• Published 2nd Nov 2017
  • 455 Views, 3 Comments

Ani de Lumini - Celesti Lateo

This is the Years of the Lights, when good ponies died in the name of Justice, Freedom and new, bright future. Long live the Revolution, for if it does not, all will have been in vain.

  • ...


"Hey, mister Onix?", the colt asks.


"You don't look like the other grown-up, you don't speak like them, why's that?"

I raise an eyebrow at him. The foal is really perceptive, he would have made a good Thinker...

"Well, I was fortunate enough to go to school, so it might be that."

"Really!? I don't know anyone who learned their letters and stuff!"

I laugh softly at his exuberance.

"Well, I learned a bit more than just that..."

"Yeah? What else did you learn?"


"Just tell him the whole story", Roză interject. "Beside, we've still got a ways to go, so it'll pass the time."

I glance at the colt's face and see his eyes, wide and hopeful.

"Fine, so it goes like this..."

Today is the day! Your father sacrificed a lifetime of work so you could get an education, and here I am! A cafe of intellectuals! I'll make you proud, Papa!

I walk to the entrance, the facade of the building all in elegant wood and stone work, as well as with planters filled with colourful flowers. As I near the door, a staff member notices me and comes to me.

"Master Onix?", he asks.

Well, I guess my dark coat and black mane are a rather glaring giveaway.

"Y-yes, that's me!"

Curses! Don't stutter, you fool!

"Please, follow me", he says, bowing and entering the cafe.

I do as asked, and he leads me to a room (a salon, it's a salon), and opens the door.

"Ah! Master Onix, I presume?", a yellow (golden?) stallion asks. "Come on in and sit down, we were eagerly awaiting your arrival!"

I do so, sitting down on a cushion next to the stallion.

"I am sorry for making you wait-"

"Nonsense!", a blue mare says. "You are just in time, nothing to be sorry about."

"Quite right! Now, now, Master Onix, let us begin! If you would, could you tell us what are your thoughts on the Kingdom? We get so little information from the point of view of those less fortunate than ourselves. How could we help if we do not know what the problem is? Though, if you could, do tell us, do you understand how the government works?"

Calm down, it's okay, they want you here, you're their equal. You are. Fuck!

"Master Onix?"

"Sorry! I just-"

"Bah, don't worry about it!", another stallion says. "It's okay to feel like you're going to wet yourself!"

I flush, embarrassed beyond words.

"Master Porumbel!", the yellow stallion protest. "So sorry, he never mince his words!"

"That's okay! I am nervous, so... anyway. The government of Varania is a monarchy, headed by the Emerald King. Under him are the nobles, hereditary landowner, who assemble at the Senate to legislate and second the King."

"Good, good. And how do you think the government should work?"

"I think that, the Senate, instead of being an assembly of the nobles, should be an assembly of elected officials, equally divided between the three tribes, assisted by a assembly of the people's representative who would apply the laws passed by the Senate."

"Elected? Interesting...you're a democrat, then?"

"Of course! Earth Ponies and Pegasi should have equal say in the government!"

"What about the King?", Master Porumbel asks.

"Well...If the three tribes are equals, then that means the King could marry anypony, thus his heir could be a Pegasus or even an Earth Pony, so I don't really have a problem with the Crown, as long as it's power have clear and defined limits."

"Limits? And what would those be?", the blue mare asks.

"The King should not be able to torment his subject. No punishment without justification. No declaration of war without the people's assent."

The assembled ponies hum and whisper their agreement.

"Quite!", Master Porumbel interject. "I'd even say..."

I did it! I managed to not totally embarrass myself in front of them! Thank the Merciful Sun!

"...embly should be able to overrule the monarch. After all, there is no kingdom without ponies to inhabit it!"

"But the plebeians are too dimwitted to rule, we still need the nobles to do so!", another stallion says.

"Is that so? Master Onix, what do you have to say about that?"

"Oh! I would say that the only reason the "plebeians" are dimwitted is because they are not properly educated. Otherwise, what would I be doing here?"

"Ah, well, you see-"

"A fair point, Master Onix. Clearly, Earth Ponies and Pegasus can be as learned and sophisticated than us unicorns!"

I blush, pleased that I managed to make such a point at my first meeting.

"They are waiting for you in the usual room, Master Onix."

Master Onix, not "random Earth Pony colt". I can finally be someone! One of the bright lights that will usher Varania in a new age! I enter, spotting Master Aurar, my sponsor, the golden stallion that welcomed me so warmly on my first day, months ago. I go to greet him.

"Good morrow, Master Aurar!"

"Master Onix! Good to see you! Come, come, we have a special guest today!"

I look around the room, and see that indeed we do! A pegasus? I wonder why he is here?

"Lady and gentlecolts, thank you for inviting me here today", the blue pegasus stallion says. "Ever since the Unicorns found a way to improve the quality of our steel production, thereby allowing the myriad inventions that came after, they have held that fact over our heads since then! But no longer! For my team and I found a way for pegasi to do the exact same than the enchanted foundries!"

Surprised whispers are heard from his captivated audience, and I can't blame them. The enchanted foundry has been the keystone of our technological advances for decades now. If a new, unicorn-free method has been found, this could revolutionize our society!

"As you all know, Pegasi are able to manipulate wind current. While such abilities are usually reserved for weather control, we have been able to use it to control the currents found inside the foundry. It requires special training and new kind of equipment, but it is possible!"

Question are asked, and I listen eagerly. Who would have thought such a thing was possible? It is but a few decades back that we had begun to mechanize our industries, allowing more freedom for the lower classes. If Unicorns were no longer necessary, even Earth Ponies could start a successful business!

The streets are strangely empty today, I wonder...

There have been rumours that the Court and the King were getting worried about the cafes, but why would they? We only want to help Varania!

I'm sure it's nothing. At the very least the cafe seems as full as always. As I approach, a staff member stands up, and stop me from entering.

"You cannot enter", he says, with visible reluctance.

"Why not?", I ask, thoroughly confused.

"Have you not heard the news?", he asks, incredulous. When I shake my head in confirmation, he says: "The King has declared the cafes to be against the proper and moral order of the Realm."


"Surely you are joking?"

"I'm afraid not, sir. I'll have to ask you to vacate the premise."

I leave, barely aware of his pained look. The cafes, closed down?

I go back to my dorm, hoping that this all just a misunderstanding. When I get there, I see a gaggle of guards going through the rooms, kicking out ponies and throwing out their belongings. I run to my room, hoping to save at least a few of my books.

"You can't do this!", I shout at the guards ransacking my room.

"Sure we can! Get the fuck out of here, mud pony," a guard says, pushing me out of the room, leading to me face-planting.

Shit. shitshitshit. What should I do? I've just been kicked out of my dorm. Fuck! Is my father's hard work going to go to waste, just like that? Fuck the King! May the Sun burn him to a crisp! We were only trying to make a better Varania, the bastard!

I can't even go see Master Aurar so I can ask him to stop them. Fool! Why didn't you try to find your own residence when you had the chance?! Stupid, stupid!

"Spare a copper for an unfortunate soul?", I ask a passerby.

The pony quicken their pace, not even looking my way.

Fuck! I was a student! A Thinker! I was a member of one of the most prestigious circle of intellectuals of Varania! And now I beg on the street. I could do so much more...

"Ooh, what do we have here?", a masculine voice asks.

I raise my head to stare in horror at a well-dressed unicorn, accompanied by two intimidating pegasus, clearly bodyguards, who is leering at me.

"Spare a copper, kind sir?"

"Oh, I can spare much more than that... Why don't you come to my house and I'll give it to you", he says in a syrupy tone.

Oh fuck this shit! I might not be an adult quite yet, but I know what you're getting at.

"I don't think-"

"Think? That's new! Come on! Let's get moving!"


He turns back, glaring daggers.

"Did you just say "no"? To me?!", he shrieks.

I get up, my head held up high. I might be a beggar, but I'm still a pony!

"You have no right to-"

One of his bodyguard punch me in the guts, making me fall on my side, retching.

"Right!? I have every right, you filthy mud pony! Grab him!"

I try to get up, I really do, but they grab and lift me effortlessly.

"There we go! Now-"

A dagger suddenly appear in his throat. The bodyguards drop me, but they get their own daggers, in the neck and the back of the head.


A mare, an earth pony, suddenly appear in my field of view, kneeling in front of me.

"Don't worry, we've got you."


"I'm Roză. And I've got a job and a home for you, if you want it?"

"Yes! Thank you, thank you so much!"

She helps me get up, looking me over.

"So, what do we call you?"

"I'm...call me Onix."

"Nice to meet'cha, Onix. Now, let's get a move on before the Guard gets us!"

"...and that's how I met Roză. She saved my life, in more ways than one."

"That was really sad!", the colts says.

I muss up his mane, smiling sadly.

"I know kid, I know. Life's like that sometimes."

"But that's not fair!"

"It isn't, but what can we do?"

"Stick a dagger in some noble shit's head?", Roză says with a smirk.

"Hmm, I guess there's that."

"Well, I'll do something!", the colt says. "I'll make Varania a better place! I'll make it so ponies like you can do their thing!"

"I hope you do, kid."

I don't expect you too, though.

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