• Published 23rd Jul 2012
  • 13,851 Views, 658 Comments

Love is in the Air, Literally - Nexas

Spike makes a love potion, let us see how this can go wrong.

  • ...

It's always the quiet ones

Time seemed to stand still as Rainbow Dash and Applejack kissed. Spike, Pinkie Pie and Bon Bon watched the scene unfold; mouths agape, an awkward silence draped over all of them.

Somewhere in the distance, a dog howled.

After a minute, Rainbow Dash pulled away from the farmer and took a deep breath.

"Wow..." She gasped, licking her lips. "You even taste like apples."

Applejack didn't respond; her brain was too busy overheating.

"Applejack?" Pinkie hesitantly called.

"Jackie?" Dash asked, concerned. "Are you okay dear?"

Applejack took one look at the Pegasus that kissed her, took in a breath...

And punched her as hard as she could.

Dash flew backwards, into the same tree that stopped her when she crashed. She collided with the massive tree and slumped over onto the ground, knocked out.

"That was mah first kiss, you sorry excuse for a feather duster!" The farmer screamed at the Pegasus; her face red as one of the apples that hung on the trees. She drew back for another punch but was stopped by Pinkie.

"Wait Applejack!" Pinkie pleaded, hanging onto her pulled back arm. "Even though she's all lovey-dovey, it's still Rainbow Dash!"

Applejack looked back and forth at the downed Rainbow Dash and Pinkie. Eventually her expression softened.

"Right, Ahm sorry, Pinkie."

She looked over to the Pegasus on the ground and sighed. "Sorry Dash..."

She looked back to the group, Pinkie putting a comforting hoof on her shoulder. "We need to fix this."

"Let's get to Fluttershys." Bon Bon added. "And make an antidote to this."

Suddenly, a loud voice roared somewhere far behind them, shaking the trees and making everypony cringe.

"And we'd better hurry." Applejack said hastily. "Big Macintosh just woke up and Ah think he's looking for us."

Everypony took off as fast and quietly as they could towards the direction of Fluttershy's cottage.

"Hey applejack." Pinkie whispered. "Can I ask you a question?"

Applejack groaned. "Fine, what is it?"

Pinkie snickered. "Did she taste like skittles?"

"Shut up."


"It really is so good to see you today Twilight."

Rarity and Twilight stood inside the Carousel Boutique. Rarity was asking Twilight how she was doing.

"Oh you know, fine I guess." She replied dryly, not taking her eyes off the Pony that her Spike had affections for. She loathed this Pony; she wasn't as smart as her, her magic wasn't as strong and as purple. What did Spike see in her that wasn't in herself?

"I actually haven't been outside all day." Rarity continued. "Has anything outstanding happened today?"

"Well, I guess you could say that." Twilight smirked to herself.

Rarity was about to inquire about what Twilight was smiling about before she smelled something. It smelled sweet and lovely and it emanated from Twilight.

"I say, Twilight." She sniffed the air. "Are you wearing some kind on perfume? I've never smelled anything like it."

"Of course you haven't!" Twilight pointed dramatically at the fashionista. "Because that is the smell of love! And you have never been in love!"

Rarity paused in confusion. "Love?" She thought for a moment, and then her eyes lit up with excitement. "Twilight! You're in love?! Oh this is just grand!" She beamed with happiness, trotting over to the other unicorn, oblivious of her anger. "Who's the lucky stallion? Is it somepony I know?"

Twilight couldn't hold it in anymore. "It's Spike!" She shouted triumphantly.

"Spike?" She echoed, confused. "Has Spike found somepony as well?"

"YES!" Twilight screamed, quickly losing her composure. "ME!"

"You?" She was horrendously confused at this point. "You and...Spike?"

"Yes!" She groaned, exasperated. "Spike is my little schmoopy-do."

"Shmoopy...?" Rarity tried to comprehend all of this new information. "Twilight? Are you okay?"

"Of course I'm fine!" Twilight screeched, her eye twitching. A threatening grin was plastered on her face. "But you're not going to be if you persist on trying to take Spike away from me!"

"What?" Was all that Rarity could manage.

Picking Rarity off the ground with her magic, Twilight pushed her into the wall.

"Don't play coy with me!" Twilight threatened the other unicorn. Rarity noticed that the scent that she had smelled earlier did in fact come from Twilight and it was practically coming off of her in clouds as it she had bathed in it. Twilight was so close that Rarity could only breathe in the fumes.

"Take a good whiff of this smell." Twilight scowled. "It will be the last thing you smell if you don't leave Spike alone."

Rarity couldn't reply, her head was pounding too hard from the scent.

"Hmph." Twilight let go of Rarity, dropping her to the ground and walked to the door. She flung it open dramatically and pointed to Rarity.

"Leave Spike alone!"

With that final threat, she stormed off, leaving the unicorn on the floor to watch her go.

"Leave Spike alone..." The unicorn mumbled. A grin grew on her face and a distinct glint in her eye. "No problem ...Twilight."


The four finally reached Fluttershy's cottage, bordering the Everfree forest. Pinkie had given Applejack a gas mask, where she got it from was anypony's guess.

As they passed the many cages and small houses where all of the animals Fluttershy took care of lived, they noticed that the animals were acting rather strangely. Many of the animals stayed close together with another of the same type and there were even animals together with other species.

They approached the door to the cottage and knocked.

"H-hello?" Fluttershy answered, timidly as ever. She perked up when she noticed her friends. "Oh! Applejack, Pinkie, Spike why are you here?"

"Howdy, Fluttershy." Applejack greeted her hastily with a tip of a hat. "Can we come in?"

The timid Pegasus suddenly jumped out and slammed the door behind her.

"NO!" She screeched, barring the door with her body. She noticed the shocked expressions on the groups faces and instantly shrank down, hiding her face with her long pink mane. Her voice was little more than a whisper.

"Um...I mean...you shouldn't go in. All of my animals are..." She blushed brightly. "...mating."

Bon Bon whistled, looking over all of the cages and houses again. "All of your animals?"

Fluttershy nodded. "Well either that or they're...getting friendly, like Angel here."

She turned and showed the group her back left hoof; her pet bunny, Angel was clamped onto her shin, humping fervently away at her ankle.

Bon Bon and Spike burst into laughter causing Fluttershy to blush even harder.

"Oh, it's okay sugercube." Applejack reassured her. "This day has been strange for all of us."

"Yeah!" Pinkie happily jumped in beside her. "Applejack made out with Rainbow Dash!"

"R-really?" Fluttershy snickered quietly.

Applejack glared at her pink companion. "Ah thought Ah told you to clam up about that."

But it was enough to bring Fluttershy out a little. "Why did that happen?"

"The same reason that your animals are acting up." Bon Bon explained, she jabbed Spike's side with a hoof. "Spike her created a love potion and now it's out of control."

"But all I was doing was giving my thirsty animals some water."

"That will do it." Pinkie nodded. "There's love potion in the water system."

"Ya'll didn't drink any of the water, did you?" Applejack asked.

"Oh no, after the first of the animals began acting strange, I haven't had a drop."

"We need an antidote to the potion." Spike pointed to Applejack. "Applejack thinks that you have the necessary ingredients."

She nodded meekly. "I suppose that I have something."

Without another word, she slipped back inside the house. As they waited, sounds of struggle and animal cries could be heard from within. Fluttershy suddenly burst out again; covered in fur and feathers, she was holding a jar in her mouth.

"Sorry I took so long; one of my animals fell in love with my medicine cabinet." She gave the jar to Spike; it contained a green pulpy liquid that sloshed about in the glass.

"It's from a plant called the Heartbreaker in the Everfree forest." She explained. "Just make the potion again and add this. It will negate the effects of the other potions."

"Thanks sugercube." Applejack thanked the yellow Pegasus. "C'mon, ya'll, we need to go make that potion."


A voice shouted at them. Everypony looked up to see a unicorn standing on Fluttershy's roof, standing on her hind legs with her arms crossed.

"Lyra!" Bon Bon instantly recognized her marefriend.

"I don't know what you're planning; ponies but you're not taking my Spikey-wikey away from me!"

"Lyra, please calm down!" Bon Bon pleaded. "You're not in the right on mind. You're under a spell!"

Lyra scoffed. "Spell? The only spell I'm under is the spell of true love. I will have Spike..."

She suddenly lifted a huge bomb-like thing over head, her face twisted in rage.


"What is that?!" Fluttershy squeaked in fear.

"It's a love bomb." Lyra explained. "It's filled to the brim with love gas!"

"Gas masks, now!" Pinkie shouted. Everypony strapped on their masks.

"If Spike won't love me now, I'll make him love me!"

Lyra tossed the bomb at the group, it exploded on impact. The pressurized love gas enveloped the group for a full minute before dissipating into the air.

The group looked around; none of them were hurt or were affected by the gas as they had worn their masks.


Oh dear.

The Pegasus was already getting weakly to her hooves, her eyes were just opening.

Spike cringed on impulse, waiting for the inevitably love- crazy Pony targeting him.

"Excuse me? Bon Bon?"

To his surprise, the Pegasus had timidly approached the Earth Pony.

"Um, I was kind of wondering if you would maybe like to go out with me or something?"

Bon Bon couldn't help but smirk, even when hypnotized; the town's resident animal keeper was kind.

"Uh...Sorry Fluttershy but I already have somepony I really like."

She pointed up at the unicorn on Fluttershy's roof, who was currently trying to rip birdhouses off the cottage and throw them at the group.

"Though she is getting on my nerves right now." She noted. "But I digress. I'm sorry but no-Ah!"

Bon Bon was suddenly tackled to the ground by Fluttershy.

"Fluttershy!" She complained. "Please get off...of...me..."

Her voice trailed off as she noticed the look on Fluttershy's face; pure rage.

"LOVE ME OR ELSE!!!" Fluttershy roared.

"Meap." Bon Bon squeaked.

She tried to struggle the Pegasus off but she was a lot stronger than she looked. Fluttershy had pinned her to the ground.

Suddenly, a rope shot out and ensnared Fluttershy, dragging her off of Bon Bon. Applejack, holding the other end of the rope in her mouth quickly pulled Fluttershy down and went to work hogtieing the snarling Pegasus.

"The jar!"

Everypony looked over to Spike who was staring at the ground; the jar had been busted open in the explosion and the contents were all along the ground now.

"Well that's not good." Pinkie noted.

Applejack looked back at the angry Pegasus that strained against the ropes. "Neither is that."

The rumbling of a lot of hooves alerted the group of sudden danger. Looking out towards Ponyville, they could make out a mob of love-struck Ponies, led by Twilight heading right for them.

"And that's even worse." Spike mumbled.

"Where do we go now?!" Bon Bon panicked.

"Into the forest!" Applejack pointed to the trees. "We can lose them in there!"

"Into the haunted forest?!" Spike shouted in disbelief. "Are you crazy?!"

"If you want to stay here, be mah guest."

Spike took one look at the advancing horde and jumped on Pinkie's back as they raced off into the forest.


Back on Sweet Apple Acres, the love apples still floated in the water tank, still pink from the potion.

A golden aura suddenly enveloped three of the apples and they floated out of the tank.

"Hmm." Princess Celestia murmured as she investigated the strange fruit. She turned her head towards the town of Ponyville; the massive pink cloud hanging in the air.

"Not again."