• Published 21st Oct 2017
  • 996 Views, 4 Comments

The Harmony Power Ponies - Daydreamfire

Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash were normal girls, until supernatural events gave them superpowers. Now they must team up to save Equestria.

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Origins Part 4: The Harmony Three

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME! This has been the worst day of my life! I'm wearing a skirt! Whatever you did to me, you've gonna undo it! NOW!" Rainbow Dash screamed.

Everyone was terrified a bit because Dash had anger issues but mainly because lightning was surrounding her body and her large hammer and her eyes were glowing red.

"Believe me, we're very sorry about all of this," Celestia apologized, stepping away from the girl covered in lightning.

"Yeah, we are. But I have to admit that skirt looks really good on you," Luna complemented.

"She's right. It really does look nice," Twilight piped up witch was a bad decision. Rainbow turned around and glared at her, she was even than angrier than before.

"I HATE SKIRTS!" Dash yelled then she swung her hammer smashed the sofa Twilight and Pinkie were sitting and thankfully, they got out of the way. And then Dash went on a rampage, smashing stuff.

* * *

Celestia and Luna used the de-transformation device on Rainbow and when it was finished Dash was back in her normal clothes. "Yes, I'm back to normal!" Dash smirked. "And I can move again!"

Twilight gaped at the girl. "You're Rainbow Dash?!" Twilight gasped.

"And you're Twilight, the new girl at the skateboard park and that's Pinkie Pie, the biggest party animal I've ever seen," Rainbow stated.

"Thanks, and you're the best athlete I ever seen. You play every sport there is in the school! And I kinda look up to you" Pinkie praised.

"So, all three of us go to the same school? This is great, we can be friends and hang out together, right?" Twilight cheered.

"Friends? No way!" Dash denied. I could never be friends with these two. Just look at them! They'd always by talking about books and fashion and girly stuff.

Twilight and Pinkie linked arms with Dash. "Don't be like that, Dashie. It must be fate that brought us together!" Pinkie giggled.

"The perfect team!" Twilight and Pinkie laughed in unison, high fiving each other while Rainbow tried to break free from their grip.

"No! Not fate! Just a coincidence, that's all it is! A coincidence!" Dash protested, but it was no use.

"Nice to see you're getting along," Luna smiled as she, Celestia and Spike walked in the room. "The mayor has heard about your new superpowers and would like to invite you to be the official protectors of Ponyville. So what do you say to that, girls."

"Definitely!" Twilight and Pinkie cried at the same time, jumping up and down together.

But Dash stuck out her tongue and blow a raspberry. "No way!" Rainbow snarled and everyone stared at her and gasped at her rudeness.

"Why don't you wanna be a superhero? I'll be so much fun! And the outfits are cute," Pinkie chuckled.

"Yeah, What's the matter? We'll be heroes and fight bad guys together, as a team," Twilight listed.

"OK, cool it," Dash interrupted. Ugh, it's not that I don't wanna be a superhero, it's just the... Rainbow looked up and saw Twilight and Pinkie giving her the puppy dog eyes.

It's this! This acting all prissy and stuff. I can't save Ponyville while wearing a skirt. Especially not with these two. Ugh, just look at them!

"You don't have to act prissy or girly. And we won't bother you with books or fashion," Twilight compromised and Rainbow's jaw hit the floor.

"How did you know that?!" Dash asked very confused. Did she just read my mind?

"I think we both did," Pinkie laughed. This was a strange situation. Celestia, Luna and Spike had no idea what was going on, Twilight was wondering what was wrong with the tomboy, Dash was freaking out because they just read her mind and Pinkie... yeah, I got nothing.

What's wrong with Rainbow Dash? Is she sick or hallucinating or something?

"If fine and I'm not sick or hallucinating," Dash growled, now it was Twilight's turn to freak out.

"What? How did you know I was thinking that?" Twilight panicked and Rainbow just looked at her.

"You just said 'What's wrong with Rainbow Dash? Is she sick or hallucinating or something?'," Dash repeated what she thought Twilight said.

"I didn't say that out loud. I was just thinking that," Twilight told Rainbow and they were now both confused.

"Do you know what this means? We can read each others thoughts! This is amazing! I told it was fate that brought us together!" Pinkie burst, Twilight and Dash stared at each other.

Twilight grinned and Dash looked horrified.Twilight and Pinkie started talking about all the fun they could have and Dash was fed up. "That's it I'm outta here!" Dash announced storming towards the door.

"What? Why?" Twilight and Pinkie questioned.

"Ponyville will crumble with out you," Celestia grieved.

"Those two can handle it! There's not way I'm teaming up with them! It's too embarrassing! Besides, you people are all crazy! See ya!" Rainbow listed and she stormed out of the room.

"But without all three girls the team is incomplete. We can't let that happen, we have to keep them together," Celestia exclaimed.

"You are right, sister. Spike!" Luna called. Twilight and Pinkie ran after Rainbow.

"Harmony Power Ponies!" Spike howled. Twilight, Pinkie and Rainbow Dash transformed back into superheroes.

"How can anyone NOT want to be a superhero. So cool," Twilight wondered looking at a mirror.

Pinkie was also looking in the mirror and laughing. "I love this outfit! It gets cuter every time!" Pinkie squeaked.

But Rainbow Dash had a different opinion. "Back in this skirt again?! I look like a total girl!" Dash expressed, tugging on her skirt.

"Rainbow Dash, hasn't anyone told you that you are a girl?" Pinkie snickered.

"It's true," Twilight agreed.

"I know! I know! I just hate skirts!" Rainbow complained, still pulling her skirt angrily. Spike was laughing and rolling on the floor until Dash glared at him.

"What's so funny ya little mut?! Don't forget it's because of YOU I'm wearing this DUMB outfit! It's all YOUR fault!" Spike started running for his life. "Where do you thing you're going?" Rainbow roared.

Dash started running after the puppy when suddenly she was gone and all that was left was a trail of storm clouds. "Wow, she's fast," Pinkie commented.

A few objects flew into the machines, almost hitting the girls. "Twilight, Pinkie Pie, you have to stop her," Celestia ordered.

"Rainbow Dash! Wait!" they yelled. Twilight and Pinkie started flying too but Twilight left a comet trail while Pinkie left a trail of bubbles.

Spike was still running but Dash was gaining on him. "Come back here you fleabag!" Rainbow thundered, getting faster and faster.

Twilight and Pinkie followed the storm clouds down the hall. "Wait, Rainbow Dash! Please, come back!" they called. Spike scrambled through small places so Rainbow would follow her but she just flew right through everything in her path.

Twilight saw some curtains, nudged Pinkie and said "I have an idea." Celestia and Luna were cleaning up the lab, putting everything were it belonged. Then the door opened revealing Spike and they heard Dash screaming, "Come back here!"

"Now!" Twilight shrieked. She and Pinkie were holding a curtain in front of Rainbow who flew into it and stumbled into a device. Everyone was afraid she'd get really angry again and took a few steps back.

To everyone's surprise, Dash flew up in the air and yelled, "That. Was. AWESOME!" Everyone stared at her. "Eh, sorry about the mess and everything. This weird lightning thing keeps happening and it makes me go crazy. And maybe you're right. It might be cool to be a Harmony Power Pony. And I get to keep these awesome wings."

"See, we told you," Twilight stated as she and Pinkie flew up in the air with Dash. Spike was still shivering from the traumatizing event.

Rainbow flew down and picked him up. "Sorry, 'bout that. No hard feelings?" Dash offered, when Spike didn't answer she started tickling him.

"OK, OK. No hard feelings," Spike agreed, half laughing. "Just stop tickling me!" and she did.

"Now you are the Harmony Power Ponies, noble protectors of Ponyville," Celestia confirmed.

"OK! You can count on me."

"Yay! This is so much fun!"

"Yeah, I'll do it."

Celestia walked over to them and gave them each a watch. "These are your communicators so we will be able to alert you of any signs of trouble," Celestia explained. Twilight's watch was pale yellow, Pinkie's was purple and Dash's was black.

"Now that we're on the same page lets go over the rules," Luna started. "1. You most always protect Ponyville."

"Well, yeah. We'll do that anyway," Twilight pointed out.

"2. Don't wreak the lab."

"But it was an accident. It's not like we did it on purpose," Pinkie interrupted.

"3. No fighting."

"OK, fine. I'll stop picking fights but that doesn't mean we're gonna be all buddy buddy. Besides, how come all the rules are for us? What about you guys?" Dash asked.

"That's right!"

"Yeah, what are your rules?"

"Alright, here are the rules you have to follow," the girls started at the same time.

"1. We're allow to eat whatever we want," Pinkie giggled.

"2. The lab will have all the latest novels about magic," Twilight continued.

"3. We can watch all the sports on the T.V." Dash finished.

"OK then," Celestia agreed.

"Then it's official," Twilight smiled and her friends joined in.

"We are the Harmony Power Ponies and we will protect Ponyville no matter what!"