• Published 19th Jul 2012
  • 1,017 Views, 10 Comments

Dreaming in Shadows, Awaken in Flames - BaryonBrony

Twilight's discovery of a strange book leads to the reawakening of an ancient power.

  • ...

Past and Present

“TWILIIIIIIGHT!!!” The loud shout nearly sent poor Twilight Sparkle through her bedroom roof as the click-clack of claws on wood were heard coming up the stars.

“Ugh... Spike, what is it?”
“Pinkie went ahead and used that flour from the Everfree Forest in her cupcakes just like you told her not to and Rainbow Dash ate one and now she's GREEN!” Spike sucked in a gasp of air as he continued, “not only that but she can only talk and fly backwards and now she's chasing Pinkie all over Ponyville only Pinkie thinks they're just playing tag! You have to come watch this!”

“Can't you see I'm busy? What pranks Rainbow Dash brings down on herself is hardly news.” Spike just scratched his head and shrugged before ascending the rest of the stairs all the way up next to Twilight's bed.
“What are you reading?”

“It doesn't have a name. I found it in the Canterlot Library last time I was there... I've spent the last season translating it.”
“It's in a foreign language?”

“No, I don't think so... just a very, very old one. I was going to ask Princess Celestia for help, but I guess things are getting tense on the borders of the White Aeries again. She was called away.” Twilight's horn glowed as she turned the page, moving her gaze from the ancient book to her translation notes.
“The Griffons are making trouble again, aren't they?”

“When are they not?”
“Did you try asking Princess Luna?” With a sigh the unicorn hopped from her bed to the floor with a clunk.

“Too busy with her sister gone; and I've only gotten a few pages deciphered.” As Twilight passed him by, Spike followed closely with a quizzical look on his face.
“Only a couple pages in a whole season?”

“Well, it's easier now that I have the idea down, but from what I can tell it's some kind of personal history or memoir. It's about somepony named Cindus... and that's all. I think he was some kind of crazy sculptor or something.” Taking a seat before a huge tome opened almost halfway Twilight went over a passage before levitating another book towards her and compared a page from that as well. “But the weird thing is I can't find anything with him in it. There isn't a mention or a whisper or even a record of anyone even related to this... 'Cindus.' It's like he didn't even exist.”

“How old is the memoir?”
“There isn't a date, but the pages and bindings are enchanted so they won't rot. I haven't a clue how old it is. Even the magic is old, too old to really know for sure. I tried to find something relating, or even a history textbook that mentions this... no luck.”

“I don't really think you'll find a book about books, Twilight.”
“I'm more interested in referencing the terms. 'Void, Asteria, Chronos, Heart of the World;' it's almost like the pages are written in code.”

“Well... if you don't need me, and you aren't going to watch Dash pummel Pinkie Pie then I guess I'll go on to the Boutique. I have my, uh... 'appointment.'”
“Say hi to Rarity for me, and tell everypony I'm sorry for not being around.”

“I know, you're busy. They'll understand.”
“Thanks Spike.”

On his way out Spike made sure to shelve two books Twilight had strewn about. She was too busy inside her own head to even reorganize the library, a rare sight for the dragon. It was nice not needing the ladder as much, he was tall enough to reach to the fourth shelf now. Without building his own horde, Spike had grown at a near standstill pace... even so the patience had been worth it.

Stepping out and being sure not to slam the door, Spike broke into a jog down the road. It was a nice day, the pegasus had promised clear skies for the whole week. Spring had been so windy, a calm day was most welcome. It was the sort of day that sleeping in a warm patch of sun sounded like the best thing in the world, but he had a special appointment that was even more important than a good nap. Up ahead he spotted a rising dust cloud, and already could see the hoppity-hopping pink shape of the prankster coming towards him.

He stopped a moment as Pinkie Pie bounced past, cackling with laughter. “You're still it, Rainbow Dash!”

“¡ǝɔɐuǝɯ ʞuıd noʎ ǝɹǝɥ ʞɔɐq ʇǝƃ”
“Sorrrrrrry, I can't hear youuuuu!”

“¡ɥƃnoɹɥʇ noʎ ƃuıuuıds ɯ,ı sdool ʎuɐɯ ʍoɥ ɹǝʇɟɐ ooʇ uǝǝɹƃ ǝq ll,noʎ”

Spike let the procession of laughing followers pass as he continued on his way. He made sure to step aside as a stampede of fillies, not yet the height to keep up with their longer-legged friends, charged along as they took up the rear. The path was more or less empty now, the dust cloud just beginning to clear. Only a few ponies were left going about their way, less interested in the well known antics and more focused on their work.

Soon the carousel was in sight, and Spike fidgeted a bit just as he always did. Scales were preened to a shiny gloss, something he learned had made a certain fashion-sensed pony smile when seen. Two knocks and Spike was set to wait. It was a boutique, and most often ponies simply walked in. Spike was not a pony, and he always knocked. In a way, it was his little manner of letting Rarity know who was coming.

He saw a faint glow surround the knob and the door clicked open. “Come in,” a sweet voice called from inside. Making sure not to slam his tail in the door, Spike closed it gently and stepped lightly towards where Rarity was working. His claws were sharp, he didn't want to scratch her floor. “Not a minute late, Spike my dear.” Rarity's smile made his heart skip a beat.

“Oh, am I?”
“Of course you are, just like always.” Adjusting her glasses Rarity finished a stitch and nodded at her work. Her skill had only ever seemed to improve. It wasn't a week that went by without some high-to-do coming to Carousel Boutique hoping to commission the famous Rarity. Now, she had moved to an even more drastic project. “Take your place, if you would be so kind.” Spike was already there, arms straight out at his sides.

“Ready!” Not wasting time Rarity levitated the folds of cloth over his arms and chest, wrapping it into a vest. Needles slipped through the folds and held the basic design in place.
“Designing for dragons... oh, what a gem this will be! You may put your arms down now, dear.”

“What made you want to try this, Rarity?”
“Well, for one thought, dragons look completely different from ponies. Dragons come in all shapes and sizes... and colors... and assorted tastes. What a dream it would be to have them as customers!”

“Oh... well, most dragons don't fancy themselves the... uh... fancy types. And they also aren't fans of.. you know... paying for things.”
“So says the most generous dragon with the fanciest purple scales this side of Canterlot,” Rarity let a needle poke her test subject a little in jest, which he of course didn't even feel. With the idea now final, all she had to do was get the proper fit and dressings to Spike's body and she would have him a suit in a week's time. “So,” she mumbled as she fitted a second stitch beside the spines that jutted from his back, “I haven't seen Twilight in days. How is she? Not reading herself to death I hope.”

“She found a new book, it's in some kind of really old language. She's just spending all her time translating it.”
“That poor dear, no matter what it seems books will always be her love. Now, quit fidgeting or one of these pins might find a soft spot.”


A pile of references, all three volumes of ancient scripting, and even a essay concerning the elder languages... Twilight had amassed herself an arsenal around her bed as her eyes moved through the memoir. There were symbols, markings that nothing in her studies could hint at. Aside from these mysteries, she could still find meaning to some of the writings. It was fascinating, and with each passing word she felt more and more drawn into the tale.

My world, shadowed by all but the slightest inklings of light high above. Countless times I watched the shapes pass above me, the elder stars having without their own knowledge drawn patterns in the sky of my masterpiece. For so long I watched alone, shaping earth and sea to the best of my own ability. I was part of this world, and it was part of me. Unlike any of my past creations, my blood had been pouring into the heart of this world, and so it moved itself to my will with what I could only imagine to be as like elation.

I needed no companion, for I never had one. But, beyond even my own will and intent, my world saw it fit to bring about those who could watch the skies with me. In this place of shadows and dark things, so were the creatures that moved from the depths. Beings of darkness deeper than the void, black inside black that showed their presence only by their fiery eyes. Two came to sit beside me, shadowy wings spread high as they gazed to the heavens. A thousand more spread out to cover the mountain, and a thousand thousand beyond that.

Just as my world was without name, so the dark things were left nameless. I did not speak to them, and they spoke not to me. There was no need in the dark, words meant nothing in shadows. Were a title to be fathomed, perpetual night was their purpose. I moved from that place then, and the dark things followed. Spreading out upon land and ocean the creatures took upon wing and flew high and far. I flew among them, and reveled in the fact that I now had companions that were, like me, bound to this place.

I looked to the lands far below and saw beasts without wing traveling the plains and valleys. It was as if the rock had come alive, shaped just as I had been shaped these creatures spread far along the lands. They lived in darkness, and such needed no eyes to behold the light. The strength of these beings was a thing to impress even I, and so I witnessed as they accomplished feats through sheer power and number as like unto what I had through pure will. They crumbled mountains before them and built places to exist within, and they thrived.

I again came to land upon the tallest peak, to my right the winged creatures and to my left the stone beasts. We all three watched the stars, and again I felt belong fill me. Even more so than the elder stars, these beings were my kin. This world was my child, and these creatures were the children of the world. For the first time in years greater than the stars above and the mountains below, greater than flying creature and stone beast... for the first time in my ageless memory I found myself feeling something for the very first time. I was happy.

Twilight turned the page and sighed, it would take more time to decipher the next few pages. She only then felt just how tired she truly was. With barely a whisper she laid her head upon the soft pillow, and was asleep before a worry filled her mind. Dreams of wonders in an unlit world filled her, and she imagined what such beauties could have been like.

Beside her bed, stacked upon the many volumes and tomes of reference the ancient book sat. A thing from a time long past, and yet still remained. Suddenly the pages of the book began to flip wildly forward, stopping much farther in the story. There, on a page unlike any of the others, a great series of symbols and markings glowed brightly for a moment. Then, just as soon as it had appeared, the light was gone.