• Published 18th Jan 2018
  • 4,752 Views, 197 Comments

Winter Aria - Arcanum -Phantasy

When a daddy Unicorn and a mommy Alicorn get together and love each other very much, they get a rambunctious little Flurry Heart. When a daddy Siren and a mommy Windigo get together and love each other very much they get...a very lonely creature.

  • ...


Ruby didn't usually express herself. This was a common fact that everypony that knew her acknowledged as easily as the sky being blue and ice being cold. Some even thought she was a doll made to look like a pony that moved with magic due to how stone-faced she could be most of the time. So when everypony saw her walking towards Crystal Academy with a wide grin on her face, many thought they were seeing a new Changeling tourist from King Thorax's hive. That is, until an equally impossible sight came into view. Sapphire stomped behind her sister in a bright pink dress covered in frills and ribbons. A white sun hat with a pink rose tied to the base sat on her head as the ultimate final accessory to the filly's shame.

"Ruby," Sapphire growled. "I'm gonna kill you."

"Now now sister," she chuckled. "A deal's a deal."

Sapphire merely growled at her as memories of the previous day flashed to the forefront of her mind.


"So wait," Sapphire gulped, staring into Opal's eyes as they walked through the park. "You don't hate me?"

Opal blinked, confusion heavy in his frame as he stared at her.

"No, of course not!" he exclaimed flummoxed. "If anything, I thought you hated me."

"What! Why?!" she exclaimed.

"Well, you were avoiding me," offered lamely, looking away sheepishly.

"Are you kidding?" Sapphire demanded, dragging the colt's eyes back to her own. "I was only doing that because-"

Her face turned red hot as she took note of what she was about to say and clamped her jaws shut. Her blush only grew as she stared into her crush's startled eyes. A frustrated growl shot past her lips as she forced herself to look away.

"Whatever," she growled, stomping ahead of him.

Opal let out an exasperated sigh as he followed, chalking the filly's actions up as yet one more mare mystery to be unraveled.


Sapphire's head was a mass of mixed messages as it waged war with itself over how to feel about her situation. On one hoof, she was over the moon with joy that Opal didn't hate her. On the other, she wanted to tear the nearest pony's head off over what she was being forced to wear. The confusion only grew more chaotic when they made it to the front of the school gates as Opal came into view in addition to the bane of the twin's existence.

"Wow, nice dress Slap Fire," an orange Unicorn filly with a pink mane and tail said with a jeer.

"Yeah," her neighbor smirked, a white Earth Pony filly with a brown mane and tail. "Almost makes her look normal, doesn't it?"

They both laughed while the twins leveled a pair of glares at them.

"Sherbet, Sunday, what have I told you about harassing them?" A silver coated Pegasus filly demanded, her platinum blond mane and tail sporting a lone teal streak as they shined in the light.

Both fillies cringed while Ruby and Sapphire's glares narrowed.

"Sorry Platinum Scales," they said in unison.

The Pegasus sighed then turned to face the twins.

"Sorry about that. I've tried to get these two to see reason, but they are just so stubborn."

"That's fine," Ruby said, using her muted nature to hide her anger towards the Pegasus. "We can't help what others do when we aren't around."

"Still," Platinum frowned, giving Sherbet and Sunday a sharp frown that made them flinch. "I wish my friends would see how much of a disadvantage attacking you two is. The cons far outweigh the pros in such an arrangement."

She gave Ruby an empty smile as she added, "Wouldn't you agree?'

Ruby sighed, then nodded.

Gains and loss, that was always what it came down to for Platinum Scales. While she wasn't a bad filly per se, the way she judged things according to value made her an extremely difficult pony to deal with.

She gave Sapphire a careful look over and frowned.

"Though they do have a point. That color clashes horribly with her coat. Lavender would've been a much more complimentary color choice."

Sapphire was about to tell the metallic-colored mare where she could stick her advice when her sister beat her to the punch.

"With all due respect Platinum, would you do us a favor and mind your own business?"

Platinum blinked at that, then nodded in understanding as she turned away and walked towards the school gates. Her friends gave the twins a pair of sharp glares before they joined the Pegasus. Keeping a ten foot distance from the difficult trio, Ruby and Sapphire let out tired sighs as they reluctantly followed.

Their sour moods dropped when two colts joined their group.

"Hey Ruby," Quartz smiled as he landed next to her, startling a few nearby fillies.

"Hello Quartz," she said evenly as a small smile graced her muzzle.

"Greetings Sapphire," Opal smiled, taking note of the mare's new look.

"Um...H-Hey Opal," Sapphire stammered, face heating up.

A knowing smile spread on Ruby and Quartz's face as they carefully snuck away from the pair.

"How long do you think it'll be before they get to the dating phase," he smirked as he watched his friend talk to Sapphire.

"If left to their own devices?" Ruby mused. "About the time Flurry has a foal."

"Probably," Quartz chuckled. "Opal's smart, but he's a total dork when it comes to reading ponies."

"A blessing compared to Platinum Scales," she frowned.

"Ugh, don't remind me," he shivered, fluffing his feathers.

Ruby giggled lightly at that.

"Is everything ready?" she asked.

"Yep!," he said, nodding enthusiastically. "It's all set."

"Excellent," she smiled.

As they discussed their plans for the day, Sapphire glared daggers into the back of her sister's head.

"I am so going to get back at her for this," she growled.

"They really do look like a couple,"Opal mused.

"Tell me about it," Sapphire groaned. "I bet Flurry'll have a coltfriend before they figure it out."

"Flurry?" he asked, only for realization to replace confusion a second later. "Ah, that's right. I forgot the two of you were Princess Flurry Heart's friends."

"Yep," she frowned. "She doesn't have that many of them, cuz "Princess". Makes things kind of hard in that department. It's a miracle we became friends with her in the first place."

"Sounds like it," he frowned. "How did you two manage it? You're not from a secret Noble Family, are you?"

Sapphire chuckled at that.

"Tarterus no. Our dad's the head of the Empire's Training Camp for the Guard and our mom's a retired stunt flyer. Dad went up to the castle to talk to the Royal Family about some changes he wanted to make to the camp's way of doing things and he brought Ruby and I with him. We wandered off and found Flurry moping in a courtyard in the middle of the castle grounds. We knew who she was, but she looked so sad so we went over to her to talk for a bit. Before we knew it, we were running through the castle playing tag. We've been friends ever since."

He smiled then turned to face his friend.

"Quartz and I met in Grade School. I still have no idea how we became friends. He was the troublemaker who dragged the two of us into the craziest adventures while I kept us out of the hospital. He's just as much the pain in my flank now as he was all those years ago, even with your sister keeping him cautious. All the same, I could never ask for a better friend."

Sapphire smiled, turning to watch her sister talk to her "not" coltfriend. Her smile turned absolutely wicked as she gave Opal a sideway glance and said, "Wanna spy on them after school?"

"Absolutely," he smirked.


The Tornado Café was a very subdued and quiet place, despite the wild impression its name would lead others to believe. It wasn't a very formal establishment either, though its location in the Empire's Noble district did make it so the ponies there gave off a certain level of refinement that maintained the peace out of respect. Simple wooden tables and chairs filled the main service room as patrons went about their business quietly drinking tea and enjoying scones as they read the paper or books. In a corner of the room sat two teenage foals, one with a stack of notecards covered with drawings set on the table in front of her while her companion had what looked like a silver pen in front of himself.

"These the ones?" Quartz asked, vibrating with excitement.

Ruby nodded, a faint smile gracing her muzzle as she hoofed over a notecard. Grinning like a fiend, the snatched the card, flipped it over to its blank back, placed the pen in his mouth and went to work. As the pen-tip slid across the paper, sharply angled symbols formed across it in blue glowing ink. When the whole card was covered with glowing symbols, the flipped it back to the side with Ruby's drawing.

"Awaken," he said, a hopeful smile spread across his muzzle.

Slowly, the card began to glow and the dragon drawing slowly began to rise off of the card. In a matter of seconds, a small dragon about the size of a figurine stood on the notecard. The small creature growled and snarled across the table at its creator, who sported a wide smile that matched her companion's as they silently cheered to the heavens.

"It worked!" Quartz silently exclaimed, hoof-pumping in his seat.

Ruby let out a relieved sigh as she took a sip of her tea.

"Thank The Heart," she smiled. "If I had to draw anymore dragons, I was going to start seeing them in my sleep."

"Yeah, sorry about that," he said, laughing awkwardly. "It's a lot of work getting the runes to work together sometimes. One wrong style stroke and things just don't work right."

"I understand," she nodded. "I'm just glad you found a combination that worked."

"Hey, " he said with a roughish smirk. "I didn't get a runecasting Cutie Mark writing poetry, you know?"

"Indeed," she smiled, using her magic to pick up the enchanted notecard.

The second she took the card off of the table, the dragon vanished and the illustration that birthed it returned. She carefully examined the intricate collection of symbols with an artist's appreciation as she placed it next to the stack of cards.

"If we intend to make this game of yours stand out, we're going to need to do more than this."

"Figured as much," Quartz shrugged, leaning back in his chair. "Can't say I mind all that much if it gives us a chance to hang out like this."

"Agreed," she giggled. "Perhaps we could try adding more than dragons to the game. Do you think the Pillars would be good additions?"

"Maybe," he hummed, putting a hoof to his chin in thought. "I kinda want to add ponies that aren't already famous first. Let it stand on its own hooves for a bit first, you know?"

Ruby nodded, then said, "That makes sense. It wouldn't do us any good if it only became popular because Starswirl was in it. Do you have any ideas?"

"Kinda," he shrugged. "I'm still working out the kinks in what I want them to do so their just ideas right now."

"Like what?"

"You know," he mumbled, a slight blush coloring his cheeks. "Basic things."


"Like a martial artist pony, a high mage, a mercenary, a scribe, a cleric, and an illusionist."

"Oh," she smiled. "Those sound-"

Her mind caught up with her as she thought about what her friend said and a faint blush colored her cheeks.

"You want to put us all in the game?"

"Maybe?" he said, smiling sheepishly. "What do you think?"

"I-I love it," she stammered. "B-But how did you know I was practicing illusions?"

"Caught you talking to Miss Trixie after school last week," he smiled. "I just sorta guessed from there."

"Oh," she said simply, then grimaced as she added," It was supposed to be a surprise."

"Sorry," he frowned.

"It's okay," she sighed, then smiled and said, "I'll just have to make sure my lessons pay off in the end."


"You'll see," she giggled.


Shining sat with a face of pure stone as he stared at his Guard Captan across a polished marble coffee table. His companion held his usual carefree smile as his leader's eyes drilled into him with the force of a thousand spears as he casually poured himself a shot of gin from the bottle on the table.

"Tell me," Shining said, tone cold as ice.

Onyx casually threw back his shot and asked, "Tell you what, your Highness?"

"You know what," Shining said, his shot glass shaking in his magic's grip

"Do I?" he asked with a smirk.

Shining glared at his Captain, then growled, "I know my daughter's seeing a colt somewhere. I can feel it in my bones. Now, as Prince of The Crystal Empire I am ordering you to tell me who he is!"

Captain Onyx simply smiled at his superior and refiled his glass.

"Well?!" he demanded.

Onyx stared calmly at the fuming father and said, "I can't give you a name I don't have, your Highness."

Shinning glared a hole into the collected Light-gray Unicorn as he took another drink.

"Permission to speak freely?" he asked, sliding a shot across the table to the angry stallion.

He nodded, ignoring the offering.

"I think you need to ease up on her."

"What?" Shining growled.

Onyx continued, ignoring the Prince' ire as he nursed his new shot.

"She's coming close to that age and there's nothing either of us can do about it. If you try to tie her down, she's just going to rebel harder. It's just a fact of life."

"So, what? Are you saying I should just let her do whatever she wants!?" he asked, furiously slamming a hoof onto the table.

"Of course not," he chuckled. "She may be growing up, but she's still a filly. What I'm saying is that you come to the middle of the two extremes."

"Explain," Shining said, raising a brow.

Onyx chuckled.

"Let her make her own decisions and learn from her mistakes. She isn't stupid or helpless by any definition of the words, so we need to stop treating her like she is."

"We?" he asked, anger simmering into a small impatient ember as a half-smile formed on his muzzle.

"What can I say?" he shrugged, finishing off his drink. "The filly grows on you after a while."

Shinning chuckled, finally taking notice of his Captain's offering as he took it with his hoof.

"I don't know if I can do all that," he sighed. "I look at her and I still see that sweet little filly, snuggling with her Whammy in her crib."

Onyx smiled at that and said, "Good thing I'm around to keep you in check then.

"I thought I only had one wife," he joked.

"What kind of honorary Big Brother would I be if I didn't keep an eye on my baby sister from time to time?"

Shining laughed, then gave the stallion a conspiratorial smile as he said, "Now about that colt.

"Haven't a clue," he shrugged, downing a shot.

Shining glowered at him, earning a smirk and eye-roll from Onyx.

"Take it from me sir, with the kind of power Flurry has at her disposal the whole empire would know if anypony did something to her."


The caves echoed with laughter as Alto guided Flurry through them. After spending so many days in the Main Chamber, Flurry's adventurous spirit demanded she explore further into the mountain. While hesitant at first, Alto agreed to show her the deeper parts of his home so long as she promised to stay close to him. The tour was better then she expected, as walls of pure ice and dazzling crystal greeted her everywhere she went in the mountains deepest tunnels. A cluster of giggles fell out of her when a flock of ice bats took roost on Alto's back. It turned into wonder when he casually turned his head to the small creatures and let out a few small squeaks to them. They let out a few similar cries in response to which he nodded before responding with a squeak. When they flew off, she asked him what that was all about.

"They were asking who you were," he said simply as he guided her through the tunnels.

"You can speak ice bat?" she asked.

"Something like that," he shrugged.

"That's so cool!" she exclaimed, voice echoing around them loudly.

"Cool?" he asked, tilting his head in confusion.

"Figure of speech," she giggled.

"I see," he nodded. "Is it a good one?"

She nodded, a trace of sadness in the smile gracing her muzzle.

Sometimes she forgot how sheltered her friend was. While he was surprisingly well spoken for somepony so young, he was absolutely clueless when it came to common phrases. It was like somepony gave him a dictionary to read and nothing else growing up. Though, it did make sense when she thought about how his mother raised him.

"And this is one of my harvest points," he said, walking through a near cave opening.

Flurry followed him and gawked at what she saw.

A small orchard of Star Berry Trees greeted her with a deep lake at its center. The late afternoon sun bounced off the surrounding snow like crushed diamonds, adding a mystical quality to the already magical grove. Flurry walked in awe as she entered, the magic in the air frizzing her fur and fluffing her feathers. A faint smile grew on Alto's face at the wonder on her face as he took point at her side. Much like the day he shared his food with her, she made all of the things he thought so little about in his life seem so much more exciting. Be it interacting with ice bats or just spending time together in the main chamber, she made it all seem so relevant to him. The days began not with him focused exclusively on survival, but doing so as he waited for her to brighten his day. He looked forward to her visits and it hurt when she had to leave. It was all so new to him that it scared him a little.

He raised a brow when something in the distance caught his friend's eye. What he saw when he followed her line of sight drew a deep scowl across his face. The Shining Place was hard to ignore this time of day as the sun seemed Tartarus bent on reminding the world it existed. Alto would never forgive it for sending the pony that killed his mother. If he could he'd tear the crystal oasis to the ground, leave the ponies to the unforgiving wrath of the snow and ice like he had been for years. A week ago, that desire was the closest thing he had to an ambition as he went about his day, but now?

He turned his head towards Flurry and his scowl turned shameful.

Whenever he thought about destroying the Shining Place, her face would instantly jump to the front of his mind. The look of absolute heartbreak on her face as her home crumbled around her like thin ice. The sight of her shivering in the cold as the power that allowed her to resist his Haze finally reached its limit and she fell to the cruel elements. It tore him apart inside like a million ice blades. He liked her smile. He liked her laugh. He liked the way she made everything around him so much brighter.

What is happening to me? he thought, placing a hoof on his chest.

"Hey, Alto can I ask you something?" She asked, still staring into the distance.

"Y-Yes," he stammered, abruptly dragged out of his musings.

Sheepishly, she turned towards him and fidgeted in place as she struggled to find her words.

W-Well, here goes nothing.

"I-I was wondering if...maybe....I....I could bring my friends here again."

Alto blinked in shock at her for a moment , then narrowed his eyes.

"Flurry," he said warningly.

"I know! I know!" she exclaimed. "J-Just hear me out for a second!"

HIs posture remained tense for a few seconds, then he let out a deep sigh before nodding for her to continue.

"Okay," she sighed, then smiled shyly as she continued. "A couple days ago, they asked me if we could come back to the spring. I told them we couldn't and they started asking me why. Well, Sapphire did. Anyway! I had to come up with a bunch of reasons why they couldn't come up here and I think they bought it, but Ruby's really good at spotting lies so I don't know how long that's going to last! They could come by tomorrow for all I know and..."

The tiny Alicorn wilted as she let out a sad sigh, then forced out the words.

"And I don't want them getting hurt. They aren't like me Alto. If you used your Haze on them like you did to me, they'd die. I know you don't like ponies or The Empire and you have every right to after what happened to you, but their my best friends and I don't want them getting hurt. I don't want to have to choose between them and you."

As she said that, tears started to slide down her cheeks, dotting the snow as a heavy silence descended upon them. Alto knew that there was a possibility that the other two would return. Flurry did after all, but thanks to her repeated visits he had pushed the thought to the back of his mind. As far as he was concerned, it was a problem he would deal with when it became a problem that needed dealing with. How he planned to go about that gradually changed as he spent time with Flurry, but he was still hesitant to give ponies a chance to do to him what they did to his mother. The tears staining Flurry's face made his decision much clearer as he struggled to find the words that needed to be said.

"The quiet one seemed nice," he said, tone muted and soft as he fought past his fear.

Flurry blinked in confusion, then smiled weakly as she wiped away her tears.

"That's Ruby," she smiled. "She's really nice and likes to draw and paint. She can be a little hard to read sometimes, but she's a great friend."

He nodded, then said, "The loud one makes me nervous though. I-It might take some time before I can be around her."

"Yeah," she said with a rueful smile. "That's Sapphire. She can be kind of rough, but she's really nice when you get to know her."

"I-I see," he stammered, fear starting to choke him. "Th-They sound nice."

Flurry took a step towards him and placed a comforting hoof on his shoulder. The warmth from her hoof and smile eased his troubled heart as they stared into each others eyes.

"You trust me, right?" she asked.

He nodded.

"Then you can trust them too."

For a moment, they stayed like that as Alto's mind went to war with itself, but as he stared into his friend's eyes one side took dominance in the struggle. With a sigh, he gave her a wained smile as he nodded.

"Thanks Alto," she smiled.

"No problem," he sighed.

With that, she walked back into the caves. As she did, Alto couldn't help but notice just how much her coat dazzled in the light. Just like her smile.