• Published 19th Jul 2012
  • 1,018 Views, 10 Comments

Dreaming in Shadows, Awaken in Flames - BaryonBrony

Twilight's discovery of a strange book leads to the reawakening of an ancient power.

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Awaiting the Sunrise

“Twilight? You in here? Hello?” Applejack took one step into the library before a pink blur shot past her. Pinkie Pie leapt into the air and shouted happily, glitter and confetti exploding everywhere. All Applejack could do was groan, but such was the way of the pink pony.

“Surpriiiiiiise!” A silence fell as the party favors came to land on the ground. The library was dark and empty. Both ponies looked about, the eerie feel sinking in. Stepping past her companion, Applejack gave the table a closer look.
“What in tarnation? This place ain't been dusted in days... that's really... really... A-CHOOOO!”

“Gesundheit! And hey, maybe she went on a trip... or a vacation! Maybe someplace really fun!”
“Ah don't think Twilight would just up an leave. Look, there's hoof marks in the dust on the floor.”

“Ooh!” Spinning a circle, Pinkie donned her detective hat and a quite serious expression. Applejack couldn't help but grin slightly, watching as Pinkie was already staring at the “clues.” But, taking her own look around, it was hard not to see the scene as anything but what it was. There were books strewn about, dust on everything, even the flowers Twilight so meticulously cared for had long since died.

The library looked almost as if it had been abandoned, all but for the fresh hoof marks. They were all over the place, mixed in with piles of books that had simply been left where dropped. Applejack squinted at this, thinking hard as to what could have happened. “Ah think she was lookin for a certain book, the hoof marks head to the basement and that's where they end.”

“Excellent deduction, faithful sidekick! Twiiiliiiiight!” Before Applejack could stop her Pinkie was already barreling down the stairs and into the dark. That was Pinkie Pie though, always one step ahead of her brain, and three ahead of everything else. Walking up to the threshold of the stairs Applejack peered carefully into the gloom, spotting a faint glow from within.
“Hello?” There wasn't an answer, not even the party pony responded. “Ah'm comin down!” Still nothing, which brought Applejack to puff herself up and begin the trot down the steps. She didn't know why she felt a twinge of fear deep inside, but she couldn't deny that she wasn't sure of what she would find at the bottom of the stairs. But, then again... not knowing would bug her far worse.

Reaching the bottom Applejack stared in awe at the sight. What little was illuminated by a few dying candles was filled with books stacked high. In the very center was Pinkie, and she was softly patting a bundle on the ground. “Pinkie, what is it?”

“Applejack... I can't wake her up.” Coming close enough to see revealed the bundle to be none other than Twilight wrapped in a blanket. She was on her side, eyes closed with only the softest of rises showing her breathing. The very tip of her horn was letting off a very soft light, waxing and waning with every breath.
“Twilight... you need to wake up, sugar,” Applejack whispered as she pushed against the unicorn's shoulder. After she got no response the earth pony pushed harder, and harder again. Grabbing the blanket she threw it off and was about to use a tried and true method when she halted. Between her hoofs Twilight was holding a book, one with a very strange symbol on the front. It took one look for Applejack and Pinkie Pie both to get a very bad feeling in their stomachs, backing off in unison before even realizing what they were doing.

Just then Twilight's eye slowly opened and she picked herself up. She yawned before turning a sleepy gaze at her guests. “Pinkie... Applejack... what are you two doing here?”

“We were looking for you! We hadn't seen you in so long and Fluttershy was so worried but she didn't want to come because you might be busy so we came instead! We found you down here sleeping with that creepy book. OH! And we let ourselves in. Surprise!”
“We were ALL worried about you. No pony in town has seen you for days. Twilight, what's wrong?”

“Wrong? What is right? That's a better question.” Taking the book she had been sleeping with the unicorn opened it and slid it before the other ponies. “I always wondered...”
“Uh... wondered what, sugar-cube?”

“What if I... never mind. I'm sorry I haven't been around, girls. I've been so busy trying to translate this that I just forgot myself.”
“Well, ah think somepony needs some sunshine an today is the perfect day. Come on, you... an this apple ain't takin no for an answer.”

Before she could say otherwise Twilight felt a shove and was scooted to the stairs by Pinkie. With a sigh and a smile the unicorn agreed, and up the trio went. As she left, Twilight gave the journal one last glance before leaving the basement behind.

The dim candles finally gave out after a moment or two, and within the blackness of the basement the only sound that could be heard was the flipping of pages. When silence finally fell, all was still but for the slightest of whispers. A movement of air through the dark underbelly of the library. It was the sound of breathing, and few were taken before it too vanished.

It was hours before Twilight finally returned. She smiled, giggled, reminisced of her friend's antics throughout their daily adventure. Spike was with her too, and she had remembered how neglected she had made him feel. So much of her mind had been in an old book, even those she cared for most had been given thought.

Soon, one by one the other ponies left for the day, all glad to have their friend back with them. Finally bidding the last goodbye, Twilight shut the door behind Applejack and turned to look at her library. The state of uncleanliness was atrocious, and with one thought she had her duster levitating before her as she went about tidying up. Spike pitched in as well, shelving books and mopping with practiced speed.

It took only a short time and the whole ground floor was spotless. Taking a seat at her table Twilight let a happy sigh out just as a hot teacup was placed before her. “Thank you, Spike.”

“Just glad you weren't as lost in your books as I thought.”
“Sorry if I was a little obsessed... you know how I get with mysteries,” she punctuated herself with a smile before taking a cautionary sip of the tea. Perfect temperature, and delicious. Retiring to her room, Twilight bid Spike goodnight and sat in front of her window. The moon was almost full, and the clear sky showed every star. “And the stars saved their light in the sky, forever painted in the night.” She sipped her tea again and connected the dots, remembering the constellations. “And where no pattern was meant, I saw many shapes. Where there was chaos, I found order.”

The empty teacup was set to the ground, and with the slight lowering of her head Twilight masked the light of her horn as she cast a spell. The journal appeared before her, flipping open to the page she had left off. What few notes she still required were neatly stacked, she knew the language enough to read freely. She brushed away her bookmark, feeling as if freed when her eyes met the letters and words.

She'd had so much fun with her friends. Applejack and Rainbow Dash with their arguments, Rarity and her grand stories of Canterlot's finest... Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie. But the whole day, an ember in the back of her mind had burned; smouldered in her thoughts to what she had to do. The story must be told, the mystery revealed. Questions she had never thought to ask were being given answers, and nothing could stop her from knowing them.

She started at the top, noticing the intricate markings that had once bordered the pages had now spread farther in, and were even intertwined amongst the words slightly. The magic of this book was like nothing she'd ever seen, ever heard of. It was like staring into the sun, if that could truly sum up such a feeling.

Again, Twilight let herself be pulled into the words of the past, and they took her readily.

Years counted, years ignored, years forgotten. Time upon time, the coming and the going of life everlasting. I always trusted the fair Asteria, and I always would. The grand Chronos, his word as immutable as law. My brother, though we bore no true relation. My sister, yet shared no blood. I would trust their words if it took as many years as there were creatures in the sky and beasts upon the ground.

It has been a time long past that my companions sat with me. I have watched mountains rise and crumble, seas fill and flood and fade... and from this place upon the highest peak I have not moved. My home, my masterpiece has risen to embrace me in my watching. Moss has grown upon my legs, ice and frost coat my back. Still watchful, still patient till time turns backwards and I see my actions undone will this be.

It was not until I saw a wonder that my head did finally turn. Always had I seen the winged creatures soar, but now another sight was amongst the sky. The stone beasts, long since wishful of the stars rose upon the greatest of wings and they too ascended to the sky. Above tree and cloud, hill and mountain the beasts glided proudly. I too felt pride, more for what has come that far exceeded my original intentions than foolish ambition. I had given long ago the one thing that had always been needed, the spark of life.

Turning my head again I gazed to the lower reaches, listening to the groans and grinds of my frost-ridden joints. I watched again as seas and waves crashed over the plains, unchecked by anything and left to do as they would. I saw then why wings were so needed, why ground was so unfriendly. Without the harmony of the seas, the plains were a place of fear and destruction. I had rested long, my core felt renewed, and my home agreed.

With the great creaking and groaning of countless years past I moved my ancient body from its place of rest. With a great burst of frost and snow my wings spread wide and I stamped down upon my mountaintop. The great rumble that spread split the waves below, the water trembling and fleeing as I laid another blow down upon the peak.

With a thought I spread my will to the splintered mountain and followed the crack to another, and another, until all I needed were found. With a beat of my wings I rose above beast, creature, cloud, and air until once again I was within the cold black. Behind me came the many mountains, crumbled and broken for my newest purpose. I set these components together and let the beating of my heart flow once again, filling within this new place a part of my essence as I had before.

The blood given so long ago was different now, older and changed to suit itself. In mixing with the thing from which it came, I felt it harken and seal itself tight. Glad it was, and glad was I. So much smaller, but just as beautiful was this new creation. Dark, just as the sphere from whence it came, but filled with a purpose and gladden of it.

Seated high above, this great circle watched the seas and oceans and rivers, a never-blinking eye. The floods diminished, the waves settled, and the plains were lifted from fear once again. The stone beasts saw their homes returned to them, and so they again set amongst the ground. Now though, without my highest peak I set out to find a new place to wait... to watch... to wonder.

There, on the next page, Twilight saw a crude drawing. A perfect circle but aged to look nearly faded out. But still, she could not deny that the image of the moon was on the old parchment. Turning it over, the unicorn continued, immersed in the tale too deeply to even consider stopping.

Had I known before what my actions would bring about, my thoughts may have been different. Though difference of thought and of intent is as light and dark. Both connected, but as separate as could be imagined. Despite all this, any misgivings, or perhaps even doubts... I was staring upon a wonder I could never have dreamed in an eon of dreams.

I had watched him descend from the sky, and thought for a moment my friends had returned. Black within black, his body made the dark between stars seem blinding. I watched in silence as he landed before me, furled wing and lifted his head to show a curved horn. His words though are what swayed my thoughts into turbulence. “Greetings, father.”

Father? At first I thought this impossible. None of my creations had mind, had soul... they had all been like husks. The stars were the only things whose children had voice, had form, had heart. Then I was struck with realization, and that was this being had not come from the stars, but from the watching eye above. The heart of my world was old, far changed from what it was at first. Imbuing into it again a piece of myself made something new entirely, and here he stood.

Frozen blue eyes seemed to inspect me just as intently as mine did him. As before, he found the voice in him to be heard. “I have no name, what am I to be called?” I had never needed to give name before, nor had it occurred to me to do so. I expressed this, and watched as he tilted his head as if in great thought. “I cannot be nothing. I am something, and so I must be called something.”

I confessed to him that I could think of nothing. It was not my way to give meaning to the purpose, only that the way be shown and followed. I had never given name, nor could I imagine one to give. I confessed of this lapse, and of the emptiness in my mind. After some moments, he nodded. There was little to him to see expression, but I know dejected eyes... I wear them more than I please to. “Then nothing I am, as so it will be.”

I approached him and sat down close by, twice over in height still than he. New as new can be... and denied hope in his first moments? No, never would I have such a thing as this. To him I turned my eye and half a smile, and spoke to him something rare indeed. I spoke to him a name. “Nothing you say, of a sort... but far greater would be your name. There is a 'nothing' deeper and wider than can be imagined in ten minds, like you this thing is. Void it is called, and it is above us and around us... the greatest expanse. You are like this, for even my eyes cannot pierce the darkness you hold about yourself. You are Void, and so that is your name.”

He matched my smile, and nodded approval. How he came to truly be I will never grasp for certain in my thoughts, but blessed I am Void came... my once long companion high above given form. I wandered within it long ago, now it wanders beside me. And as we looked up into the dark sky, as father and son alike, we both watched a great light peak upon the heavens, and all below.

And light it was as a ray of sunlight struck Twilight's face. As if broken from a trance she fell back a little, blinking weary eyes as the light stung. “Oooh... morning already?” Crawling into her bed, the tired pony did not even slip under the covers. She simply let her head rest on the pillow, and gone she was from the waking morning.

She did not feel the careful hands slide a blanket over her, but smiled at the warm embrace of cloth. Spike watched her a moment more, and saw a contented smile spread over her sleeping face. “Still the same ole Twilight.” Walking as silently as he could with tail in hand for good measure Spike made his way to the basement and began to replace the stacks of books where they belonged.

He hoped Twilight would keep that smile, and he did what he thought best to ensure it. For Twilight to wake up in a spotless library would be the only gift he could think of for he finally coming back out of her shell.

He stopped for only a moment, noting it seemed hotter than normal... but paying no mind continued his work. There were still many books to replace.

Comments ( 7 )

No romance? tsk tsk

Now I am curious. Is this story doomed to lie forever unfinished?

5513591 no, I am picking it back up soon. Focusing on Machinations then this is getting full attention. I originally had to.stop due to school. Getting back now

5513634 :yay:

I fully approve of this plan and look forward to all of it. :pinkiehappy:

You truly have a way with words! Can't wait for the rest of it.

6029840 Working on another story as well as some changes in the overall plotline. It will not be on hiatus forever, though it will go through some adjustments

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