• Published 23rd Jul 2012
  • 13,851 Views, 658 Comments

Love is in the Air, Literally - Nexas

Spike makes a love potion, let us see how this can go wrong.

  • ...

Crashing a wedding

The scene in Canterlot was one of utter confusion. Ponies; citizens and guards alike swarmed the courtyard of Canterlot castle. Each of them under the sway of the love mist and taking orders from the ponies they fell in love with. In the midst of all this, Lyra was waving her hooves around pointing at things and shouting orders.

"Hang those streamers lower!" She shouted to a pair of Pegasus. They instantly obeyed with a few cries of 'sorry!' and 'anything for you!'.

"Ma'am." The gruff voice of a royal guard called her. She looked and found that he and a few other guards were carrying a few tied up civilians and at least one guard on their backs, all of them wore blindfolds. "We have brought a few more."

"Excellent work, Commander." Lyra applauded, stepping down from the steps of the palace, kicking up the love mist that hung low to the ground. After she had landed at the castle with Celestia, an entire platoon of guards charged at her with intent to catch her.

They had failed.

"Please put them down on the ground, facing me."

The guards did as they were told and placed the prisoners down on the ground. The prisoners were each in a state of panic.

"What are you doing?!" One Female Pegasus demanded. "Do you know who I am?! You had better let me go this instant!"

Lyra sighed, these snooty locals seriously got on her nerves.

"What's going on here?!" A guard blindly shouted. He looked to be younger than the other guards, a rookie. "Release us at once!" He demanded.

"Calm down, good sir." Lyra said calmly, almost caringly. "You will be released in due time." She looked up at the guards and nodded. The guards nod back, crouching down and undoing the prisoners blindfolds.

"Well that's better." The pony from earlier raised her head, slowly opening her eyes. "I would like to know what kind of hooligan is behind this...this...Oh my."

She fell silent as her eyes finally registered the unicorn in front of her and her angered expression morphed into an expression of sweetness.

"I say...." She stuttered. "Now that I see you, you certainly are stunning."

Lyra grinned. "Why thank you, you're too kind." She looked over to the other prisoners who had also opened their eyes and were staring at her, each of them complimenting her in some form or another.

"Please, please!" She waved them silent, a hint of enjoyment at their sudden change from fear to praise. "Your words are very kind but we must get to work!" She started to walk away and motioned for them to follow. They all followed excitedly after the new focus of their affection, the Pegasus from earlier walked beside her.

"Work?" She tilted her head confusingly. "Work on what darling?"

Lya couldn't contain her smile and hopped with glee.

"My royal wedding!" She giggled.

"Wedding?" The Pegasus faltered for a moment, nearly tripping over her hooves. "Oh my...this is all very sudden."

"Uh...yes." Lyra nodded quickly. "It is very sudden so you must help us prepare." She turned to the group behind her. "All of you must help us prepare for my wedding."

It took a moment for their love-addled brains to register her words but they finally got the picture. They ran past her, off to preform duties for the preparation of the matrimonial ceremony.

"Hold on there." Lyra reached out and stopped the young guard that had spoken up earlier.

"Ma'am?" The guard asked.

She pointed over to the platoon. "I need you to go out with the other guards and round up other ponies, preferably guards and bring them back here, blindfolded of course and make sure they don't see you."

He saluted. "Yes, of course."

He trotted over to the platoon who also saluted the musician. They turned from Lyra as one and ran off, spreading their wings and taking off, sending a plume of mist into the air as they left.

Lyra watched the soldiers go, the expression of glee still on her face.

"Yes..." She said to herself. "When the wedding is finally prepared, I will have my love, Spike married and we will live happily ever after and nopony will stop us!"

She burst into mad laughter that could be heard throughout the empty streets. This lasted for a full minute before she regained her composure. Pulling all of these strings was difficult but she'd do it in the name of love.

She walked back to the where the ceremony was being prepared; it was time for her to get fitted for her wedding dress.


"Princess Celestia?!"

The group looked on at the sun princess that had saved them; she looked, to put it lightly, like a mess. Her rainbow mane was unkempt and messy, though it still waved like a flag in the wind. Heavy bags hung under her eyes and her usually shining armor dull and grimy.

Spike jumped behind Applejack. "She's here to take me away!"

"No." She said. "I'm not."

Celestia spoke with a strained voice, as if she was having difficulty even speaking.

"Princess?" Applejack stepped forward, concerned. "Are you okay?"

"No." Celestia strained. "It has taken a while and no small amount of focus but I am finally able to fight off the love spell."

She turned her head to her city; the sounds of buildings crashing down and cries of help mixing with cries of adoration filled the air where mist floated and mixed with smoke and fire.

Her eyes were full of sorrow. "I really didn't want this to happen again."

"Princess?" Pinkie asked, lifting a hoof as if she was in school.

"Yes Pinkie Pie?"

"Were you there at the original love potion disaster?" She asked.

"How do you know about that?" Spike asked. "You didn't even read the book."

She turned to him, confused. "What book?"

"Yes." Celestia nodded. "I was there when the disaster struck, it was..." She brought a hoof to her chin in thought, turning the years back in her thoughts. "At least a couple hundred years ago, Luna wasn't here." She sighed. "Which makes her getting hit even worse."

The group gasped.

"Princess Luna was shot?!" Bon Bon cried. Celestia nodded.

"She's not in love with me, is she?!" Spike asked, horrified at the prospect.

"Why would she be in love with you?" Applejack asked. "Ya'll weren't even here."

He shrugged. "Stranger things have happened today."

"No, no, she's not in love with you." Celestia confirmed. "But now she is unable to fight the spell like I am."

"Well who is she in love with?" Bon Bon asked.

Celestia was silent for a moment; an experienced face reader might have been able to see the brief look of embarassment on it. "That's not important." She eventually said. "But you need to go and stop this before it gets any worse!" As she talked, she brought up a hoof and slammed it down; accidently taking her magic off the still moving train and sending it flying away, a crash could be heard in the distance.

"L-like I said." She continued, slightly embarrassed. "Before it gets any worse."

"We have the antidote." Spike said, holding it up for her to see. "But how are we going to get it to everypony when there's only one?"

"Get to my castle." Celestia told them. "Go into kitchen three and use the big cauldron that should be big enough for the entire city."

"Dear sister!" A voice suddenly rang out.

"What was that?" Pinkie looked around for the creator of the noise.

"Nothing." Celestia said quickly. She looked around hastily. "You should be off now, the fate of Equestria hangs in the balance."

"Is that you dear? I've been looking everywhere for you!" The same voice cried out again.

"Okay, now Ah know Ah heard something." Applejack stated.

"No! No you didn't." Celestia continued, now constantly looking over her shoulder. "Now, you and your friends really must be going."

"My love? Are you here?"

Celestia's face now showed desperation. "I order all of you to leave at once!"


The Princess was about to move them herself when a pony suddenly jumped her from behind, latching onto her neck and squeezing her tight.

"Princess Luna?" Pinkie exclaimed.

Luna hung on her sister, gazing dreamily into her sister's eyes. "I looked everywhere for you!" She spoke sadly. "Where have you been?"

Spike noticed that Celesia's eye had begun to twitch.

"Oh, you know, dear sister." Celestia replied sharply, putting emphasis on the word 'sister'. "I was simply looking for the ponies that weren't affected by the love poison."

"It's not a poison, Tia." Luna denied as she nuzzled the uncomfortable Alicorn. "Tis a blessing!"

Celestia looked back and found the group of ponies and Spike staring at the two in complete shock.

Applejack slowly leaned over and covered Spike's eyes.


A very awkward moment of silence washed over the group.

"Uh..." Pinkie raised her hoof again, albeit hesitantly.

"One word." Celestia threatened the group while Luna hung at her side. "One word and each of you goes to the moon." She glared at them before her expression softened and she sighed. "Having to deal with ponies falling in love with you, again even..." She attempted to push her sister away but she clung tightly. "...especially ponies you know, is horribly troublesome."

"Tell me about it." Applejack grumbled as she tried to pry Rainbow Dash off her body.

"I guess we need to get to the castle now." Spike noted.

"But how are we going to get in?" Bon Bon asked. "Lrya's probably going to be there as well."

The group went silent as they racked their brains for a solution to this roadblock in their plan. Spike didn't think through, instead, he was looking down at the plant in his hands; the dry, wrinkled, gray plant that was the only way to stop this disaster. The disaster he had created.

Slowly, a look of grim determination grew on his face. He suddenly shot up and dashed for the city.

"Spike?!" Bon Bon shouted. "Where are you going?!"

Spike stopped and looked back at the ponies that he had endangered with his mistakes.

"You guys stay here." He shouted to them. "I have to do this alone."

Before they could reply, he had raced off into the city, all the mist he kicked up as he ran eventually making him disappear. The group looked at the area where he was standing and then to each other.

"Well..." Applejack sighed through her gas mask. "Ah guess we need to go after him."

The others nodded glumly, almost annoyed by Spike's heroic action.

"We'd better hurry." Bon Bon added. "He's probably gonna get captured again."

The five turned to chase after their friend but Celestia stopped them.

"Wait!" She cried, stopping the ponies in their tracks. She looked at each of them sternly. "Before you leave, I have something very important to request of you." She walked over to Applejack, leaned down and looked her in the eyes.

"Take her with you." She whispered.

"Ahm...sorry?" The farmer asked confusedly.

"My sister, you must take her with you." Celestia ordered, pointing to the princess still hanging onto her. "If she stays here with me, she will certainly break my focus and the spell will retake me." She glared down at the earth pony. "Do you really want that?"

Applejack gulped loudly. "No sir, your highness."

"Excellent!" Celestia smiled her angry glare from earlier diminishing to nothing. "Luna?" She glanced at her sister, who still dangled at her neck. "Would you mind doing something for me?"

"Oh yes Tia!" Luna finally released her sister and bounced in front of her. "I would do anything for you!"

Celestia still smiled though it seemed a little forced at this point. "I can see that, sister." She spoke through gritted teeth, once again emphasizing the word 'sister'. She waved a hoof to the five ponies. "I need you to protect these friends of mine, can you do that?"

Luna responded by jumping up and kissing her sister on the cheek. "But of course Tia, I will do anything you tell me!"

Celestia looked back at the group of ponies, who were currently trying to find something else to look at.

"Just..." Celestia groaned weakly. "...just go."


"My lady!"

A royal guard raced through the structurally weakened castle of the royal solar sisters, now the royal palace of princess Lyra and her soon to be prince; Spike.

The guard stumbled through the many hallways of the castle; crashing through and stepping on the many pictures, tapestries and knicknacks that once hung on the walls but now littered the floors. Finally, the anonymous Pegasus guard reached the musicians dressing room.

"Princess!" The guard yelled as he ran into the room, not even stopping to open the door and instead crashing through it. "I have important-oh my..."

The love-addled guard's words drifted away as he noticed the Princess's atire; a gorgeous white dress with golden trim, musical notes danced across the dress in beautiful patterns.

The unicorn turned and struck a pose. "What do you think?" She asked, almost radiating happiness. "I think the royal designers did pretty well."

The guard stuttered, the hint of a blush on his white muzzle. "You...you look amazing, my lady."

She nodded appreciatively as she looked herself over in one of the full body mirrors. "Thank you very much. Now..." She turned back to the guard. "You said something about something important?"

He nodded, clearing his throat. "Yes, one of the guards reported a train pulling into the station."

"A train?" She pondered before clapping excitedly. "Must be late guests for the wedding! Send out the other guards to investigate."

"Yes, your highness." He saluted and quickly left the room, stepping carefully through the hole in the doors. Lyra turned back to the mirrors to prepare the finishing touches of her apperance.

"This day is going to be perfect..."