• Published 27th Nov 2017
  • 4,294 Views, 71 Comments

The Warrior of Black and White, and the Great Dragon Warrior. - TheUltimateBrony-Class-S

[Displaced] Two friends, masters of Mixed Martial Arts, owning a MMA gym who had been inspired by the movies of Kung Fu Panda, had ordered a replica of the Jade Yin Yang Staff, and have been sent to Equestria as two powerful warriors.

  • ...

Chapter 2: Explanations, Discussions, Prophecies Oh My... (Part One of Two)

~~~Pocano (Po) POV~~~

"Oops?" Ty and I said, apologetically.

The winged woman in the indigo armor looked at us with a blank expression, while the winged woman in the gold armor looked at her warily.

"Oops," the woman in indigo asked, her right eye twitched a little.

"Luna," the woman in gold said in a warning tone, giving us the other's name.

"Not now sister," Luna said, she looked at her supposed sister, then back at us, "An entire kingdom, and its people end up banished with the tyrant, and all you have is the audacity to say 'oops'?!" she shouted to our faces.

Ty furrowed his brows, "Hey, we didn't know it was possible for someone to manipulate our technique and take an entire area with them," he explained calmly, yet sternly.

Luna growled, "That is, but an excuse you-"

"ENOUGH!" the woman in gold boomed, causing the area to tremor for a moment. "Luna, sister, you are acting like a foal," she lectured, "grow-up and act your age."

Luna and Ty glared daggers at each other for what felt like hours before Luna hung her head and sighed.

"I'm sorry stranger," Luna apologized, earning a quick wide-eyed stare from Ty, before it became normal, and making me release a breath I didn't know I was holding, "I have been stressed over the last few weeks about the Crystal Empire.

"Then, when we finally get the chance to do something about it," Luna said, almost one the verge of tears, "it just vanishes, because the tyrant was clever enough to cast a spell so strong, he took the kingdom with him to where ever he was banished to."

"There, there Luna," Luna's sister said, as she moved over to comfort her, "it'll be okay, we tried our hardest, maybe next time we can free them."

"Actually," Ty said grimly, "there may be a next time."

Me and the two women looked at him with anticipation.

"There have been two instances of someone leaving the Spirit Realm, the place Sombra and the kingdom had been sent to," he continued, "the first instance was of a great warrior who had become greedy for a power he didn't truly understand.

"And the second instance," Ty said, as he gestured towards me with his paw, "was when Po here sent the first instance and himself back to the Spirit Realm and left it using that staff."

Forgetting that I had it, I pulled the Yin Yang Staff out from behind myself and showed it to the sisters.

Luna's eyes widened as they laid on the staff, "Celestia, isn't that-"

"Yes," Celestia said, cutting her sister off, staring at our staff with a blank expression, then to us. "Clearly, we have much to discuss."

"Indeed," Ty agreed, in a formal fashion.

"Wait," I said, gaining everyone's attention, "are you familiar, with our staff?"

"We will explain at our castle," Celestia said, simply.

Luna looked at us quizzically, "Have... have either of you been directly affected by magic before?"

"Magic?" Ty asked, then looked to me as I shrugged to his unspoken question.

The sisters looked to each other with a slight cringe, then back to us with worry, "Well, to give you a warning," Celestia started, "most of those that have not been affected by magic directly end up with nausea after a spell has been cast on them."

"Mainly," Luna joined in, "with levitation or teleportation. Any other spell causing this is a rarity."

Me and Ty looked to each other for a moment with thoughtful expressions, then nodded our heads then looked to the sisters.

"We understand the issue," Ty said, then smiled, "but me and Po here do not mind them, what doesn't kill us, makes us stronger... right, Po?"

I gave a determined smile, "Right, let's do this," I exclaimed with excitement.

The sisters nodded and closed their eyes, then a soft glow emanated from their horns, one a sunny yellow, the other a midnight blue. The glow suddenly enveloped Ty and I, and then with a flash, we disappeared from the blizzard.

---Area Transition: Location: Castle of the Two Royal Pony Sisters---

In a flash, me, Ty, and the two sisters appeared in a well crafted room, adorned with the symbols of the sun and the moon, and cloth on the wall of a yin and yang using two women similar if not the exact same ones with us.

"Whoa," I gasped, my jaw, though not literally, hitting the floor.

Ty's eyes widened in surprise, "Impressive," he stated, "though, what is with this picture here?" Ty asked, gesturing towards the yin and yang.

Celestia looked to see what he was gesturing towards, then smiled, "That is our nation's flag, to represent what we are striving for, what we hope, we dream, we believe. It is the hopes and dreams of our nation for peace and prosperity."

Luna nodded, "Even though we have been dealing with war recently, we have been having to deal with less conflicts that would bring an end to either Equestria as a whole or to all of ponykind."

"Understandable," Ty said as he looked to the sisters, "in order to achieve peace, you have to work for it, this has been, while an unwritten rule, a very important rule throughout time and space."

I smiled, "There will be those times where life gets rough," I stated with a hint of sadness in my voice, but I perk up suddenly, "but there are those little moments in life where everything seems perfect, those moments are always worth fighting for, even if its for other people and not yourself."

The two sisters looked to us in surprise, then Celestia smiled to us, "For you to understand these... things, these... ideals that we have so similarly to how we understand them, you must have been through just as many if not more hardships," Celestia concluded.

"Without a doubt," Luna said with a small smile, " you must have had hard lives to understand these ideals, and likely had to fight for others to preserve these ideals."

"In a way," Ty answered, then yawned suddenly, "Wow, I suddenly feel rather tired."

"Must be from the chi usage," I guessed, "it can be quite tiring to use chi for combat." I mentally realized what I had said and wondered where I ha learned that, for I have never heard of chi doing that to someone before, I have been feeling like I have more knowledge of combat than I did before we got here.

"Chi?" both sisters asked, Celestia showed herself to be interested, while Luna showed herslef to be confused.

Ty yawned once more and said, "Could we have a night of sleep before we explain, I have never felt this tired before, we can continue this conversation once we have had a good rest."

"Yeah," I agreed, "using chi has made me somewhat tired, along with trying to go up all of those flights of stairs."

"Alright," Celestia said as she nodded, and turned to a nearby guard, "Could you please escort these two to their quarters?"

"Of course, your Highness," the Guard, a male one, said, saluted and walked over to us. "Follow me to your quarters," he seemed to order of us, and walked down a hall off to the left, as we followed behind.

'Geez,' I thought to myself, 'this day seems to get weirder and weirder, but at least I'll be able to sleep in an actual bed.'

Comments ( 64 )

i agree but i still cant help but laugh

I like this story so far, I'm surprised nobody else has thought of doing something like this before.

This. I know a couple guys from boot who went into MMA and they would laugh their asses off if they heard this.
Author confirmed to have never participated in any sports.
The premise is unoriginal, the OCs dull, and the dialogue forced and unnatural.

And it's a Displaced, so automatic shit.

*shrugs* hey, I did warn you in the description of the story, so, unless you got any creative criticism to give, get the buck outta mah comments.
True, I have never participated in any sports, but that just means I'm inexperienced, no reason to put someone's life to shame, also, like you will have most likely will have read as a response Miss Glimmer above, but have most likely have ignored so you can read my response to your comment, unless you have any creative criticism to give, get the buck outta mah comments.

That isn't how this works, kid. You either provide quality, or handle it being shit on for being shit.
It means you're writing from a complete lack of experience, which doesn't lend it tiny details to make it good.
And it's Displaced, so there's no saving it.

Hoo boy, the comments are heating up.


... :trixieshiftright: yeah, ok, sure... whatever let's you sleep at night.
...and you, sir, are not helping.

I like mustaches, mustaches are cool.

You, sir, are being narrow-minded. besides, at least the Displaced is less confusing then the Chess Game of the Gods.

...you have to give me a link to that now 'cuz I'm now curious as to what that is.

Ma'am. All displaced stories exist on an equal level of shittyness.

>kung fu panda
>mma wannabe faggots
>just generally cancer

dead on arrival bbys


Oh, look at that! You two are perfect for each other. :pinkiehappy:

Hey Shocks. Long time no see. At least it's got a 2:9 ratio.

8576205 It should have more really. Trash like this is the lowest of low.

Also, hey glimmy, how are you?

Oh no it's 4:10 now. Oh well.
And I'm well enough I suppose. New name, new tricks, same shit.

Because writing about something you've completely misrepresented (in a manner that's neither entertaining nor creative) amidst the flaws typical of Displaced, well, this isn't DeviantArt.
I am going to ask some MMA fans if a child's movie got them into it. The reactions should be great.

Look up "Headless, not Heartless."

Here is a link to one of the stories that started that whole thing: Link.

You are one of those anti-crossover purists, aren't you...

Nope. Displaced is just shitty self-insert Mary Sueing.

Makuta Teridax would argue against that, both versions of him.

It's okay, don't listen to the haters, drinking their haterade and eating their hater tots out of the refrigerhater

First off, wow that's a lot of hater related puns *golf claps*
Secondly, I don't let the get hate to me too much considering... never mind.

I got more if you wanna hear them

Your only saying that because displaced are always OP, compared to the ponies that is. But you must consider that most of the characters they get turned into come from places that would eat pony civilization alive, or just crush them under their boot without a second thought. How do you NOT make that OP?

I would like to point out this. If you do no like a fic. A video. A game. Hell just a movie. Then why are you here? If you don't like this then just leave. Let the kid write so he can get some experience in writting. It may be bad now. But with enough polish he (or she) may write something good. Give him a good criticism. Show how his flaws so he can hone then out. But do not berate someone on doing what they want. Is it illegal? Is he killing someone or hurting someone? If no. Then just leave. Besides. There are peaple that like Displaced fics. And never judge a book by it's cover. Give every story here at least a chance

*Golf clap continued*

*Golf Claps continued again


*Golf clapping intensifies*

Hahahaha!! That was puntastic!!

What, your face? Course it is!

Is your ass jealous of the shit coming out of your mouth?

*gives popcorn* Enjoy the show!


See above replys

Another shithead!!!

Hmmmmm, yea, I ship it!

Oh look, they even know each other! How cute!! *shipping intensifies*

And your a dream crushing, puppy kicking, lowlife, scumsucking peice of shit!! :pinkiehappy:
Next complaint?:pinkiecrazy:

Thats the point.......


Ok, think Im done now. You shall be receiving a like and watch on this story from me!!!

I'm enjoying this extremely. All I'll say it try work on your explanations and descriptions. There are a few places that could use more detail and world creation. The dialogue is a bust jerky but it's nothing that can't be smoothed out. you have a good out line with what you have, just need to build on it a bit more and flesh it out would be my opinion. :twilightsmile: Keep it up though, I'm interested to see where this goes I'm a martial artist myself and wish i could find more displaced fics similar to this. they're fun to read.

Thank you. Evil always does try and make it'self look good. :twilightsmile: And your welcome. let me know if you need any assistance.

hmm... well... *will continue in a PM*

and you shall be receiving a follow from me!

go for rom and sex

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