• Published 2nd Nov 2017
  • 455 Views, 3 Comments

Ani de Lumini - Celesti Lateo

This is the Years of the Lights, when good ponies died in the name of Justice, Freedom and new, bright future. Long live the Revolution, for if it does not, all will have been in vain.

  • ...


"Get out of the way!", a pony shouts angrily.

I barely manage to dive out of the way of the mașila, getting me and my cloak drenched with stale water when it passes in a puddle. Merciful Sun, I hate those newfangled carriage. Isn't a pony-drawn carriage better? A lot less dangerous, at the very least, and a lot less noisy as well. Though to be fair, the problem isn't the vehicle, it's the driver. Always speeding about and short on time, the workers, always pushed further by the damned magnates.

I look over the street I'm in, everywhere the signs of the oppression of the highborn presents and clear, with houses and shops pushed against each others, with barely enough space to actually live in them, "sewers" that line the road, foul smells and dark alleys that no one want to acknowledge the existence of. And there's the Smoke, produced by the factories that are always close to the worker's district, making sure to make them as miserable as possible.

If only the workers could get their fair share of the rewards...


These streets used to be filled with life, with countless stalls selling fresh products and hoofmade crafts. Nowadays, nothing remains, everyone forced to work in the factories or starve to death. Eh, good choice of word, "forced", considering there recently was a crackdown on the burgeoning class of intellectuals amongst the Earth Ponies. We can't have the plebes thinking on their own, now can we? To think I was one of them, that my father sacrificed everything so I could have the semblance of an education...

Now? Now, I'm a street worker. I was "blessed" with what one would call the "Dark, Tall and Handsome" look, only enhanced by my scar and my shredded ear, as well as my dark green eyes that would put any emeralds to shame. Though considering I've got to hide it all from adventurous noblemares, and sometime even noblestallions... Not that much of a blessing. I'd rather have been born with the brawn necessary to work in one of the few artisanal workshops that remain profitable even now.

The absolute worse aspect of this situation? When the intellectual circles still existed, I met engineers and other thinkers that showed the potential of all those advances, if they were more than a vanity project of the nobility and others of their ilk. Varania could become a paradise for everypony, with Earth Ponies being able to be more than just workers. After all, your brain doesn't care if you've got a horn or wings.

I finally arrive to the building where I rent a room. It's dilapidated and infested with rats and other pests, but it's still one of the best lodging to be found. Comparatively. I enter the lobby, with the mare manning the reception desk apathetically waving a hoof to greet me. I nod in response and head up the stairs, toward my room. The halls are small, leading to the impossibility of passing by someone. I enter my room, my home, sweet home, which is mostly just a bed, a desk and a closet. Why would somepony like me need anything more?

My bed sings to me songs of rest and unthinking peace, but unfortunately, I've got to "work" tonight, said night beginning in a hour. Sun and Moon, why is our nation in such dire straits?

"Good job tonight, Onix, you really wooed them hard!"

I bristle at the comment.

"You know I don't do it for that, Roză."

The brothel's matron waves her hoof dismissively.

"I know, I know, which is a testament to your skills that they'd still fall for it. Or it's because they're stupid. Who knows?", she says with a sardonic smile.

"I know, and I can assure you it is not my skills that are beyond the average", I respond evenly.

She snorts and give a small laugh.

"If you say so, Stony McIce. Here", she says, handing me a lună, "as I said, good work. I know it's not easy for you."

"A lună? Isn't that way above my usual pay?"

"It is, though it will probably become your new usual pay if you keep bringing in so many customers. If you were willing to entertain stallions..."

"I will not-", I begin to say, shutting my mouth as I think it over. Do I really have the option of being choosy here? "...I'll think about it, Roză."

She pats my shoulder.

"I know you hate it, but what else undesirable like us can do? Have a good night, Onix."

"Likewise, Roză."

Shit, there's really nothing to do, is there? I should have stayed in my bed to sleep some more. The days are always boring when your livelihood happens at night, so now I'm left to wander the streets of the capital until I have to go back to the brothel.

I wonder what the streets used to look like? I'm pretty sure my father told me there used to be colours and life, but well, I think I should take that with a grain of salt. Nostalgia is a powerful force, after all.

Should I accept Roză's offer? My nights are already pretty terrible as it is, though my days aren't much better, so if I could get a few silvers more...

"Mister! Hey, mister!", a voice shouts.

I turn to the source and I see...

A colt?

"Yes? What is it?", I ask him.

He skids to a halt in front of me, panting.

"Somepony payed me to tell everyone to go to the Court, said it was going to be histrionic!", in an over-excited tone of voice.

"Historic?", I ask, slightly confused.

"Yeah, whatever. Got to go!", he shouts, scampering away.

The Court? What the hell is going on? I take off at galloping speed, afraid of what this could mean if the plebeians were asked to assemble in front of the Senate's building. My run is made harder by those who are also congregating to the Court, as few of them seem as panicked as me.

I finally arrive at the Senatorial Plaza, though I'm hardly the first to be there. Hundreds of Earth Ponies and Pegasi are gathered here, and they all seem confused and anxious. Whatever is supposed to happen, it has yet to begin.

"My brothers and sister, hear me!", a voice, clearly magically enhanced, declares.

Seems I arrived just in the nick of time, though...Isn't that voice familiar?

"I gathered you here today because our hour is at hoof! A way to make our society function without magic has been found!"

The crowd gasp and whisper, and to be honest I'm not much better. What the hell are they talking about? Does it have anything to do with...

"The Unicorns' rule is based on the claim that we would be nothing without them, but this has been found to be patently false! We are here today to ask the Senate to give us our rightful place in Varania! To ask them to give us our freedom! Pegasi, no longer do you have to be their bloody swords! Earth Ponies, no longer do you have to be their long-suffering shovel and hammer! Unicorns, no longer do you have to be heartless tyrants! Together, for a better, newer and glorious Varania!"

The crowd seems exultant and frantic. Weird, since I also somewhat feel like that... Magic? I hope not, though I can't really do anything right now, not without looking like a Unicorn thrall. They march forward, the voice telling them to storm the building and demand their rights be given to them. I stay back, trying to look as inconspicuous as possible.

Soon, the whole crowd is inside, leaving the plaza empty. This isn't going to end well, I know it.

A burst of flame shoot out of the doors of the Court, accompanied by the agonized screams of the unfortunate fools who thought they could take on the highest of the Unicorns, just like that. More screams, those of fear, and the crowd come back out galloping, stampeding and mercilessly crushing under their hooves anypony unfortunate enough to have tripped.

If I get my hooves on the monsters who enchanted them...! Whatever, let's get out of here before the Guard shows up!


A scream, that of a mare, followed by that of a foal.

I knew it wouldn't end well! If I ever meet those plotholes who started all this, I'll fuckin' kill them!

The workers' district is on fire, the Guard purging any and all element susceptible of trying to rise up against the Crown. Fuck them too! May the Sun burn and scorch their very souls!

Running, trying to get away, foolish! How can you get away from the Pegasus guards and the Unicorn knights?!

A scream, that of a foal, again. But it's near...

I turn the corner, looking inside an alley, and I see a armoured figure looming over a little colt. Shit! What do I do? I could leave, but... NO! His life is more important! He's got so much to live for! I won't let them take everything away!

Look, look, what can you use? There! A brick! Take it, run toward the jackass, use the momentum to run on your hindlegs, bring down the brick, and...


The figure goes limp, the back of their head caved-in and bleeding profusely. That's what you get for not wearing an helmet, you fuckin' wanker! Shit, is that a horn?! I just killed a noble! Fuck! No matter, think of the foal, panic later!

"Are you alright?", I ask him as reassuringly as I can. Which isn't much, if the colt's reaction is anything to go by.

"No, please, I-I won't, I don't...*sniff*...", he stutters, before beginning to bawls his eyes out.

I hug him, petting the back of his head, and I begin to whisper sweet nothings to try and soothe him. After a few moments, he stops crying.

"There we go... Do you know where your parents are?"

Wrong question, since he looks ready to bawl again.

"That's okay, we'll find them-"

"They're dead...", he whispers.

"Shit, sorry kid. Come on, let's get moving. I'm pretty sure they would have wanted you to live."

He nods weakly and stands up. We start running, though I don't run as fast as I could. My compassion is going to get me killed, damn it! If I die today, his parents better give me an hero's welcome in the afterlife!

Where can we go? Roză! She probably knows a way to get out of the city! I lead the colt to the brothel, diving in alleys from time to time, to hide from the guards. After what seems to be hours, if not days, we finally reach our destination. I barrel through the door, looking around to try and find-KNIFE!-

I duck and then tackle my assailant after I pass under their guard.

"Stop it! I'm not a guard!", I say firmly to the squirming assailant.

"Onix?", a mare's voice asks.


I get off from her, helping her up.

"Shit, Onix! I was sure they got you!", she says, with relief evident in her voice.

"I was sure they were going to! Please tell me you know a way out?"

She laughs.

"Of course I do! What kind of whore would I be without secret passages that I only show to a select few?"

Ow. I suddenly want to bang my head on a wall. Repeatedly.

"Seriously? That's the best you've got?"

She pouts.

"Well, sugar, we're not in the best of situation, are we?"

"Fair enough. Come on, let's go!"

"Wait a sec, who's that behind you?", she asks, looking at the frightened colt.

"A colt I found. Orphan."

"Shit", she says frowning. She puts on a smile and turn to the colt. "C'mon, darlin', let's get ya out of here!", she says with her affected accent.

She leads us to the basement, where she reveals a tunnel, hidden by a false wall. We go in, and after she closes it she cuts the ropes with her dagger. At least it won't be easy to follow us.

"Where's the rest of your workers?"

"I told them to go ahead, I was waiting for the last few ones to come here."

"Thank you, Roză", I say, smiling.

She snorts.

"Thank me when we get out of this mess, pretty boy."