• Published 21st Jan 2018
  • 1,384 Views, 23 Comments

Creature: beginnings - Lovecraftia

A fluke of nature, and a monster is born. This creature of darkness must learn if it is to survive in the Anti-Evil world of equestria.

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So, back to where we started.

-[Program running ......................................................................................................... Connection established. Systems online and running at 100% Hyroglyph]-

So today i found something interesting, and i am rather exited to tell what it is, but, its going to have to wait like most of my “Great Discoveries” but this time it is truly great.

Anyway i actually found many things today, but as always, most of them blew up in my face or tried to attack and kill me. What luck. I really need to be more positive.

So i found out that there was this pony named Golden Sprocket and apperently her special talent is messing with these things i keep finding, and with her luck they don’t blow up in her face. I might get her help with some of this stuff i have here.

Also the princess asked me to clear my data storage with anything to do with Diamond Caligraphy. Apperently she is a deadly criminal or something like that? Nevermind. I for one never knew her personally although i did have some info on her, weirdly, so the news about her did not really affect me. I feel bad for whoever knew her as a friend or, better yet, Marefriend.

This got way off topic. But do i really need a topic for my personal journal? I think not. Anyway a new kind of device popped up a week ago and i have yet to see it in the newspaper or newscast. But from what i have heard it does some weird shit. Sorry sorry sorry i need to watch my language.

Ahhh fuck it its my journal. Heh-heh-heh fuck. Why do i find that funny? Pssh nevermind all that. I nee-





Uh huh.




Yeeeeea? What about it?




NO! Sorry. No i don’t have anything to do with that. You know this.



I don’t care if your trying to get intel get the hay out of my bedroom.


I said get out!


UGH! Fine but you wont find anything of interest.









Nothing of interest you say?

I-i swear i didn’t know that was there!


Yes! I swear!

Im watching you.

Y-y-yes sir.









Sorry about that. The boss decided to, and i quote “Search for intel.” He found my private stash of mare magizines and he took some. That Celestia damned moth- sorry thats strong language even for me.

I think i should wrap this up.

Study Scope signing off for tonight.

Study Scope sighed and clicked his recorder shut.

“Shits about to get real huh?” He said to no one in particular. “I really need to find something. Something big, something powerful, something, something.” He smiled. “Something deadly.”

Twlight stared glumly at the Animorphous creature she held in her magical grasp, unwillingly setting it down on the ground.

“I’m sorry but it has to be this way, your dangerous and I don’t want somepony to just come up and harm you. Or worse, you harm them. I’m truly sorry but it has to be this way.” She stated sadly before setting the being down and walking off with spike towards Ponyville. The virus simply stared at them before turning to face the imposing woods ahead of it. It knew something was wrong with the large purple creature but could not tell what. So, knowing that it no longer had easy food or biomass, the Viral being tred forth towards the Everfree forest, in hopes of finding something to eat.


After about thirty minutes of searching to no avail, the Virus stopped and did its impression of a grumble. It had to find something.

The Creature walked up to a large wooden object and grabbed it, the Virus smiled(?) as it realised the object was living, therefor edible. The virus began to devour the tree and grew exponentially, eventually equaling the size of the purple creature. Using it’s knowledge of the creature it knew that it would bot be accepted the way it was, so it had to find a form to take.

The Virus originally decided to go AS the purple creature, but changed it’s mind as there was already one there. So it had to do something different. It needed more knowledge.

The Viral Being shrunk down to a almost unnoticeable size and snuck it’s way back into Ponyville, ready to pounce.

Author's Note:

Sorry about the short chapter, needed to update this story and had almost no time.

Also i am going to try and get a proofreader so i can fix mistakes in previous chapters and hopefully make them overall better. Another thing is i am sorry if too many elements in the plot show up right away but they needed to be introduced or else you as a reader would not be able to understand future events and Sequels to the book.

Anyway it’s finally here and quite frankly better written then i expected so enjoy!