• Published 17th Oct 2017
  • 1,630 Views, 77 Comments

Bright Winter Nights - InlustriusGhost

Bright Sight has never felt more welcome in Ponyville and finds a friend in a red stallion of few words. Even through the cold ice, this winter may turn out to be the warmest of all.

  • ...

Chapter 7: Haunted and Loved

The clear skies were certainly a huge blessing for Bright that evening. His telescope stood on its tripod while he aimed the lens to the sky towards Orion. A soft breeze swayed the grassy field of his backyard. Bright felt a pleasurable shiver run up his spine as he sat down on the picnic blanket he spread on the ground. He enjoyed nights like this: calm, clear, cool, and generously illuminated by Luna’s moon as well as the stars.

“Got a decent view, Bright?” Big Mac asked, trotting up behind Bright, wearing a beige trilby over his messy hay mane. He came to a stop on the blanket and settled comfortably with his belly down.

“It’s beautiful tonight,.” Bright replied with a smile.


He was so glad to have Big Mac’s company, finally able to be himself without any secrets getting in the way. It was...liberating. On a night like tonight, Bright felt a stirring in his core and a heat on his face. His heart pumped with a gleeful bounce as he glanced at Big Mac, who looked back at him with that gentle, friendly smile.

“Hey...Big Mac?” Bright sheepishly shifted his gaze to the ground.


“I wanna get something off my chest...You see, I-I don’t think that I’ve ever clicked with anypony as well as I have with you and I really appreciate our friendship,.” hHe started. Big Mac nodded as he listened closely.

“But, there’s more to it than just that. When I’m around you...it’s a feeling that’s hard to describe, but it’s a really good feeling. Something I never thought I’d ever feel, because I was so scared...” Bright rubbed his hooves together, trying to find the right words. Then, he realized he was meandering on his point and he looked directly at Big Mac, who had raised his brow slightly and wrinkled his nose. “Wh-What I’m trying to say is that...I feel like I like you as something more than a friend, Big Mac.”

There was a long, empty pause. Bright awkwardly and uncomfortably managed a smile as he waited for Big Mac to respond, yet he only sat there, suspended with an expression of questioning. Then, there was a sudden chill in the air that set in from all around. It made Bright’s fur on his back stand on end.

“Ya shoulda kept yer mouth shut, Bright.” Big Mac snarled, his face contorting into a dark scowl.

“Huh…?” Bright felt his chest sink, falling from enamored to petrified.

Big Mac slipped his trilby off of his head and underneath it hid a unicorn horn. “I don’t know what made ya think I’d like stallions at all. I don’t, Bright.” His horn flared to life with a golden glow as it crackled with static and a lengthy string of electricity extended from the tip. “I ain’t no damn coltcuddler.”

Bright could almost feel the searing shock of that mystic whip. He hastily retreated backwards in fright, knocking over his tripod and telescope. “W-Wait, Big Mac! This isn’t like you!” He pleaded, keeping his distance.

Big Mac’s eyes flared with a fire of monstrous wrath as he slowly approached Bright. He twirled the electric lasso around his head and it hummed and revved with increasing power.

“Please, stop!!!”


The lasso snapped toward Bright and barely stopped short of striking him. He yelped and sprang into a gallop, scrambling into the open fields that spanned behind his house.

What did I do? What did I do wrong!? Bright repeated in his head over and over. He huffed as adrenaline and terror pushed his legs to sprint as fast as possible. Betrayal struck him and his eyes grew cloudy. I thought we were friends! I thought he was better!


Bright glanced behind him and grew wide-eyed and drop-jawed in shock as he saw Big Mac’s blackened silhouette towering over the fields. His eyes glowed with the crackling fury of lightning and his golden whip swirled once more as he prepared to attack again. Then, as Bright exerted himself to run faster in order to make his escape, he saw that the vast plain that used to spread far in front of him had vanished and all that was left was a steep cliff that dropped off into an endless dark abyss. He tried to halt, but his hooves skidded on the dewey grass as he arrived at the edge. Bright cried out when he very nearly fell off, desperately grasping onto the cliff edge, hind legs dangling and reaching for any sort of foothold. He panicked, tears falling down his cheeks and his breath an uncontrolled mix of sobs and hyperventilation.


Bright gazed upwards and saw the dark shadow that used to be Big Mac looming over him. He struggled with all his might to climb back up.

CRACK went the whip, swatting Bright across the face as the electric shock burned his flesh and paralyzed his body. His grip failed and he fell into the darkness below, where thousands of shadowy claws awaited, reaching out and grabbing his body with their deathly cold grasps...

The ringing of Bright’s screaming jolted him awake. In the blink of an eye, he was sitting upright in his bed, gasping for breath and profusely sweating. He frantically looked around, checking his surroundings while he crossed his forelegs and clutched his fur in a self hug, then realized that he was back in the safety of his bedroom, yet his body still trembled from the scare.
With an uneven heave of shallow solace, Bright slumped back into his bed, resting on his front side as he grabbed his pillow in a tight embrace and buried his face into it, breaking down.

Within a minute, Bright could feel another presence as Ivory phased into the room from below the floor, concerned after hearing his scream disturb the whole house. He tried to hush himself and stay silent, but a few soft and muffled whimpers managed to slip out.

“...Another nightmare?” Ivory asked, hovering over the bed and resting at the foot of it.

“…A-Ahuh…” Bright sniffled.

“You haven’t had ‘em for awhile, Bright. At least, not this bad.”

“...” Bright stayed silent, aside from a few shuddering breaths.

“Do you wanna talk about it?”

He earnestly shook his head no, not wanting to revisit that horrible dream again. It was too much like what happened before…

Ivory exhaled softly. “Okay…Want me to stay?”

Bright paused for a moment before he nodded. He clutched his pillow more tightly, feeling cold, wet patches where his tears were smeared on the fabric. Ivory floated and moved up to sit next to Bright, watching him and brushing her ghostly hoof over his head and mane. To Bright, it felt like nothing more than a cool spot on his fur. He didn’t think much of the gesture, desiring more to actually get some sleep. He peeked up at the alarm clock on his bedside table. “3:12 AM” Bright made a short, strange sound, between a whine and a groan. He shut his eyes and tried to relax and sleep.

If there was one thing that Bright hated more than getting harassed for his unique sight, it was his nightmares. They would haunt him for nights, sometimes weeks at a time. And it was mostly the same dream every time: Bright would be at home or in school and it’d start nice enough, but then a huge shadowy figure would appear, hunting him down with that electric whip. Bright winced at the thought. Try as he might to escape, there would always be a huge ravine or drop off that would have him cornered and every time he’d fall into it, where countless claws would pull him down into the depths of an endless darkness.

Bright trembled, chilled at the thought. As he tucked his hind legs closer to his body underneath his comforter, he wondered why these terrors returned now. He thought that after so long without waking in the dead of night in a cold sweat, he was finally free. But now, his nightmares had returned for the second night in a row.

Not only that, but this time, Big Mac was the one who attacked him. Bright shook his head. He’s not like that at all. He thought. Big Mac...He told me that he liked me. At least...I hope he still does…

Bright brushed his hoof through his messy bedhead and turned to lie on his right side. Try as he might, the sweet relief of slumber was just out of reach for him. His mind was too rattled to even get a wink in. He groaned in annoyance as his initial terror had passed.

“Can’t sleep…” He muttered.

Ivory pursed her lips together, irritated with herself that she was so useless to Bright as a ghost. If she could be alive again for the rest of the night, she would try everything in her power to help him get some sleep, either by brewing some peppermint tea or snuggling up to him, actually being able to touch him without her hooves just passing right through him.

“Try to get some rest at least.” It was her best effort at advice for him.

Bright softly sighed and closed his eyes. However, he would remain restless for the remainder of the night.

“Okay, that’s one ‘Daring Do and the Eternal Flower’ and one ‘Egghead’s Guide to: Sleeping With an Eye Open’...” Bright paused and let out a long, tired yawn before giving each book a stamp inside their covers. “Enjoy your books…” He smiled, his eyes heavy as he passed them to the grey wall-eyed filly across his desk.

She smiled and fluttered her wings as she hovered out the library’s grand doors. Bright rubbed his eyes and took a look around the room. There were only three other ponies around, browsing the shelves’ selection and not many have been visiting since the library opened that morning, on account of Hearth’s Warming Eve being today. It was very calm, if not a bit dull, but at least he could close up early.

Maybe I could just go straight home and take a nap… Bright thought, already fantasizing about sprawling into his bed to get that rest that he had missed out on for two nights now. ...That is, if I don’t get more nightmares… “Ugh…” He groaned.


Startled from the new voice calling from behind, Bright jolted awake and at attention, turning around to see that the one asking for him was Starlight Glimmer.

“Y-Yeah!?” Bright answered rather loudly before remembering that he was still in a library. “I-I mean, yes?” He repeated more softly, tripping over his words as if his mouth hadn’t caught up with the rest of his body. Starlight stared back at Bright with a quizzical eyebrow raised.

“Are...you feeling okay? Between yesterday and today, you don’t really seem like you’re all there,” she asked.

“I’m fine! Just...didn’t get enough sleep last night.” Bright replied.

“Oh! I know what that feels like,” Starlight snickered gently. “There was a time when I was so tired that I dozed off while casting a transfiguration spell and I turned a painting on the wall into an all-devouring wormhole.”

“Wait, what!?” He caught himself in a breathy whisper before he got too loud again. “Are you serious?”

“Yup! True story! I guess you could say that it’s the first time I’ve ever really been into art.”

Bright thought for a second, then burst into a short laugh, planting his hoof on his mouth to hush himself. “Boo! That’s so lame!”

“Thank you! Thank you! I’ll be here all week.” Starlight took a bow, then looked back up at Bright with a wink. “Well, you won’t have to wait much longer until we close up. You’ve got less than half an hour,” she assured, glancing over at a nearby clock on the wall.

At the same time, Spike scampered in through the open library doors, looking around before spotting Starlight and briskly jogging up to her. “Uh, Starlight? Twilight wants to talk to you about a magic...thing. I don’t know what it is. Some artifact Celestia sent her. She’s waiting for you in the throne room,” he informed her.

“Oh, sure!” She smiled, starting a trot to leave, before turning back to Bright. “Stay perky, Bright!” Then, she was gone out the door.

Spike stayed and curiously looked up at Bright from across the desk. The unicorn was stacking some loose books that were scattered about, preparing to reshelve them before he noticed the way that Spike was staring at him.

“Uh…Is everything okay, Spike?” he asked.

Spike blinked in slight surprise. “Oh, y-yeah!” He paused to think a second. “...Actually, mind if I ask you something?”

Bright finished piling his books up and then slid them aside, giving Spike his full attention. “Sure. What’s up?”

“Um...A-Are you a medium?” Spike stammered.

Bright chuckled a bit awkwardly. “A what?”

“A medium. A pony that can channel and communicate with the dead?” he elaborated.

For a brief instance, everything went still as Bright felt his heart sink into his stomach. H-How does he know? How could he know!? He thought. “What...Why do you ask...?”

Spike jumped and pulled himself up and onto the desk, taking a seat. He scanned around, making sure that they were mostly in privacy with no wandering ears in proximity. “Well...every once in awhile, Big Mac, Discord and I have our super secret Guy’s Night and we play our favorite game, Ogres & Oubliettes. Last night, we were in the middle of a game and things were getting really weird when Discord suddenly stopped the game and said that he captured a ghost that was attached to Big Mac. I really didn’t get much of what was happening, but I know that the ghost Discord caught really was real and it said that it was your friend.”

If he bit down on his lip any harder, Bright was sure he would make himself bleed. If he thinks I’m nuts, how long will it be until everypony else finds out? Will they shut me out?

Spike scooted a bit closer to Bright as he continued. “Now, I did a little reading in my Ogres & Oubliettes Fourth Edition Handbook before bed and found a chapter on mediums. They are characters with a primary role as a controller with secondary options as leaders or defenders. They have key abilities in Charisma, Strength, and Intelligence and proficiency in cloth armor and in simple melee and ranged weapons…”

As Spike’s thought went on and on, Bright’s agonizing anxiety slowly fell away and left him totally befuddled. His muscles relaxed when he couldn’t even understand most of what Spike was talking about. “Uh...Spike?”

“...control of their own body-er...Yeah?” The dragon paused.

“Where are you going with this?” Bright asked.

“Oh! Long story short, I think it would be so cool if you are a real life medium!” He finished.

It took a moment to process and, even then, Bright thought he was only hearing things he wanted to hear. “...You think I’m...cool?”

“I mean, you’re already great as you are, Bright, but don’t you see how amazing a power like that is? Being able to talk to ghosts?” Spike earnestly wondered, looking up to Bright with youthful curiosity.

Bright was stunned that anyone would react so warmly to the thing that so often isolated him from everypony else. It was a strange new feeling: acceptance. And with it came an overwhelming joy and relief. “I’ve never really thought about it that way,” he answered.

“So then, is it really true?” Spike asked hushedly.

While hesitant to truly admit it, Bright felt confident enough to put his trust in Spike with his supernatural secret. He tenderly beamed and gently nodded. Total awe took over the look on Spike’s face while his jaw lowered. Nothing else could sum up what was going through the baby dragon’s head but the word that fell from his mouth.


“Promise me that you won’t tell anypony.” Bright pleaded.

Spike puffed up his chest and raised his right claw in confidence. “You can count on me. Dragon’s Honor.”

Bright gave a short, alleviated sigh. “Thanks, Spike.”

“So...um...what’s it like?” Spike asked. “Being a medium?”

“Well...I don’t think it’s quite like you were describing it before. I can see and talk to ghosts, sure, but I’ve never been able to channel them or anything like that. Though, there are some cases when I can feel what a ghost is feeling.”

Spike listened intently and briefly glanced around the near empty library, considering the idea that they might not be alone now. “Are they everywhere? Are there any ghosts that are here now?”

“None at the moment, but I do sometimes see a few come into the library from time...to time...” Bright trailed off into a heavy yawn.

“Geez, Bright, you could eat a melon whole with your mouth that wide,” Spike snickered.

“...Sorry. Actually…” Bright looked up at the wall clock, which was ticking closer to 2 PM. “Looks like it’s just about time to close up, Spike. I better reshelve,” he said, walking from the desk to grab loose tomes with his magic.

“I’ll help you out!” Spike offered, hopping off the desk. Bright gratefully smiled, so glad to have a new friend who accepted him as he was.

While Bright wished that he could catch up on some sleep, he remembered that made plans to meet Big Mac at the cafe after his shift. He certainly didn’t want to disappear on him. Not after they had just patched up their friendship the night before. Plus, the thought of seeing Big Mac again was enough to perk him up.

The skies were clear and sunny that afternoon and the streets of town were busy as ever. Not at all surprising to Bright, considering what day it was. The air was energized with holiday spirit as everypony hustled and bustled to fulfill their plans for the evening. While he was apart from his family this year, it was a sight that warmed his heart.

The walk to the cafe wasn’t long. Bright was delighted when he first walked in and saw that Big Mac was already there, sitting at a table, waiting for him with a mug of coffee and hot chocolate. Big Mac welcomed him with his gentle smile.

“Hey, great to see you!” He greeted, closing the door behind him, trotting up to the table, and grabbing the seat across from the farmpony. Then, he slid his saddlebags off his back and lowered them under the table. “I hope you weren’t waiting too long for me.”

“Nnope.” Big Mac shook his head and slid Bright’s mug closer to him.

Bright beamed. His horn awoke with its purplish glow and his magic lifted the mug closer to his muzzle. He savored a sniff of the rich chocolate that steamed beyond the swirl of whipped cream that topped it. Then, he took a careful sip. It was still piping hot, but the sweetness deliciously bounced all over his mouth.

“Ya still look tired…” Big Mac spoke up.

Bright looked up from his cup and rubbed more sleep from his eyes. “I couldn’t get much sleep last night,” he admitted.

“It ain’t normal for ya, is it?” Big Mac asked. “Maybe yer still homesick.”

“That may be right,” Bright lied, choosing to avoid talking about his nightmares. He didn’t want Big Mac to feel bad for him, especially after the dream from the night before. “Guess I can’t get my mind off my family this time of year.”

A thought passed through Big Mac’s mind as he scratched his chin. “What about your...late family?” He started, more quietly so that the other ponies in the cafe couldn’t hear. “Don’t ya get visited by anypony?”

That reminded Bright. No need to hold back on that secret. “I do. I see my mom from time to time, whenever she’s around. She likes to stay with my dad a lot though, so right now she’s probably with him in Prance.” He explained. “Then there’s my grandpa on my dad’s side and my grandma on my mom’s. I see them all the time at family gatherings. They’re probably visiting my Uncle Ganymede and all the rest of them in Coltifornia.”

Big Mac put down his mug of black coffee after a sip. “But ya haven’t seen any of them today?”

“Ghosts and spirits can’t just go wherever they want.” Bright spoke softly, leaning close. “They’re usually attached to someplace, something, or somepony that they have a strong emotional connection with. From what I’ve seen, a ghost could move a long distance if they can sense another connection, but in my case, my mom’s too far to make a jump to me and my grandparents are more drawn to my living family getting together that they probably can’t sense me all the way over here.”

It took Big Mac a minute to digest what Bright said, but it all seemed fairly simple enough. “I think I get it.” He nodded.

“And I’m not totally alone. I’ve got Ivory. She’s been my best friend ever since I started seeing ghosts, and she follows me wherever I go.” Bright finished with another sip of his chocolate.

“She makes a good first impression. Heh…” Big Mac chuckled, loosening his scarf a bit.

Bright almost laughed as he swallowed, snorting a puff of air through his nose, making a crooked smile, and scratching his cheek with a bit of awkwardness. He made a mental note to keep Ivory in check next time he ran into trouble.

“So, uh, how did you start seein’ ghosts and such?” Big Mac asked.

It didn’t immediately occur to Bright that Big Mac might want to understand where his ability came from. The question caught him off guard. “Well…I…” He trailed off, stunned for a brief moment. “I-I’d rather not talk about it…” Bright managed to say.

“I’m sorry, Bright…Didn’t know it was real personal,” Big Mac apologized, leaning backwards on his seat, sheepishly glancing down at the coffee left in his mug.

“It’s okay…Um…” Bright pondered on Big Mac’s question for a bit before he spoke up again. “Y’know…I’ve never told anypony about how it happened, but I’d like to tell you. I’m just…not ready to relive that part of my life.”

“I understand.” Big Mac smiled and downed a mouthful from his mug. He looked at Bright, contemplating to himself about what sort of circumstances would lead a unicorn like him to gain some magical power that was so unusual, even in a world full of magic. There wasn’t anypony quite like him, and yet, Bright seemed so lonely, living on his own in a small home just outside of town. Of course, he said he has his ghostly friend for company, but there wasn’t anypony for him to touch or hold…At least, Big Mac thought he couldn’t touch a ghost. “…Bright?”

“Yeah, Big Mac?” Bright responded after finishing the rest of his chocolate, though he didn’t notice that there was a bit of whipped cream left on his lip.

A short chuckle left Big Mac’s mouth. “Can I offer ya some company tonight by invitin’ ya to my home?” he asked, offering a napkin to Bright.

“You mean, with you and your family?” Bright said, taking the napkin and wiping his mouth. “Are you sure? I-I wouldn’t want to intrude.”

Big Mac continued. “I’m sure. I know ya said ya have Ivory for company, but I figured you’d like to spend time with somepony livin’ too. And my family will love ya.”

It’s been so long since the last time somepony invited Bright to come into their home. In fact, Bright couldn’t recall such a time. It actually surprised him how reclusive he had gotten used to being. No time like the present to change that, he thought.

“If it’s alright with you, then I’d be happy to come.” Bright smiled.

There was a sort of cheerful gleam in Big Mac’s eyes as Bright answered. Just the idea of having the unicorn in his home, meeting his sisters and granny, and enjoying an evening together filled Big Mac with a jubilation that couldn’t help but show through a hearty “Eeyup!” Then, he followed it by asking, “Can ya come ‘round the farm at 7 tonight?”

“Sure!” Bright nodded as he was getting up from his seat. “I better get home and rest up. I’m already tired enough as it is.”

“Hope ya sleep well,” Big Mac wished.

As he got his saddlebags secured on his back, Bright searched in one of his pouches and levitated a hoofful of bits and placed them on the table in front of Big Mac. Before the earth pony could ask, Bright answered, “I told you I’d pay for the drinks this time around.” He smiled and waved, then left for the door.

Defeated, Big Mac sighed and chuckled softly. He thought he could get away with that.

That evening, the crisp night air was still, only ever lightly breezing on occasion. Bright’s hooves crunched on the powdery path that lead up to Sweet Apple Acres. The cold barely touched him through the burgundy V-neck sweater he wore and he took the time to tie his yellow bow tie around his neck. The road was shoveled and cleared of most snow so it was simple enough to navigate, even in the dark of twilight.

“This is so exciting, Bright!” Ivory grinned, drifting through the air right next to the unicorn. She held back a squeal from the anticipation of watching her best friend meeting with his crush. “I can’t believe Big Mac asked you to come into his home! He’s a real keeper. I can tell.”

Bright furrowed a brow and smirked. “Really? Because, last I checked, you spent a whole day haunting and cursing him until he ended up on my doorstep. All this just yesterday.”

“Pssh! Details. Details.” She tossed her hoof. “What matters is that you get to spend a whole evening with him! How romantic!”

“His family will be there too, y’know. Besides, Ivory, we’re just friends right now.” Bright shrugged. “But thanks for coming along with me.”

“Aww, you know, I’d go anywhere with you, boo. And it’s not like I had anything else to do tonight,” Ivory said.

“Well, maybe you’ll have some company of your own tonight too. I remember seeing Big Mac’s dad a couple days ago. And I think I saw his mom in a dream. Maybe we’ll see them there.” Bright considered, wondering if perhaps he might see a complete picture of Big Mac’s immediate family.

As he and Ivory followed a turn on the path, the generations-old farmhouse came into view. It was clearly an old home, but freshly painted red while the windows glowed with warm light from within. All of it nestled in the middle of a grand orchard, though the trees themselves were not at their best. The cold of winter withered them down to their branches as they hibernated, but Bright had a feeling that all of them would look spectacular come spring.

It was not a long trot to get to the front porch, and Bright could hear some faint chatter from inside as he approached. He stomped the snow and ice bits off his hooves on the welcome mat laid out before the door, then knocked. Before anypony answered, he quickly checked if his mane was still brushed and neat.

After a few seconds, the door swung open and Bright locked eyes with Applejack. She looked comfortable wearing her sky blue wooly sweater in addition to her signature hat. Her smile was inviting and friendly as she burst into her greeting. “Well, howdy there, Bright! We’ve been expectin’ you! Come on in!” She stepped to the side and gestured for him to enter.

“Uh, thanks!”

Bright sheepishly grinned as he stepped inside, instantly blanketed in the warmth that radiated from the nearby fireplace, and the smell of cinnamon and pine tickled his nostrils. The home’s interior was constructed mostly of wood and painted with varying shades of peaches and greens. Apples and ivy patterns were ornately carved on the support beams and foundations. The living room was furnished with hoof-crafted chairs, a coffee table, a pair of bookshelves, a sofa, and a rocking chair in the corner. The holiday spirit was evidently ringing within the home as Bright noticed the piney garland that was wrapped around the railing of the staircase that led up to the next level of the farmhouse. Also, standing in the corner of the living room was the Hearthsmas tree. It was still bare, though some cardboard boxes filled with ornaments were sitting by the base of the tree. Bright was charmed by every little detail. This home was made of love and it reminded him of his own that he left in Coltifornia.

Applejack closed the door to keep the cold out. “Big Mac’s been tellin’ us all about ya.”

“Oh. What has he told you?” Bright asked, cautious about if anypony else knew the truth about him.

“He said you were livin’ at home alone after movin’ and he wanted to be real friendly to you and welcome you to our home for tonight.”

Bright mentally sighed. “He’s very kind to invite me in. Thanks a lot for having me.”

“Any friend of an Apple is welcome in our home, Bright. Make yourself comfy. Ah gotta help Granny in the kitchen. Big Mac should be down soon.”

A heavy step from the top of the staircase signaled the earth stallion was already on his way.

“Speak o’ the devil,” Applejack chuckled before trotting to the kitchen.

Big Mac carefully stepped down the stairs, balancing one more box of ornaments on his back. In the spirit of the season, he was wearing a festive red hat with a white fluffy trim and ball at the tip.

“Evenin’, Bright,” he greeted with a smile. “Happy Hearth’s Warmin’”

“Happy Hearth’s Warming,” Bright returned.

The last of the ornaments were gently dropped with the rest before Big Mac turned back toward Bright. There was a flutter that tickled his chest as he set his eyes on the unicorn. “Y-Ya look real nice.”

Bright’s face tinted a bit red at the compliment. “Heh…Well, I wanted to make a good first impression with your family. Er…You didn’t mention anything about the…” He trailed off.

“N-Nope. I promise that stays between you and me.”

“Thank you.” Bright nodded.

Just then, some smaller, lighter hoof steps pattered down the staircase as Applebloom entered the living room, carrying decorative strings of gold and silver garlands. “Ah think this is all we need for the tree!” She stopped at the base of the steps when she saw Bright. “Oh! Howdy, mister! Are you my big brother’s friend?”

“That’s right.” Bright smiled. “It’s nice to meet you!”

“Bright, this is my li’l sister, Applebloom. Applebloom, meet Bright,” Big Mac introduced.

“Ya came just in time, Bright! We’re gonna have dinner and then put the decorations on the tree!” Applebloom waved her garlands excitedly.

“What’s this I hear about a guest in our home?” The shaky voice of an aged mare permeated the living room as Granny Smith entered from the kitchen. “Now, it wouldn’t be very civil if the lady of the house didn’t welcome guests!”

The Apple matriarch steadily walked up to Bright and squinted her tired eyes a bit to see him more clearly.

“Bright, this is-“

“Fiddle faddle!” Granny Smith cut Big Mac off with a sudden shrillness that made Bright flinch. “I might be old, Macky, but I can still talk jus’ fine!”

Bright found himself snickering internally while a cheeky smile curved his lips. Macky?

“The name’s Granny Smith, sonny, but please, just call me Granny.” She reached out her hoof and Bright gently held it with his own for a shake. “Your name’s Bright, ain’t it?”

“Yes, ma’am-er…Granny.” He nodded.

“Now, where’re you from?”

“The city of Los Serafines in Coltifornia.”

“Whoo-ee! That’s quite a ways from our little town of Ponyville. If I’m rememberin’ correctly, I think our cousins, Winesap and Rome Beauty just started their orchard in Coltifornia some five years ago,” Granny Smith mused.

“What’s it like there, Bright?” Applebloom asked.

“It’s very sunny and warm for most of the year. Almost like a year-long summer. And at night, the city glows with lights, almost rivaling Manehattan. Though it does make it hard to see stars on clear nights. That’s why I moved here to Ponyville.” Bright opened his saddlebag and lit his horn to show off his telescope. “And speaking of stars, I thought I could show you some tonight. I can set up my tripod just outside.”

“Wow! Can we, Big Mac?” Applebloom bounced on her hooves with delight.

Big Mac chuckled and brushed his hoof over Applebloom’s mane before looking to Bright. “Eeyup.”

“That sounds lovely, but I should get back to cookin’! Dinner’s gonna be ready soon, so you youngin’s better not be long.” Granny said before turning back to the kitchen. “Oh, and welcome to the family, Bright.” She smiled warmly as any grandmother would.

“Th-Thank you.” There was a strange feeling that welled up inside of Bright. He couldn’t remember a time when he had been so easily and openly accepted by anypony. He had only known them for a few minutes, but to be called part of the family made him feel a certain comfort that he had only felt with his father and their relatives back home.

“C’mere, Bright. I know the perfect spot for yer telescope,” Big Mac said, tilting his head to point Bright out the door.

Bright’s chest swelled with butterflies and he gave Big Mac a truly joyful expression. It was the happiest Big Mac had ever seen him. This is perfect, Bright thought.

There was no way Bright could possibly down a third serving of mashed sweet potatoes and roasted oats, but he marveled at how Big Mac and Applejack were just finishing their fourth. Applebloom had a smaller plate, but was just scooping up a third helping for herself while Granny Smith had a more modest portion. The smell of cinnamon was much more prominent than before with the added aroma of apples, all thanks to the multicolored apple pie that was baking in the oven.

At some point during the meal, Bright caught sight of Ivory floating into the living room with Bright Macintosh and Pear Butter. While Bright was chatting with the living Apples at the table, Ivory was getting to know the late Apple parents. The chatter and laughter between the two groups filled the farmhouse with a magic that could only be found during the holidays.

“Wow. Thank you so much for the food! It was delicious!” Bright praised.

Applejack took Bright’s plate and stacked it over hers and Big Mac’s. “Yer quite welcome, Bright. And thank you for joining us tonight. It’s nice to have some company on Hearth’s Warmin’.” she replied.

“And ya really know a lot about those stars, Bright! They’re real pretty to look at through yer telescope.” Applebloom chimed.

“Thank you, Applebloom.” Bright nodded. “Do you mind if I use your bathroom, Applejack?”

“Not at all. It’s jus’ up the stairs, first door on yer left.”

Bright smiled as he slid off his seat and left from the dining room. Ivory noticed Bright as he slipped away alone and followed him up the stairs.

“So how’s it going on your end?” she asked.

“Just wonderful,” Bright replied with a hushed voice. “It’s such a great time. The family is super nice and welcoming. They really make it feel like home here.”

“Well, we pride ourselves on being very hospitable folk,” Bright Mac chimed in as he came up alongside Ivory. “And you’re a mighty kind stallion, Bright. I’m sure Buttercup and I would’ve invited you into our home just the same.”

At the top of the staircase, Bright found the bathroom, just as Applejack had told him. He stepped in and leaned against the sink to wash his hooves. “It’s great to see that you found each other again.”

Buttercup appeared right next to Bright Mac, nuzzling his cheek. “I’m sorry for not tellin’ you. I just had a sudden feelin’ that my dad wasn’t well that I had to go as quick as I could.”

“Is he alright?” Bright asked.

Buttercup’s ears lowered slightly as her face soured into slight worry. “He’s havin’ a bout of grief. Long story short, the Apples and Pears used to feud and fight for a long time. Despite all that, Bright Mac and I fell in love and we got married, but my dad didn’t approve and he and the Pears left Ponyville for Vanhoover. I never saw him again until after Mac and I passed on.”

Bright pondered on that thought for a bit as he dried his hooves on a towel. How could anypony just leave a loved one like that? It was a cold and cruel thing to do and there was nothing Bright could say aside from, “That’s terrible…”

“I know, but since then, he’s made amends with the Apples, so many years later. I’ve seen him much happier, though I still see him hurtin’ real bad from time to time. I just wish I could tell him that I forgive him and help him put his mind at ease...” Buttercup confessed. Bright Mac stood beside her with his foreleg wrapped over her shoulder to comfort her.

Bright scratched his chin for a bit. “I’ve seen other spirits stay attached to somepony they loved in life, like my mom and dad. Even though my dad misses my mom badly, he feels comforted whenever she stays around him. I think it helps him to grieve. Maybe if you stick with your dad, it might help him out if he can feel that you’re present with him.”

“I could do that...but I wouldn’t wanna be away from my kids for too long.” Buttercup pondered, looking to Bright Mac.

“Don’t you worry about them, Buttercup.” Bright Mac shook his head, “Our kids are growin’ up. Heck, our little Applebloom earned her cutie mark already. You can go be with yer pops. I’ll keep an eye on ‘em.”

“A-Are ya sure, Bright Mac? I don’t know how long I’ll be with Papa Pear.”

“Hey, we only have the rest of forever to be together. I can wait however long you need,” Bright Mac assured, brushing Buttercup’s curly hair aside from her face and kissing her forehead. She giggled softly.

“Alright. You’ve convinced me,” she sighed. “But I’ll be back every so often to check on you. And, thank you, Bright. I don’t think there’s anypony quite like you.”

“You’re welcome. I’m wishing you and your dad all the best. And it’s been a pleasure to meet you both.” Bright smiled, then opened the bathroom door, and started down the stairs to rejoin with Big Mac and the others.

“Hey, Bright?” Bright Mac interrupted.


“If our Li’l Mac asks about us, can you tell him that we’re alright and that we’re proud of him?” he humbly asked. “We know he’s missed us a lot too, and it’s not every day we can ask somepony to pass along a message to our kids. We just want him to know we love him.”

Bright gave a smile and nodded. “Of course.” Then, he continued on his way.

For a brief moment, Ivory drifted along beside Bright to tell him, “You’re a really big-hearted stallion, Bright Sight.”

He acknowledged her with a friendly wink. As he walked down the steps to the living room, he saw Big Mac inspecting the tree and ornaments, about to begin decorating. From the kitchen, Bright could hear the rush of running water and idle chatter as Applejack and Granny Smith were washing dishes. He also caught sight of Applebloom at the table, shoveling big scoops of her sweet potato into her mouth in a rush. Bright chuckled as he ambled over to Big Mac, examining the boxes of ornaments.

“You have a big collection,” he observed, seeing the many wood-carved and hoof-painted figurines of Clover the Clever, Commander Hurricane, and the other tribe leaders of the three pony races among the colorful bulbs and baubles.

“Some years, we like to make our own tree decorations and share ‘em with the other branches of the family.” Big Mac grinned, digging through one box and excavating another figurine. It was of a unicorn, though it was barely distinguishable by its shape as it was a bit crudely carved. “I made this one when I was a colt. I told ya I had fantasies ‘bout bein’ a unicorn. This I made when I had it real bad.”

With a wave of his horn, Bright took a hold of the tiny wooden unicorn and more closely inspected it. The edges were sharp and choppy, with little scratches left behind by unintended slips of the knife, but for a colt, it was quite a nicely crafted sculpture. Cute… Bright thought. “This is some good work,” he said, passing it back to Big Mac.

“Aww, it ain’t much.” Big Mac waved his hoof dismissively, blushing a bit as he took the carving back. “I’ve made some better ones as I grew, but this cute li’l fella’s my favorite. Actually...” He paused a second as he took another look at it. “Heh. He looks a bit like ya.”

It took a moment for Bright to process what he heard. When he looked over at Big Mac, the farm stallion was facing slightly away from him and he looked a bit flustered, scratching his mane timidly. Did…Did he just call me-?

“Don’t start without me!” Applebloom shouted, dashing into the living room in a scramble. “Finished my plate! Let’s decorate!”

Big Mac let out a sudden hearty laugh. “Alright, AB. You choose the first one.”

Bright felt his face was warm, but shook his head. “I can lend a hoof reaching the top of the tree,” he offered.

One by one, Big Mac, Applebloom, and Bright each took ornaments out of the boxes and hung them up on the branches of the Hearthsmas tree. As they furnished it, Big Mac and Applebloom would tell of the little stories and memories attached to the homemade or otherwise special carvings and trinkets. It amazed Bright how big and far out the whole Apple family was spread. They were also way more numerous than his own, and yet, the majority make time to attend the occasional reunion.

There were a few times when Bright would catch Big Mac staring at him with a sort of fondness in his eyes while Bright was circling the tree, looking for a bare spot. He didn’t think much of it…or at least he tried, but that look and smile from Big Mac made him grow red in the face every time. Maybe...I still have a chance, he thought. I just gotta find the right moment to ask.

As the tree neared completion, Applejack and Granny Smith came in and Applejack gave a little whistle at the sight, impressed. “That right there’s a thing o’ beauty. Y’all have done a bang up job!”

“Yer darn tootin’!” Granny Smith added. “And when you’re done, y’all got a nice piece of zap apple pie waitin’ for ya!”

“Zap apple pie? I’ve only ever heard of zap apples. I’ve never had a chance to taste any,” Bright mentioned.

“Oh, Bright. You’ve been missin’ out!” Applejack guffawed. “I’ll make sure ya get a big slice! I promise you, you’ll never taste anythin’ more magical!”

“Hey, Big Mac!” Applebloom called, searching through what was left in the boxes. “The star for the top o’ the tree ain’t here.”

“Must still be in the attic.”

“Come with me, sugarcube. I’ll help ya look for it.” Applejack smiled, gesturing to follow her as she started up the stairs. Applebloom eagerly followed suit.

“We’ll finish up down here,” Big Mac said, grabbing the gold garland.

“And yer Granny’ll be riiiight here,” Granny Smith sighed as she sat herself on her rocking chair, “restin’ her bones.”

As Big Mac started to wrap the strings around the tree, Bright stood next to him and said, “Thanks a lot for inviting me here tonight. I’m having a great time and your family has been nothing short of wonderful.”

“It’s been our pleasure, Bright. ‘Sides, nopony should be alone on Hearth’s Warmin’.” Big Mac grinned.

Bright assisted Big Mac with the silver garland, using his levitation magic to neatly swirl it around on the branches. With that, there was only one thing left to add. Overhead, the two stallions could hear the hoof steps of both Applejack and Applebloom as they were rummaging around the attic.

There was a moment where Bright thought about asking Big Mac how he felt about him, if they were friends or perhaps something more, but memories of an old friendship discouraged him from speaking up.

Then, after a quick few minutes, the two sisters could be heard descending down the staircase. Applejack came down first, with the star they were searching for skillfully balanced on her snout. “Found it!” She chimed, “And you won’t believe what Applebloom found.”

Applebloom scurried down and, in her mouth, there was a rolled up nylon whip. Big Mac’s eyes lit up when he quickly recognized what he was looking at.

“A-Ain’t that…”

“Dad’s old cowwhip!” Applejack finished. Bright froze at the word.

“HOO-wee!!! That dang thing takes me back!” Granny Smith cackled, rocking gently as she reminisced. “Yer father was such a lovestruck fool back in the day. Why, I remember the one day the cows all got spooked by a snake in the pasture that they got stampedin’ toward the Pears’ farm. Bright Mac grabbed that cowwhip and chased them cows down. O’ course, he managed to steer them away with a few good cracks,” Bright winced, but his eyes were locked on the whip, “but when he saw Pear Butter watchin’ him, that’s when he started to show off.”

Granny Smith continued her story and the Apple siblings all listened intently, hanging on every word. Big Mac chuckled to himself, listening about his father and how love made him do some adventurous and occasionally idiotic stunts just to impress his mother. He was glad that Granny Smith started telling these stories more often. It helped him keep the memory of his parents vivid in his mind. Big Mac proudly smiled and he looked to Bright, expecting a dazzled or awed expression, but his smile quickly faded away when he saw a look of utter horror. Bright’s ears were flat, his pupils had shrunken, and his breath was shuddering.

“...Bright? What’s wrong?” Big Mac asked softly.

“Applejack, think you can crack this whip like Dad used to?” Applebloom asked, holding it up to her sister with her hoof.

“Aw, shucks. It can’t be too hard, but keep some space, Sugarcube.” Applejack agreed, grabbing the whip with her teeth.

“D-Do ya see somethin’? Talk to me.” He pleaded, growing more concerned by the second.

“No no no no...Not again...P-Please...Not now...Don’t break, Bright...Don’t break...” Bright muttered almost unintelligibly.

Big Mac traced Bright’s line of sight being directly fixed on the whip just as Applejack prepared herself by swinging it up. The realization hit Big Mac that Bright was somehow in deathly terror and, try as he might, he wouldn’t be able to stop what was coming.

“AJ!” he bellowed.



There was a brief, stunned silence.

Bright collapsed onto his hindquarters. His breath picked up and he started hyperventilating. His nightmare and memories of a crackling whip flashed before his eyes. His heart started to beat so hard that he felt like it was going to burst out of his chest. Applejack dropped the whip right after it cracked. At first, she was ready to chew Big Mac out for his outburst, but quickly realized something grim must have happened when her gaze fell on Bright.

“I-I’m sorry...Bright…?” Applejack apologized, unknowing about what she caused.

“Are ya okay, sweetie…?” Granny Smith asked.

When everypony’s eyes were on him, Bright scuttled backwards a bit and pressed a hoof to his face, covering his eyes.

“I...I’m s-s...sorry!” He heaved through his breaths. His skin felt hot and he started to sweat. He grew nauseous as his stomach rolled and threatened to return his dinner back up. “I...I...I need s-some air…” Bright hastily got on his hooves and made a beeline for the front door. He escaped into the cold night air.

“Bright!” He could hear Ivory calling out to him, but he wouldn’t respond.

Bright ran as far as he could before the combination of the hot flash, his uneven breath, and his body’s desire to upchuck forced him to trip on himself and fall into the snow, just a short distance from the Apple’s front gate. Bright urged himself to continue, but the most he could muster was to sit upright. He tried to control himself, but the sound of the whip kept echoing in his head and the taste of water brash started to build in his mouth.

Stop...Please stop… He begged himself, on the verge of tears. Stupid colt...You had one simple job tonight! Why can’t you just be normal for once!?

Another heat flash was coming and Bright grabbed a hoofful of snow and pressed it to his forehead, desperate to cool off. Finally, he could find it in himself to take a full deep breath, though it came out as a soft sob. Then, he heard the snow crunching behind him and knew somepony followed him. Bright swallowed, managing to hold his sick.

“Bright…” came Big Mac’s voice.

“I’m sorry…” Bright was quick to speak up, but he refused to face him. “All I wanted was to have a n-normal evening with you and your wonderful family.” Much of the snow he held to his head had melted away and Bright dropped the little pile he had left before wiping his face. “Turns out...I can’t ever just be an ordinary stallion. No matter what I do, there’s always something wrong with me. My Ghost Vision. My panic attacks. My nightmares...I’m sorry you all had to see me like that…I...I understand if you never want to talk to me again...”

“No.” Big Mac shook his head and moved closer, sitting next to Bright as he put a hoof on his shoulder and pulled him over to lean on him. “Bright, I ain’t gonna abandon you. You’re hurtin’…Please, look at me.”

There was a bit of hesitation. Bright felt his heartbeat accelerate again, irrationally fearing something would go wrong again, but he managed to work up the courage and slowly looked upwards at the bigger stallion. Big Mac looked directly back at him, showing nothing less than gentle care in the shimmer of his eyes under the pale moonlight.

“I promise you, I wouldn’t do anythin’ to hurt you. Not after that fight we had,” Big Mac started, brushing his hoof on Bright’s back. He could feel the unicorn quivering and how the blood in his body rushed with each frantic heartbeat. Big Mac held him tighter. “Gosh, Bright...It tears me up seein’ you so scared...Can...Can ya tell me what got you this way?”

It was honestly a surprise to Bright that Big Mac wasn’t repulsed by his episode, and now, Big Mac wants to know why? The idea itself was unbelievable to him.

“I-I don’t know if I can…What…What will you think of me then?” He shuddered.

“I ain’t gonna judge you, Bright. You can tell me anythin’, ‘cause I promise you’re safe with me.” Big Mac reassured, pushing aside some of Bright’s now messy mane out of his face.

Thinking back on it, Bright hadn’t ever recounted the events of that day to anypony before. He was even reluctant to talk about it with his father. Bright wondered if he would even be able to tell the whole story without freaking out again, but found some solace in that Big Mac wanted to support him. Bright took another deep breath, found the courage to calm his nerves, and sighed his breath out.

“Okay…Well, I told you I wanted to share how I got to see ghosts. It happened when I was a colt, 10 years ago…”