• Published 1st Jun 2018
  • 3,988 Views, 132 Comments

The Legends of Magic: Enter the Dragons - Phantom-Dragon

Spyro, together with Spike and the ponies, joined forces to rebuild a team of heroes and fight evil.

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New Friends, New Homes, A New Beginning

One Explanation Later

"Sorry with the way I acted earlier," Spyro apologized, while helping to clean the mess in the cottage he made, during the scuffle. In the meantime, Spyro took the time to observe and make descriptive notes of the ponies present.

In appearance, the country pony appears to be around the age of a filly, given to her, and her friends' heights and youthful appearances. Furthermore, given to the markings on their flanks, they've been confirmed to have discovered their purpose in life.

The country filly has a coat of brilliant gamboge, blonde mane and tail tied back in "ponytails" with red bands, and white freckles decorating her face, framing her moderate sap green eyes. The marks on her flanks are three apples.

The second filly present is a white marshmallow unicorn, with purple mane and tail done up in curls, light blue eyeshadows coated over her dazzling moderate azure eyes. Her marks are three light baby blue diamonds.

The third filly accompanying the first two fillies is a cyan pegasus filly, with ruffled mane and tail colored in stripes of red, orange, yellow, blue, green, and purple, and piercing moderate cerise eyes. Her marks are a storm cloud with the bolt colored the matching stripes of red, yellow, and blue.

The yellow buttercup pegasus filly, Fluttershy, has long smooth pink mane and tail, with the mane nearly concealing moderate cyan eyes. Her marks are three pink butterflies.

Lastly, the pink energetic filly, Pinkie Pie, has messy, curly, bouncy mane and tail, both colored darker pink, and light cerulean eyes. Her marks are three party balloons; one yellow, and two baby blues.

"I normally don't let strangers holding my egg," Spyro explained. "He's pretty much all I have left."

"Oh, sorry to hear that," The country pony frowned in sympathy.

"Though, just curious," The cyan rainbow maned pegasus filly asked. "How can you tell that egg is going to hatch into boy?"

"Well, from what I remembered, the elders say that you can tell its a boy when its very hot," Spyro answered. "And when it's colder, chances are it's a girl."

"Oh," The cyan pegasus scratched her chin in acknowledgement. "Interesting."

"That all sounds.....wonderful," Fluttershy replied, while still keeping her distance away from the dragon child. Turning her head to the right, Fluttershy took another glance, checking on the egg that was resting in a small basket, wrapped in a bundle. Acting on a motherly instinct, Fluttershy walked over, and place a gentle feather on the egg, "Oh my, he's so warm," She noted. "Is he going to hatch soon?"

"I don't know," Spyro shrugged. "Maybe a day, or two. Give or take. But once he hatches, he and I will be out of your manes."

"Awww," Pinkie moaned despondently, with her mane and tail deflating a little.

"Well, nice knowing ya until then," The cyan pegasus said bluntly.

"Well, until then, care to tell us yer name?" The country pony asked. "If ya have one?"

“Name’s Spyro,” Spyro introduced himself. “Who are you guys? Er, gals? Ponies?”

“Name’s Applejack. Pleased to make yer acquaintance!” The mare introduced herself, before she went and introduced the rest. “The gals here are Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and I believe ya already know Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie!”

“Yo!” The cyan rainbow haired pegasus greeted.

“Charmed,” The white purple haired unicorn greeted.

“BZZZ BZZZ BZZZ!!” The dragonfly buzzed intensely, as if not wanting to be left out.

“Oh, sorry,” Applejack apologized. “The little fella is-“

“Nice to meet you, Sparx,” Spyro greeted the dragonfly, holding a single claw out to shake “hands” with the bug who continues to buzz. “Is that so? Really? I see.” Spyro replied, as if understanding every buzz the dragonfly was saying.

The mares present in the room were astounded, “You can actually understand every word he says?” Rainbow asked.

“Yep,” Spyro replied. “We dragons have an innate ability to understand everything a dragonfly say to us.”

“Really?” Fluttershy asked, with newfound amazement. “That’s so....amazing,” She whispered.

Sparx continue to buzz some more, “So, what did he say?” Applejack asked.

“He said you girls are okay,” Spyro answered, before Sparx buzzed some more. “And that I should be thankful for your generous hospitalities, while we’re here," Spyro went over to a window and looked outside, seeing a town, not too far away. "Where is 'here' anyway?" He asked.

"Why you're in Ponyville of course!" Pinkie chirped, bouncing up and down. "The friendliest town you'll ever find in Equestria! Which reminds me. I gotta go and set up a 'Welcome to Ponyville Party' for you and Spikey-Wikey! Be right-"

Suddenly, a roar of a bear was heard, coupled with the buzzing sound of insect wings.

“What was that?” Spyro asked.

"Oh just the bugbear," Pinkie answered casually.

"JUST THE BUGBEAR?!!" Applejack asked.

Out in Ponyville square, a ferocious beast that resembles a cross between a bear and a bee was terrorizing the denizens of the said town. Every pony were galloping in random directions, getting away from the beast as it continues to leave a trail of destruction in its wake.

Spyro and the fillies he was getting acquainted with soon arrived at the scene, "What the hay?!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

"I told ya it was a bugbear," Pinkie replied. "Don't any pony ever listen to me?"

"Now's not the time, Pinkie. WHOA!!" Applejack screamed, as she and the girls all ducked their heads, just as a wagon was thrown at them.

"Oh, that's it buster!" Pinkie snarled, pulling a cannon out of her mane, much to Spyro's surprise. "Nobody throws a wagon at me and my gals!"

"PINKIE!! DON'T-" Too late, Pinkie fired a cake at the bugbear.

"Pinkie, if yer trying to feed him a cake, then might I offer a simpler approach?" Applejack asked. "'Cause the way yer doing it, makes it looked more like yer assaulting him."

"That's because I am assaulting him ya silly filly!" Pinkie squeaked.

With that, the bugbear roared menacingly, "And you made him mad," Spyro grumbled.

"Furious is more like it," Sparx buzzed to Spyro.

"Shall we run for our lives?" Rarity asked.

"Oh yes, lets," Applejack agreed, before she and the girls all took off running, leaving Spyro to face the beast.

Applejack quickly screeched to a halt when she realized Spyro wasn't with them. Turning her head to see Spyro wasn't backing down, "What are ya, crazy? Get away from the-"

"Don't worry!" Pinkie replied, holding a hoof out, keeping AJ back. "He's got this!"

Sparx flew up to Spyro and asked, "You sure you can take this guy?"

"I may not be able to fly," Spyro began, before he assumes a fighting stance. "But I can still fight."

"Well, then I should warn you," Sparx began. "He doesn't float like a butterfly, but he can really sting like a bee," He warned, before he flies away.

Realizing the little purple dragon was really challenging him, the bugbear snarled, as if to say it accepted his challenge. Then, with a loud roar, the bugbear lunged forward, with Spyro doing the same, pointing his horns in the bugbear's direction.

"WAAAAAAAIIIITTT!!!" Pinkie Pie shouted, stopping Spyro and the bugbear, causing the two fighters to look at the pink pony, in bewilderment. Pinkie Pie simply bounced off to the side, singing herself a tune, before she dragged in a DJ unicorn filly about her and the girls' age, with a boombox, playing a fight music. "Okay. Continue." And they fight.

The bugbear made the first moves, slashing its four claws out, which Spyro was able to evade, running side-to-side, before he leapt into the air, ramming his head into the big bear's chest, knocking the beast back slightly. Further angered, the bugbear roared loudly as it quickly beat its wings, slashing its claws at Spyro, who quickly rolled to the side, dodging the attacks. Making a quick sharp turn, the bug bear slashed its arms out for Spyro.

The purple dragon quickly lunged forward, sliding along the floor, horns first, beneath the bug bear, before with a single leap, Spyro performs a quick horizontal spinning motion with his tail, landing a blow to the bugbear's back, crippling one of its tiny wings upon impact.

Watching from the side, the fillies were amazed, "Wow, he's got some slick moves!" Rainbow commented.

Though its flight was slightly hindered, the bugbear was undeterred. Now determined, more than ever to defeat its foe and emerge victorious, the savage beast lunged forward, with is jaws wide open, before it snapped at Spyro, who jumped in the air, performed a front flip and slammed his tail, directly on the bugbear's head, before rolling down the creature's back and landed back on solid ground. Slightly disoriented from the blow it took to the head, the bugbear shook its dizziness away, and quickly turned around, thrusting its arm out, landing an impact on Spyro, knocking the little dragon off to the side.

It was then that the bugbear noticed something about its adversary. The young dragon's left wing was in a sling. In other words, he can't fly. Using that to its advantage, the bug bear beat its wings harder, albeit slighly due to one bent out of shape, giving it enough altitude to be out of range. Turning its head, to see a house nearby with a chimney, it tore the ventilation structure off, hurling towards Spyro, who quickly jumped to the right to dodge the projectile.

At this point, the fillies began to look worried, "I'm afraid he doesn't stand a chance now," Applejack frowned.

"We've got to help him somehow!" Rainbow exclaimed.

"But what can we do?" Rarity asked.

"Team huddle!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed, wrapping her fore hooves around her filly friends, plus Sparx, pulling them in close as she explains, "You take the sides. I'll go for the middle. Got it?"

"I think so," Applejack replied.

"I'm game," Rainbow joined.

"Maybe?" Fluttershy said, unsure.

"I'm afraid I don't quite comprehend," Rarity said.

"Just do it," Pinkie replied. "Ready?"

"BREAK!!" With that, the friends all put their plan in motion.

The bugbear picked up a cabbage cart, and was about to toss it at Spyro, when Sparx zipped up to the bugbear's face, making a face, and blowing a raspberry. In response, the bugbear forgot about Spyro as it used two of its spare arms, swinging in vain to swat the dragonfly out of the way, inadvertently hitting itself in the process.

“Stop hitting yourself!” Sparx would buzz repeatedly as he dodges several strikes from the monstrous bee/bear hybrid.

Eventually, it dropped the cabbage cart to the ground, which smashed into pieces upon impact, much to the merchant’s dismay, “No! My cabbages!” He wailed. “This place is worse than Fillydelphia!”

Meanwhile, Pinkie Pie was painting a layer of honey across a long white sheet of fabric, with Rarity and Fluttershy holding both ends of the roll.

“Yee-haw!” Applejack hollered, galloping towards the bugbear, spinning a large lasso at the end of her tail, before she lets it fly, ensnaring the bugbear, by the claws, and pulled on it.

In retaliation, the bugbear started to pull on the rope, bringing Applejack towards it, instead of the other way around.

“Hold on, AJ!” RD shouted, as she grabs ahold of the rope, and joined in the tug-o-war between AJ and the bugbear.

Spyro was dumbfounded at first, watching the act of teamwork in action, “Spyro!” Sparx buzzed, flying over to the surprised dragon. “Now’s your chance! Come on!”

“My chance?” Spyro asked. “For what?”

“Attack the bugbear!”

“Oh, right!” With that, as a blur of purple and gold, Spyro charged headfirst, ramming his head into the beast, knocking it backwards, straight into the sticky honey covered fabric, set up by Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Rarity, before the three fillies wrapped it around the bugbear, ending the fight.

[End Of Song]

“We did it!” Pinkie cheered, together with the girls and Sparx. “HOORAY!!”

“Up high girls!” Sparx called, earning a powerful smack from Pinkie Pie that sent him flying.

Spyro walked up to the fillies, looking rather confused, “What’s the matter, Spyro?” Rainbow asked. “Speechless that we won the fight?”

Snapping out of his trance, the young dragon replied, “Not that I don’t appreciate your helps, but why?” Spyro asked.

“Well, why not?” Rainbow asked.

“Maybe because it ain’t exactly your fight to begin with? And you all could really hurt yourselves?”

“We’d day the same to you, Spyro,” Applejack replied. “Ah mean, fighting a bugbear like that, head on, and with a broken wing? Ya must be crazy to throw yourself in danger like that.”

“It’s what I do,” Spyro shrugged, like it’s no big deal.

“You mean, you don’t actually think these things through?” Rarity asked.

“And you don’t have friends to back you up?” Rainbow asked.

“I have friends,” Spyro answered. “A little. But when it comes to fighting, we’ve been taught it’s every dragons for themselves.”

“Well sounds like to me you need a new lesson!” Pinkie chirped, as she bounced over to Spyro. “Friendship Lesson #1: You mess with one of us, you mess with all of us!”

Though somewhat skeptic at first, Spyro shrugged, “Uh huh,” Spyro replied. “Well thanks.”

“You’re welcome!” Pinkie beamed happily.

“Still, why didn’t you just breathe fire on the thing?” Rainbow asked.

Spyro quickly began to sweat, when Sparx soon flew up to him, “More importantly, what do we do with the bugbear now?” He asked.

“Oh yeah,” Spyro agreed. “So what are we gonna do with the bugbear?” He asked on Sparx’s behalf.

Rainbow Dash was about to speak up, “I don’t know,” Applejack answered as she and the girls looked at the struggling creature, trying to break free.

“Send him to the zoo?” Rainbow suggested.

“Oh my no,” Fluttershy interjected. “I don’t think the zoo is good enough, even for the likes of a bugbear.”

“A circus?” Pinkie added.

“Absolutely not, Pinkie!” Rarity denied. “Even the circus is no place for the likes of this creature.”

“Hmmmm,” Applejack pondered, before she answered. “Let’s send words to Princess Celestia!” Applejack. “She’ll have some ideas.”

“Way ahead of you girls and boys!” Pinkie answered, stuffing a bottle into her cannon, with a parchment paper inside. “FIRE!!” She screamed, blasting the bottle up in the air.

In the meantime, Spyro took his leave, “Hey! Where are you going?” Rainbow called.

“I’m going back to check on my egg!” Spyro answered.


In a majestic city, high on top of a mountain, in a lush green garden, a young unicorn sorceress was practicing some magic lessons.

The unicorn was mentally reciting some incantations as her horn was surrounded in a vibrant pink aura, which in turn surrounded some vegetables she was practicing her magic on.

A few seconds later, the vegetables began to grow larger and larger, until her ears perked up to the sound of an incoming object.

Reacting fast, the unicorn quickly caught the object in her aura, perplexed to see it was a simple glass bottle, with a rolled up parchment inside.

“Huh, what’s this?” She asked, levitating the paper out, unrolled it to see it was an urgent message from Ponyville. Looking around, the unicorn galloped out of the garden, “Princess Celestia! Princess Celestia!”


“What happened here? What have you got?”

“From what some ponies have explained, they’ve been overrun by some brutish rhinoceros creatures. And a pack of maniacal baboons.”

“I see. Any reason why? A provoke, perhaps?”

“As far as we know, no. They were more organized, compared to last time we encountered them. Meaning they’ve got themselves a new ringleader from the looks of it.”

“Hmmm. I have a feeling this is all just the tip of the iceberg.”

Later That Night

Spyro laid on the couch, back in Fluttershy's cottage, with the egg close by, "What a day this has been," He talked to the egg. "First, we were welcomed by some ponies, then a bugbear came to town and attacked. But you'd actually have to be there to get what I mean, little brother."

"Do you always talk to eggs like that?" Sparx asked, as he buzzed in. "It's not like it can actually hear you. Can it?"

"I don't know," Spyro answered. "But it beats having to talk to yourself, doesn't it?"

"Whatever," Sparx replied, before he asked, "So what happened to ya?"


"You heard me. What happened? How did a dragon like you wound up out here in Equestria, carrying an egg, and with a broken wing and all? And how could you not breathe fire?"

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Oh come on. You can tell me. I won't tell anyone else. Not like anyone is listening that is," Sparx grumbled. "Well, except maybe Fluttershy. But she's another story."

"Another reason why you're not getting a word out of me," Spyro replied, as he continues to block the dragonfly out.

"Oh come on. Tell me."


"Tell me."


"Come oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo-"



Spyro sighed in relief, “Peace and quiet,” He said to himself. But he spoke too soon when the dragonfly got back up and continues to pester the dragon, who finally relented, “Alright, alright!” Spyro grumbled. “But I should warn you, it’s a long story and it’s not a good one.”

“Okay,” Sparx replied as he got comfortable.

With that, Spyro told the young dragonfly everything that’s happened, prior to his and the egg’s arrival in Ponyville.

“And you know the rest,” Spyro concluded.

Sparx’s expression was beyond that of shock, “Ooh,” He began, feeling guilty. “I’m sorry man. I-“

“It’s okay. Just don’t tell anyone about this,” Spyro ordered. “Especially to Fluttershy! Understand?”

“My lips are sealed,” Sparx buzzed, mimicking the sound of a zipper, along the mouth.