• Published 1st Jun 2018
  • 3,987 Views, 132 Comments

The Legends of Magic: Enter the Dragons - Phantom-Dragon

Spyro, together with Spike and the ponies, joined forces to rebuild a team of heroes and fight evil.

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Baby Spike

The egg thief continued to run down the streets of Canterlot, carrying the egg with them, not daring to look back, knowing that Spyro and his filly friends are not too far behind.

The thief made a sharp turn into an alley, with the heroes following, where they came towards a sign, pointing them in the right direction. With that, the heroes went right, while the thief took left. It wasn't long before Twilight realized the deception, that she blew a whistle for the rest of the heroes to turn around and follow.

The thief quickly hid themself, behind a wall, just as Spyro and the fillies ran past them. Thinking the coast was clear, the thief took a casual walk, with the egg in their arm, only to be tackled to the ground by Rainbow Dash and Applejack. The two strong fillies quickly hogtied the thief together, to a large wooden pole, and started walking away with their prize. However, upon passing through a huge shrub, they were perplexed to see a gray, blonde wall-eyed pegasus filly, in place of where the thief once was.

The chase continued as Spyro and the fillies pursued the thief, into a fashion store.

"Split up!" Spyro ordered. "He's gotta be around here, somewhere!" With that, the fillies and dragon all went their separate ways.

Twilight was levitating some racks of coats, checking for any suspicious characters hiding behind them, before she puts them back after finding nothing. Applejack was searching through a shelf of hats, Rarity took some dresses, before she started checking each one with herself, in a mirror. Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie both dove into a bin of scarves, while Rainbow Dash was simply zipping all over the store, until she saw the thief running past her.

"There he is!!" Rainbow shouted, as she, Applejack, and Sparx chased the thief, into a changing room, where they went from door to door, defying physics, in search of the thief.

Before it could get anymore confusing, Sparx stopped in the middle of the doors, just as the thief stood

Sparx zipped towards the thief, just as Applejack and Rainbow Dash came out of two doors at the same time, and collided with each other, with poor Sparx caught in between. The two fillies quickly saw stars chirping around their heads, before they fainted, with Sparx following after.

The thief couldn't help but let out a high pitch taunting laugh, followed by a fast, "Nah-nah-nah-nah-nah!" as they quickly raced away, with the egg still in their arms.

"Not so fast!" Spyro snarled, jumping in front of the thief, blocking their path. "Give me back the egg, now! And I won't hurt you, much!"

In response, the thief quickly took off running, out into the streets of Canterlot, relentlessly pursued by Spyro, who was charging towards him in a blur of purple and gold, horns first.


In response, the thief started to shove some ponies to the ground, tripping them, hoping that they would somehow slow the young dragon down. Even with one of his wings crippled, nevertheless, Spyro continued in his pursuit, as he jumps, and weaves through the confusions of crashes, before he decided to cut the thief off, by running into an alley.

The thief looked behind him, and felt relieved that Spyro was nowhere to be seen. Unfortunately for him, Spyro was already ahead of him, and was waiting behind a wall for an ambush.

At the last second, "GOT YOU!!" Spyro shouted, pouncing towards the surprised thief.

"SURPRISE!!!" Pinkie Pie shouted, when she appeared in a puff of confetti.

Both purple dragon and pink pony collided, sandwiching the thief in between, causing him to lose the egg.

"THE EGG!!" Spyro and Pinkie screamed, watching as the egg went flying in the air, just as Twilight appeared.

"I got it! I got it!" Twilight shouted, leaping forward, and caught the egg in her hoof. "Phew," Twilight breathed a sigh of relief, before she noticed a tiny crack forming in the egg. "Oh no," She whimpered. "It's breaking!"

"Oh goodness!" Fluttershy whimpered, before she took a closer look for inspection. "Oh, actually, it's just hatching Twilight. That means the baby is coming!"

"Really?" Twilight and Fluttershy watched, as the crack spreads all over the egg, just as the others quickly arrived on the scene, just in time to witness the hatching of the egg, and a tiny dragon emerged.

In appearance, the baby dragon was purple, like Spyro, but his scales are lighter. Furthermore, the little dragon has a row of green spikes from the head to his tail, which ends in the form of an arrowhead, lighter green underbelly, with matching translucent fins on both sides of his head. When the baby dragon opens his eyes up, they were revealed to be piercing emerald greens.

"Aw, how cute!" Fluttershy cooed.

The little purple dragon stretched his arms out to yawn, before his visions began to adjust, allowing him to get a clearer look at the lavender unicorn, who continued to hold him in her hooves.

"Uh....hi little one," Twilight greeted the baby dragon. In response, the baby dragon lunged forward and bit Twilight on the nose, "OW!! What'd you bite me for?!" Twilight yelped, forcing the baby dragon away with her hoof, while rubbing her inflicted snout with the other. The baby dragon managed to squirm its way past Twilight's hoof, before it surprisingly leapt towards Twilight, grabbing her by the horn, and started chewing on it, "Hey! Not the horn! Get off!"

After a firm punch to the thief, knocking him out cold, Applejack quickly ran over to join the group, as they gathered around the newborn, who was currently showering Twilight with painful kisses.

"Aw, I think he thinks you're his mommy!" Pinkie giggled.

Spyro soon came over, and the baby dragon turned its head to see the older purple dragon before him, "Uh, hey little guy," Spyro greeted uneasily. The little dragon ceased his assault on Twilight's horn, as he tilted his head, looking at Spyro with curiosity, "I'm your brother, Spyro?" Spyro said, smiling awkwardly.

The baby blinked for a moment, before it cooed, "Spy-yo!" It cheered.

"Eh, close enough," Spyro chuckled.

"Hey big guy!" Sparx buzzed as he zipped up to the little dragon. "I'm your uncle Sparx!"

"Uncle?" Spyro looked at the dragonfly in disbelief, while Fluttershy struggled to stifle a giggle.

"And the unicorn pony you're chewing on as your chew toy is Twilight Sparkle," Sparx introduced the baby to the unicorn, before going on to introduce the rest of the fillies, "And this is Fluttershy, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity."

Of course, being a dragonfly, none of the ponies understood a word he was buzzing, "Now if I didn't know any better, I think Sparx is introducing us to the baby," Applejack guessed.

"I'm afraid the poor thing won't be able to remember us all," Rarity replied.

"Appa!" The little dragon giggled, pointing at Applejack. "Ray Dad! Peepee Pie! Buttershy! Rari! Wiwight!" The fillies, dragonfly, and dragon couldn't help but chuckle at the young infant's mispronunciation of their names.

"Hee-hee! He called me 'Peepee,'" Pinkie giggled.

"And he called Rainbow Dash, a dad!" Applejack nudged the cyan pegasus playfully.

After the laughter died down, the friends all looked down at the little baby dragon, "Now, what should we call you little one?" Spyro pondered.

"Spy-yo!" The baby cooed, grabbing him by the snout and chewing on it.

Spyro chuckled, "We can't call you that. That's my name," He said, while gently prying the dragon off his nose.

"Hmmm, maybe Aether?" Twilight asked, earning strange looks from the other fillies, Spyro, and Sparx. "What? I thought it's a neat name."

"How about, Dash?" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

"Rainbow Dash, only you would name almost everything 'Dash,'" Applejack muttered.

"Well I thought 'Dash' is an awesome name for a dragon."

"Barney?" Fluttershy suggested.

"Amethyst?" Rarity offered.

"Rexy?" Applejack answered.

"Hmmm, he looks like a Spike," Pinkie pointed.

The little baby looked up in wonder, before he clapped his claws in excitement, "Suh pah ike!" The baby cheered happily.

"Guess it's official then," Applejack chuckled. "Spike it is."

Pinkie's mane and tail suddenly stood on end, as she bounced around the streets, "OOH!! I GOTTA THROW A HAPPY BIRTHDAY PARTY FOR SPIKE!! AND A WELCOME TO THE FAMILY SPIKE!! AND WELCOME TO THE WORLD SPIKE PARTY!!! AND-"
"Calm down, Pinkie!" Applejack stopped the party filly. "Deep breathes, one at a time ya crazy filly!"

"What's going on here?" A voice asked, to which the children looked up to see Princess Celestia walking towards them. Her attentions were quickly directed on the baby dragon, named Spike. "Oh! Hello there little one," She smiled, bending down to greet him. "I was wondering when you were going to hatch."

"Suh pah ike!" Baby Spike chirped.