• Published 11th Jan 2018
  • 2,861 Views, 5 Comments

Kitzumi's adventures through the looking glass. [edited] - KittyrinnAiko

Kitzumi's adventures across the multiverse, and the search for home.

  • ...

Princess Luna's own Shadowbolts.

Drawn by bam-bean-itzevil

If Kitzu seemed nothing more than a filly in a grownup’s uniform, her skill in the air proved otherwise. The first thing she did once they got going was to insist on diamond formations to ascend the updrafts. They’d never used a diamond formation and didn’t even know what it was. The value of the formation became apparent once they hit the updraft that would take them up to altitude. Keeping a tight formation was of utmost importance to make sure every pegasus jumped in, and out, at the same time. Anything else would leave the formation scattered.

Ponyville was not their first heading. Kitzu wanted everyone in the flight to have an actual working lamp charm, and not just any lamp charm as she’d a mind to put into practice an idea she’d been toying with, so it was off to the fox village.

“Seriously guys?” Kitzu admonished as they landed. The inhabitants seeing members of the Ghosts landing in the square had run for it, barricading themselves in their homes and shops. Granted they did have their full armor on just in case they experienced any issues crossing the forest.

“Unfortunately there are some elements in the Night Wing that like to cause trouble.” Captain Hoofstrong offered. “Tends to be recruits mostly.”

“Ya, I can see how some of the recruits can cause issues. - We've had issues with one of them already. Called me a dirty pretender, and a few other choice things,” Kitzu’s tone was a bit cross. Kitzu took off her helmet and called out, “It’s alright, it’s me, Kitzumi. Your princess of the lamps.” There was a moment's silence, followed by a door opening, a pony admonishing some pony not to go out, accented by the sound of tiny hoofs galloping. Kitzu turned just in time to catch a flying tackle hug executed by Cirrus, a rather diminutive pegasus of light blue with white mane and tail and patches of white across her back and flanks. Kitzu dropped on her plot so as to better receive the hug.

“You came back!”

“Well, of course, I came back,” Kitzu replied to the little filly. “Though I must confess I hadn’t planned on coming back quite so soon.”

“No?” Cirrus asked plaintively.

“I haven't even made it to my own home yet.” Kitzu offered, and then tousled the fillies mane. Kitzu paused a moment, had her horn grown? Her contemplation was interrupted by yet another filly tackling her. “Roxy! And here I thought you’d be stuck in another tree?”

“Not me!” Roxy called.

“Ha, you got stuck again only just this morning,” Cirrus tattled. Roxy stuck her tongue out at Cirrus.

“Now none of that.,” Kitzu admonished playfully while wrapping them in a wing hug.

“So who are these little cuties?” Mouse asked. She had a silly grin on her face.

“One would almost think she just wanted to come to visit these little fillies here.” Teased the other Lieutenant in the group. He was a blue pegasus with a white mane by the name of Ansaldo Balilla.

“Well, let's just say it’s a perk.” Kitzu offered. Out of the corners of her eyes, she could see anxious ponies looking out at them. “This little redhead here is Roxy,” Kitzu offered, indicating the little fox type earth pony. “And this is Cirrus. - She’s a baby alicorn.” Cirrus blushed. “Roxy, Cirrus, this is Captain Hoofstrong, Lt Alice Mouse, Lt Ansaldo Balilla, Corporal Pfalz Shadow, Petty Officer Morane Saulnir, Gunny Gotha Moonshine, and Ensign Loki.” Ensign Loki wasn’t much older than Kitzumi having been a cadet in training when he got caught up in the same spell that banished Nightmare Moon and the others. Loki was also a fox pegasus like Kitzu and had the dubious fame of being a thousand-year-old fox who had yet to grow out a second tail. All had been caught up in the banishment spell as they’d all been foalish enough to have rushed in, in a vain attempt to stop the fight between the two sisters. As for Kitzu telling them that Cirrus was a baby alicorn, they were all a bit skeptical until she parted Cirrus’s mane and showed them the horn. This generated some raised eyebrows. Loki who should have known about the problem concerning button heads had been out of the loop on that matter and wasn’t aware of the individuals within the fox pony community.

“Alright you two, I’d love to spend more time, but we’ve business to attend to.” Kitzu offered as she stood up. She trotted on over to where a small gathering of ponies was forming. They bowed as she approached. Kitzu sighed, returned the bow while adding, “You know that’s not necessary outside official functions? I haven't even been officially recognized yet.” Granted as a fox pony who was Lady Aiko’s protege she still would have been given the royal treatment had they known.

“If there is anything we can do?” they asked.

“We need some lanterns, but I don’t want ordinary lanterns. I’ve my own gems, but I’ll need some lamps that haven't been engraved yet.”

“What was it you had in mind?” Captain Hoofstrong asked.

“I’d an idea to personalize them to each of you.” Kitzu offered. “And don’t worry about the time, I’ve done thousands of 'em by now. I’m pretty quick.”

Kitzu was directed to a shop where they had been making small silver lamps that could be worn as a charm. She sat down at a workbench, took up a lamp shell, and a stylus with her magic, and scratched the spell into the back of the cavity where the gemstone would go. The crafts ponies who were watching were astounded by her speed in making the inscriptions. This was followed by Kitzu retrieving not the usual light blue stone that was normally used, but an orange stone that was fitted and set in place. The next lamp received a pink stone. This confused the crafts ponies all the more when the next stone was indeed the standard blue, followed by a purple stone, a vermilion stone, and a magenta stone.

“Why that’s the colors of the harmony stones.” a crafts pony whispered.

“Ah, you’re catching on.” Kitzu offered as she retrieved a green stone. “These stones came from outcroppings near the base of a tree of harmony in another dimension. Each resonates with one of the known virtues.”

“But you’ve made seven?” Lt Mouse asked. “And surely we don’t… I mean, isn’t one supposed to represent the element of magic?”

“I discovered some time back that the lamps I was making all resonated with the harmony stone of laughter and hope. It occurred to me that if I could customize the energy flow to specific ponies, I’d be able to simulate all the stones.” She then fastened strong ribbons to each and presented them to her escort. “To you Captain Hoofstrong, the orange stone, Makoto, Strength honesty, and sincerity. Lt Mouse, I present you with the pink stone, Jin, kindness healing, and compassion. Lt Ansaldo, Gi, which is the bluestone, laughter hope, and integrity. Same as mine I might add. Corporal Pfalz, Meiyo, the purple stone, generosity beauty, and honor.”

“Beauty?” Pfalz asked perplexed. Pfalz was a rather well-built bat pony. He and the others suppressed a laugh.

“Well, you’re not exactly hard on the eyes.” Kitzu offered with a wink while ignoring the laughter. “To Petty Officer Morane, Chu, the vermilion stone, Loyalty bravery, and duty. And to Gunny Gotha, Rei, the magenta stone.”

“But doesn’t that stone represent sorcery and magic?” Gunny Gotha asked.

“It also represents respect. No magic wielder ever gets very far if they are lacking in respect.” Kitzu offered.

“But surely you can’t mean we, I mean, wouldn't this make us bearers of the elements of harmony?” Corporal Pfalz asked.

“Princess Luna elevated the six of you to her personal guard because she saw in each of you the same qualities that the pillars of Equestria possess.” Kitzu offered. “And no, you won’t be bearers of harmony, but the stones will make it possible for you to fight dark magic.”

“But what about me?” Loki asked. “I’m assuming you are going to give me that green stone?”

“Seven elements for seven pillars.” Kitzu offered.

“Seven?” Mouse asked. “But aren’t there only six?”

“You forgot about Stygian. Every pony forgot about him, even his own friends.” Kitzu offered. “Time and time again Stygian faced danger with nothing more than his wits, and his friends.” Kitzu then presented Loki with the lantern with the green stone. “Yu, the greenstone, uncommon valor, and heroic courage. May also be interpreted as redemption. You rushed in, all of you did for that matter, where not even fools would dare to tread. You rushed in having nothing but the desire to put an end to the fighting.” Kitzu then went back around and activated each one, the lamps glowing as it was activated. “Star Swirl’s own arrogance was his downfall because he never realized how valuable Stygian’s contribution was.” “Now, let's keep in mind that these stones may not have the same power level as the original harmony stones, but they will make it possible to kill a timber wolf.”

“Hang on, what?” Loki protested. “Timber wolf?”

“Snap the neck, the charm breaks the flow of magic, and the timber wolf falls apart. Don’t feel bad about doing it either, those things aren’t technically alive in the first place. Just a pile of sticks and old dead branches animated with discordant magic. Downside is you have to get in mighty close to do it, and hopefully, it won’t be necessary to put them to the test when we get there.” Kitzu offered.

“You sure we haven't delayed too long?” Lt Ansaldo asked.

“Hopefully they are still within the influence of the Tree of Harmony. Even so, it’s better to arrive in the nick of time prepared than to arrive on time unprepared. Now… just one more thing... - Cirrus, do you mind if I do a reading on you? I want to see if I can figure out who your family is?”

“Um, OK, I guess.” Cirrus offered. “But even if you do find them, what good will it do?”

“Well, I won’t know that till I find them.” Kitzu offered. “In fact, I’ve got a mind to talk my mother into adopting you.” Kitzu offered while producing her foxfire screen. She studied the information presented, Cirrus’s mother was a unicorn, and her father a pegasus, moderately wealthy, but aside from that there was nothing distinguishing about them. They were quite ordinary. As for Cirrus, she was indeed responding to Kitzu’s magic, which troubled Kitzu deeply.

“We’ve grown quite fond of our little Cirrus.” One of the elders offered.

“I’m sure you are.” Kitzu offered quietly. “It’s just that she seems to be responding to my magic. Unless there is someone among you who is a close family member...”

“But we are all fox ponies, and she’s not.”

“I’m not. I’m of mixed heritage.” Kitzu offered. “It’s possible her parents are somehow closely related to me, but I’ve no idea who they might be?”

“We should get going.” Mouse offered. “We’ll just have to unravel this mystery once we’ve reunited you with your own mother.”

Kitzu gave Cirrus a hug. “I’m going to check back with you just as soon as I can, but don’t worry too much if it takes more than a week or so.”

“Mmm-kay. Promise?”

“Make it a Pinkie promise.” Kitzu offered.

“A what?” Cirrus asked.

“A Pinkie promise. Cross my heart, and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.”

“But you can already fly, and I want to fly,” Cirrus said plaintively.

“Miss Pinkie is an earth pony.” Kitzu offered. “A very silly one at that. But enough of that, we’ve got to get going.” Kitzu let loose her hug and trotted over to the center of the square. “Captain?”

“Alright then, form up!” Captain Hoofstrong said in a commanding tone. A moment later they’d formed up, he gave the order, wings up, and launch. As one, their wings swept down, and with a leap into the air, they soared heavenward.

It didn’t take long to find another updraft, up they went, and as it was going to be a long flight, just glided along letting gravity do the work till they’d arrived at the originally planned jumping-off point. Having descended quite a bit, they road the updraft up once more, turned northwest, and set out across the forest.

Down below the canopy of trees fell behind them as they swept by. Birds could be seen flying from tree to tree, and at one point a Manticore was sighted gliding along the tops of trees with its large bat-like wings.

“Would you look at that, it’s oblivious to us.” Petty Officer Morane commented.

“An if we’d been flying just above the tree level the way pegasus normally do, we’d have flown right into that.” Corporal Pfalz commented.

“And the ground ponders would never know it was there until it was too late.” Lt Ansaldo added as they left the area.

“We’ve got a ridgeline coming up.” Captain Hoofstrong called out. “We’ll use it to regain some altitude, and then head west.”

It hadn’t taken too much longer to approach the ridge, but as they were climbing the updraft a dragon lunged out at them.

“Stay in formation!” Kitzu shouted, cast a shield spell around each pony, and used her magic to rocket them upwards to twelve thousand horns leaving the dragon far behind.

“Well, I hadn’t planned that.” Kitzu offered a few moments later via the helmet radios. The dragon had given up the pursuit. “Never try this without a magic-user. Alright, as long as I have the shields up, let's hurry things up a bit. Captain, I think we can afford a steeper angle.” The captain looked back at her, smiled, and set a shallow dive, just enough to give them some extra speed. Kitzu would drop her shields once she felt they were no longer necessary. An hour later they passed over the edge of the forest into the Apple Valley.

“Say, isn’t that the Canterlot to Ponyville express?” Mouse asked over the radio. They were still going at a fairly good clip as they turned down the valley.

“Sure is,” Kitzu replied. “Anyone want to take a break?”

“You need a break?” Captain Hoofstrong asked.

“Kind of yes, kind of no. I was just thinking it might be fun to ride on top of the roof for a while. Being they didn’t wake me up like I asked when I went through Ponyville this morning.”

“Did they now?” Loki asked.

“Truth be told, I’d be there already if I hadn’t slept past the station,” Kitzu admitted sheepishly.

“You know it’s not likely to be the same crew?” Mouse prompted.

“Maybe not, but let's take a break anyway. We’ve been flying for a little better than two hours now, and this way we don’t lose too much time.” Captain Hoofstrong offered and then guided them into land on the roofs of the passenger cars.

Down in the train, the passengers were more annoyed at the presence of pegasi on the roof than alarmed. The conductor on the other hoof was extremely annoyed, popped his head up to tell them to get off his train only to find what looked like a military patrol of the Night Wing fliers. He quickly lost his nerve and dropped back down.

“Who’s up there?” the brake pony asked.

“It’s a military patrol. Night wing.”

“Night fliers?” The brake pony asked, took a look, saw the armor, the uniforms, Equestria suns on the epaulets, the bat pins on their collars, along with Kitzu’s horn, moon insignias, peytral, and shadow bolt insignia on her daggers. Add to that Kitzu’s royal horseshoes with the fleur de lis design. Peytrals and royal horseshoes equaled royalty. Wings and a horn equaled alicorn, but the wings were white, and legs were black, and the only white-winged alicorn they knew of was Celestia herself. The brake pony dropped down. "I think they are ghost squadron by the looks of them only they have bat pins on their rank boards, and they’ve got a rather diminutive alicorn with them wearing royal regalia, and Shadow Bolt insignia with them.”

“A diminutive… an alicorn impersonator more likely.” Spat out the conductor. “I don’t know what their game is, but those fakes are not riding for free!”

So up went the conductor, this time climbing up till his shoulders were above the roofline. “Oy, you lot! Get off my train! And take that fake alicorn with you!”

“Wow, he’s sure got a pair on him.” Gunny Gotha commented.

“You sure those aren’t crotch boobs?” Corporal Pfalz asked.

“So hard to tell sometimes.” Captain Hoofstrong commented with a smile, followed by Mouse protesting indigently. “Not you, I didn't mean you.” The others all laughed being the Captain and the Lieutenant are married. All except Kitzu who looked up at her horn realizing she’d forgot to camouflage it.

“You know what...” Kitzu began, the comment had hit just the right nerve. “I am sick and tired of ponies giving me grief for having both wings and a horn. Bad enough I get bullied just for being a fox pony.” Kitzu’s eyes began to glow, and her mane billowed out. “A fake, a pretender, a freak, oh ya I’ve heard it all.” Kitzu turned to look at the pony who’d been fool enough to step on her last nerve. Overhead thunder rolled, and the sky grew dark. “Do you know what the problem with ponies like you is? It’s your blind bigoted ignorance.” Her words were punctuated by a window cracking, eardrum-shattering thunderclap.

“Ensign Nightfoal, stand at attention!” Lt Mouse shouted. She and the others had crouched down a bit, wings partly unfolded.

A year's worth of training and combat did its trick. Kitzu snapped to attention and dropped her hold on the weather grid.

“What just happened?” Loki asked eyeballing the foxfire smoldering around Kitzu’s hooves. Mouse walked over to the conductor.

“Did it never occur to you...” Mouse asked in a calm menacing voice, “..that among those ‘impersonators’ you so love to hate, that there might be some real alicorns who were just being nice by not blasting you into dust?”

The conductor said not a word and slowly retreated back down into the platform between the cars from which he had come. The window panes in the cars were all cracked, and the occupants were scrunched down looking rather apprehensive. “What… what just happened?” The brake pony asked as the conductor plopped down on his plot. The conductor said nothing and did nothing until the brake pony started up the ladder.

“No, don’t!” The conductor cautioned grabbing the pony’s leg.

“What’d they do?”

“That’s a real alicorn up there, and I’m lucky to be alive.”

Meanwhile, on top the car, Mouse had gone over to Kitzu and given her a hug to help her calm down.

“How’d you know that’d stop her?” Captain Hoofstrong asked.

“She’s an officer in Her Majesty Queen Moons Shadow Bolts.” Mouse offered. “She obeys orders.”

“Queen Moon?” Gunny asked.

“Hey Ensign, you got it together?” The Captain inquired of Kitzumi.

“Yes, sir.” Loki offered.

“Not you.” Capt. Hoofstrong scolded.

“I’m sorry. I guess he just managed to step on just the right nerve.” Kitzu offered. “I had no idea I could power up like that so quickly, either.” Kitzu shuddered at the thought of what she did and almost nearly did. “It’s just that I get so much grief from ponies that don’t have a clue. I’ll never understand what goes on in ponies' minds?”

“You’re just nervous about going home. I kind of know what that’s like except in our case, none of us have any of what you’d call living relatives. - We’ve some descendants of relatives some of us managed to track down, but it’s just not the same, and some are a little wacky. Bat shit some of 'em are. Guano in their heads. And yes, I know what it’s like to be treated like a second class Equestrian, we all do.” Mouse offered.

“I found a niece,” Loki informed. “Descendants all over the place too. She’s getting up there in age, but it’s fun to talk to her because we remember some of the same relatives.”

“Hang on… you have a relative... How old are they?” Mouse asked astonished. “Why didn’t you ever say anything?”

“She’d have to be a nine tail,” Kitzu suggested. “Nine tails can be intimidating.”

“Thousand years.” Loki supplied. “At least that much.”

“A thousand years?” Mouse asked astonished. If a pony lived past a hundred it was considered exceptional, and most who did had a lot of magic.

“Life expectancy for fox types is as much as a thousand years or more depending on their heritage.” “The closer they are to the original kitsune that emigrated to Equestria the longer the life expectancy,” Kitzu informed them. “Those that are exceptionally gifted in magic may even become immortal like Princess Celestia and Muma, er that is Princess Luna. Um, do you think I should apologize to those ponies for my outburst?”

“We’ll fly along the side of the train, and then we’ll continue on.” Captain Hoofstrong offered. “I suspect if you climb down that ladder it’ll just make things worse. Alright, let's line up, well lift up, and drop down while in a trail formation then break the flight into two squads. Myself, Lt Mouse, Ensign Nightfoal, and Corporal Pfalz, front four. Lt Ansaldo takes the aft four. On my command, we’ll split, forward squad into a right route, and the aft formation will be a fluid four. Ready?”

They all called ready one after the other as they lined up, Captain Hoofstrong signaled to lift off, and up they went. He then peeled off to the left of the train where the flight lined up again. On the command to shift the formation, Lt Mouse went to the left of the Captain, while Kitzu went right with Corporal Pfalz following where he’d be able to pull up alongside Kitzu to act as a shield between her and the train. Trailing them was Lt Ansaldo and Petty Officer Morane side by side, with Gunny Gotha and Ensign Loki as their outside wing guards following to the left and right.

“Oh geez...” Kitzu said under her breath seeing the cracked windows running down the length of the cars. “I’m terribly sorry,” Kitzu called out. “I never meant for that to happen. I’m sorry about losing my cool like that.” On the platform between the cars the Conductor and brake pony just looked on from where they were, frozen in place. Inside ponies looked on with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. What’s more is Kitzu’s horn was still plain to see, and her mane still billowing out from her helmet along with the pony feathering at her tail doing much the same. Add to the overall image was the presence of a foxfire orb following like a smoldering ember that had been thrown into the air by an explosion.

Kitzu made a guarded smile when some inside dared to wave. She waved back.

“Snap role left, four points all the way over...” Captain Hoofstrong called. “Harch!” On the command, the flight rolled, each together as one, while holding their relative positions. Each did a quick on the side stop, upside down stop, on the other side stop, and then back to start. The captain smiled. It’d been over a thousand years since they’d done any maneuvers in front of the public. Back then they would do night shows while carrying iron baskets with glowing embers in them. “Diamond formations!”

On the command, the two squads reformed into diamond formations. The captain waited just long enough for the formations to form, then called for some altitude. Inside the train, every pony watched in admiration as the flight soared heavenward and was lost to sight.

High aloft the two groups of four flew side by side at which point they shifted to fluid fours. For ponies on the ground looking up at the right time, they’d see only a staggered line of pegasi traveling along the length of the valley, and then gliding over towards the Everfree forest.

“Are you all hearing chatter on the two way?” Kitzu asked. Her keen hearing picking up a sound that is far too familiar as they approach the airspace around the palace of the two sisters.

“Just sounds like static to me.” Mouse offered.

“Too much static. Like a lot of ponies overloading the system.” Captain Hoofstrong commented.

“Oh gods, it sounds like they still have search parties out, and they are being attacked!” Kitzu said sounding alarmed. “We need to speed up.”

“Sun’s setting.” Corporal Pfalz observed.

“Good, a shadow bolt is at their best after dark.” Lt Mouse snarked.

“Some of us do mighty fine after dark.” Captain Hoofstrong replied.

“Oh-kay...” Kitzu mused pretty sure the topic was going off track. “As it gets darker it should be easier to find where they are if they’ve unicorns with them.”

“And I suppose you’re going to want to jump right into the thick of it?” Captain Hoofstrong asked.

“I may not have the physical strength of a full-grown pony, but I’ve more than enough magic to compensate.” Kitzu offered. “That, and I just won’t feel right about not helping after all I’ve done over the past year.”

“I’m to understand she got caught up in a war in another country.” Mouse offered as the radio static went silent. “Serving a Queen Moon.”

“Another dimension actually.” Kitzu corrected. “The official story is I was traveling abroad, but that’s not the truth of the matter. The truth is I found myself Serving in a kingdom ruled by Princess Luna, and they were in a desperate fight against King Sombra – no don’t worry, I switched our radios to a closed channel.” No one had noticed when she did it, but the sounds of ponies in desperate need were gone. “I’m more than qualified to deal with Timberwolves.”

Kitzu switched the radios back only to be assailed by calls for help.

“This is Ghost flight Zero, inbound air support, signal your location.” Captain Hoofstrong called on the radio. “I say again, this is Ghost flight Zero, signal your location.”

“OK, the most important thing you need to know to knock down a Timber wolf, use a death strike, break the neck, get out fast.” Kitzu offered. “If you aren’t careful it’ll collapse around you, and you’re a dead pigeon.”

“Who you calling a pigeon?” Loki teased.

“You go getting yourself killed, I’ll go down to Tartarus, find you, and kick your flank,” Kitzu warned. The others weren’t quite sure if she was teasing or not. After all, after her little display on top of the train, the idea that she could do such a thing wasn’t off the table as an impossibility.


“Twilight, this has got to stop!” Luna demanded. Reports coming in were not good, and the two had gone to the command center they’d set up to listen to the radio. “Kitzumi is not out there! Ponies are getting hurt.”

Much of the chatter was difficult to make out, it was broken, and ponies were talking over each other. The search teams had gone further and further out, and today all Tartarus broke loose. The forest was throwing everything it had in the way of timber wolves as though it was an organized attack on the searchers.

“Princess Luna.” Shining Armor called. He’d come as soon as he’d learned Kitzumi had gone missing to personally take command of the search. “We’ve parties coming in that broke off when the attacks started. Some of them are reporting having seen pegasus in the old style Shadow Bolt uniforms. We believe it’s the Nightmare Moon cultists.”

“Oh this is getting good, what could possibly happen next I wonder?” Discord mused joyfully, moments after popping in. He was presently floating about the ceiling with a bucket filled with unpopped corn that would pop in his mouth and spray out.

“Discord, did it never occur to you to actually help?” Twilight all but shouted. “Is there not one bit of empathy in you?”

“What, it’s not like I’m going to find her out there.” Discord scoffed.

“Weren’t you the one who kept saying we needed to look everywhere?” Twilight was exhausted and her exasperation with Discord’s usual antics had reached a fever pitch.

“I said no such thing. I said to leave no stone unturned. Really, the answer had been right under your noses for years.”

“Years?” Twilight dropped to a sitting position right where she stood. “Luna?” Luna had told Twilight about the book, but Discord had discredited it as a remnant of another dimension.

“As a matter of fact, Former Commander Flash Magnus has been keeping tabs on the writer of that diary you dismissed for some time now.” Discord added. “Pity no one seems to be on speaking terms...”

“Discord...” Luna growled. “This is all your doing, isn’t it? Kitzumi vanishing, a little filly who popped into our lives out of nowhere years ago, to every pony forgetting she ever existed.”

“Well of course it is. Surely you didn’t actually think I’d really reformed did you? Oh and Flash remembered.” Discord offered with an absurdly large grin. “Seems I was a bit sloppy in cleaning up after myself. But instead of listening to him, and investigating all possibilities, you pushed him away. And now the Pillars of Equestria are scattered, several of the bearers of harmony aren’t talking to each other, oh and if you are thinking of trying to punish me for my part in all this fun, you can forget about sweet dear Fluttershy ever lifting a hoof against me.” His words were all syrupy sweet tinged with madness followed by a slow laugh that came across far more sinister than mirthful. "Although... if you ask me, I'd say I've done you a favor. Yes, a favor. After all, someone had to get rid of that thing."

The room grew deathly quiet save for the radio: I repeat, this is Captain Hoofstrong, Ghost Squadron, Flight Zero. Inbound air support. Signal your location with a flare.

“Hoofstrong?” Luna whispered to herself. Maybe it was the stress of the situation, but she’d swear she knew that voice. And that name… but then again, maybe it was just more of Discord's idea of fun. Why hadn’t they come up with some other way to deal with him instead of relying on being able to use the elements of harmony? Discord knew how vulnerable their defense was, had played them, and there wasn’t a thing they could do.


Deep in the forest, along what could only be described as the front lines of a battle, ponies having scrambled for cover, now desperately fight to push back the onslaught of the great beasts of wood held together and animated by discordant magic. “Somebody help us. We can’t hold – no don’t run!” A lone pony, panicked, had decided to run for it only to have a timber wolf take chase. Someone was playing music over the radio, a fast expectant tempo, growling of wolves, or was that the wolves…

Heard over the radio the word: Thunder. Again and again, the word Thunder is repeated to the sound of hard-driving rock.

A small pegasus in black armor, shrouded in forest darkness and the dark of fading dusk, struck home on the back of the wolf chasing the fleeing pony, it collapsed in an explosion of dust erupting from the forest floor as the pegasus lept free. Her wing tips leaving trails of swirling dust to mark her path in the fading light. Hardly a moment later more black-clad pegasus, and bat ponies dropped down through the canopy striking down timberwolves, launching themselves back into the air as quickly as they’d struck. Singing could be heard coming over the radio, something about some pony being caught in the middle of the railroad tracks, and by the time the ghosts had finished their first round, in the moment of relative silence could be heard the words, “you’ve been thunderstruck”.

The Timberwolves that had been struck down weren’t getting up again. Squad zero raced through the trees, lined up more targets, and struck again, again, and again.

The ponies on the ground weren’t sure what they were seeing. Normal pegasus couldn't fly in the thick woods after dark, nor did these ponies look like normal ponies. And for that matter Timberwolves always got right back up again when knocked down. Defeating a timber wolf was usually a matter of driving it off.

Thanks to Kitzumi’s lamps the ghosts all had a slight glow about them despite having tucked the lamps in under their armor. The light wasn’t enough to give away their positions, but enough to scare the living daylights out of any pony close enough to see it. The glow was from a built-in shield Kitzu had worked into her spell. Of course, she hadn’t told them there’d be a shield. After all, she didn’t want anyone getting careless thinking they’d be protected regardless of their actions. In the gloom of the Everfree at night, it made them look a bit like they were real spirits. The bat ponies in the flight only helped to enhance the image.

The radio grew silent for a moment. And then the music started up again, ‘Turn up the radio’ echoed through the forest.


“What the buck?” Discord whispered looking at the radio. Even he was taken back by the turn of events. A good deal of the chatter had been replaced by rock and roll. A shiver ran through his spine. He could feel his creations being snuffed out. Creations he’d lost control of, but still, they were his. Some pony had figured out a counter curse.


A few moments later the Ghosts were weaving their way through the trees to the tune of ‘Flirting with Disaster’ while seeking out and knocking down timberwolves.


“We’ve got old school!” Lokie shouted over the radio a little while later on spotting pegasi in the old Shadowbolt uniform skimming the tops of the trees.

“Ensign, stay with your squad!” Gunny shouted over the radio.

“I’ll get him,” Kitzu called.

“Princess, don’t – damn it! What is with you fox types, can’t follow orders?!” Captain Hoofstrong shouted.

“Don’t worry about me, I’m still supercharged.” Kitzu offered, ignoring several protests. “I have to be the one to go after him, only a fox pegasus can keep up with a fox pegasus.” Red Rider’s Lunatic Fringe started as she took chase.


High above the trees, Loki was mixing it up with a bunch of fake Shadow bolts. They were good, they were cocky, but they weren’t the real thing. Except, Loki was lacking in battle experience. Kitzu hit the afterburners and rocketed upwards as the Shadowbolts lined Loki up for a strike from a big griffin. Next song up, Judas Priest: you’ve got another thing coming.

When Kitzu hit the griffin’s back there was electricity in the air following her. Every molecule of air was forced out of the griffin’s lungs, feathers scorched by the thunderbolt Kitzu had generated around herself, and just to make sure – this was combat – her hoof daggers dug deep into the big griffin’s neck, and severed the spinal column at the base of the shoulders. She wasted no time watching her prey go down, and rocketed back up into the sky.

Loki had been momentarily distracted by the ferocity of Kitsumi’s strike, turning to watch her instead of his opponents. They’d been startled too, but thinking the squad captain would be up in a moment closed in on Loki. Kitzu swept past Loki, wings back in a delta wedge, and reached out with her hoof blades severing the end of one wing on one individual, followed by the wing of another. Two ponies went down, followed by two others in an attempt to save their comrades from what was going to be a nasty fall. Their Captain was gone.

“Loki! On my six!” Kitzu shouted over the top of her rock music. “Can you augment your speed with magic?” He indicated he could. “Let’s do this! - No mercy! - No more farting around!”

One of the tactics Kitzu had learned in the world of Queen Moon was to never try to outmatch Sombra’s drones. Move-in fast, and disable the wings. Gravity would do the rest. Flying as fast as she could, also meant her opponent would have very little time to react. The impact of a sonic shock wave did its own share of damage. Kitzu had often wondered how Dash could even survive that kind of speed without any kind of personal shielding. Kitzu and Loki now had their own magic shields to protect their bodies from the force of the wind created at those kinds of speeds. As for the cultists, it would only take one high-speed pass through their ranks to send the entire flight tumbling, the sound of the sonic boom reverberated across the forest.

“Come on, let's get back to the others,” Kitzu called shortly after losing the cultists to the forest.

“You don’t want to go after them?” Loki asked.

“No, I don’t. - Look, you never separate from your wing pony, never separate from your squad, and never separate from your flight! - Ever!”

Kitzu’s words cut sharp in scolding Loki. He’d turned just in time to see Kitzumi driving down hard on that big Griffin. He hadn’t seen the Griffin. He’d been lured into an ambush if not for Kitzumi he’d be seeing his ancestors.

“Stay alert, we’re going in,” Kitzu called, and then dropped back down into the canopy of trees just in time to spot a pair of large timber wolves trying to get at a small group of ponies who’d taken refuge in a thicket. “Take the one on the left,” She called to Loki as he followed her into the trees.

“Are you alright in there?” Kitzu called moments after they dismantled the timber monstrosities while hovering in the air overhead.

“Who are you?” called the voice of Apple Bloom.

“Apple Bloom, it’s me, Kitzumi. I hooked up with some ghost squadron fliers. - What are you doing out here? Surely you must have figured out I wouldn't be found out here by now?”

“Miss Kitzu?” Apple Bloom gingerly poked her head out of the thicket she was in. “I – I was bringing box lunches to the search parties when everything just went crazy.”

“Princess Kitzumi, Ensign Loki, where are you, are you alright?” Lt Mouse called over the radio.

“Yes mam, we’re good. Drove off the fakes, and winged a couple~”

Kitzu’s sentence was cut off along with her music as a powerful blast of magic hit her.

“Kitzu!” Apple Bloom and Loki exclaim rushing to where she’d fallen some pony lengths away.

“Kitzumi, are you alright?” Apple Bloom asked while pulling branches from her. Loki turned to protect the two from the new menace.

“We were just attacked by a powerful magic user!” Loki called over the radio.

“Muma...” Kitzu moaned.

Not far off a tall dark figure of a tall pony slowly approached.

Art thou the one’s responsible for luring Timber Wolves to our little ponies?!” The Canterlot voice was unmistakable.

“Princess Luna?” Loki asked astonished. He hesitated but a moment followed by quickly pulling off his helmet.

“Muma! What the buck?!” Kitzu called out as best she could muster.

“Princess Luna did it never occur to you to ask first before blasting your own daughter?!” Apple Bloom demanded.

“Princess, it’s me, Loki,” Loki said as he proceeded to pull off his goggles.

“Loki… but it can’t be?” Luna asked astonished.

“A lantern, I see a lantern!” Kitzu announced with excitement. “Loki, it’s directly over the thicket. Hit it with some foxfire and let's see what happens?”

“Kitzumi, are you alright?” Loki asked.

“Oh I’m great if you don’t count not being able to move, and feeling like I headbutted a bison.” Kitzu offered.

“Kitzumi?” Luna asked. Luna was momentarily stunned by the turn of events. If she couldn't do anything about Discord, she could certainly give the cultists what they seemed to want. Destruction at the hooves of Nightmare Moon. As for Kitzumi, it was going to take a while for Luna to get used to the now older version.

“Ah, I see the lantern. It’s a big one.” Loki offered and throwing caution to the wind, conjured up a ball of foxfire, and chucked it at the lamp. A moment later the lamp burst with light revealing a small group of frightened ponies beneath it.

“Night has fallen light the lamps!” Kitzu called. “Drive away the darkness! - Evildoers beware the light!” There was no way of knowing who set out those lamps, but it hardly mattered.

A pulse of light erupted from Kitzumi’s gems on her peytral, the lamps in her saddlebags, followed by a pulse of light emanating from Loki do to his lamp with him raising up into the air. The combined pulse hit the large lamp triggering a pulse from it that swept through the woods.

“Another lamp just lit up!” Apple Bloom called out with exuberance.

“There’s another in the other direction!” Loki called.

“And another!” Apple Bloom called as one after another lit up in a giant circle that enclosed the castle of the two sisters.

“Kitzumi?” Luna asked in a soft tone. “I’m so sorry. - Discord has been playing us. Is that really you?”

“Yes, it’s me. - When’s this spell going to wear off?” Kitzu asked sounding rather grumpy, though there was a touch of joy.

“Your uniform?” Luna asked.

“Never go into battle without it. - We had to cross the Everfree.” Kitzu replied. “Oh, and Loki and the others are with the Ghost Squadron.”

“Ghost squadron? Others? Does that mean I really did hear Captain Hoofstrong’s voice over the radio?”

“And you didn’t hear me?”

“You were playing your music because the ground ponders wouldn't shut their traps long enough to let us know where they were.” Loki reminded her.

“Listen, that pulse may not last long,” Kitzu commented as the rest of Flight Zero arrived.

“But how?” Luna asked as they took their helm and goggles off.

“We are your ever faithful guard.” Captain Hoofstrong offered with a reverent bow. “I gather Princess Celestia never told you?”

“No, she didn’t,” Luna replied sounding a bit disgruntled considering she’d been kept in the dark.

“Thorns! Thorns! Blackthorns! Get me out of here!” Kitzu exclaimed sounding as though she was ready to panic. Loki ran to her, stomped his front hooves from which shot out white streams of foxfire traveling along the ground. A moment later the thorns that had slowly been engulfing Kitzumi shrank back as the foxfire blazed up and down the thorny vines.

Princess Luna shook off her stunned reaction to the presence of her own elite guard plus one and used her magic to pull Kitzumi free. A moment later Kitzu was leaning heavily into Luna.

“Can I go home now?” Kitzu asked plaintively.

“Just one thing first.” Captain Hoofstrong said in a commanding voice aimed at Kitzu. “If you are going to wear that uniform don’t you ever disobey my orders ever again.”

“Yes, sir,” Kitzu replied weekly. Luna’s blast had taken quite a lot out of her, and it was all she could do to stand with support.

“As for you young Ensign Loki...” Captain Hoofstrong began, but then Kitzu cut him off.

“Captain. Now is not the time and place. Things happened, and there needs to be a proper debriefing.”

“Princess?” Captain Hoofstrong asked. Kitzumi had clearly switched from Ensign Nightfoal to Princess Kitzumi.

“There was a griffin with the fakes,” Loki informed them. “They’d lured me into a trap. Princess Kitzumi used a death strike on the griffin moments before it could rake me with its talons.”

“My hooves were clean in this world,” Kitzu said in a ragged way. “I didn’t want to, but I couldn't take a chance. The threat had to be neutralized.” Kitzu slumped down onto her plot and began to sob. “I just want to go home!” The present turn of events and what she had done to protect Loki hit her hard as her emotional defenses crumbled.

“I’m… I’m sorry.” Loki offered meekly.

“Neutralized?” Apple Bloom asked in a whisper fearing she knows what that meant. Had this sweet filly actually killed a griffin?

There was a moment of silence save for Kitzumi’s crying. Princess Luna keyed her radio and informed the searchers that Kitzumi had been found and that every pony was to evacuate to the castle of the two sisters. She then called for Shining Armor to meet her as soon as she got back. Luna lifted Kitzu to her back just as she’d done when Kitzu had been much smaller, and then they escorted Apple Bloom and the ponies that had been with her back to the castle.

“Now then, let’s have a look at you.” Luna offered as she set Kitzu down out in front of the main hall. Kitzu smiled at Luna, removed her helmet, and cap to reveal a shock of white where black had once been.

“Is something wrong?” Kitzu asked.

“It’s your mane.” Lt Mouse offered.

“It’s not still all cosmic is it?” Kitzu asked.

“It’s white. Well mostly white.” Apple Bloom informed her.

“Kawaii...” Loki squeaked. Kitzumi’s ears flattened and gave him a dirty look.

“If that means cute, I’d say he’s right.” Apple Bloom offered with a grin. Loki blushed, followed by Kitzu blushing even brighter.

“Princess Luna.” Shining Armor said as he approached. Rainbow Dash and Soarin followed close on his heels. “I heard you found her? You found Kitzumi?” He’d scanned the ponies present but didn’t see any six-year-olds. Just A flight of Ghost fliers.

“Hi, Uncle Shining.” Kitzu offered sheepishly. He stopped dead in his tracks along with Dash and Soarin.

“Kitzumi… what happened to your mane?” Dash asked

"What happened to her mane?" Shining Armor blurted out on recognizing her.

“I’m afraid the mane might be my fault.” Luna offered. “I mistook her for one of the cultists. We have an issue as well. - Kitzumi and Loki engaged in aerial combat with the fakes, killing one of their members.”

“And winging two more.” Kitzu offered.

“And blasted through them at rain-boom speed,” Loki added.

“You did what?” Dash asked astonished.

“Magic boost.” Kitzu offered.

“Holy horse apples,” Soarin said sounding as though he’d had the wind knocked out of him.

“Needless to say I need ponies to go back out there and see if you can find them, or what’s left of them,” Luna told them.

“We’ve got a company of night guards, and one wing of the night patrol available.” Shining offered.

“Make that two Nightwings.” Captain Hoofstrong offered. “Ensign Loki, do you think you can guide us to the area you engaged the enemy?”

“Yes, sir. Be a cinch.” Loki replied enthusiastically.

“Luna?” Twilight called as she exited the doors of the castle's main hall. “Where is she?”

“Mom?” Kitzu said and began moving in her direction.

“Kitzumi, is that you?” Twilight asked astonished at the change.

“Mom!” Kitzu called and began moving as fast as her wobbly legs could take her.

Elsewhere high on the walls of the castle, a grotesque comes to life. It’s Discord. “See you in the history books.” He snaps his talons, and Kitzumi vanishes.

“Kitzumi!?” Twilight and Luna call only to be answered by Discord's laughter.

“I’m going to break every bone in his body!”Corporal Pfalz announces and launches straight for Discord. Loki follows hot on his tail.

“By the gods, it’s worth a try.” Captain Hoofstrong growls momentarily followed by the rest of Flight Zero.

“Come, come, and taste the new era of Discord! - Pathetic foals!” Discord shouted followed by more cackling. His cackling came to an abrupt stop. A hoof had connected right to his jaw. “Wait, that’s not...” he exclaimed in astonishment. And then another hoof connected, followed by another, and then another. He tries to flee but finds that he is unable to use his magic as he is mobbed by those pathetic excuses for ponies. His magic has inexplicably gone. They drive him from the wall, and down into the cobbled stone hard enough to leave a crater, each member of the Ghosts now glowing the colors of the elements of harmony.

“Stop!” Twilight shouts and then walks over to where the beating had been taking place. Discords moan of genuine pain the only sound to be heard. “Discord. What did you do to my daughter?”

“I don’t know...”

Twilight’s right cross strikes his jaw just as hard as she can. “Try again.” A smile forms on her lips. How good it felt to dish up a helping of pain to the most insufferable horse's ass she’d ever had the misfortune of knowing

“She was a threat. I...”

Twilight’s hoof struck him again. “She was a six-year-old filly!” She struck him again. “What possible...” she struck him again “..threat could she possibly be?!”

“How is this...?” Shining asked.

“By any chance did she fix you guys up with lamps?” Dash asked.

“As a matter of fact, she did.” Captain Hoofstrong replied. “Seven lamps for seven elements of harmony. What makes her a threat to Discord is that she figured out how to duplicate the harmony stones. - He must have foreseen that she’d be his downfall.”

“I sent her back in time, and then the ungrateful wretch had the audacity to attack me, oh and then Luna dumps me in the human world. Oh, you really didn’t think that was going to leave me helpless and marooned, did you? No, I knew another way. I reset time leaving her in limbo. How she managed to get back...”

This time it was Luna who struck him. In fact, she struck him hard enough to send him flying out from under the ponies who had him pinned.

“Damn it, Luna!” Twilight scolded as Discord scampered away, and vanished.

“Don’t worry too much. I doubt even he could recover from a beating like that right away.” Mouse offered. Let's just say he won't be snapping his snappy things for a while.

“Twilight, Luna!” Princess Celestia called as she landed. She’d forgone her chariot and was flanked by members of the palace guard who were desperately out of breath from giving it their all to keep up with Celestia.

“We had her, she was here, and Discord...” Twilight offered, her rage boiling up.

“It’s alright, I know where she is, but we need to move fast before they move her.” Celestia offered.

“Move her?” Luna asked.

“It’s complicated.”

“How…?” Luna asked confused. She and the others just looked at her confused. “And why did you never tell me about Loki and the others?”

“I, I didn’t really know who she was at the time. I knew she was connected to you, but she had a white mane.” Princess Celestia offered. “It wasn’t until I got to the last entry in the diary that it fit. I turned a page to send a reply to ask how she was and there was a complete report of everything that had happened today and where she ended up.”

“You mean he sent her into the past again?” Twilight asked. “That doesn’t even make sense.”

“Since when does anything Discord does make sense?” Luna mused through gritted teeth.

“And what did you mean by we need to move fast before they move her?” Twilight asked.

“Like I said, it’s complicated.”

Author's Note:

What, did you think Kitzumi was finally going to be reunited with her family?! :trollestia:
We aren't at the bottom of this rabbit hole just yet. In short I had an idea, but instead of sending her to another dimension I decided to pop her back in time again, and this time she went quite a ways back. Over two hundred years back.

The beat down. These are Princess Luna's original elite flyers. Much of what Discord did in the past would be fresh in their minds. As for Princess Twilight, and Princess Luna, Discord took their foal from them, and then yanked their chain just to torment them. Twilight especially. What happened here is that Kitzu's specially modified enhanced gems would short out Discords magic while in close range. Also, Kitzumi didn't have her full assortment of enhanced gems, so it wasn't enough to protect her. Had she stayed with the group she would have been safe.

The New Image of Kitzumi is thanks to bam-bean-itzevil I was fortunate enough to win a monthly raffle. I've no idea why the majority of the black in her mane wasn't shaded in, but it's so cute I decided to make it canon to my story.