• Published 23rd Jul 2012
  • 4,362 Views, 193 Comments

Of Loyalty and Chaos - PxDnNinja

A new pony crashes into town shortly after Discord is trapped once again.

  • ...

Chapter 14: Reports








As per my recent orders, I have been maintaining an eye on the target listed above. Thankfully my increased communication and contact with the target was largely unnoticed by all parties involved.

The primary concern that caused the orders to be issued was that the target might be hiding a secret agenda, or be an agent to an enemy of the kingdom. After six weeks of constant observation, I can say with near perfect certainty that these worries are unwarranted.

Shortly after receiving my orders, the target began to date Rainbow Dash, a high priority citizen due to her status on the Wonderbolt Watch List as well as her status as the Element of Loyalty. Upon learning of this, I watched for any mistreatment or attempts to turn the Element of Loyalty from her own loyalty to the Crown. At no time did I see any attempts of this by the target. In fact, the target several times helped the Element of Loyalty with tasks around town, as well as helped with her flight practice, preventing her from being injured at the same rate she typically has been. This means that thanks to the target's intervention, the Element of Loyalty has been better prepared to serve the kingdom if an event occurs requiring her to step forward.

As for their relationship, I see no reason for concern on this. It has been six weeks since their first date, and while they have gone out several times, I see nothing to indicate mistreatment. In fact, the target and the Element of Loyalty have grown very close throughout this time.

Potential Risk: Being the Element of Loyalty, I cannot say how the element would behave were she required to chose between the target and the Crown. This is nothing new, as the biggest risk with the Element of Loyalty is determining how her loyalty will divide if she finds it split. Still, this is something worth considering.

The target has also taken on the role of weather pony within Ponyville, alongside the Element of Loyalty. Recently he exited his apprenticeship and is the second in command over weather in Ponyville. Given that we only have the two weather ponies in town that isn't saying much, but apparently our paperwork and reports back to Cloudsdale have seen a marked improvement.

When the target is not with the Element of Loyalty, he typically can be found in one of two places. The first is in the Ponyville LIbrary, where the Element of Magic works as librarian. Through communication with the Element of Magic, I have learned that the target generally studies Equestrian History as well as several books on the mechanics of flight. He also has helped to clean up around the library, especially when the Element of Loyalty or a group of fillies calling themselves the Cutie Mark Crusaders (a simple foalhood club, so no forms are being submitted about this group) cause a mess.

The target has also been helping the Element of Magic with her studies on chaos magic and something called a 'Nexus of Chaos,' which I have not been able to learn much about. Magic not being my area of knowledge, what was explained to me was beyond what I could understand.

Lately, the target has been assisting with preparation for the wedding of Princess Mi Amore to Shining Armor. While he was not specifically given a task from the Princess, he was invited, and will be coming as escort with the Element of Loyalty and has been assisting all the Elements with the tasks assigned to them.

In closing, I see no threat from the target to the Crown, Kingdom, or its subjects. I will continue to observe the target until ordered otherwise.


Princess Luna lowered the report she held magically before as she looked across the small table at the other two princesses in the small meeting room. Princess Celestia sat quietly as Luna had read over the report, eyes closed as she thought about what the next course of action should be. Also at the round table sat Princess Mi Amore, also known as Cadence. Cadence simply sat there, watching the two rulers of Equestria in their discussion about this new pony named Swift.

"It would appear my agent has come to the same decision as you on the matter of Swift, dear sister." Princess Luna commented as she packaged the report into the envelope it arrived in. Over the past month, Princess Celestia had noticed the occasional mention of Swift in the letters she got from Twilight Sparkle, and all of them sounded positive. Even so, Celestia didn't assume that meant he wasn't just hiding something from Twilight, and the report from Princess Luna's agent helped further relieve the princess's worries.
"Shall I have her continue her observations?" Princess Luna finally inquired after her sister made no move to reply to the report. After yet another extended silence among the three princesses, Celestia finally opened her eyes.

"I see no need in that. It would seem my concerns about Swift and Discord are unfounded." Princess Celestia explained, looking more relaxed about this topic than she had in a long while. Cadence perked up slightly at the mention of Discord, but tried to hide it quickly. No need to draw undue attention right now. Thankfully the sisters took no notice at her sudden interest.

'So this Swift might be connected to Discord, and is close to the Element of Harmony? Hmmm.' Her thoughts soon shifted to her upcoming wedding. The elements would be arriving soon, as would other guests. There was just a couple of days left of planning.

"Very well sister, I shall order the agent to stand down. I'm glad to have lessened your worries. I am going to return to bed, as it is far to early for me to be awake." Luna turned from the other two ailicorns, suppressing a yawn as she did. Celestia simply nodded to her sister as Luna walked from the room, leaving the two alone.

"As for you, You should go relax. I'll oversee the remaining preperations for your wedding. No need for you to be stressed before your big day." Celestia offered to Cadence with a warm loving smile. Over the last week, Celestia noticed that Cadence seemed a bit more high strung than usual and figured she needed time to relax before the wedding. Cadence herself smiled back, a bit forcefully, and nodded.

"Yes yes, thank you. I'll just head on to my room to relax." Cadence stood and headed to the door, stopping to look back at Princess Celestia, who had already turned her attention to some book on the table. Her forced smile quickly shifted a more natural one, although one that seemed to hold a much more devious appearance as well.

'A couple of days resting to build up my strength sounds just perfect. Plus perhaps I should look into this Swift character. If he is connected to chaos magic, he could prove...useful.'