• Published 21st Oct 2017
  • 996 Views, 4 Comments

The Harmony Power Ponies - Daydreamfire

Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash were normal girls, until supernatural events gave them superpowers. Now they must team up to save Equestria.

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Origins Part 3: The Bouncing Bubbles

Half an hour later, they were still in the van. They let Twilight out and everything Spike who was asleep started barking and Twilight started shaking. "What's wrong?" Celestia asked the dog and the girl.

"I can't sense another one!" Spike announced, looking out the window while Twilight was shocked and staring at the little puppy.

"Your dog can talk!" Twilight yelped and pointed at Spike.

"Yeah, I was hitting by a white light like you were," Spike revealed and he lay on Twilight's lap waiting for a tummy rub but Twilight just stared at him.

"Any one ever tell you people are weirdos? If not let me be the first. You people are weirdos!" Twilight confirmed and Spike jumped through the window in the roof of the van.

"Can you believe it guys? Another one just like us!" Spike barked looking at the other girl and the others look out the window to see her.

They saw a pink haired girl skipping along but she was practically jumping twenty-five feet in the air. "I used to think skipping was boring but not when you can jump like this!" she giggled as she skipped

"She is like the one we have," Luna told everyone as she looked through the binoculars but Twilight grabbed them and peeped through them.

"I would who she is. She looks familiar and we have the same outfits. I wonder if she was effected by the comet too. And what did that yapping dog meant by 'she's one of us'?"

"She is moving fast sister. We can't afford to lose her," Luna warned as the girl started skipping faster with longer jumps.

"Yes, we need to monitor ever one of them. Luna can you catch up with her?" Celestia asked her sister who nodded and started going faster.

"Maybe the two of us could work together," Twilight hoped, still watching the girl bounce up and down while laughing and playing.

"I could just imagine, you two could protect and save the city," Luna thought out loud and the others nodded.

"We'll be superheroes and she can be my sidekick!" Twilight announced, not that any one else approved of the idea she had.

* * *

Discord was moping around and muttering to himself. "I can't believe that little girl beat me like that!" he scolded, then he saw a skipping little girl, similar to the navy haired girl, singing to herself and having fun.

"I don't like that girl, she looks like other one from earlier," Discord grumbled, but then Pinkie was in the air and jumped up top of his head but she didn't care.

"I think I stepped on something. Oh well!" she chuckled as she skipped away.

"Stupid girl!" Discord growled as he stood up and ran in front of her and he commanded, "Wait, stop!" the pink haired girl just bounced over him. "You little brat! Stay still!" Discord attacked her but she just twirled her staff.

"Oh, is this a game?" she smiled and then she hopped of Discord head again. Discord clicked his fingers and a bucket full of water appeared then he threw the water into the air and came down on top of him, completely missing the girl.

Discord started chasing the girl. "Oh, you wanna play tag? Catch me if you can!" Pinkie teased, skipping away.

* * *

Back at the van, Celestia and Twilight were looking through binoculars. Spike jumped in front of them and started growling. "Spike-" Twilight was about to ask but Discord answered her question.

"It's the same monster from before. The one with the weird dark aura," Twilight released, then Celestia glanced at Twilight confused.

"What dark aura? Are you sure? I can't see anything like that," Celestia expressed looking very closely at the creature but couldn't see a dark aura.

"Well, the monster was probably hit by a dark ray, so maybe only others effected can see it," Celestia thought. "I'm afraid the girl may be in danger. Luna we have to hurry."

"Well, for someone in danger she seems like she's having a wonderful time," Luna commented, looking through the binoculars.

"I'll go out and help her, just in case," Twilight decided and she flew out of the van. She flew past Pinkie and in front of Discord.

"What?! You again?!" Discord screeched and he lunged at Twilight who easily dodged. This continued to happen and Pinkie watched from behind.

"Oh, a new girl join our game! This is the most fun I've had playing tag ever!" Pinkie squealed, still bouncing up and down while laughing.

Discord flew over to some rocks, picked up a large one and threw it at Twilight who caught it with ease. Discord picked up a giant rock and was about throw it but Twilight threw the first rock at the one in Discord's paw and claw and he dropped it on himself.

"Why did you do that?" Pinkie questioned with sad eyes. Twilight pointed at Discord.

"Look very closely and you'll see a dark aura around him. That means he's evil," Twilight told Pinkie and the pink haired girl looked at the monster.

"Oh yeah, that's too bad," Pinkie sighed, but she was still as happy as ever. "It's awful when good people become bad and evil."

"But it's our job to stop them. We're superheroes now, understand?" Twilight stated very seriously but Pinkie was the opposite.

"YAY! Lets kick some bad guy but!" Pinkie cheered. Discord attacked Twilight and got her in a headlock. Pinkie looked at her staff. She threw it at Discord and knocked him over. "It worked!" Pinkie celebrated.

"Uh, I don't think that's a throwing weapon," Twilight pondered on what it was. Then they heard a horn and screeching tires.

"We found you! Come on, girls. We have to get back to the lab," Celestia declared. They strapped Discord onto the bed and drove to the lab.

* * *

At the lab, Twilight and Pinkie were being tested on and now they were strapped onto a table with a scanner examining them. Luna was typing on the computer and then grinned.

"Our expectations were correct. Their powers are caused by chemical X. But it is no longer chemical X. It's something else," Luna informed. The scanning was finished and they were untied.

"Hey girls, are you hungry?" Celestia put down a tray of sweet treats. "The results coenzyme with our initial hypothesis, the light rays altered your molecular structures. You're not little girls anymore. You're part pony."

"But what if I don't like my superpowers? How do I change back?" Pinkie asked Luna.

"Eh, we don't know," Luna answered. "Well, I do have a theory. Spike, come on boy. Spike was hit with a white light like you two were."

"So what your saying is they might have a connection to one another," Celestia finished. "Like when Spike sensed the girls. So we just need to figure out how Spike did that."

"Come on Spike," Luna called as she picked up Spike. "Lets try to figure out what happened to you." Spike was then scanned like the girls.

Twilight and Pinkie flew over to Discord and Twilight used a pin to pop his snot bubble and wake him up. Discord saw his surroundings and wasn't happy. "You two, again?!" he shouted. "I will not be a statue again!"

"Girls, I figured it out," Celestia declared and they flew into a different room with loads of tech and devices. Celestia picked up a strange gun and pointed it at the girls. "Everything looks OK. Don't worried, this would hurt a bit. Now, hold still."

Celestia plucked the trigger and fired a beam of light at the girls. The girls stated glowing the color of their costumes until they screamed. The light died and revealed Twilight and Pinkie in their normal clothes. "Hey, where's my cute dress?" Pinkie complained.

"Yeah, where- Hey, your Pinkie! Your the girl I met at school," Twilight noticed, looking at the newly transformed, pink haired girl.

"And your Twilight, the new girl. I can't believe it! How did I not see that?" Pinkie wondered, scratching her frizzy, bouncy hair.

"It worked. Well, sort of. Your bodies are almost normal, but your speed, strength and agility are increased. I wonder how that is," Luna thought looking at a screen on the gun.

"Wait, just hold on one minute!" Twilight screeched, folding her arms and tapping her foot.

"Yes? Is something wrong? Do you feel unwell?" Celestia asked.

"No, I'm fine, but what am I supposed to do now!" Twilight stormed over to the two sisters, Pinkie following in her friend's pursuit. "You don't understand. I want to by a superhero! I want to have superpowers! And I think I speak for Pinkie and myself when I say those outfits ready suited us. So, you better change us back!" Twilight whined.

"Hey, look. I'm still wearing my choker necklace," Pinkie pointed out, playing with the blue, sapphire, balloon shaped jewel and admiring it.

"Me too. They look very similar to each other," Twilight released, showing Pinkie her our choker necklace with a pink, tourmaline, star shaped jewel.

"They look like the jewel we tested on. Here, can I see those?" Celestia took the necklaces off the girls and scanned it. "Fascinating, they're made out of the same material as the jewel too. Spike!"

"I'm coming!" Spike yapped and he ran into the room and into Luna's arms.

"Spike, try saying, 'Power Ponies'," Luna told Spike and he jump on the table.

"Harmony Power Ponies!" Spike barked. The necklaces flew over to the girls, clipped on and transformed the girls again. The girls twirled around, delighted.

"I think I know what happened. Now that Spike can talk, he can somehow make you transform into the Harmony Power Ponies," Celestia explained. "And you will be able to save Ponyville."

Twilight and Pinkie were about to celebrate but were interrupted by a loud noise. Discord was trying to break down the wall. "Pinkie, use your staff," Twilight suggested.

"But I don't know how," Pinkie sighed into the hole in the staff and a bubble appeared it wasn't a staff in was a giant bubble blower. Pinkie laughed and she made more bubbles witch Discord dodged. "Wow, he's fast."

Discord jumped out of the window and started running. "Come back here!" Twilight ordered, running after the creature with Pinkie. Discord jumped over a gate and saw a girl.

Rainbow Dash was not having a good day and was in a very bad mood. Discord ran up to her and yelled, "Get out of my way you stupid, little girl."

Rainbow was on edge and didn't noticed but a spark of lightning sparked around her body. "Let me tell you something," Dash hissed, swinging the hammer above her head. "No one calls me a STUPID LITTLE GIRL!" Dash struck the ground with her hammer, causing the ground to crumble and lightning to shot Discord.

When Twilight and Pinkie came Discord was in the air. "Stupid outfit, how wears skirts?!" Rainbow shouted as Twilight and Pinkie ran up to her.

"Who are you?" Twilight asked.

Rainbow Dash turned to face them. "Huh, you talking to me?"