• Member Since 15th Mar, 2016
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago


Y'all don't hear me, you just wanna fap | The Death Writer | Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/lewdchapter

Comments ( 67 )

Jesus Christ. Remove the Sex tag from this already. I have seen and enjoyed my fair share of messed-up things in my life, but the fact that this is well-written and cohesive enough to distinguish itself from some of the hastily typed murder gore fetish fantasies of 13-year old teenagers venting their metal issues makes it so much worse. Because your writing is good, while the story told is horrible in a lot of ways that validate your warnings.

If this is what you are into, and you were able to write it without constantly jerking off to what clearly excites you, more power to you. But even medieval torture of witches has been more sex-driven than this. Adagio's dick, which she loved to swing around a bit too much to ignore it, may as well have been her feet, a strap-on or the barrel of a gun in this scenario because of how one-sided it was.

I'm going to offer you the choice of two responses from me; one mature and one very much so not. Feel free to take either or both of them to heart.

Mature response
Firstly, thank you for complimenting my writing, regardless of how backhandededly you did so. I mean, I do aim to be a better writer than a mentally-challenged 13 year old (I'm a mentally-challenged 13 1/2 year old, it's time people recognized that!), so your validation of that point means a lot to me. Secondly, and more importantly, this is my fetish, and it was actually quite difficult to finish writing, what with my massive erection hitting my keyboard every few minutes. And, if you believe that cock needs to be the focus of a story in order for it to require a sex tag, then... Well, you don't really know what sex is, I suppose. The scenarios you describe in which Adagio uses her feet, a toy, or a gun are all equally sexual, to different people and for different reasons (I mean, I'm down for it. The gun especially is an exciting prospect. Firearms are sexy). Furthermore, humiliation and dehumanization are rather large prospects of BDSM, which, I think we both can agree, is a wholly sexual thing.

I mean, at the end of the day, this is still a story about Sonata being tied to a table, having items forcibly shoved into her various orifices, and called things like "slut" and "fuckpig". Whether Adagio and her cock are there or not, there's no arguing the sexual nature of the situation. Is it fun? No. Is it sex in the way that a normal human would recognize sex? Hopefully not, that'd defeat the purpose of writing it. But is it requiring of a Sex tag? Fo sho.

Basically, what I'm saying is that I'm genuinely sorry that I didn't include Adagio's massive, smelly, glorious futa schlong enough. I'll be sure to mention it more in future stories of this nature. I'm new to this genre, so forgive me if my first few stories are a bit rough 'round the edges.

Immature response

i cant help but read that mature response in a sarcastic tone and the immature response just made me laugh

Everything I say is at least a little sarcastic, so feel free to interpret basically every word out of my mouth with heavy, exaggerated air quotes.

im a sarcastic guy too so i was chuckling while i was reading it

That's some freaky shit. Cool.

Cause it makes my dick hard.

Next question

I still read the whole damn thing. Your writing was compelling enough for me to do that. Compliment end.

Constructive feedback begin. The endings to to stories are still too abrupt. Both No Brainer and this have a solid beginning, gradual exposure to why things are happening and a powerful climax... and then there's a sudden cut. Boom. Thank you for reading, never do it again. If you are just writinf for the sake of the fetish, that works. If you want to improve, try to wiggle in enough of an aftermath that readers get closure to the problems of the characterd they got invested in. Construct feedback end.

Final note: you've got yout own brand of humor. Everyone loves a bit of comedy. Flex your muscle in tha department and you can even get away with a story about how Pinkie's dad makes her put glass into her vagina.


I appreciate the feedback, but I wouldn't hold my breath on seeing any real growth here. This story, as the case with No Brainer, and the case with anything that LewdChapter releases moving forward, was simply for the sake of creating stories that fit my fetishes because no one else will. And, frankly, I struggle with the sudden cuts even in my actual, non-fetish-fuel works. I just suck at ending stories. At this point, I just call it part of my style, like the ending of The Sopranos.

Any and all humor in either of these stories started out entirely accidentally. It just kinda happened. I don't know if that reflects more on me or my audience that there was anything even chuckle-worthy in this abomination.

Thanks for not being a dick about things, and you're a fucking lunatic for reading this whole thing through. You da man.

Maybe it's because I have missed up fetishes but I rather enjoyed it. I'm not a very big fan of the Futa stuff but I enjoyed the rest regardless. Would have preferred if they used strapons or something but whatever. Also Adagio must have been planning for this in advance if she was able to fill two buckets with urine in just a couple of minutes. Either that or she must have bladder issues.

She had been pissing in those buckets for a week or so in preparation. No one has to pee that badly.

Sorry about the futa thing, it's just a personal taste of mine. I love cock, so I like to include it in some manner. Toys just don't do it for me. The idea of a plastic or rubber dildo just doesn't have the same allure to me, so I typically just say "fuck it, they're futas". If the story doesn't make a whole lot of logical sense anyway, why not just give them a dick?

Glad you enjoyed

If it's your thing it's your thing. Who am I to judge. Me personally I'm not even a fan of guy on girl. Unless the scenario is especially spicy. I am however a fan of BDSM and rape play and I think it's well written and has some fun scenarios. All the down votes seem to be harsh though.

I'm taking those downvotes to mean that I've disgusted and offended the general populace. That was kinda the point. So mission accomplished!

I know how you feel about the guy on girl thing. Not to assume your gender/sexuality, but I'm guessing you're a heterosexual male. You've got no real reason to look for dick, but strap-ons and toys and girl-on-girl make perfect sense. I used to be much the same way.

This is getting weird and off-topic, so, basically what I'm saying is, thanks for understanding, and I hope to see you around at some point in the future.

Yeah I'm a straight male. Futanari may not be my thing but as long as there's at least one vagina in the story I'll get some mileage out of it. It's funny because the thing that got me into erotic fan fiction was when I listened to the audio play "The Midnight in Me" By the New York Brony read by Wubcake. Which was a futa clop fic. Anyway sure I'll keep watching. I know it's ironic but I'm not that into pony stuff. Mostly look out for anything with Adagio or Midnight Sparkle.

Such adorable sisterly antics.
Also nice ending.

You just made my day by being here. Thanks for reading, Senpai. I love you forever.


Despite how utterly disturbing this was, I found it greatly enjoyable and even got in a few small chuckles. This is definitely something people should read when they want a change of pace. :twilightsmile:

Thanks for reading. I disagree with you, though. I don't think anyone should ever read this, or anything else I write, under any circumstances.

If I had to guess, you wrote something you believed or hoped no one should like but then it becomes popular.
I know I’ve tried that once or twice.

I wrote this with the expectation that, eventually, some sick freaks like me would stumble their way across it.

I wrote this with the assumption that, for every like it earned, it would earn several more dislikes, as it should be.

But, most of all, I wrote this to give myself something to jerk off to.

Either way my friend, you have earned my Follow. :twilightsmile:

If you found any amusement in this story, you are a sick, twisted human being.

I tip my hat to you, good brother.

wow, that was an interesting story, kinda funny at sonata's humiliation for her sisters

The part with the Stun Gun was electrifying! Well done good sir!

I mean, I managed to get off, but I didn't really enjoy it. Which has me questioning both why I tried so hard when I could've just gone to a different story, and when I get to read "Sonata murders her sisters."

I was supposed to do another, unrelated story where Sonata kills her sisters over tacos, but I never got around to it. Maybe sometime soon.

poor sonata. damn you Adagio... the most brutal rape lol.... the lighter and piss XD

I thought One of the buckets was going to contain gasoline

Too easy. And besides, she wouldn't be able to cum in Nata's eyes if her head burst into a great big fireball.

It would have been quicker though

Who said Ada wanted things to go quickly? If she wanted to kill Sonata quickly, she could've strangled her on her sleep.

But that's lame

You’re right, I’m also guessing Adagio and Aria came back to their house on fire

Probably. Don't think on it too hard

What does that mean?

It means you're overthinking the story. Don't worry about what happens after, or what would make more sense. Just enjoy what's written


I also have irrelevant Blonde Redhead songs

My music sounds better and easily describes our conversation falling apart

Best siren abusing worst siren? Great stuff!

There is no such thing as worst Siren. They're all the best, except Aria is a little more the best than the others.

But Adagio and Aria are totes bestier, Sonata admitted such on risk of being burned again! :trollestia:

Woah. 69 upvotes to 69 downvotes. Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.

Who the fuck hurt you?

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Comment posted by Yubella deleted Oct 12th, 2020
Comment posted by Yubella deleted Oct 12th, 2020
Comment posted by LewdChapter deleted Oct 12th, 2020
Comment posted by Yubella deleted Oct 12th, 2020
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