• Published 23rd Jul 2012
  • 4,361 Views, 193 Comments

Of Loyalty and Chaos - PxDnNinja

A new pony crashes into town shortly after Discord is trapped once again.

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Chapter 3: Introductions Pt.1 CMC

Dash and Swift watched as Twilight left the room to find the doctor. Once the door shut, the two looked back to each other. Swift himself had relaxed a great deal from when he had woken up.

"Thank you too, Rainbow Dash. I don't know why you two are helping me, but I really do appreciate it." Swift said, looking into Rainbow's eyes, sincerity on his face. Rainbow looked back to him as he was speaking and smiled gently in response for a moment before a mischievous grin formed.

"Not a problem! I've never had amnesia, but I have had a damaged wing and been grounded, so I know what that part is like. Besides, don't be thanking me yet. I'm going to teach you to fly and then you can either thank me or hate me." She said, loudly as always, poking Swift in the shoulder with her hoof as she sat next to the bed. Swift grinning in response but deep down wondered why flight lessons would make him hate her.

"So you will teach me to fly? That would be great, but I don't want to get in the way of whatever you have to do." Swift explained. Dash and Twilight seemed like the type of pony everypony should know, but he didn't want to cause any more issues than he already had.

"Pah, nonsense. I have weather patrol in the mornings but I can usually handle that before it's near lunch unless a huge storm is on the schedule. Other than that, it's nap, practice stunts, nap, eat, nap, lounge, nap, then bed. Might skip the last nap if it was a long day." She explained, tapping her chin and looking up as if trying to recall the complicated schedule she had. Swift snickered as she went over it.
"What?" She asked.

"Nothing, Dash. Just sounds like an ideal job setup. Low stress and plenty of time to do whatever you wish." He explained, looking out at the few clouds visible out of the window. Dash followed his vision then had an idea.

"Well, if you think so, once we get you airworthy, you should join my weather team. The pay is decent, though you have to go through apprenticeship which pays crap, but it's a start." She offered, a genuine smile on her face. Swift thought about it for a moment before deciding it would be a solid idea.

"Sounds good to me. Don't want to be mooching off of people. Plus it will help me practice flying." Swift replied, accepting the offer. The catch was getting air worthy. Looking at his bandaged wing, he thought about how long it was going to take to even use it. Dash caught this look and gave a sympathetic pout.

"Don't worry Swift. It totally sucks to be grounded, but it shouldn't take long for your wing to heal. It isn't completely broke, so probably a week and you can learn to fly." She said, trying to sound optimistic, but her own dread at being grounded for suck a long period of time leaked through a bit. Swift caught this and just smiled.

"Thanks, I'll manage. Besides, not like I miss flying yet." He joked, since he couldn't remember having ever flown, or even crashing. Dash smiled at Swifts optimism and ability to joke about his rather bad situation. Before she could reply however, the door opened and Twilight walked in, seeing the two pegasi grinning to each other, an obvious friendship forming between them.

"Hey you two. Sorry to break it up, but we need to leave Dash. Visiting hours are closed." She explained. Dash sat up and walked over to join Twilight by the door.
"The doctor said you would probably be out early tomorrow Swift. They just want to make sure the head injuries don't flare up or anything. The wing will take a few days to heal up though." She offered to the injured pegasus. She remembered Dash hating being here every time she was injured, so Swift would probably want to know he wasn't stuck here for a while. Swift clearly agreed by the grin on his face.

"Good. I might not remember anything, but anything has to be better than being stuck in this room." He joked, getting a laugh from Dash and Twilight.

"Well, I have a lot to do at the library, but feel free to swing by tomorrow if you would like." Twilight offered as she opened the door to leave. Dash followed her out, waving goodbye to Swift.

"Later! Get better and I'll see you tomorrow." She offered. Swift returned the goodbye wave and the two left, closing the door and leaving Swift alone in the room.

Swift leaned back against his pillow and looked out at the dimming sky.

'Well, at least I was able to make a couple of friends. If I get out tomorrow I need to find my way around this town.' He thought, wondering how he was going to manage in a strange new place. Slowly he started running through different plans of what he could do as he drifted off to sleep.


The next morning found Swift being shaken awake by Nurse Redheart.

"Swift? Are you awake?" She asked, trying to wake the sleepy pegasus. She didn't want to appear unprofessional, but this pegasus was as hard to wake as Rainbow Dash herself.

'Are all pegasi just really lazy?' She always wondered when trying to wake up any pegasus, but was pulled from her thoughts as Swift groaned and opened one eye.

"Mmm. Wha? Yeah, I'm up." He mumbled as he yawned and began stretching in the bed. Nurse Redheart backed up and let him stretch.

"Careful with the wing, Swift. Don't flex it too much." She advised when she noticed him start to spread his wings. Swift winced as he felt a small stab of pain, but stopped before it was too bad. Glancing over, he saw that the bandages had been removed.

"You removed the bandage?" He asked, confused. He had been told a week for it to heal.

"Yes, you can't use it, but there was no need to retain the bandage. The bones are set fine, but still need to finish healing. Just don't try to use that wing or you will find yourself back in here." She said, smiling to the pony to reduce the usual fear of returning to the hospital.

"As for right now, we just need to run a couple of tests to make sure you are ok and we can get you out of here." She offered as she approached Swift with a blood pressure device.

A half an hour later found Swift standing at the front desk of the clinic, fully cleared to leave as long as he didn't try flying for at least 3 days.

"I want you back in three days so we can check on that wing, but I'm sure you will be fine. I see no reason to think you will have trouble unless you try to fly." Dr. Stable assured him while signing the checkout papers, and like that Swift was a free pony.

"Thank you very much for the help." Swift said with sincerity to Nurse Redheart and the good doctor. Both nodded and wished him well as they turned to deal with other patients. Swift himself turned and walked out the door to be greeted by Ponyville for the first time.

"Well, now what?" He asked, mostly to himself.

"SURPRISE!" A tomboyish voice shouted from behind, and above, Swift.

"AHH!" Swift jumped and turned, lowered into a fight or flight pose to find what happened. A second of looking around found him greeting by the magenta eyes of Rainbow Dash flight just above the ground. Once he made the realization, he realized he felt sharp pains.
"OUCH!" Swift realized in his surprise he fully extended his injured wing and quickly closed it back up, wincing at the pain. Dash herself realized what happened and frowned.

"Oh Swift, my bad. I guess I should have realized scaring you would be a bad idea." She said, feeling a bit embarrassed that she wouldn't think a pegasus would open its wings in when surprised. Swift just smiled and waved it off.

"Don't worry about it Dash. I would have probably done the same thing and felt just as bad. We will call it even." He said in a friendly tone, but deep down knew he had to get revenge on the trickster somehow. Once he could fly anyway. Dash landed next to him and they began walking down the path from the clinic towards the market center of Ponyville.

"So how's your day going? Weather team work done already?" Swift asked, looking to the sky. He knew it was around noon instinctively. All pegasi could gather the time from the sky naturally, but weather ponies were much better at it.

"Sort of. We are done here, but Canterlot is asking for a few of us to come help with a storm they are late on delivering, but I promised to be here when you got out." Dash explained, her sense of loyalty and friendship guiding her. Swift nodded and smiled, thankful for someone familiar to be around when he got out.

"I greatly appreciate it, Dash. Stepping out of that place was a bit daunting. I have no clue where to even begin in this town." He explained as they walked past a few vendors. The market square was busy with ponies out taking care of business and on lunch breaks from work. Many recognized Dash but a lot of eyes were on the new pony she walked with and his odd appearance. This did not go unnoticed by the duo.
'No cutie mark makes me stand out. Hopefully not in a bad way.' Swift thought as he noticed the stares. Dash gave him a playful shoulder bump.

"Don't worry about it. They will all get used to you. Word gets around fast in this town and they will learn you're a nice guy." Dash said in a lower voice, just to him. Swift just continued smiling and nodded.

"Thanks. The odd stares don't bother me, just hoping they aren't assuming I'm a bad pony or anything." He explained in just as low a voice. Dash just laughed, making Swift (and several other ponies) look at her confused.

"You're with me! They will just know that means you must be pretty awesome!" Dash proclaimed, her pride glowing. Swift started laughing with her, his spirits lifted.

"Very true. Only the best of ponies could hang out with the Equestria's Best Young Flier." He said just as loud, enjoying the confused looks they were getting. Many ponies just rolled their eyes and returned to their business. Dash had a rep for being loud and somewhat obnoxious, so seeing just such an act returned things to normal around the square. Once they were past the stalls, Dash stopped and looked to the sky.

"Well, unfortunately I need to report in so we can get to Canterlot. You think you can manage on your own for the day?" She asked as she flexed her wings and flew a foot into the air. Swift looked around and slightly nodded.

"I should be fine, if you can direct me somewhere for food and work." He asked. He might be on the weather team eventually, but he was hungry now.

"AH yeah. Just head down this road to Sweet Apple Acres. My friend AppleJack runs the place with her family. She can probably use some help and it's a farm, so food should be available. Just let AJ know I sent you." Dash explained, pointing the way to the farm. Swift followed her outstretched hoof and saw a large barn in the distance surrounded by apple trees.

"Sounds good to me. Besides, I recognize that farm name. That's where I crashed isn't it?" He asked. Dash nodded casually.

"Well then, I should also go apologize. You head on to Caterfield. I can make it to the farm myself." He explained, looking forward to meet new people. Dash had a confused look for a second, then her eyes widened in realization.

"Canterlot, not Caterfield. You'll figure things out eventually though." Dash said while laughing. Swift blushed at his mistake a bit before shaking his head to clear things.

"Whatever. Get going you! Shoo!" He said, smiling and waving his hoof at Dash, who got the joke and nodded before taking off as fast as possible. Swift was pushed back by the force and stood there stunned. He hadn't realized how fast she could fly.
"Wow, hopefully I can learn to get as fast as her. I wonder how fast she can get?" He thought aloud as he started down the path to Sweet Apple Acres.


Applejack walked from the barn pulling a large empty cart. Her signature stetson hat sat atop her head as she stopped for a moment to stretch her legs. It was only half past noon and she was already behind.

"Tarnation! Mah legs are a' killin' me." She complained to herself, and anyone who would listen. Big Mac leaving early to take that injured pony to the hospital had put them behind on the apple bucking, This wouldn't be a problem, but her sister and friends were side tracking her way to much today. After a brief stretch to work out the soreness in her legs, she noticed a dark purple pegasus walking up the path. The color reminded her of Twilight, but a bit darker.
" 'Ello there. What can I do ya fer?" Applejack asked, waving to the guest who began to trot over to her. She had never seen this pony before in town, so he must have just moved here. Being the primary apple source, and cider source, in town had helped AJ learn just about every adult pony in Ponyville.

"Hi there! Do you know where I can find Applejack? Rainbow Dash sent me this direction." The pony spoke as he came to a stop and looked around the orchard. AJ smiled as she heard Rainbow had sent this pegasus. There was bound to be a story here if her good friend and rival was involved.

"Well sugah, you just found her. I'm Applejack, but you can call meh AJ." The farm pony answered in a southern friendly manner, extending her hoof in greeting. Swift accepted the offered hoof with a smile.

"Fantastic. I'm somewhat new to the area and am in need of money and or food. Dash said this was the place and that you could probably use an extra hoof." He explained, releasing her hoof and glancing around the area at all the trees. AJ could have hugged Dash had she been here. An extra set of hooves would do wonders today, even if it was a pegasus and not a strong earth pony.

"I sure could use tha help. Big Mac had to leave early yesterday to take some poor pony to the hospital and it got us a bit behind. My baby sisters friends are 'ere too driving me up the wall." AJ explained, clearly flustered at dealing with the kids while doing work, but not angry about it. Family was obviously an important thing to this pony. Swift's ears dropped upon hearing that they were behind because of him.

"Yeah...about that. I'm sorry. I was the pony he had to take to the hospital. They just let me out today even with the injuries." Swift apologized. Now he knew he was going to help out in some way. He just didn't know how yet. AJ looked at him with a confused look.

"Well, glad to hear you are ok, but you look fine to me. What injuries?" She didn't notice any limp or bruising, though bruises would be hard to see with his dark coat, but if he was hurt that would limit any work she could put him to. Swift motioned to his wing with his nose and raised it slightly.

"Mostly my wing. I can't fly, though with the amnesia it doesn't really matter since I can't remember how to anyhow." Swift explained. Applejack's eyes shot open at the mention of amnesia.

"Mah goodness! Never met someone who had amnesia. Y'all sure you're alright?" She asked, genuinely concerned for the pony in front of her. She new amnesia to be a memory injury, but nothing beyond that. Twilight would typically be the one to deal with stuff like this. Swift nodded reassuringly and explained what all had occurred after his waking up in the hospital, including his lacking any memory from before waking and even a lack of a name.

"So for now, just call me Swift. Twilight and Rainbow helped me come up with it." He finished his story while realizing he hadn't actually introduced himself. Applejack had listened intently as he explained about not knowing who he was.

"Well, ah'm sure sorry to hear 'bout all that. I'm sure we can use some help 'round here. Shame you can't remember how to fly though, that must be terrible." She offered, assuring the pony that he wasn't going to be left to starve at least. Swift waved off the worry of flying.

"That's no problem. Rainbow Dash said she would teach me once my wing was mended." He informed her. Before either of them could continue however a shout pulled their attention.

"WHAT!" A high pitched surprise from behind a bush yelled, as three heads popped up belonging to three little fillies. The orange and purple one ran directly at Swift, stopping inches from him while the other two trotted up to join their friend.
"Rainbow Dash said she would teach you to fly! You are friends with her! She is the coolest pony in all of Equestria!" The little filly was talking a mile a minute, while the other two stared with blank shock at Swift. Swift warmly smiled at the orange pegasus before glancing at AJ, who looked part flustered, and part embarrassed.

"Sorry 'bout them." She started.

"Don't worry about it. Kids will be kids." Swift stopped her before she could start into any sort of apology. When his eyes returned to the two quiet ones, the red haired filly spoke up.

"Mista? Why dontcha got a cutie mark?" She asked, a voice similar to AJ's. The orange filly stopped talking and noticed this as well.

"What?! I thought all ponies had cutie marks by the time they were your age! WILL WE HAVE TO WAIT THAT LONG!?" Panic formed on all three of the ponies faces in front of him. Swift couldn't help but giggle at their antics before sitting down on all four legs so he would be more eye level with them. As if by command, all three fillies sat down as on their hindquarters.

"No, I'm sure the three of you will find your special talents and get your cutie marks long before you reach my age. I'm...a special case." He explained. The three looked at each other before the middle one spoke again.

"Why are ya a special case?" She asked. Before anyone else could speak, AJ finally broke in.

"Applebloom! Swift here didn't come all this way to talk to three little fillies." She chastised the trio, who immediately fell into a clearly well practiced set of puppy dog eyes.

"AWWW!" The trio whined together. Swift turned and looked up at Applejack with a smile.

"AJ, I truly don't mind answering their questions. I'm a bit of an oddity, and their questions are innocent enough." He explained. The energy from the kids really warmed his heart, but he did need to make sure he got paid and food at some point.

AJ watched the group on the ground and had an idea.

"Well, if ya don't mind, wouldja watch after 'em fer a few hours while Mac and I get this field bucked? I'll pay ya and give ya some apples as well." AJ offered. If she didn't have to keep checking up on the three fillies, she could be able to finally finish the east field.

"Applejack, I would love to. We will stay around this area so just find us when you are ready." He explained, knowing full well what AJ was planning and being more than happy to help out. AJ thanked him before turning and pulling the cart out into the orchard and was soon out of sight. Turning back to the trio, Swift smiled.

"So, looks like it's the four of us. She called you Applebloom, and you two are?" He asked. The white one stepped up and in a surprisingly proper voice answered.

"I'm Sweetie Bell, and the hyperactive one here is Scootaloo." She explained. Scootaloo gave her a dirty look.

"What did you call me?" She asked, accusingly.

"Just the truth." Sweetie Bell answered. Swift put a hoof between the two before they pounced each other.

"Ok ok, calm down. It wasn't anything bad Scootaloo. You're pretty hyper, but that's a good thing. Rainbow Dash is the same way." He said, recognizing her obviously infatuation with said pony earlier. Scootaloo's eyes grew realizing she shared something with the great Rainbow Dash. Applebloom spoke up at this point.

"What didja mean by bein' special earlier?" She asked, almost shyly. The other two turned to listen as well.

"Well, I assume you heard me tell your sister about my amnesia?" Swift asked as they all nodded.

"Well, I don't know anything about why I don't have a cutie mark because of that. BUT there are no records that anyone can find of a pony my age not having one." He explained. The trio looked at each other for a moment confused.

"I know what you three are thinking. How can there be no record if I clearly exist? I think Twilight had the same thought. She is researching it, but I have a suspicion of my own. One I haven't told anyone, but I trust you three, so I'll tell you." He said, leaning in conspiratorially. There was no danger with what he thought, but children loved thinking they were getting some super secret information. Sure enough, the trio leaned in to glean what wisdom he might have.

"Ponies get their cutie marks when they learn their special talent. What happens when you lose or forget that talent?" He asked the trio. They once again looked at each other before Scootaloo's eyes shot open.

"You lose it?!" She asked, wondering if that was even possible.

"I don't know. But is the only thing I can figure. Which would mean I used to have one till I was hurt. Either that, or there is something we are all missing." Swift explained. The trio suddenly huddled together for a moment, occasionally looking at Swift before talking to each other where he couldn't hear.

'What are they doing?' He thought, getting worried. Kids planning things had to be a bad thing. Suddenly the trio turned and grinned at him.

"What?" He asked, a little nervous.

"Looks like we have a fourth Cutie Mark Crusader!" They all shouted before they jumped on him while laughing. Swift joined in their laughter as they sprang into a sudden game of tag around the trees near the farmhouse, all worry about cutie marks and injuries forgotten.
