• Published 17th Oct 2017
  • 1,630 Views, 77 Comments

Bright Winter Nights - InlustriusGhost

Bright Sight has never felt more welcome in Ponyville and finds a friend in a red stallion of few words. Even through the cold ice, this winter may turn out to be the warmest of all.

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Chapter 10: A New Start

Hues of purple illuminated the kitchen while Bright was sweeping the floor, using his magic to charm a broom. The haunted mixer Ivory was controlling caused an unforecasted snowfall of flour and sugar in the kitchen. Bright was certain he’d need to reach into every nook and cranny before he was comfortable. Still, he was in too good a mood to let an inconvenience like this dampen his morning. Through the whole night, he couldn’t recall a single nightmare that disturbed his slumber, let alone shocked him awake in a cold sweat. No. For now, those fears seemed to have taken a back seat.

And despite Ivory’s overeagerness with the mixer, there was enough batter for two or three pancakes. That much would satisfy Bright in addition to a cup of hot lemon tea. It was a good thing the kettle on the stove was untouched as it was simmering with water.

“Man, it’s gonna take awhile to clean this up,” he muttered, brushing his forehead with his leg as he swept most of the flour into a dustpan.

Ivory awkwardly laughed, rubbing the nubs of her hooves in small circles. “Sorry, Bright. I got a bit too excited thinking about your first kiss with Big Mac last night!” She grinned.

“Well, he only kissed me on the cheek, and I haven’t actually kissed him yet,” Bright said, emptying the dustpan into his trash can.


Suddenly, the kettle whistled like a runaway locomotive before its top was literally blown off in a burst of scalding water. Bright’s horn was quick to flare as he summoned a magical glowing barrier to protect himself. Aaand there goes the tea, he thought.

“What do you mean you haven’t kissed him yet!?” Ivory demanded, getting into Bright’s face and trying to hold his cheeks.

Bright chortled. “Chill out, Ivory! I just haven’t had the right moment yet.”

“Oh, Bright, you poor, innocent dummy. The right moment was when he wanted to kiss you!” A cupboard door swung open and a cinnamon shaker flew out and conked Bright on the head.

“Ow!” He nickered, rubbing the spot he was hit. “Remind me not to bring up my love life while we’re in the kitchen. And don’t forget, Big Mac’s my coltfriend now, Ivory. I’m sure I’ll have another chance to have that first kiss.”

Ivory rolled her eyes and giggled. “Alright, fine…but it better be super romantic!”

Then, a knock came from the front door and Bright’s ears perked. He noticed a white patch of flour on his nose and wiped it away with his hoof as he walked from the kitchen to answer. Beyond the front door, there was Big Mac, warmed from the cold morning by his green scarf and beanie.

“Happy Hearth’s Warmin’, Sugarcube,” he greeted with a smile.

“Happy Hearth’s Warming…” Bright started with enthusiasm, though he grew puzzled and tilted his head slightly. “Er…Sugarcube?”

Big Mac’s smile widened. “That’s jus’ something we Apples like to call the ponies we love.”

“O-Oh!” Bright’s heart began to flutter. Having a coltfriend was still so very new to him and Big Mac was already so eager to express it.

There was a sudden, loud pop from the kitchen accompanied by the sound of glass shards scattering around and, for Bright, Ivory’s gleeful, yet ear-piercing squeals. He winced.

“What the hay was that!?” Big Mac asked, alarmed.

“Don’t worry. That was just Ivory,” Bright sighed. He turned his head inside and exclaimed, “She tends to break things when she gets excited!”

“Sorry!” Ivory called back.

Bright turned back to Big Mac with a slightly crooked smile. “Heh. Come inside.” He stepped aside to allow his coltfriend into his home. The thought alone was enough to bring warmth to his cheeks.

Big Mac stomped his hooves a bit on the porch to shake off chunks of snow from his fetlocks before he stepped inside.

“What brings you here, Big Mac?” Bright asked, closing the door.

The bigger stallion chuckled softly and scratched his cheek with a hoof, seeming a bit shy. “I…wanted to ask ya if you’d like to go to the festival tonight,” he invited.

“You mean, like a date?” Bright asked.


A warm tingle in Bright’s spine made the fur on his back stand on end. Well, he and Big Mac were coltfriends now, so it made sense that they would go on a date. However, it did catch Bright off guard that Big Mac would ask him out so soon. “Stars…I’d love to go with you, Big Mac.”

Big Mac’s eyes sparked with excitement and he grinned. “Great! You’re gonna have a swell time. There’ll be food and games. And the Pony Tones will be performin’ a concert at town hall. They’re a local group o’ singers.”

Seeing Big Mac’s enthusiasm made Bright giddy at the thought of the good time they could have. “It sounds fantastic!” He paused. A shred of anxiety lingered on his mind, but one look at Big Mac’s kind gaze and Bright knew he could confide in him. “…Though, to tell you the truth, it’s also kinda…scary.”

Big Mac’s excitement faltered as he took on a wary look. “Scary?”

“Don’t get me wrong. I really want to go with you tonight. It’s just that…” Bright looked down at the hardwood floor. His ears folded flat against his head. “I’ve never dated anypony before, and you’re the first stallion who has ever accepted me for what I see. I don’t want to lose that…I’m kinda worried that I’ll screw it up somehow.”

Big Mac listened and took a short time to think, as if trying to find the right words. Then, he lifted Bright’s chin with a hoof and assured him with a small smile, “I understand, Bright. You’re real new to datin’, and that’s okay. Ya don’t have to be the perfect coltfriend. Heck, datin’ a stallion is new to me too, so I ain’t gonna be perfect either.” He moved closer and reached to hold Bright’s hoof. “I think what’s important is that ya found a bit of happiness with somepony. Ya owe it to yerself to enjoy it to the fullest after livin’ Celestia knows how long in fear of just bein’ you.”

Bright looked to the side with a timid smile. Big Mac’s words rang true. The unicorn had spent far too long doubting any opportunity to find a connection with anypony. “I’d like that. Living it to the fullest, I mean,” he said, returning his gaze to Big Mac with a dream-like shimmer in his eyes. “Moving here to Ponyville, I had hoped that I could find a different life…a new start and…I think I found it.”

The freckles on Big Mac’s cheeks almost vanished from a subtle blush as he spoke softly. “Gosh…You got somethin’ about you, Bright. It’s like this…spark inside ya. The way ya light up when ya talk about the stars, the sky, or magic. How ya dream to be an astronomer. And seein’ you smile, seein’ you live so carefree and happy, even after all o’ yer hardships…” he trailed off, words suddenly evading him. But then, after a moment, he took one look at Bright and continued. “You shine, Bright. Like, well, the brightest star in the night sky.”

Bright squeezed Big Mac’s hoof tight as he swelled with warmth. All his life, he had admired the beauty of the night sky, but never did he imagine that somepony would compare him to such radiance, even daring to claim that he could outshine it. “Wow…Thank you,” was all Bright could think of to say.

Leaning closer, Big Mac nuzzled Bright’s cheek. “There’s that shine…Then we still have a date? You and me?”

Bright snickered, tickled by both the kind words and the tender gesture. “Definitely.”

“Then, I’ll see ya early in the evenin’. Can ya meet me at town hall ‘round 5:45?”

Bright gave an enthusiastic nod. “Sure, I’ll be there. I can’t wait!”

Big Mac returned a hearty “Eeyup!” as he let go of Bright’s hoof and reached for the door. “See ya there, Sugarcube,” he said, giving one more smile.

“See you.”

With that, Big Mac had gone out the door and Bright closed it after him. The unicorn turned and sat on the floor with his back against the door as he closed his eyes and breathed deeply. He felt palpitations from the complete elation, and Bright held a hoof to his heart, relishing in its passionate rhythm. There were no secrets. No hiding. No shame. Just a new start.

After a moment, Bright noticed a high-pitched sound, somewhat like a gnat flying near his ear. He opened his eyes to see Ivory floating beside him, eyes wide with glee and grinning from cheek to cheek, making an elongated squeal. Bright couldn’t help but break into laughter. “Hey, Ivory. Guess what?” he asked.

“Eeee! What?” she replied, barely able to contain herself.

I’m going on a date tonight!!!” Bright declared at the top of his lungs.

Ivory’s ear-piercing scream rattled the glass on all of Bright’s windows. The electric lamp by his living room sofa and the light hanging over his dining room table shined with increasing brightness until their bulbs popped from overloading power. In retrospect, Bright should’ve foreseen such a reaction, but he was far too overjoyed to even mind. He reveled along with his best friend, whooping and guffawing so loudly that he thought he might have alerted Big Mac.

Big Mac stopped and looked back from a distance away, recognizing Bright’s shine. His heart was aflutter and a burning determination set in as he returned his gaze forward.

I’m gonna give you an unforgettable Hearth’s Warmin’, Bright.

“You've got the music
Got the music, got the music
Got the music in you!”

“Ah! Marvelous work, everypony,” Rarity chimed, clapping her hooves. “Everything sounds pitch perfect for the show!”

“You sound amazing, Fluttershy!” Torch Song complimented. “The audience is going to love you!”

“I second that,” Toe-Tapper added.

Big Mac nodded in agreement. “Eeyup!”

“Oh, thank you. Thank you all for the support. I feel ready to be onstage tonight,” Fluttershy said, demurely, but with resolution in her eyes.

Rarity moved close to share a hug with her. “I'm so proud of you, darling. Now then, Pony Tones, please hydrate, don your uniforms, and take your places in forty minutes.”

Big Mac looked at the clock hanging above the hall’s entrance. 5:15PM. He felt a rise in his chest as he imagined how Bright might react to him performing along with the rest of the Pony Tones. Big Mac was certain he hadn’t mentioned anything about it to Bright before, so he hoped it would be a nice little surprise.

Big Mac held on to his excitement as he trotted to his saddlebag, left sitting at the foot of the stage, and pulled out his uniform. After slipping into his dapper duds, Big Mac pulled his dark green sweater over it all, hiding it away. It was quite warm wearing so many layers, but the extra warmth became trivial with one step outside into the winter air.

The clouds above glowed from the last light of the setting sun. All around town, wreaths and ribbons of green and red decorated every shining street lamp on every corner. Everywhere Big Mac looked, there were ponies caroling, laughing, and wishing everypony well for the season. The smell of gingerbread, chocolate, and a mix of other sweet and savory treats filled the air, wafting from the dozens of booths and stalls of food set up around the square. The sight of it all put a smile on Big Mac’s face.

A small crowd of ponies had gathered near the entrance to town hall, no doubt to watch the Pony Tones’ concert. Big Mac spotted Applejack, Applebloom, and Granny Smith among them and walked over to meet them. Applejack held a cob of corn on a stick in her hoof, which was slathered in what looked like cheese, mayonnaise, and chili powder. Applebloom had a small paper carton of nuggets and happily tossed one into her mouth.

“Hoowee!” Applejack hollered. “I’ll tell ya, you’ll always find some good eatin’ at the festival. How’re ya likin’ those mac n’ cheese knots, Applebloom?”

Applebloom had her mouth full for a second before she answered. “They’re delish! Crunchy on the outside, but gooey an’ cheesy on the inside!”

“Speakin’ o’ mac,” Applejack muttered as she saw Big Mac approaching. “Ya ready for the show tonight, big brother?”

Big Mac nodded. “Eeyup.”

“I bet you’ll sound amazin’, as always, Big Mac!” Applebloom chimed. “I’ll be cheerin’ the loudest for ya.”

“Why, yer voice reminds me of yer Grampy Washington when he used to sing to me as a young mare,” Granny Smith mused.

A bashful smile crept up on Big Mac and he gave a short chuckle. “Shucks…Thanks.” He cleared his throat. “AJ, can ya do me a small favor?”

“Whatcha need, Big Mac?” Applejack asked.

“Can ya keep a seat open for Bright up front with y’all?”

Applejack grinned. “O’ course! He’s practically part of the family already. Ya sure have taken a shine to him, too.”

Big Mac felt a warmth bloom on his cheeks. “E-Eeyup. I jus’…wanna treat him kindly. And don’t mention none ‘bout me bein’ in the show ‘til it starts.”

“Leavin’ a surprise for him, huh, Mac?” She gave a chuckle. “We’ll do our best.”

“Bless that colt’s heart,” Granny wished. “The terror I saw in those eyes last night was the most haunting thing I ever did see.”

Applejack grimaced slightly.

“A pony that nice deserves all the happiness in the world, right?” said Applebloom.

Applejack replied with a nod, “You’re darn right, Applebloom.” She moved next to Big Mac and patted his back with a hoof. “Bright’ll be more than welcome with us, Mac. Don’tcha worry.”

Big Mac smiled and affectionately leaned his head on Applejack’s. “Much appreciated.”

Just then, the town hall doors were opened wide by the concert’s running crew and the audience was being ushered in.

Applebloom noted, “Looks like it’s time to grab our seats.”

“Y’all go on in,” Big Mac said. “I told Bright I’d meet him here.”

Applejack nudged Big Mac on his foreleg. “Alright. Break a leg in there, big brother!”

After a quick round of hugs to his family, Big Mac watched them enter the building. Then, he checked his sweater, wondering if his Pony Tones uniform showed on the outside. It seemed inconspicuous enough. Satisfied, Big Mac then turned and looked around the square for his coltfriend.


Big Mac almost couldn’t believe it while he pondered on the idea. He had always thought that he was straight and never had any reason to doubt it. He enjoyed a few dates with some mares, but he never caught feelings for any stallions. Did he like stallions or was Bright the only exception? Then again, does it even matter to begin with?

It ain’t ever foolish to trust your heart and believe in love.

That was the wisdom Big Mac imparted onto Bright. The unicorn had been hurt once. Badly hurt. All because he shared his feelings to somepony who only repaid him in anger. The thought made the workhorse grumble in irritation. Big Mac couldn’t understand why some ponies would act so hateful to others that seek love from the same gender. It shouldn’t matter. True and genuine love brings happiness. Shouldn’t everypony have a chance to find it?

Then, a blue spot caught Big Mac’s eye among the ponies in the bustling square. It was Bright, wearing the same burgundy sweater and yellow bow tie he wore the previous night. He still looks so cute, Big Mac thought, finding himself smiling while watching Bright trot closer. He waved at the unicorn and Bright’s stride seemed to quicken.

“Howdy, Bright,” Big Mac greeted.

“Good evening, Big Mac.” Bright grinned as he came to a stop.

“Ya look real nice tonight.”

“Heh. Thanks.” The blush blooming on Bright’s cheeks was as plain as day. “You look handsome too. Though, you’re wearing more than you were this morning. You’re not catching a cold, are you?”

“Nnope.” He was, however, feeling a bit too toasty for his liking. Big Mac just needed to sell this for a tad longer. “You excited?”

Bright nodded. “And kinda nervous too, but I can’t really help it.”

“S’alright, Sugarcube.” Big Mac nudged his head, gesturing to town hall. “The Pony Tones’ concert’s gonna start in a li’l bit.”

“I haven’t heard of them before. What are they like?”

“They’re a quintet of singers. Real popular here in Ponyville. I hear from everypony that they got amazin’ voices and their covers are somethin’ ya have to listen to live.”

“Oh, is this gonna be your first time watching them?”

Big Mac bit his cheek. “Well…I s’pose you could say that.” …if I was jus’ watchin’.

“Then, let’s go. I bet it’ll be great!” Bright beamed, turning to enter town hall.

“Er…You go on ahead of me, Bright.”

“Huh? Aren’t you coming?”

“I just…gotta grab a drink o’ water.” Technically not a lie. “Applejack’s got a seat waitin’ for ya at the front row. I’ll see ya there.”

“O-Okay. See you in a bit!” Bright trotted inside, seemingly unaware of anything.

Big Mac watched on. The farm stallion wasn’t too good at keeping secrets, but he was glad that he didn’t need to stretch the truth much. He sighed, yet the beat of his heart kept a brisk pace. In just a few minutes, the curtain would rise and Bright would see Big Mac take the stage with his friends. The extra layer of warmth he wore was starting to prove too much as sweat started to bead on his brow.

Really gonna need that water now, Macintosh.

“Showtime in two minutes, Pony Tones.” A stagehand announced with a hushed voice while the Pony Tones awaited backstage in anticipation. Torch Song and Toe Tapper were on the off left wing, helping each other with their pre-performance rituals. Rarity had pulled Fluttershy to the far corner, where she gave some last minute encouragement to alleviate the timid filly’s lingering stage fright.

Meanwhile, Big Mac quietly walked up to the curtain and peeked through a small crack to look over the audience. There, in the first row, he could see his family and Bright, sitting next to Applejack. Bright and Applejack were exchanging a dialogue with each other. Big Mac couldn’t hear what they were saying over the chatter of the rest of the audience, but Applejack seemed concerned or distressed while Bright offered her words of comfort, judging by how he smiled at her as he spoke. Then, Bright sat tall, looking around the audience, no doubt searching for a sign of Big Mac. It pained Big Mac to make Bright wait and wonder where he was, but hopefully the unicorn would be greatly surprised in just a few more moments.

For a second, there was a sensation in Big Mac’s chest, like he was about to step off into a long fall. His heart pounded and his hooves trembled. It’s just another show, Macintosh. Give ‘em yer best. Big Mac took a deep breath in and a sharp puff out to loosen his nerves.

The stage lights began to dim and the ground rumbled as the audience stomped their hooves in cheers. Big Mac looked at his sides and saw his friends standing beside him, determined and eager. Then, when the lights were out and the audience settled into silence, Rarity, Fluttershy, Torch Song, and Toe Tapper all enriched the still air of the stage with a resonating harmony. The curtain arose and Big Mac took a large step forward, center stage.

The winter may be cold and dark.
Frost Bite’s chill is flurrying on your nose.
The ice makes your hooves slip and slide.
And wind gusts harder than a herd of windigoes.

His voice carried a calm, adagio melody that easily filled the hall. Its deep bass was strong and powerful, yet still tame that it didn’t outshine the harmonies backing him up. As he sang, the stage lights slowly flared to life and the first thing Big Mac saw was Bright, agape in awe.

But when I’m with you…

Their eyes locked while the last note lingered and Big Mac could make out the warmth of the stage reflected in Bright’s heterochromatic eyes. For one fleeting moment, it was just the two of them, alone together…

Then, the tempo picked up with a swing-style jazz beat. The audience surged into cheers and hoof stomps. Big Mac gained a spring in his step as the music moved his body and he strutted his stuff to the crowd.

It just takes one smile and the snow melts away.
Just one touch and my heart takes flight.
Just one kiss and it feels like summer.
And it lasts all through the night.

Big Mac filled the space of the stage, stepping in time to the rhythm with a smile and suave swagger. Normally, he wasn’t one to crave the spotlight, but he knew Bright’s eyes were glued to him. A shiver ran down his spine at the thought while the fur on his back tried to stand on end beneath his attire. He had to give him a great show.

There’s no blizzard that can keep us apart.
I’d brave mountains of ice and sleet.
The Frozen North can’t even stop me.
Because only you make me complete.

A few mares in the audience squealed in a frenzy of infatuation. Big Mac was sure that one of them must have swooned. It wasn’t the first time, but it was still extremely flattering to him. He never thought that he could have such a charismatic presence onstage. He glanced Bright’s way once more and the unicorn was bouncing and swaying in his seat to the beat, indulging in the groove. Big Mac’s heart was aflutter.

And it just takes one smile and the snow melts away.
Just one touch and my heart takes flight.
Just one kiss and it feels like summer.
And it lasts all through the night.

With one last harmony, the song came to an end, but silence was a pipe dream. Big Mac looked out at the audience while applause and hoof stomps erupted in raucous delight. He saw the other Apples and Bright, cheering him on the loudest in the front row and he shot them a smile and a subtle wink before taking a humble bow. The esteem and adoration from the crowd were such a rare pleasure for Big Mac to bask in. And still, he and the other Pony Tones had the rest of their set to perform. Not to mention, the night was young, and Big Mac still had the rest of his date with Bright to look forward to.

“That concert was spectacular!” Bright remarked, completely enamored as he and Big Mac exited town hall. “I had no idea you had such an amazing singing voice!”

Big Mac’s face had a blush and a shy smile, appreciative of Bright’s compliments. “Aw, it ain’t no big deal.”

“Are you kidding?” Bright bumped against Big Mac’s shoulder. “I heard Miss Rarity say that this was your best performance yet.”

“Mighty kind of her to say,” Big Mac said with a chuckle.

“Speaking of kindness, I gotta say that I’m really touched with how welcoming your family has been. Before the concert started, Applejack apologized to me again about last night. She was so sincere. And Applebloom and Granny Smith are so easy to talk to. I’ve honestly never felt so at home with ponies I just met.”

It was heartwarming to know that Bright was getting along so harmoniously with the other Apples. That alone was very telling that Big Mac had found a pony of quality character. “I’m real glad, Sugarcube.”

Laughter and cheering erupted all around the two stallions as they strolled into the full swing of the festival. The heart of Ponyville glowed with a merry display of lights while ponies were enjoying a whole assortment of activities: horseshoe tossing, fishing for rings, apple bobbing, and snow-sculpting, among others.

A loud and distinct voice cut through the chatter of the festival. “Step right up, fillies and gentlecolts! Test your bucking skills and try to ring the bell!” A stout blue earth stallion announced to the crowd, standing right by a high striker game. The stallion wore white and black skimmer hat and had an expertly-kempt handlebar mustache. Bright slowed to a stop, eyeing the game.

“Hey, I’ve never tried one of these before. Mind if I take a crack at it?” he asked.

“Heh. Go ahead, Sugarcube.”

Bright trotted up to the barker, who spotted him approaching. “Looky here, folks. A new contender is stepping up to the challenge!”

“How much to try?” Bright asked.

“That’ll be two bits for one buck, my friend!”

Bright dug into the pocket of his sweater and, with his magic, he gave the needed change to the barker. Big Mac moved closer to watch Bright as he stepped to the bucking target. The unicorn looked back and lined himself up, appearing pensive and calculating for a few seconds. Then, he planted his forehooves on the ground for leverage and mustered up the strength in his hind legs for his hardest buck.


The weight rose fairly high, though it didn’t have enough force to reach the top.

“A very hearty effort, friend!” The barker tipped his hat.

“Nice goin’, Bright,” Big Mac complimented.

Bright smiled. “Thanks. You wanna try?”

“Hmm…Eeyup.” Big Mac nodded.

The barker jovially chortled. “Certainly, this strapping stallion can do it! He’s got that earth pony strength!”

Big Mac had no doubts that he could do it, of course. His namesake size spoke for itself, but he felt compelled to show off a little in front of Bright. He paid the barker and lined up with the target like he would one of the trees in the orchard. He breathed deep and then…


With just his left hind leg, Big Mac slammed the target and the weight shot up like a bullet into the bell.

“Haha! What I tell ya!” The barker cheered. “And this gentlecolt made it look so easy using just one leg!”

Big Mac looked Bright’s way and found himself in a fit of laughter seeing his coltfriend with his jaw dropped and a hint of a blush.

Then, the barker approached Big Mac with a hoofball-sized plush toy of what looked like a white dragon. “Thank you both for playing. Here’s your prize, sir,” he said, presenting the plush to Big Mac.

“Thank ya kindly,” Big Mac replied, taking the toy with his teeth before continuing on his way to explore what the festival offered.

Meanwhile, Bright blinked away his initial shock and trotted to catch up. As he arrived at Big Mac’s side, Big Mac passed the dragon plush to Bright.

“Here. Fer you,” he said through his teeth.

Bright’s horn glowed and he stared blankly at the plush while it levitated in his magical. He still appeared dumbfounded. “H-How the heck did you manage to get that strong? You made it look so darn easy!”

“Spent years workin’ the farm, ever since I was a colt.” Big Mac smiled proudly. “Also helps that earth pony magic runs strong in the Apple clan.”

Awed, Bright could only manage a chuckle. “Wow…You didn’t even need to use both hooves to win that game.”

“I had to hold back. If I used all my strength in that buck, I’d most likely crash the whole thing down,” Big Mac stated.

A strange noise, a mix of a laugh and a gasp, escaped Bright’s mouth. “Just how strong are you?” he asked.

The question gave Big Mac pause. He couldn’t recall the last time he truly struggled to lift, push, or pull anything. “Hmm…I couldn’t tell ya any specifics…but I s’pose there was one time I managed to pull a whole house,” he said as though it was the most normal thing in the world.

Bright stopped in his tracks. “…You’re joking, right?”

Thinking about it once more, Big Mac did see how the whole notion sounded rather far-fetched. Still, it was the truth and Big Mac would be nothing if not honest. “Nnope!” He shook his head with an impish grin.

“Get outta town!” Bright laughed, pushing Big Mac’s shoulder with a hoof, though the farm stallion was hardly shaken.

Big Mac broke into his own short laugh. “It’s true. I could tell ya the whole story.”

Just then, there was a clear audible grumbling that came from Bright’s stomach, which caused the unicorn to shrink slightly. But then, he looked at Big Mac with sudden assurance. “You know what? I’d love that! But first, I’m buying us something to eat.”

Big Mac’s playful demeanor faltered. “Now, hold on, Bright. You don’t gotta spend your bits on me for anythin’.”

“I want to, though. I have to thank you somehow for that concert and for this cute little guy,” Bright reasoned, holding up the dragon plush. “I’m not taking ‘Nnope’ for an answer. I’m buying you dinner.” He returned a grin, looking cheeky.

Big Mac sighed. It was clear to him that Bright’s heart was set and no amount of strength was going to make him budge. “Alright, but next time’s my treat.”

Bright nodded. “Deal.”

“…and Cheerilee told the girls that she and I would be havin’ a picnic at the gazebo.”

Bright stifled a snicker while he had a bite of butternut squash risotto in his mouth. “No…”

“Eeyup! Then, she turned to me and said, ‘Ready, Sugar Bear?’ and I said, ‘Eeyup, Pumpkin Pie.’”

Bright snorted, bumping his hoof on the lunch table and trying not to disturb the ponies that surrounded them in the picnic area. “Sweet Luna, Big Mac! That’s a Hearts and Hooves Day to remember.”

“Well, to be honest, a lot o’ what happened while I was under that love poison is kinda hazy to me, but Applebloom filled me in on the details,” Big Mac explained before he finished his last bite of risotto.

Bright was satisfied, finishing his plate while he listened to Big Mac recounting his tale. “So, you’re sure that pulling a cart of iron anvils and an entire house wasn’t just your little sister exaggerating?” he asked.

“Eeyup. You can still see the drag marks if you go further down that road.” Big Mac pointed southward.

“Gosh, you talk about all that like it was just an average day.”

“Well,” Big Mac reclined against the back of his bench seat, his forelegs folded on his belly. “I s’pose stranger things have happened on a regular basis here in Ponyville.”

Bright nodded. “Yeah. When there’s a princess living in your town, I’m sure there’s bound to be a lot of crazy days.”

“Even in the days before Miss Twilight became a princess. My sister and her friends all get into their own brand of craziness…Parasprite infestation, makin’ a hibernatin’ dragon move, reformin’ the Spirit of Chaos…” Big Mac’s words dwindled, yet his thoughts persisted. Savin’ Equestria from Nightmare Moon, a changelin’ invasion, a power-hungry centaur…

There was a slight pause. A feeling of discontent festered in Big Mac’s chest.

“Big Mac? Is something wrong?”

Big Mac blinked and realized he’d been staring off into space. “S-Sorry. Just a lot o’ things happen when yer sister’s a hero ‘n all…”

The knitted brow that Bright had on was telling that the unicorn was a bit concerned. “You looked a bit bummed out…”

Shoot…Bright shouldn’t hafta be worryin’ ‘bout me. Big Mac thought. Still though, Bright was able to read him and it didn’t feel right to shy away from him when he trusted Big Mac with his own secrets. “Can ya promise to keep this only between us?”

Bright pursed his lips slightly and gave a few tiny nods. “I promise.”

After moving his finished plate to the side, Big Mac rested one hoof over the other on the table, fidgeting with the fur on his foreleg. “O’ course ya already know, my sister and her friends have a lotta responsibility protectin’ and travelin’ around Equestria. I’m truly, truly proud o’ her and all the incredible things she’s done, but…” He looked down at the table, gripping his leg tighter. He continued in a softer, almost guilty tone. “…sometimes…I can’t help but feel a bit envious o’ her. E-Everypony in Ponyville’s always thankin’ her and lookin’ up to her like she’s a hero—and she is—but then…what’s there for her older brother? Whenever there’s danger, my sister will always run head first into it, but I can’t do anythin’ to protect her or make sure she’s safe. Sure, I got my strength, but I ain’t ever done anythin’ close to amazin’ like she has. I wish I could have a chance to be more like her, but…I ain’t no hero…I’m just…yer run-o’-the-mill, honest-workin’ apple farmer. I guess that’s all I’ll ever be…” Big Mac finished, a burning sting building in his eye. He blinked a few times before it subsided.

He felt a hoof on his and he lifted his eyes. Bright looked back at him with empathy.

Big Mac shook his head and grumbled. “There I go, runnin’ my mouth. I shouldn’t be so selfish.”

“You’re not selfish, Big Mac,” Bright consoled. “And, for what it’s worth, I think you’re more than you give yourself credit for. Like I said this morning, aside from my dad, you’re the first pony to embrace me. For the first time, I feel comfortable just being myself around somepony.”

Big Mac took a quick second to look around the picnic area, checking if anypony could’ve been listening. All clear. “Well, I shouldn’t take all the credit. I did need a good nudge to open my mind ‘bout you seein’ ghosts n’ all,” he admitted, thinking back to a couple days ago. “Yer friend Ivory’s lookin’ out for ya, too.”

Bright smiled and gripped Big Mac’s hoof a bit more firmly. “Still, you went out of your way to make it right with me, and I value that a great deal.” He breathed. “I used to think that I’d live my whole life with only ghosts to keep me company, and that everypony else would just see me as a…freak that hears voices in his head.” His lip started to quiver and his eyes grew misty. He sniffled another breath. “But…now, you see me for who I truly am, and I don’t have to be alone anymore. That’s all I have ever wanted.” He shed a couple tears, but Bright took a second to wipe them away and collect himself. Then, he returned to Big Mac with a more brilliant smile. “…I guess, what I’m trying to say is that you’re my hero.”

There was a sudden rise within Big Mac that instilled him with a burst of elation. Bright expressed a deep appreciation for Big Mac, valuing him for far more than his worth as a farm stallion, which no pony outside his family had ever done before. He realized in that moment that he had managed to create a change in somepony’s life for the better. Now, Bright could shine that beautiful and wondrous shine because of the friendship Big Mac showed him. Perhaps, that was the magic of friendship at work.

“Bright…” Big Mac was truly at a loss for words. He looked at Bright’s hoof and he moved his legs so that he could hold it with both of his own hooves.

Bright’s cheeks burned a light red as he shyly turned his head slightly to the side, his shoulders narrowing. “I’m…really lucky to have met you.”

With a warmth in his chest, Big Mac chuckled softly. “I feel the same way.”

The sky was open and clear over the snow-powdered dirt road leading back to Bright’s home. Bright breathed in contentment as he and Big Mac ambled on. He reflected on the memorable evening he had while he examined the adorable plush dragon that Big Mac won for him. The dragon glowed purple, surrounded by Bright’s magic, but he could discern that it was white with a cream yellow underbelly that ran down to its short stubby tail. The horns on its head curled down and back, like short ram horns, and its tiny wings were bat-like. Bright beamed fondly at the plush before he let it rest and ride on his back. He shifted his gaze to Big Mac.

The bigger stallion wore his own smile. It was far more vibrant than the first time they’d walked together on the first day of winter. His green eyes shimmered in the pale blue light of Luna’s waning gibbous, just now rising above the horizon.

For a moment, Bright was in disbelief that the stallion beside him was real. Handsome, incredibly strong, a phenomenal singer, and so gentle and understanding, Big Mac was an extraordinary pony, far greater than Bright could have ever dreamed of.

“You alright, Bright? It ain’t too cold for ya?” Big Mac asked.

Bright blinked as he was pulled away from his thoughts. “No, not at all. Just…I had a really great time. Thanks so much for tonight.”

“My pleasure. I had fun bein’ with ya.” Big Mac looked bashful and Bright could imagine that he was blushing as well.

Bright looked up at the stars. They weren’t as prominent tonight with the light of the moon, but they still shimmered wondrously. A blue star even dazzled Bright’s eye with a twinkle. He considered making a wish, but what more could he ask for? He was starting to live to the fullest and he had somepony to share it with.

Ivory and their conversation this morning came to mind and Bright was reminded that he wanted to have his first kiss with Big Mac. Should I ask him right now? Or would he think that’s weird out of nowhere? Horsefeathers, how has the right moment not come up yet? Everything else has been amazing.

It was then Bright realized that the two of them arrived at the short stone path leading up to his house. The walk passed him by a bit too quickly and he grew slightly disappointed that he might have missed his chance.

“Oh! Home already…”

“Eeyup. Do ya…wanna do somethin’ like this again soon?” Big Mac asked.

“Yeah, I’d love to.” Bright nodded. Maybe, a better chance will come on another date…Aw, come on, Bright! Why are you so scared? Just go for it! “Though, to be honest, I…uh…Could I…” Palpitations had caught the words in Bright’s throat. He took a breath, but before he could try again, another blue twinkle glittered from the sky and caught Bright’s attention. “Huh…?” He looked up, scanning for the strange light. It certainly was no ordinary star.

“Bright, what’s the…matter…?” Big Mac trailed off, lifting his gaze as well.

Just then. dozens and dozens of tiny blue crystals appeared, shimmering in the moonlight, slowly and gracefully descending around the two stallions. They all decorated the sky like the most brilliant of stars and a subtle bell-like chime resonated from them. One fell before Bright and he caught it in his hoof. The sparkling jewel was shaped like a teardrop, but then, it glowed and reformed into a heart-shaped horseshoe of ice before melting into water.

Bright’s eyes widened. “Oh my Celestia…These are Windigo tears.”

Big Mac seemed confused, yet intrigued. “Windigo tears? I ain’t ever heard of somethin’ like that.”

“They’re extremely rare…I’ve only read about them in old Hearth’s Warming stories. They say that Windigos cry when they feel the warmth of affection for the first time. When their tears fall, they take the form of symbols of love,” Bright explained.

The icy tears that fell to rest on the ground around them glowed and transformed into small crystal roses, swans, rings, and apples. Big Mac was evidently awed with witnessing such elusive magic. He crouched to examine the small enchanted sculptures more closely. “Gosh…Ain’t that a beautiful sight?” he admired, touching a frozen apple that was as clear as glass.

Bright’s attention was caught by some tears that began to glow as they landed on the roof of his house. They didn’t immediately take shape, but instead flowed down the slope until they met and combined, hanging off the edge of the roof over Bright’s front doorstep. The augmented tear grew a stem, then branched, then formed leaves and berries before finally crystallizing.

Bright felt his heart jump when he recognized what the tear had shaped into. Was this an unspoken wish being granted? A blessing from Luna herself? He turned to Big Mac, who was still delighting in the other tears falling around them. This was it. This had to be it. The moment that Bright was waiting for. His palpitations returned. Easy, Bright. You’re okay. You’ll always be okay with him.

“Hey, Big Mac.”

Big Mac perked his head up. “Eeyup?”

“There was something that I wanted to do…I-I have a present for you.” Bright started.

The expression Big Mac returned was gentle, yet his eyes sparked with joy as he stood upright and approached Bright. Bright felt his hooves tremble, both from excitement and nervousness, and his face burned when Big Mac stood directly in front of him. Stars, was he always this tall?

“That’s awful nice of ya, Sugarcube. What is it?”

Bright could just melt from Big Mac calling him that. It was proof that the farm stallion had strong feelings for him. Bright could still remember the warmth of being held snug and kissed on his cheek. He hoped to return that feeling. “Look up.”

Big Mac did as he was told and noticed the tear suspended above them both. “Hmm?” He seemed perplexed at first, but after a moment, he gradually came to perceive what he was looking at. “Ain’t that mistle—“

Before the thought could be finished, Bright had closed his eyes, moved his muzzle close, and meshed his lips with the bigger stallion’s. He was tense at first, but then, he felt a gentle push against his muzzle and a hoof caressing his left cheek. It was a tender touch that did wonders to soothe Bright’s nerves. His stiff muscles unwound and he breathed slowly through his nose. A woodsy scent was detected with a subtle sweetness to it that reminded Bright of the amazing apple pie he tasted the night before.

Then, there was a shift. Big Mac’s head tilted and his firm, yet supple lips parted slightly before Bright felt his teeth softly nip and tug on his lower lip. Bright’s heart fluttered, a pleasurable shock ran down his spine, and his breath ran short.

The unicorn slowly pulled away with a soft gasp. He opened his eyes and time seemed to stop as he admired his coltfriend’s sparkling emerald gaze resting on him. The smile that Big Mac wore filled Bright with an incredible sense of pure joy that he couldn’t remember ever feeling before. Standing before him was somepony that wanted to be with him, despite his unusual nature. And though their evening was drawing to a close, this only marked the beginning of something so very grand for the two of them.

Bright wrapped his hooves around his coltfriend for a tight embrace. “Happy Hearth’s Warming, Big Mac,” he wished.

Big Mac happily returned the warmth in kind. “Happy Hearth’s Warmin’, Bright.”


Author's Note:

Thank you for reading this story all the way to the end! If you've been following this story for the past couple years, I sincerely apologize for the long wait for this chapter. There will be more to come and you won't have to wait that long for the story to continue.

I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!