• Published 11th Jan 2018
  • 2,860 Views, 5 Comments

Kitzumi's adventures through the looking glass. [edited] - KittyrinnAiko

Kitzumi's adventures across the multiverse, and the search for home.

  • ...

The visit

“Hi, Twilight,” Kitzumi called approaching her. Kitzu was back in the world she’d discovered by accident. Twilight was school-age in this world, with all the concerns a young filly might otherwise have. Or in her case, was she studying enough, reading enough, and whether or not she was going to be up to the task ahead of her having had a peek into her possible future?

“Nova!” Twilight called turning and going to Kitzu. Even though Twilight knew Kitzu’s full name, Kitzu would always be Luna’s Nova to her. “You’ve come for a visit! - Aww, but I have to be in school, I’m on my way now.”

“Not to worry. Not only do I have all day, but I’ve also been given permission to sit in, in your classes.”

“You’ll be expected to take the cloak off.”

“Well, they’ll just have to… no, now that I think of it once they realize I’m an alicorn we may not get much classwork done,” Kitzu said beginning to feel a bit deflated. “I came because I wanted to know what school is like for you and if it’s anything like my school.”

“I’m sure it’ll be fine.” Twilight offered setting out for school again. “But we’d better get going or we’ll be late.”

“Well, I certainly wouldn't want to be late.” Kitzu fell in right next to Twilight. “Normally I’m asleep at this time of day.”


“Nocturnal. - The time difference. It’s early in the afternoon where I live. - I only go to school in the afternoon, and then it’s homeschooling after that.”

“Maybe they’ll let you attend school here so you can get in a full day?”

“And leave all my friends behind?” Kitzu protested with a dramatic air. “That and my moms worry about me whenever I’m not under hoof.”

“I know the feeling. I worry about Spike all the time. - Sometimes I wonder if I’m obsessing. He’s just a dragon.”

“He’s your dragon, you hatched with your magic.”

“Yes, but...”

“Think about it Twilight. Where did they get a dragon egg? How did they get a dragon egg? - Dragons are mighty protective of their eggs. - Well, except the bad eggs.”

“Spike is not a bad egg, he’s a good dragon.”

“As in he wasn’t expected to hatch.”

“Wait, what?” Twilight stopped short.

“I can’t prove it, but I suspect that if not for your power surge, there’d be no Spike, and you’d likely not be Princess Celestia’s prize pupil.”

“What?!” Twilight started walking again and hurried to catch up. “Are you saying I became his mother?”

“It’s just a theory, but yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying. - Technically at any rate. I mean, you didn't lay the egg.”

“True, but it also means it was a set up to fail me. - Why would some pony do that?”

“It’s because of our connection to Princess Luna. - Nightfall spelled the end of the Nightfoals.”

“So I probably shouldn't say anything then.”

“Nova Silvermane is the name I’ll be using. Though if I run into any Silvermanes it could be problematic. Your Princess Celestia set me up with a VIP guest ID in case anyone wants to know who I am. - Nova Silvermane, special guest of Princess Celestia.”

“Ooo special guest, and VIP even. Can’t very well tell ponies you are my daughter though, can we.” Twilight said with a grin.

“Cousin, let’s say cousin, and Princess Celestia is my aunt being her sister is also my mom. Or at least in my world. No guarantees things will happen the same for you.” Nova offered with a wink. “My Twilight just happens to have the same name and looks a lot like you. - Different dimensions, different individuals, even if you are exactly alike, at least when my Twilight was your age. - Anyway, if you want a foal like me, you’ll have to marry Prince Reynard.”

“I don’t believe I’ve met him. What’s he like?”

“I like him, but then he is my daddy. - He’s kind, understanding, and treats every being the way he’d want to be treated.”

“Not one bit biased are you.”

“And gorgeous.”

“You, or your daddy?”

“Daddy at three O’clock.”

“What? Wait, that’s… but he’s an adult? - And cute too.” Twilight couldn't help but blush. “How old is he? He’s got to be in his late twenties.”

“He’s over a hundred.”

“Excuse me?”

“Fox ponies can live to a thousand years of age,” Kitzu explained. “Though I guess relative age-wise we could say he’s in his twenties.”

“He is good-looking. - And he’s coming this way.”

“Looks like he’s seen me.”

“Why would that make a difference? He doesn’t know who you are, does he? How old are you?”

“I’m only eight. - I think. - Might be nine or ten.”

“You don’t know how old you are?”

“Stranded in a world not my own. - And a kit like myself alone in Canterlot is something he’d want to know about.”

“What? Did you get stranded in a world not your own? - Why would you even tell me something like that?”

“Not my timeline so it won’t hurt if I give you a warning. My first jump was after I got a hold of a book of spells for time and trans-dimensional travel. - It’s complicated, but I wound up stuck in the world I’ve been living in. It’s technically my world, but the timeline split because I’d gone back in time. - Don’t worry, I’m not from your dimension so my being here won’t cause any rift in time.”

“I’ll be sure to keep an eye on my foals when I have them.”

“Good Morning to you.” Prince Reynard said approaching.

“We are on our way to school, and shouldn't talk to strangers.” Kitzu offered, motioning for Twilight to keep walking.

“Well then, let me introduce myself.” He offered.

“Prince Reynard Silvermane of the Oukitsune clan.” Kitzu offered. “Thank you, if you have any questions feel free to direct them to...”

“I can’t help but wonder what a kit your age is doing in Canterlot?” Reynard asked.

“I’m only visiting.”

“Listen, runt, answer his question!” Demanded a colt flanked by a group of colts who’d moved to block their path. Kitzu and Twilight were forced to stop.

“We haven't exactly been introduced. - And we are going to be late for school.” Twilight countered.

“Prince Blue Blood, if you don’t mind this is between me, and him.” Kitzu scolded.

“Ya, well you need to show your betters more respect.” Blueblood shot back.

“What betters? Aside from Prince Reynard of course.” Kitzu replied with a polite bow to Prince Reynard.

“I’m a prince. - Same as him. Even if he isn’t a proper pony.”

“I’m an Alicorn Princess.” Kitzu pops a wing out from under her school cloak. “Not a proper pony indeed. Special guest of Princess Celestia. - I think I outrank you.” She folds her wing up and turns to Prince Reynard. “Now as I was saying...” her tone softened for him.

“An alicorn princess?” Reynard asked lifting an eyebrow.

“I’ve got an official VIP guest pass from Princess Celestia. - Just ask Princess Celestia, and she’ll tell you what you need to know. - Please?” She couldn't resist giving him the look that always got her, her way. “Please?” In an undertone to him, she added that she didn’t need anything, but thanked him for his concern.

“Yes, of course...” Reynard said staggering back. It’d be a long time before he’d develop a resistance to the look. “I’ll be sure to ask. I shouldn't have bothered you.”

“Thank you.” Kitzu’s smile for him faded to a scowl as she turned to face the colts. The colts reluctantly parted allowing Kitzu and Twilight to pass.

Their passage into the school was noted by many of the student body. Twilight and Kitzu walked through the halls and entered the classroom that was Twilight’s first for the day.

“Oh hey, aren’t you Moon Dancer?” Kitzu asked of an alabaster pony. Of course, Kitzu knew her in a second being their cutie marks were similar. Moon Dancer had a similarly colored crescent moon, a star inside the disk of the moon, and two stars outside on the opposite side of the moon. “Twilight’s told me a lot about you.”

“She has?”

“I have? - Oh yes, of course, I have,” Twilight said with a smile.

“I didn’t know she knew I existed?” Moon Dancer said not entirely sure what was going on.

“This is Miss Nova, she’s my cousin.”

“Hi, how are you?” Kitzu asked then leaned in to whisper, “Twilight’s not indifferent, just the worst book pony ever. Bring her up for air once in a while.”

“I heard that.” Twilight scolded. Kitzu went to Twilight and gave her a hug with a wing.

“Wing!” shouted a yellow filly with hearts for a cutie mark.

“Hi, Lemon Hearts. This is my cousin. Nova, this is Lemon Hearts.” Twilight offered.

“Hi, I’m Minuette.” Offered a light blue filly with an hourglass cutie mark.

“Hey, you with the hair braid. I’d like to have a word with you if you don’t mind?” Announced a rather cross filly entering the classroom. “How dare you make a fool of my colt friend?”

Kitzu turned to look at who it was, her face lit up with a big smile, “Rarity!” Kitzu couldn't resist giving the filly Rarity a hug. “But what are you doing here? Why aren’t you attending a fashion school in Manehatten?”

“Do we know her?” Twilight asked while Rarity proceeded to splutter.

“How do you even know who I am!?” Rarity said in nearly a shout. “And un-glomp me!”

“Um, sorry,” Kitzu replied backing off. “I’m Rara’s friend.” Kitzu offered thinking fast.

“Who?” Rarity asked.

“Coloratura?” Kitzu had to think fast. Really fast. “Oh right, she’s Apple Jack’s friend from camp.”

“Apple… not one more word!” Rarity demanded, placing a hoof to Kitzu’s lips. Kitzu smiled realizing Rarity didn’t want any pony knowing she was from Ponyville.

“Alright, every pony to your seats.” Mrs Inkwell ordered as she entered the room. “Good of you to join us, Miss Belle. - Princess Nova, be so kind as to hang up your cloak.”

“Yes, mam,” Kitzu replied using her magic to take her cloak off and levitate it to a nearby cloak hook. Rarity’s eyes grew big. Under the cloak, Kitzu had her saddlebags, and around her neck hung her VIP pass, her moon pendant, and a small silver lantern on a silver chain inside of which was fitted a crystal and Kitzu’s warding spell.


“Well technically yes.”

“Fillies...” Mrs Inkwell warned. “Just find an open seat.”

“Yes, mam,” Kitzu replied looking around for an open seat. One was quickly pointed out to her.

“Today we will be talking about the elements of harmony.” Mrs Inkwell stated and then looked towards Kitzu. “Princess, can you name the elements of harmony for us?”

Kitzu thought about it for a moment and realized they were likely wanting information. She smiled. “The elements of harmony are Gi, Rei, Yu, Meiyo, Jin, Makoto, and Chu.”

“You want to run that by me in Ponish?” Mrs Inkwell asked astonished at the answer.

“The elements of harmony are the fruit of the tree of harmony which was created using a spell authored by Star Swirl the Bearded,” Kitzu explained. “Together with Rockhoof, Mage Meadowbrook, Mistmane, Somnambula, and Flash Magnus, they cast the spell that created the tree of Harmony. By placing a little of their own magic in the tree, the tree was able to grow beyond its original intended purpose. The first known wielders of the Elements of Harmony were Princess Celestia, and her sister Princess Luna. The last known use was by Princess Celestia when Princess Luna was possessed by the shadow pony known as Nightmare Moon.” The room had grown silent as very little of what Kitzu was saying was in any books, and that which was was in scattered obscure references. “Gi is Integrity. Somnambula was the originator of this element. Also known as the element of hope and laughter. Rei, is respect. Star Swirl was the originator of this element embodied in magic and sorcery. Meiyo, is honor. Mistmane was the originator, and the element embodies Generosity and beauty. Jin is compassion embodied in kindness and healing. Meadowbrook was the originator. Makoto, is honesty, sincerity, and strength. Rockhoof was the originator. And Chu is duty, loyalty, and bravery. Flash Magnus was the originator.”

“You skipped one.” Twilight pointed out.

“That would be Yu. Heroic courage.” Kitzu admitted. “Far as I know there has been no individual wielder of it, being that a little came from all six of the originators. Although...” Kitzu thought for a moment. She hated to admit it, but it was true enough. “Princess Celestia herself is perhaps the closest I can think of to being the embodiment of this element, and it’s possible some of her magic went into the tree of harmony.”

“Embodiment?” Mrs Inkwell asked.

“To be able to wield an element the pony must embody the virtue, and be selected as worthy of the element. The individual becomes the element with a jewel from the tree acting as a focus.” Kitzu explained knowing full well she was telling them far more than any of their best sources likely knew at the time. Nor could she tell them about Twilight, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, or Sunset Shimmer who had managed to obtain a seventh element in the world she’d been living in. Kitzu was convinced Sunset Shimmer was the bearer of the element of heroic courage. Everything Sunset had been through, even while misguided, had taken considerable courage. Even more so to face up to her mistakes. Of course, fitting the elements to the virtues of Bushido was entirely a fox pony thing. Kitzu couldn't help smiling as she wondered if they’d ever figure out what she just did?

“Any chance I can get you to write all that down?” Mrs Inkwell asked. Mrs Inkwell had had a conversation with Princess Celestia concerning this specific alicorn, and what would or would not be prudent to ask. Mrs Inkwell knew a fair deal of what Kitzu was telling the class was both accurate, and verifiable.

“Might I ask what you are the princess of?” Rarity asked perhaps hoping to catch Kitzu in a lie.

“Ummm, hope actually.” Kitzu offered sheepishly. “I’m not from here so it’s not a title for your Equestria. Just my home country.”

“Neighpon is where she’s from.” Twilight offered knowing there was no way any pony would be able to verify anything. Meanwhile, Kitzu had gotten out a pen along with a pad of paper, to write out everything she’d just said. She had to stop a few times to think to remember it all.

“Have you ever seen a harmony stone?” Rarity asked of Kitzu.

“I’m wearing one. It resonates with the element of hope.” True enough, when an examination had been done on Kitzu’s enchanted crystals, every last one resonated with the harmony stone for hope. But just the ones she’d charged up herself. Stones charged up by other fox pones had been equally effective against Discords magic, but only hers resonated with the harmony stone of hope.

“You are wearing one?” Rarity asked astonished as a hush fell over the room.

“Tha, that’s a harmony stone?” Twilight asked equally astonished.

“It can’t be, can it?” Mrs Inkwell asked.

“Miss Rarity?” Kitzu asked stopping what she was doing. “You are good with stones, jewels, precious, and semi-precious gems… cast a spell, and tell us if I’m telling the truth or not?”

“But I can’t… I mean, I’ve nothing to compare with.” Rarity protested.

“Oh. Sorry, I hadn’t thought about that.” Kitzu offered. “The stone itself is actually fairly common, what makes it unique is that it’s been charged with magical energy from the tree of harmony, and some of my own magic. Would you like to have a closer look?”

“Now, I’m not sure we need to go that far?” Mrs Inkwell cautioned.

“It’s OK, I know I can trust her,” Kitzu replied reading Mrs Inkwell’s tone while taking the pendant off, and passing it over to Rarity.

“It’s such exquisite craftsmanship… oh, and writing on the back. In bleakest days, and blackest nights, may your lantern shine ever bright. - Oh, I do recognize the gem, but I’ve never seen one glow like that.” Rarity’s horn lit up as she examined the small lantern, followed by Rarity being engulfed in a soft glow. “I see it is just a common stone, but it’s been charged with magical energy. - What?” Rarity looked up to see every jaw was agape except Kitzu who had her usual bright smile. “What’s every pony looking at?”

“You’re glowing.” Moon Dancer informed her.

“Glowing… I see.” Rarity said looking herself over.

“It works as a focus, and amplification device.” Kitzu offered. “And I’d caution you not to try to use it to cast any magic. Your magic needs to be one hundred percent compatible.”

“What happens if the magic isn’t compatible?” Twilight asked.

“The spellcaster can lose control of the magic.” Kitzu provided as a way of an explanation. “This one was made by myself so it’s relatively safe. The stones produced by the tree of harmony are soul bound, and can only be used by the pony chosen by the magic of the tree.”

“You, of course, know where the tree is?” Mrs Inkwell asked.

“Of course. It’s in a grotto below the castle of the Two Sisters in the Everfree forest.” Kitzu replied.

“The Everfree...” Rarity said softly not sure what to think. “You don’t mean that creepy old castle with all the hidden doors, and passages, and stuff?”

“Wait, you know where the castle is? But no one’s been able to find it in centuries.” Mrs Inkwell stated.

“It’s only about an hour’s brisk walk from Ponyville.” Kitzu offered. “And Ponyville isn’t even Ponyville...” Kitzu stopped suddenly realizing she’d gone too far and said too much.

“There is a legend that Ponyville is what’s left of Everfree City.” Rarity offered. “Few outside of the residents of Ponyville even know about it though.” Rarity gave Kitzu a puzzled look.

“I heard about the legend from someone from Ponyville.” Kitzu offered. The last thing she wanted to do was tell every pony there she was from a mostly parallel world, and that they’d uncovered evidence.

“I really don’t like to admit it, but I’m from Ponyville.” Rarity offered. She could tell Kitzu was holding back, but somehow the gem seemed to be telling her not to worry about it. It also seemed to be telling her not to worry about studying magic as that wasn’t what she was supposed to be doing. She then made to pass the necklace back.

“Oh, feel free to pass that around.” Kitzu offered. “I’m curious to see who else lights up?”

“Oh-kay.” Rarity said offering it over to the student sitting next to her.

“I thought you said this thing is dangerous?”

“Just use a mild probing spell like you’re trying to figure out what you got for Hearth Warming,” Kitzu advised.

“Wow, that things got a kickback.” The student replied following a little spark off their horn. They then passed it off to the next, and then the next till every pony had had a chance. Every pony except Twilight.

“Twilight?” Mrs Inkwell inquired. Twilight and Kitzu looked at each other with worry on their faces.

“I’m sorry, but I’d rather not risk it without Princess Celestia present.” Kitzu offered.

“Why? - Surely it won’t react worse than what happened with Miss Rarity?” Mrs Inkwell asked.

“I’m afraid of a repeat of Twilight’s entrance examination.” Kitzu offered. After all, telling them that Twilight was an Alicorn and had considerably more raw power than Rarity was going to be a hard sell.

“But her power surge was triggered by a rainboom.” Mrs Inkwell offered.

“Rainboom? - How often does that sort of thing happen?” Rarity asked.

“Just the once.” Kitzu supplied. “You and Twilight got your cutie marks at the exact same time, both triggered by the rainboom.”

“And Twilight does have more power than I do.” Rarity said sounding as though she was awestruck. “But I suck at magic?”

“That’s because your cutie mark has nothing to do with magic.” Kitzu countered. “Or at least not the kind of magic they teach here, and if you don’t go out and pursue your passion you are going to be miserable.”

“Now Princess Nova, you shouldn't...” Mrs Inkwell cautioned.

“She’s right. I am miserable here. I hate it here. I’m not doing what I love, and it’s driving me up a wall.”

“I see. - Wish you’d spoken up sooner.” Mrs Inkwell replied. “Not being able to fulfill the calling of your cutie mark is a serious issue.”


Later during lunch, Princess Celestia asked to see Kitzu.

“I’m to understand that Miss Rarity wants to quit, and you are encouraging her to do so?” Celesta asked with concern in her tone.

“Rarity’s cutie mark isn’t for magic, it’s bling as in fashion. - She’s a very successful fashion designer in my world. Same cutie mark. - She’s also the element of generosity. My little test proved it. - Or at the very least your Rarity has the potential to become an element bearer.”

“I heard about your test, and Mrs Inkwell gave me a copy of what you wrote.”

“I didn’t think sharing that much information would hurt. - You’d likely need to revive the knowledge as you are going to need it to save Princess Luna.”

“I see. - And you didn’t want Twilight to use your stone?”

“I didn’t want to risk her powering up the gem. It’s the same as the small lantern I gave you. - For some reason the stones I power up all mimic the element of hope.”

“It’s not a true element then.”

“Not from the tree no, but the stone was created by the magic of the tree and my own magic. And that includes fox magic,” Kitzu explained. “It’s a common enough stone in the northwest, and while they’ll work for the anti discordant magic spell, they don’t have the same properties. - Twilight is the element of magic, and a wingless alicorn. My Twilight used a transformation spell created by Star Swirl the Bearded. I’m to understand that before Twilight fixed it, it was a very dangerous spell that switched a ponies destiny. - If you decide to let your Twilight have at the spell, she should be advised to be extra careful.”

“I see.”

“In my world, she accidentally switched the destinies of the element bearers. - I’m under the impression it could have been worse, and that she could have ended up like King Sombra.”


“I only know what I’ve overheard. Twilight was quite livid when she found out. - There is a caveat in that the caster must be either of all three primary pony types and or of alicorn decent for the spell to be successful. - I’m uncertain which it is, I can only say that Twilight meets both requirements.”

“I see.” Princess Celestia offered in a quiet contemplative tone. “And the other element bearers?”

“I suppose it can’t hurt to tell you. They all seem to end up in Ponyville just in time to face Nightmare Moon at the end of her thousand-year banishment. - Twilight, and Rarity, along with Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash.”

“Rainbow Dash, I know of that filly.”

“It was her rainboom that triggered all six getting their cutie marks.”

“They were all affected by the rainboom. - Their destines would be tied together then. - And what of the seventh? You’ve indicated there might be a seventh?”

Kitzu let out a sigh not sure if she wanted to tell her. “Twilight and the others were able to save Luna without her.”

“There is a seventh then?”

“Sunset Shimmer.”

The room grew deathly silent save for the sound of a ticking clock. Tick, tock, tick, tock, tick tock…

“Banished or in prison?” Kitzu asked after what seemed an eternity.

“Banished. - I gather your Sunset Shimmer has had her troubles too.”

“When she comes back, let her stay. - It’ll save a lot of trouble for you in the future, and gain you a valuable ally if you can reconcile.”

“My Sunset wants to become an alicorn a little too much.”

“My Sunset is an alicorn. - Happened while passing through the portal. You just have to impart on her that it's not something you can give her, nor can it be forced.”

“So then, that is her destiny then. - Is she going to be my replacement I wonder?”

“I, um, wouldn't know.” Kitzu offered not sure what to make of what Celestia was suggesting. A knock came at the door.

“Enter,” Celestia called.

“Sorry to disturb you but Prince Reynard… sir please?!” Reynard pushed his way in past the secretary.

“Just let him in.” Kitzu offered, and Celestia told the secretary it was OK, and that they could leave.

“I want an explanation,” Reynard demanded.

“I’m from off-world. Baka Toasann.”

“Prince Reynard, she is just visiting for the day.” Celestia offered.

“What did you just say?” Reynard asked looking at Kitzu with a rather puzzled expression.

“In my world, you are my father.”

“Oh, so he’s the filly-fooler your mothers were talking about.” Princess Celestia said with a grin.

“Yes, I’m afraid so. And a little overprotective too.” Kitzu replied.

“Now see here?!” Prince Reynard protested.

“Well go on do a reading.” Kitzu offered. ”I couldn't say anything in public because we can’t have ponies knowing I’m from another world.”

“Fine then...” Prince Reynard held up a hoof and produced a blue flame. He only held it up for a moment when he dropped the flame and staggered back.

“Are you alright?” Princess Celestia asked.

“Prince Reynard?” Kitzu looked at him with concern. Especially being he’s just done a reading on her.

“The images were rather jumbled, but I apparently marry Nightmare Moon, and another alicorn I know nothing about.”

“Well, on my world you did. Princess Luna, not nightmare moon.” Kitzu offered. “Jumbled? The reading shouldn't be jumbled?”

“I saw a lot of odd conflicting images, and I’ve got a rather uneasy feeling.” Reynard offered. “I’m sorry, but your being here just makes me uneasy. I can’t explain it. Sorry.”

“Kitzu, perhaps you should head home.” Princess Celestia offered.

“Alright. I suppose I should then. Father’s uneasy feelings have never been wrong, but I sure wish you could give me a little more to go on.”

“Sorry,” Reynard replied.

“I’ll go gather up my belongings, and get going.”

“You teleporting?” Princess Celestia asked.

“I’m a little tired, so I should probably use the portal. - Princess Celestia, thank you for the hospitality and for letting me spend time with your Twilight. - Prince Reynard, thank you for your concern.”

Princess Celestia replied that it was her pleasure, and Prince Reynard just muttered something indecipherable. They all said their goodbyes, and Kitzu left. She went back to the classroom to gather up her saddlebags, the schoolwork she’d done that day, put her school cloak on, and went in search of Twilight and the others. They were disappointed, but it couldn't be helped. Kitzu got out her transdimensional communications book, wrote in it that she was coming back early, and put the book back in the saddlebag. The lack of a response didn’t bother her as she hadn’t been expecting an immediate response. She then said her goodbyes to the fillies and headed back to the keep and the portal.

Kitzu stepped into the portal just as she heard someone frantically calling her. It was too late.

Why haven't I emerged on the other side, Kitzu asked herself as the portal tunnel seemed to elongate.

Kitzu was overcome with a feeling of dread. The tunnel was now whipping about sending her on a roller coaster ride. She felt as though she was falling one moment, and being blasted heavenward the next.

Something was horribly wrong, and the realization that she may be stuck in a maelstrom between worlds was scaring her enough to wet herself. She could feel herself screaming, but could not hear herself.

Teleport. That’s what she had to do – teleport.

Author's Note:

Right now my readers are wondering what just happened? Did Kitzu disrupt the time stream by telling the ponies too much? Or was the trouble at the other end? Discord perhaps? Granted, Kitzu did help get Rarity back on track, and she didn't really give them too much information that they wouldn't have been found out sooner or later anyway. I've also wondered how it was that all the bearers of the harmony stones just happened to be in Ponyville right when they needed to be. Here then is one possible explanation. Princess Celestia knew and managed to see to it that they were there.

As for Kitzu, you'll just have to wait to find out what's happened to her.

In bleakest days and blackest nights, may your lantern shine ever bright. Inspired by the Green Lantern moto.