroy them. But I felt like I saw something from behind me, but no one was there. Not yet at least. I decided to look outside to see what was going on. When I got to the location of where my senses were leading me, I found an old "friend" of mine; Sunset Shimmer. She looked kind of different though, as she was wearing armor that resembled a soldier, except it was made using blue crystals. Sunset had brought a friend with her though, a man dressed in a black suit, cape, and mask, almost resembling a bat.

"Sonata Dusk, we know that you have obtained Force powers, and started abusing them. Stand down so we may take you in." they said, as Sunset pointed a gun at me, while the stranger was aiming to throw something at me. "The Force? Is that what my new powers are called? Well then. Time to put them to use." I said, as I let out an unrelenting force push against Sunset and her friend. The Force was then telling me that the bat-like stranger had something that I could use to start my reign. So I ran up to him, swiped what looked like a miniature remote, and it (the Force) then told me to go to the crystal mirror. "Don't let her get away! She has the prototype wrist-portal!" The stranger yelled as he and Sunset chased me across the school.

"wrist-portal?" I thought to myself, while blocking blaster bolts with my lightsaber. "Will it get me out of here and somewhere else?" I thought. So I reckoned to test it out by aiming it, and a green bold shot out of the device and into the crystal portal, turning it into a green wormhole. Finally, my rise to power began. I entered the portal to escape from the 2 and landed in a desert wasteland. I had little to no idea where I was, but what I did know is that this place will be where I shall build my power. I then traveled onward until I found a giant temple of sorts. Around the temple were ruins of dead bodies of strange looking robots of sorts, and dead men wearing armor identical to the armor Sunset Shimmer has on, but white, and made from a different material.

As I saw myself surrounded in carnage, I decided to sing to myself for comfort. But little did I know, as I was singing, my song was resurrecting the dead robots. "What shall we do for you mistress?" One of the bots asked me. I decided to take advantage of this and have it educate me about how these bots came to be. It was there I learned about the Clone Wars, the Separatist Alliance, and the Battle Droid Factories down below, which I told the battle droids to start up so that I can have my very own army. I started to sing to my army to get the work to go faster and faster, which worked out brilliantly, as I was building myself a cruiser which I would use as my flagship. Once my army was complete, I studied the wrist-remote that I stole (I modified it with the help of the droids), and decided that now I have my singing voice back, it's time to go on tour.