• Published 21st Jan 2018
  • 1,384 Views, 23 Comments

Creature: beginnings - Lovecraftia

A fluke of nature, and a monster is born. This creature of darkness must learn if it is to survive in the Anti-Evil world of equestria.

  • ...

Step Three: Adapt

Author's Note:

Now this is actually better than my last story I THINK(dont hurt me) but its not the best either. Btw im getting better at writing so i just need to keep on going to get better.

I didint remove those songs on the first chapter. :rainbowderp:


Jokes are life jokes are love jokes are living for life

Well fucking hell this chapter was a pain in the arse to write. Took way too damn long to get uploaded and edited and all that shit. And if your wondering who my proofreader is, i don’t have one. I just look over these chapters about an hundred times every time i add something and before i post them. Also in case your wondering what this is a crossover with i will update the description sooner or later. But besides that, How was your day? Because mine was a fucking headache and a half, along with losing my voice and nearly vomiting. I think i might have the flu. Enjoy the read and this is a crossover from Prototype 2. I wanted to try something different thane a Displaced story so i did this. Once again thanks for reading, this note is too damn long and enjoy the chapter!

Unknown location



“Ahhh how good it feels to crush you beneath my feet.” I stated.

“Your a monster and always will be!” The alicorn under me spat.

“Isn’t it funny though? A long time ago it was the other way around. Oh how times change for the better!” I exclaimed. Causing the alicorn to look at me like I’m crazy.

“You really are insane aren’t you?” She asked.

“Is it that obvious? Oh well.” I said. Adding more weight to the foot atop her.

“Grrh get off of me!” She said. Jumping up and sending me flying into a nearby building. I crashed through the wall amd landed on my back but got back up shortly afterwards.

“BRAVO! BRAVO!!” I cheered. Clapping and walking back to her.

“AHHH!” She screamed as i grabbed her with an extended tendril.

“Do you believe me when i say that i want you alive?” She shook her head. “Oh? Too bad because i want to know why you were hiding here? WHY?” She flinched when i yelled.

“Die in hell!” She spat back.

“Hehehehe did you not hear? Hell belongs to me! How could i die in my own kingdom?!” I laughed. The smell of burning bodies and singed fur along with pretty much any other smell with burning things hung in the air.

“You are a psychopath and a maniac!” The alicorn insulted.

“Aren’t they the same thing? Nevermind.” I set her down lightly and stepped up to the royal. “I have a proposition. If you tell me what you did, i will dig your sister out of this rubble and revive her if she is dead. Then, you will both try your best to undo whatever you did alright?” I stated. She growled but sighed in defeat.

“Fine.” She said venomously.

“Good. So what exactly did you do?” I pressed.

“I sent something back in time.”

the virus came across a new cell it. The new cell was long, and occasionally sent electricity bouncing along it. It would start up at random intervals and stop at random times. The virus was intrigued by the new cell so it swam up to it. It saw that the new cell was attached to a long string of the new cells and they all had electricity traveling down them. It saw that there were at least three cells next to one another at any given location so the viral being decided that taking one of the cells could not hurt. It jabbed throught the cell and immediately was bombarded by the commands from before, only this time far stronger and almost enought to overwhelm the virus. Almost.

The virus was almost as quickly as it withdrew smashed by a wall of hard and smooth cells. The virus did the only thing it could do and absorb the offending cells. Thus gaining more biomass and gaining more processing power. It began to realize that there was some sort of high authority and that this authority was a threat.

So the virus attacked more and began to absord every cell it touched. Thus beginning the terribly painful and quick process of becoming a virus to whomever was unlucky enough to get the virus in the first place.

“AH SEE IT!!!” Applebloom shouted to the fillies behind her.

“YES!” Scootaloo cheered. Sweetie simply groaned and reminded them why they were in a hurry. “oh... C’MON!!! FORGET THE MAPS AND LETS BOOK IT TO TWILIGHTS TO SEE IF SHE CAN FIND WHATS WRONG!!!!!” The pegasus barked.

“RIGHT!” Applebloom shouted back in response.

“Could you stop yelling please?” Sweetie asked quietly. The other two ‘Crusaders looked to their fallen brethren before nodding to each other, getting a point across without the shouting.

A moments travel found the CMC at the doorstep of Fluttershy’s cottage.

“Should we go in?” Scootaloo asked Applebloom in concern. “I mean i have never been in here before and i don’t think Fluttershy would be happy if we barged in there without asking.”

“If its the only way to save Sweetie then I’ll do anything.” Applebloom stated with a grim look and seriousness.


“Uh oh.........” Applebloom looked at the ground for a moment before looking up at Sweetie Belle.

“SIS WE NEED YER HELP!!!!” Applebloom shouted to her older counterpart.

YOU GIT OVER HERE!!!” Applejack yelled back, anger causing her words to hold actual heat.

“Woah.... your sis is mad Applebloom. I would run if i were you.” Scootaloo commented.

“Ah have ‘ta do this. Even if it means gettin’ in trouble for Sweetie.” Said filly looked at the cow-pony.

“Noooo don’t go get in trouble because i had a dumb idea.” Sweetie reprimanded. Applebloom shook her head.

“This is as much mah fault as yers.”

The trio heard angry hoofsteps and awaited the shouting to come because of their poor choice. But nothing came.

Applebloom was the first to open her eyes and saw Applejack standing over them. More specifically Sweetie.

“What on Equis happened? How’ed she get so sick?” She asked, concern leaked into her voice as she spoke.

“We don’t know. Thats why we came all the way back, to see if Twilight or somepony else could help us find out.” Scootaloo answered, having opened he eyes not long aftet Applebloom did.

“SWEETIE OH MY GOODNESS!!!” Rarity shouted as she bolted from Godesses knows where into the little area in front of the cottage. “What happened and where have you all been?! I was so worried about you!” She stated as she frantically looked over her sister.

“Everypony move!” Twilight stated as she rushed over to see what was wrong. “She is sick, but to what extent i don’t know.” Twilight fortold, only worsening everyones fears.

It was at this moment that they now realized, a crowd was beginning to develop.

“C’mon girls we need to take her to the castle.” (Takes place after season five) Twilight told them. The group then trotted off to the castle with haste and made it to the entrance un-inturrupted.

“Nuuugh, wha. What’s going on?” Sweetie asked as she woke up. “Uuugh I feel like I hit a brick wall with my hoof.”

“Sweetie please be careful.” Rarity advised. She then gained an angry look and stared the CMC down. “WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?! GOING IN THE EVERFREE! THAT WAS NOT SMART AND I KNOW THAT YOU THREE KNOW BETTER!” Rarity fumed.

“Rarity, we haven’t even got inside the castle yet. And your yelling in my ear.” Twilight commented.

“Sorry. You three are in serious trouble.” Rarity warned. Scootalooo and Applebloom flinched. Sweetie sniffled and Rarity turned to her to see her crying. “I, I’m sorry sweetie i didin’t mean to upset you.” Rarity replied melancholically.

“It’s not that, my chest hurts.” She said, weakly putting a hoof to her chest for emphasis.

“Hold still please.” Twilight stated. She cast a spell and immediately cast another one. Sweetie grunted and shifted in discomfort as the spell lasted for a couple more seconds. Then with a sudden jolt a almost unnoticeable blob of black popped into existance next to Twilight. “I think I found what was making her sick.” She informed. “It looks like some kind of black goo.”

“Eewwww, that was in my sister?” Rarity asked.

“Yes, th-“

“What did it do to her?” Rarity asked grimly.

“I think it might have been eating at her.” Twilight said. She turned back to the blob. “I am going to figure out what this is. And then i am going to run some tests and see how this, this, thingy reacts to them.”

Rarity huffed and stuck her nose in he air. “As long as it is away from my sister and i, i will be content.”

“Ah think that goes fer all of us.” Applejack said. Rainbow dash, Rarity, and Fluttershy nodded along with her.

“Alright, i will stick it in a testing tube down in the basement so It cant get away.” Twilight began to bounce on the spot. “Oooh what if it is resisant to acid? It could be heatkilled and made into a-“

“Twilight, honey, i know it is interesting and all but maybe you should avoid experimenting with it before you find out if it is dangerous. And you said it was trying to eat my sister, i do not think safe things eat ponies.” Rarity inturrupted.

“Right. SPIKE!” Twilight called,

“Yea I'm comin’ give me a second” Spike said from somewhere in the castle.

“Hurry up please!” She commanded nicely.

“Okay!” Spike popped up from inside on of the hallways leading from the entrance. “Whatcha want?” He asked.

“Spike i need you to go get a test tube from downstairs.” She stated.

“Alright. Anything else?”

“Nope!” She said happily.

“Okay” Spike turned and walked down into a new hallway.

“Alright, you guys go on ahead and go home. I will take care of this blob.”

“Okay. See ya Twi!” Rainbow dash waved before flying out the doorway.

“Bye Sugarcube.” Applejack said before turning to Applebloom. “And don’t you think yer out of the woods yet missy!” They walked out.

“Come on Sweetie lets go get you cleaned up.” Rarity told her sister.

“I never thought i would be so happy to hear those words.” Sweetie Belle commented.

“Oh okay..... um bye Twilight.” Fluttershy said meekly before trotting out the door.

“What are you?” Twilight asked the blob. When she got no answer she smiled. “Just as i suspected!” Spike stepped from a hallway and walked up to Twilight.

“I have the testi- eww what is that?” He asked, disgusted.

“I don’t know but we are gonna find out!”

The virus was somewhere new, and it did not like it. While it was attacking the cells, a strange sensation washed over it. It was absorbing an insane amount of cells by this time and was about close to being able to consciously change its form when the sensation grew incredibly strong and it suddenly was no longer anywhere near any cells. The Creature did not like what was going on, at all. The creature could barely see a massive purple structure off in the distance and another one that had green, but was smaller.

The viral being suddenly had an idea. As it was about to extend a massive tendril straight down a strange substance was stuffed around it, this new substance was invisible and the virus did not like invisible things due to experience. So the virus, now angry, began to jab at the substance when a booming loud noise erupted from nowhere. The creature froze.

The creature was shocked when it saw the massive purple structure move closer, and was even more so when it saw that it was covered with fur. The creature then realized that this ‘structure’ was actually alive, and therefor made of cells. Meaning it was prey.

The virus was now eager to break the strange barrier and eat this massive creature. That changed when a large white wall appeared between the purple and the virus, and another purple wall appeared but it was part of the white and could move incredibly fast. Confused, the viral creature moved closer to it to get a better examination. And upon doing so the booming noise reappeared, but was much louder and closer. It was loud enough to hurt the virus and make it unhappy. Then something unexpected happened and the purple wall started to move, bringing the strange barrier and the creature with it.

After some time they ended up in a slightly darker room, but that made no difference to the virus, and it was filled with all kinds of things. The virus didn’t understand when it was able to see so far but ignored it and watched the purple wall. Which, now that it was able to see farther, realized it was not a wall but a massive group of cells that lived and worked as one organism. The virus decided that the cells that it used to gain its current size were part of one of these creatures. It eventually was no longer moving and was removed from the barrier.

Another not-so-loud booming came and the virus watched as the smaller purple and green creature had a portion of the top part of its body was moving. The creature attempted to re-create this movement but no noise came out. Another booming noise came, but this time was from the purple organism. As this was happening a small insect approached the virus. The virus heard a noise behind it and turned to see another cell cluster organism aproach it, this one was still large but looked more like something the virus could love inside as a tiny cosy home then anything.

The organism then made a chittering boise and approached the virus. The said virus became excited to eat and lunged at he creature, all the while Twilight and Spike watched the tiny black blob suddenly shoot forward at the cockroach. The spoken creature turned to run but the blob latched on its leg. Twilight gasped as the cockroach’s leg began to turn into the same substance as the blob.

“Oh my god.” She said as the ‘Roach slowly was eaten by the blob and the eaten cells were converted into more viral cells. She stared at the now noticably larger blob sitting on her desk. The virus was happy to have something to eat and it turned to the purple creature. Now it was able to control every individual cell in it’s body and formed something like that of a mouth. Twilight watched as the creature changed shape slightly before chirping.

“Did. Did you see that!” Twilight said happily as Spike stared at the creature in horror. “It can talk! Er.. Chirp! Maybe Fluttershy can understand it and talk to it back! I wonder what it knows! Oh oh oh oh what if-“ Twilight was stopped short by Spike putting a claw over her mouth.

“Twi. I don’t think that this thing is safe to have around. We need to remove it.” Spike said with a newfound seriousness.

“But Its intelligent! It can communicate! Which means that we can convince it to stop attacking things and be nice! Which means we could study it and learn all kinds of new things just because of this one smalle creature!” Twilight said, gesturing towards the virus with a hoof. Meanwhile the virus watched in curiosity as the purple creature communicated with the smaller purple green creature. Another chittering caught the viruses attention and it turned to the direction it came from. Another insect had approached, bit this one was larger and had eight legs and four eyes. Eyes. Thats what the virus needed! It needed eyes! It was happy about this revelation and began to change its shape to match that of the creature in front of it. Twilight had kept her attention firm on the creature and jumped in excitement when it transformed into a smaller version of the wolf spider infront of it.

“SPIKE LOOK LOOK LOOK LOOK LOOK IT CAN CHANGE SHAPE TO MATCH OTHER CREATURES!!! Thats better than any changeling could ever do! If this little creature grew large enough it could litterally become somepony! That- That- we could use this creature to spy on the changelings to what they are going to do next! Or better yet. The dragons! Or the griffins! This creature could change the world Spike!” She turned to her number one assistant to find that he was staring at the creature. Twilight turned to see the said creature larger than before, quite larger.

“Umm what happened? Spike?” She asked and he turned to her.

“We have to run.” He looked at her with a look of horror on his face.

“But why? Hold on let me talk to it.” She turned back to the virus. The virus watched as the purple being turned to it and approached. The virus smiled.

“Hey.” The virus jumped when it heard that and turned behind it to see another spider.

“Hey you!” The spider said. “I saw what you did, that was awesome! Hey spider dude come on with me.” The virus, able to understand what the spider said. Followed behind it but was grabbed by the strange sensation again.

“Oh. Wait hold on do you want me to translate for you? ‘Cause i think the pony wants to talk to you.” The virus nodded. “Don’t talk much do ya’? Alright.”

Then a sound echoed from many directions at once, but was slightly understandable.

“The pony said hello. The pony also asked if you could understand her.” The virus looked up to ‘The Pony’ and nodded. Twilight watched the spider-virus nod and jumped in excitement.

“Oh my god Ohmygodohmygodohmygod! It can understand me! It can learn! Spike. Look at the creature. Do you see something different?” She asked the baby dragon. Who shook his head. “The difference is not in the creature but whats around it. There is another smaller spider next to the shapeshifter and was not eaten. That means that his creature is capable of being nice!” She turned back to the spider-virus. “What are you?” After a moment the spider shrugged. “You dont know?” A nod. “Oh. Well do you think you could help us?” The spider looked at her for a moment before shaking its head. “I’ll find food for you.” Twilight bargained and squeaked when the spider-virus jumped onto her nose with a very eager nod. “Now that we have an understanding. Your gonna have to be bigger. But what could i give you?” She looked at the viral spider on her nose when it looked off to the side towards Spike. It pointed at him.

“No no no no no, not Spike. He is not food. He is a friend.” He spider looked at Spike before nodding. The spider then exploded in a tiny mass of black tendrils before reformig as a tiny version of Twilight. “Thats. Wow that’s pretty cool. I believe we might have a new friend Spike.” The said dragon turned.

“ARE YOU CRAZY? DID YOU NOT SEE WHAT THAT THING DID TO THAT SPIDER?! THAT THING IS JUST WAITING FOR IS TO GIVE IT ENOUGH FOOD THE WHAM!!” He slammed his fist into his open hand. “IT GETS US!! Im sorry Twilight but of this is not going to happen, you are going to go put this, this thing back into the Everfree where it vame from and NEVER go looking for it okay?” Spike demanded. Twilight sighed and looked at the spider.

“Your right, this creature is dangerous. We have to go put it back where it belongs. I think why we have never seen this creature before is that they perfer a specific form and stay in that form.” Twilight hypothesized before lifting it with her magic. The virus began to squirm and chirp. Twilight screamed when the viral spider lunged at her with an angry chirp, and right before it could land on her she grabbed it with her magic. “I, I think I see what you mean now Spike, C’mon lets go put this creature where It belongs.” They turned towards the door and began their trek back to the Everfree.

“You did WHAT?” I shouted, causing the alicorn to flinch. “You mean to tell me you sent something BACK THROUGH FUCKING TIME?!”

The alicorn growled at him. “Yes! And if you don’t help me find my sister and revive her, I WONT TELL YOU WHEN I SENT IT BACK NOR WILL I TELL YOU WHAT IT WAS!” She screamed.

“Shhhhhh!” I demanded her.


“Shut the hell up!” I barked. She glared daggers at me as i stared into the burning horizon. “Somethings coming and it’s not mine.”

“I thought you des-“

“FOR THE LAST FUCKING TIME SHUT THE HELL UP!” She backed away as i scowled at her, I sighed. “Please?”

“Fine.” She snapped back. A rumbling let itself become known as a loud whine whistled through the air. It was at that moment that i realised, I fucked up. I had brought all of my forces into one small area and had neglected to hunt down all of the ‘MTW’s or Massive Titan Walkers. And i freaked out when a Orion-Class MTW came up over the hill it had hid behind.

“Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.” I cursed my luck as the massive Bipedal machine began to fire massive explosive shells onto the forces below. “You planned this didn't you?” I sneered.

“Fuck i didn’t. I dont even command any Orions.” She added with a fearful look on her face.

“Then whos god damn Orion is that?” I questioned to no-one in particular.

“Shit.” The alicorn on my left swore.

“What?” She looked at me.

“That belongs to the griffins.” I looked back at the MTW laying waste to my forces.

“Fucking hell. Well i hope you can hold your breath for more than five minutes.” She gave me a confused look.

“What do you mean b-“ she was cut off as i grabbed her and ran straight for a large lake.

“Shit just hit the fan.”