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Consume all the Turnips

Comments ( 13 )
Vitae #1 · Jan 24th, 2017 · · 1 ·

Well now.
If the queen of rape and murder says ok then I've got to read this shit!

Aaaand that was nightmare inducing.

Every dark and dreary genre tag under the sun, and Slice of Life? :applejackconfused:

The main reason I let them put it in this world is to give some detail on 'gender relations' in the world that don't get explicitly explained in the story. IE This isn't the tired old 'Fall of Equestria' crap that so many other fanfics do. This is a world where they actually have a 'male elimination program' where the food/water supply is tainted so that no one gives birth to a colt, and those that circumvent this can have their entire family executed. Futa potions and magic have made the only thing that stallions do right obsolete, so why keep them around? When they conquered the griffons, they made them start the same process, though they were lucky, most of the other races they conquered were outright genocided.

And I like how it highlights the horrible racism that causes contradictions like this. She's simultaneously his inferior due to him being a unicorn and her an earth pony, and his superior because he is male. This also makes her being unable to please him more severe though, since stallions are seen as easy-to-please morons.

7893170 I think that's a pretty good description of what this world was like by the end of the main fic.

7893109 why the fuck do you click on this stuff when it's obvious what it is, and the leave stupid comments like that

You should continue this. :rainbowdetermined2:

I really need to

Ya see, im in a mix of emotions right now. Half of the kinks in this are kinks that I like and half are my blacklist material. Im torn between following and liking and drinking a cocktail of drain-o.

I actually kind of liked this just because it actually shows us how bad life in Celestias relaxing vacation world is. There’s not really much of that in the main fic so this was a nice change of pace from focusing mainly on celestia herself

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