• Published 27th Nov 2017
  • 4,295 Views, 71 Comments

The Warrior of Black and White, and the Great Dragon Warrior. - TheUltimateBrony-Class-S

[Displaced] Two friends, masters of Mixed Martial Arts, owning a MMA gym who had been inspired by the movies of Kung Fu Panda, had ordered a replica of the Jade Yin Yang Staff, and have been sent to Equestria as two powerful warriors.

  • ...

Chapter 1: Down With the King, Long Live the Princess...es

~~~POV: Tyler(???)~~~

All I saw was darkness... then I realized my eyes weren't open, so I did and instantly felt like I had a few too many drinks the night before.

"Ugh," I groaned, then noticed that it wasn't with my own voice, so I was confused, "huh?"

Then I clamped a hand over my mouth... then realized it wasn't a hand but a paw, a grey paw. Then I looked around quickly and found a black crystal pillar, not really thinking why there would be one I looked at the reflection and saw not myself... but Tai Lung.

"W-what the-" I said, as I was interrupted by a groan, one that I didn't make.

I look around again, and notice a black and white furry mound with a brown neatly-shaped rag. Then I realized the 'mound' was alive and figured out it was a panda with pants on... Po.

Suddenly Po sat straight up, looked around, and stopped as his eyes land on me.

"...uh..." was all that I could say, then realized Po said it at the same time as I did, and, from the expression on his face, he did to.

"Did we just...," we said at the same time, again.

"Jinx!" we shouted.

"Double Jinx!

"Triple Jinx!" then we both gasped at the same time as a realization came over both of us, since only one other person could keep up with me.

"Pocano?" I asked, unsure if I should believe it.

"Tyler?" he asked in reply and in realization.

"What happened to you?" we asked each other.

"I don't know," I answered, "all I know is that I look like Tai Lung and that you look like Po."

"Yeah, but-," Pocano stopped suddenly, "wait, did you just say I look like..." He held his hands in front of his eyes, "What the-?"

"Yeah, imagine how I felt when I realized I was suddenly Tai Lung," I said sullenly, then shook those thoughts out of my head, then looked around and realized something. "Hey Po?"

"Yeah?" he asked in response.

"Where are we?" I asked, making him go wide eyed and looking around before he stopped, looking at what appeared to be a castle.

"I don't know," Po answered, "but maybe if someone lives around here, they might know?"

I thought about that for a moment before nodding, "Right," I agreed, "let's see if there's anyone around."

We started walking toward the castle, and everything was peaceful for the moment, aside from the few destroyed buildings, creaking buildings that are on their last legs, and the cracks in the ground obviously not caused by erosion. However, as we got closer to the castle in the middle, a sense of dread we weren't aware of before had grown stronger, but we fought through it and continued. Suddenly, there was an explosion nearly halfway up the castle from inside blowing out a portion of the wall.

"What the hell?" I nearly shouted, then looked to Po. He had the same look I had- except... you know... on a panda- so we smiled to each other and ran to the first set of doors we could find.

~~~20 minutes later~~~

Man, poor Pocano, we both forgot about the pand-asma that Po had, until we had ran up the sixth flight of stairs. So I carried him the other 4 flights of stairs just to let him rest and regain his strength, in case we both needed to fight, yet I noticed something after carrying him up those, the sense of dread had grown stronger and continued to do so. Also something else was growing strong, a sound, like clashing metal and blasts of energy, making me worry that we may be in over our heads. Finally, getting to a large set of doors where the sense of dread seemed to emanate from and the sounds of battle were strongest, Po believed he was rested enough for a good fight, and so, we entered the room to see the unexpected. Two Amazonian women, one with golden colored armor while wielding a scythe and the other with indigo colored armor while wielding a short sword, were standing side-by-side in fighting stance aimed towards what seemed to be a cloud of darkness.

This cloud seemed to move all on its own and occasionally used black tentacle-like appendages to lash out at the two women, making me wonder what exactly they were fighting. Seeming to not be noticed by the combatants, me and Po moved behind a wall to stay out of sight and out of mind.

"How are we going to fight that?" Po asked me, with the most shocked look I've ever seen.

"Can you do the Wuxi Finger hold that Po used to banish Tai Lung?" I asked in response.

He got it in the first go, exactly like in the movies. "I think so," Po answered, "but I can't guarantee anything until I use it on someone."

"Let's hope it works," I mumbled to myself, as we walk out into the open, then start towards the people who are fighting.

Upon second inspection, the two women also appear to have wings and a horn on each of their heads, as well as muzzles... making them some sort of anthro pegacorn...?

I mentally shake those thoughts away as we look at the living cloud of darkness.

"Hey blacky!" I shouted the terrible insult, "if you're really tough as you make yourself out to be, then show yourself and fight me like a..." I then look at the two women for help, "What even is that?"

"Heheheheh," the darkness chuckled, though at first I had mistaken it for rumbling, "another fool who offers a challenge of strength..." Suddenly the cloud lowered to the ground, then solidified into an... anthro male with dark grey armor, a red cape, and a dark grey, metal crown and holding a scythe of his own.

"I am King Sombra," Sombra continued, "ruler of this kingdom you see before you, destroyer of homes and families,
and unicorn of darkness."

Sombra then made his scythe disappear, then looked to us. "And I accept your challenge, all four of you against me or-?"

"Just the two of us," Po replied, looking towards the other two, "they don't need to put themselves in anymore danger, especially if you are still mortal."

Sombra started glaring at us then. "Well now, going for petty insults are we?" he asked sarcastically, "Well then, I guess that means the fight..." seemed to disappear from where he was standing.

Po and I looked at one another before we quickly jumped away from each other, as Sombra fell from above punching the spot right between where we were standing before, causing spikes made of dark crystal to erupt from said ground.

"Hm," Sombra hummed, "seems like you know how to predict your opponents next moves well," he smiled, "this fight might actually become interesting-"

Sombra then felt pain both in his left hip and in the right side of his skull. As he collapsed to the ground he looked and noticed us.

"You talk to much," I stated, with a deadpanned expression.

"Too much chitty-chitty-chat-chat," Po said, with a disinterested look.

Then, with anger in his eyes, Sombra got up and prepared to fight the two before him, even though he was obviously weakened. "You worms shall pay for your insolence!" Sombra roared at us, then ran towards us with his fist slowly powering up with energy.

Po then doing this motion with his hands as I prepared to meet Sombra's attack head on. Then Po held his hand out toward me and just as Sombra was getting worryingly close, his paw started to glow filling me with a strange strength, and I smirked.

"DOWN," I shouted as I brought my fist up, "WITH!" I waited a moment for Sombra to get closer, and then brought the fist down upon his head, "THE KING!"

His head impacted the ground after the punch so hard, the entire floor had cracks spider-webbing it. Sombra just groaned at the center of the impact as Po walked up to him grabbed one of his fingers and had it in the Wuxi Finger Hold. Sombra then shook the daze out of his eyes and tried to get up.

"Nuh-uh-uh, nope," Po told Sombra, "you stay right there or I will banish you to the Spirit Realm."

Sombra then looked at him with a blank expression and blinked a couple of times, then started laughing like he just heard the best he has been told in years.

When he finally managed to gain control of himself, he looked at Po's deadpanned expression with a fanged smirk.

"Go ahead panda," Sombra taunted, "'banish' me to this 'spirit realm', if you even have that sort of power."

"Fine," Po said, "don't say I didn't warn you," Po inhaled a bit of air then looked right into the king's eye.

"Skadoosh," Po said simply, as he lowered his pinkie.

When Po suddenly lowered his pinkie finger, a golden light had swept over Sombra, and he looked confused and startled.

"How," Sombra asked as he struggled, "how is it that a panda, especially one like you, can possess this kind of power?"

"Knowing who I am," Po started, "knowing my limits, knowing my responsibility, and knowing my destiny all factor into that."

Sombra had an expression of pure rage as he closed his eyes, then his curved horn started to glow with purple and green lightning-like energy, and opened his eyes, which shone with a sickly green energy.

"If I am to be banished, then so will MY kingdom!" Sombra stated as his energy seemed to run over the entirety of the room.

"NO!" the two women behind us cried out, and tried to reach him.

But it was too late.

Before we knew it the entire kingdom, along with Sombra, vanished leaving us in a wasteland-esk area, which was slowly being covered by snow.

"No..." the woman in gold armor said in disbelief as she fell to her knees, "he... he..."

Po and I looked around, then to each, and had the same thought as we looked to the... mares...

With apologetic looks on our faces we say the only thing that came to mind at the same time.
