• Published 18th Jan 2018
  • 4,752 Views, 197 Comments

Winter Aria - Arcanum -Phantasy

When a daddy Unicorn and a mommy Alicorn get together and love each other very much, they get a rambunctious little Flurry Heart. When a daddy Siren and a mommy Windigo get together and love each other very much they get...a very lonely creature.

  • ...


Sunlight peaked past the horizon into a massive room made of crystal and ice. At its heart stood a giant round table with four thrones arranged like the four points of a compass. Outside, the sounds of crashing waves and seagulls could be heard in the distance. Four equinoid figures entered the room, two of which were a whole head taller than Celestia herself while the remaining two were a foot taller then them.

"There better be a good reason you woke us up this early Notus," one of the taller equinoids said, his voice deep and full of irritation as he took his seat at the north.

"I think you might like this news Boreas," the other tall equinoid, Notus said with a soft voice full of mischief as he took his seat in the south.

"I hope you can deliver on that promise," one of the shorter equinoids said, her tone bitter as she took her seat in the table's east side.

"Let's hear him out Eurus," the remaining figure said, her tone calm and collected as she took her seat in the west.

"Whatever Zephyrus," Eurus snapped casting a glare at the southern chair. "I'm just saying what you're all thinking."

"Anyway!" Notus shouted. "I think I know where our lost grandson might've wound up."

All the room's inhabitants froze, shock evident even in the dim light of early dawn in each of their features.

"I swear if this is one of your pranks-"

"I would never make a joke out of this Eurus,"Notus growled. "Even I have limits."

"Where is he?" Boreas demanded.

"The last place we would think to look."

As he said that, the table before them started to glow. On its surface was an image of a city made of crystal. Boreas stared at the image for a moment, then aggressively jumped to his hooves.

"Let's not waste anymore time! Gather both the Banshees and the Frosts! It is time we finally meet our lost grandson!"

"DAMN STRAIGHT!" Eurus cheered, all irritation purged from her voice in favor of excitement as she jumped to her hooves.

"He's alive," Zephyrus whispered, voice choked with happy tears as she reached a hoof out towards the image.

"I knew you guys would like what I had to say," Notus said, his proud smirk audible as he rose from his throne.

One by one the four figures stepped out of the throne room, the sun coming past the window just enough to catch a glint of scaled hind leg and a waving etherial tail as the last member of their group stepped past the threshold.

Author's Note:

And that's all for Winter Aria. Man this was a pain in the neck to work on, but thanks to all of you out there this I was able to get this done. Now I'm going to finish The Gaps in F R I E N D S H I P and once that's done, I'll get to work on the next story in the series. Hope you guys are looking forward to Spring Symphony when that comes to print. Peace out everypony!