• Published 17th Nov 2017
  • 2,499 Views, 211 Comments

My Little Universe: Season 6 - EquestrianKirin

New Gems, old foes, and a big mystery to tie them together. Who's ready for their big reprise?

  • ...

Off-Colors PT2

On the only trail they had alongside the cliff, they all went off in a line down the path. The sidewalk of a path kept them all quiet as they looked around at the quiet landscape, Rainbow and Fluttershy flying alongside just in case someone would slip. They had that secured anyway. Still, an area such as this surely left them a bit troubled, considering many of them had never been here, and apparently it'll take a long time until they would find some way back up. The only sound they heard was the steps of their feet and hooves, echoing all over the place.

"I always wondered what a Homeworld Kindergarten would look like, but I never thought it'll be like this," Amethyst said, looking around.

"You think anyone would still be here?" Twilight asked.

"Highly doubt it. This kindergarten hasn't been used in a long time. We're just going to have to figure it out ourselves," Garnet concluded. The sheer size of the place made that statement, while unsettling, a little bit doubtful too. Not even one Gem in this entire place? Like saying there's only one fish in the ocean.

"There has to be someone," Connie said. It was then that Steven stopped for a short moment.

"HELLO?!" Steven called.

Hello?! ... Hello?! ... Hello?! ...

Not much help there.

"Nothing," Steven sighed. Pinkie then got an idea for something.

"Oh, oh, I always wanted to try this," Pinkie said, hopping over next to Steven and Connie. Pinkie cleared her throat and ...


Crystal Gems! ... Crystal Gems! ... Crystal Gems! ...

"Not bad," said Steven, impressed.

"I saw it on a cartoon once."

"Come on you three," called Rarity.

With that call, Pinkie, Connie, and Steven went off to the group. It didn't take them very long to catch up to them, but by the time they did, the group found another little problem up in front of them. The trail split off into some sort of arch now, and if they didn't want to keep going in circles, they had to cross it. The arch was long, flat, and like every other wall in the Supreme Kindergarten, with many holes as a fine Swiss cheese. With the holes though came trouble, as none of them really knew how strong the arch actually was because of those holes edging the walls under it.

"Keep close everyone. And don't look down," Garnet advised, starting to go off ahead a little bit. In a line and keeping together, the others followed her over the arch. They were a bit worried, but Rainbow and Fluttershy were the only ones off the arch, flying around it as they went. While Fluttershy stayed by the others though, it was Rainbow Dash who was casually flying around the arch, even flying in circles over and under the arch. She had been used to heights since she was a filly, so this didn't bother her too much. The walk along the arch gave them all a bit more to look around the place.

"You think the Diamonds were made here?" asked Amethyst at one point.

"Well, this is Homeworld, so probably," said Diopside, looking around herself at the place.

"Guess they stopped working here, huh," noted Steven.

"Yeah, it couldn't last forever. I'm still surprised it's still here to be honest," she replied. Diopside continued looking around some more at the Supreme Kindergarten, her Gem eye adjusting itself time to time, just to make sure they were indeed alone in the area. The only thing she could see was the empty holes of Gem birthplaces.

"Wow, so many birthdays! Wish I was here, there'd be parties for years," said Pinkie, just imagining how big a party she would throw every day for the many birthdays being started here. It'd be her big break! As they were going though, Garnet suddenly stopped at the end of the arch, Pinkie accidentally bumping into her.
Turned out, what everyone saw next was a fork in the road: one path down the walls again, and another through some sort of tunnel to another part of the Kindergarten. Garnet had to think about this one, and since none of them were too familiar with the place in terms of mapping, they really had a difficult choice to make here.

"We'll waste a lot of time if we pick the wrong way," Garnet noted, though they all could figure that alright.

"Hmm ... Eeny. Meany. Miny. Moe!" Amethyst's little method for figuring out where to go wasn't the best they had, but again, with little knowledge on the mapped area, what other idea did they have? Amethyst took the lead this time, but the rest of them stayed put, a bit unsure about this.



"Amethyst!" gasped Garnet. She was just about to go right in and get her, but Amethyst already got that covered and was already running back outside, accidentally bumping into Steven as she did so. She looked simply terrified by whatever she saw in there, and if it could scare Amethyst that easily, it just had to be dangerous. This was Amethyst, a Gem willing to fight anything if she wanted to, yet here she was scared out of her wits.

"Amethyst, you okay, what happened?" asked Connie.

"S-something in there!" Amethyst said, her eyes not moving an inch away from the tunnel entrance. Garnet took a look in there herself, wondering herself what could possibly freak her out this much, but as she was, she then started to hear multiple footsteps coming their way.

"Carnethysts. Come on, this way," Garnet said, already heading down the other path. They weren't going to give the Carnethysts any chances. Even if they won, they had nowhere to go so what was the point of a fight without an escape? They all were off from there and away from the cave. They were in no mood to get captured by them at this point, They got far enough to get past a corner of the path, just enough time for whatever was in there to come out and miss them. A lucky break, but they needed to get out of here if the Carnethysts were already down here.

"You gotta be kidding me, do these guys teleport or something?" said Connie, not believing it.

"Just stay together, and we'll be fine. No one's going to take any of us away, I promise," Garnet assured them all.

"Let them try, I'll buck them to the stars and back," Rainbow said, doing a few kicks.

"Rainbow, let's not jump at them right away, we have to get out of here somehow," Twilight said.

"I agree. This place is so barren, not to mention needing some spring cleaning. Plus we got so much to do back at home anyway," Rarity agreed, wiping off some dirt from her hooves.

"Hey, hold it!"

"Move, move, move!" said Diopside, getting them all moving down the path. They were found out by someone, but they didn't try to figure out who or what. They did end up hearing something giving chase after them, and pretty fast too. Unlike before though, they had very little path to take them away so all they could do was run forward down the path. The side wall path ended up nearing another arch further away, leading into a tunnel, this one looking a bit more flimsy. When they neared it, both Diopside and Garnet skidded to a halt, one by Future Vision, the other by her enhanced eye vision.

"What, why stop?"

"If we run across this, it'll crumble and collapse," Garnet said.

"What?! We're stuck!"

"Not for long. Rainbow, Fluttershy, Twilight, Amethyst, fly to the otherside," Garnet instructed. The two Pegasus knew where this was going, so they did, and Garnet got herself ready by picking up Applejack first. Amethyst made a leap to the otherside herself, though even with her enhanced abilities, she still just barely made it with a single jump, almost falling off if it wasn't for Rainbow's help.

"We're ready, toss them over!" called Amethyst.

"Wait, what?" Applejack asked, but he was thrown over by Garnet before he could process it. It wasn't too strong for Garnet's strength, and it was Amethyst who caught him, her body turning into a mattress for the landing. Diopside and Garnet had little time to wait, so they kept it going, the same thing with Rarity, Pinkie, Steven, and Connie. Soon it was Garnet and Diopside on one side and the rest on the other. Garnet made an easy jump over to the other side, and Diopside needed to back up first before she started running. Instead of just a basic jump though, she aimed her Gem eye to the arch, and acid was launched down right at it mid-air. The acid practically ate the arch until it was completely gone. Once they was done, they all went straight into the tunnel and hid away from sight as the figure skidded to a stop, and they all waited for something to happen. They peeked just enough to see, and only saw one figure there on the otherside, the dust from the collapse making it a little rough to see for both sides. It was then the same figure turned around and moved away, giving them all a sigh of relief.

"That was too close," Fluttershy said.

"We have to keep going, she could be getting reinforcements," figured Garnet figured, which was understandable. Before any of them could figure out where to go, they then heard something being moved close by, and when they looked, a passageway was opened up on the floor, big enough for them all to fit inside.

"Think we found our exit," said Amethyst, Steven hopping inside first. One by one, everyone took a hop down, Garnet being the last one to move a large stone back over the hole so they wouldn't be followed. The tunnel was a bit linier, smoothed out, and very dark for many of them to even see, too dark.

"Twilight, mind giving us a light?" Garnet asked.

"Just *pant* give me *pant* a minute," Twilight panted. This action was getting them a bit tired, so they needed to chill out. Her and the others in the group as well.

"Sorry guys. Kinda forgot you don't have the same stamina as us," Diopside said, rubbing the back of her head.

"Don't worry about it, at least we're out of sight," said Connie, having a seat for a moment.


"Don't be afraid."

"You're safe now."

"Eh ... w-who said that?" asked Applejack. Spoke a little too soon. They all then began to hear something move closer to them. They could see some sort of figure standing there, but they couldn't exactly make out too many details, but eventually a light started to glow from the figure, and only then did they end up seeing who showed them this passage. A tall, slender Gem with short maroon hair that was styled up into a point at the top and light red skin. No nose, or ears were present on the face either. the figure wore an open-toed dark red and black bodysuit, which is red with black stripes on the right half, and black with red stripes on the left half.
While that seemed like any normal thing for a figure like this, there was still one obvious fact that presented itself. This wasn't just one figure, nor was it two figures, but they were conjoined! Two heads, two torsos, two legs, one arm on the right and one on the left, and a Gemstone on their navel, which was shaped in a sort of Y shape. All figures who saw these conjoined twins froze on the spot.

"AAHH! There it is again!" Amethyst gasped, making the twins worry a little bit. But honestly, Amethyst was even more freaked out over seeing Gems like this than they were over them.

"Amethyst, wait a minute," said Steven, trying to calm her down. If they weren't willing to fight them, then maybe they were friendly. ... Maybe? The twins began to look them over a little bit, the right side looking to Twilight as the left was looking to Diopside.

"Strange. Most of them sure look different," said the right side.

"Not like any Gems we've seen before," agreed the left. Seemed these two were at least a bit friendlier.

"Guys, where'd you go? I saw you go in here?" called a voice just outside of the tunnel. The conjoined twins, unprompted, actually went over and moved the rock to investigate, much to their surprise. However ...

"Tiger's Eye, over here!" called the right side, the left side waving her arm to get her attention. Now this was a bit confusing, the others peeking out of the hole as the twins stepped out. The figure they saw earlier was already on the other side with them, yet didn't look like she belonged to White Diamond's side at all. This Gem at first was on all fours, but stood upright when she saw the twins. Her hair was a mix of red, orange, and yellow, much like the colors of autumn, and only reached her shoulders. She had a small dress accompanied by a body suit underneath, similar to what Blue Pearl would wear except being orange instead of blue, yellow flats on her feet, and her gemstone located on her chest. Her eyes really showed the her namesake, looking like cat eyes more than regular eyes. Tiger's Eye looked over to the others in the tunnel.

"No, no, wait don't go. I'm not going to hurt any of you, please," Tiger's Eye insisted. Now calmed down and seeing the situation a bit better, they all walked out into view of both Gems.

"Carnethysts, Garnet?" questioned Rainbow.

"We can't get them right all the time," Garnet admitted. She didn't think quickly this time, but at least which Gems they did find weren't after their heads the same way as the Carnethysts and Pearlis were.

"So, you're not trying to hurt us," Twilight reassured.

"I swear I'm not. In fact, I just saved you all back up there," Tiger's Eye said, referring to the figure attacking the Carnethysts earlier.

"So that was you who shot those arrows. Thank you," Garnet said.

"Well sorta. Now we're uh ... kinda stuck," Amethyst said. The twins and Tiger's Eye looked to eachother for a moment, considering the fact they were found running from the law.

"How about you come with us?" offered the twins.


Sometime later, and that's exactly what they decided on. Following Tiger's Eye and the twins, the group was then brought over to another area of the Supreme Kindergarten. This one was fairly large and surrounded by the walls, with a holed pillar right at the middle of it. It surely seemed that they were alone aside from eachother, but then the twins gave a good whistle.

"We're back!" called the left twin.

"You can come out now!" called the right twin.

"Oh, thank goodness. I hope you weren't followed. You weren't right, y-you double-checked?" said a rather scared voice, as another Gem came out of hiding. This one took Garnet by surprise the most, as she looked ... well, like her. Not exactly, but very close. She was about as tall as Garnet, similar body build too, but she possessed four arms instead of two (the upper pair thick, the lower pair thin), along with four eyes: top ones black, bottom ones pink. Like the twins, her skin was also a bit reddish, and had wide, black, afro-style hair with mauve highlights. Her outfit looked more like a mishmash to be honest: a black and mauve jumpsuit with a diamond-shaped cutout at the navel, revealing one of her gems, and mauve leggings, with one leg that covers her entire right leg and the other only covering part of her left thigh. She had a black ballet flat on her right foot and a mauve boot on her left. She also wore a sheer pink shawl over the second pearl gem on her chest and had deep burgundy gloves from the elbow-down on her lower set of arms. All she needed was one look at the group, and ...

"Y-YOU'VE BEEN FOLLOWED!" she yelped, backing up as they tried to come close.

"No, no, calm down. W-We're not a threat, really," Steven insisted.

"Easy Rhodonite, we brought them here," said the right twin.

"They're with us," added the left.

"But can we trust them?" Rhodonite asked, worried and stressed.

"We think so," the right twin said.


And now in another Gem. This one appeared right behind Fluttershy and Applejack, who moved aside to let her walk in. Unlike the other two, this Gem was easier identified, or at least the type of Gem: a Sapphire. This one was short, roughly the same height as the ponies there. She had a peachy orange complexion, plump lips, and shoulder length, deep peach hair, with bangs covering her eye and a cowlick on top of her head. Her attire also mirrored a Sapphire: consisting of a beige, dull red, and light orange floor-length gown, with a beige collar, shoulder pads, and elbow-length gloves. The skirt was also a dull light orange, and it had a reddish upper layer with an off-white trim and tied back into a bow, as well as a flower-like design. Her gemstone was located on her right hand like their Sapphire, only on the outside rather than inside her palm.

"A wondrous vision has appeared before me: the twins of Rutile and Tiger's Eye will bring back a group of one. No, several. Strangers to our current place of hiding," she said, smiling.

"We know, Padparadscha, it just happened," said Tiger's Eye. Bit odd for a Sapphire to make a prediction like that, especially as delayed.

"Tiger's Eye and I found them being cornered by these ... new Gems, uh, what did you call them again?" the left Rutile asked.

"A Carnethyst," said Connie.

"Yes, a Carnethyst," said the right Rutile.

"I don't know what that is, but you didn't think on actually fighting those things," Rhodonite said.

"Eh ... well, I did, but it didn't last too long and none of them saw me, so they didn't come down here ... maybe," Tiger's Eye said, but it didn't exactly make Rhodonite feel too much better.

"What do you mean 'maybe'?!"

"We weren't followed by them, we're sure of that," the right Rutile said.

"Let me see."

And now for the final player. Connie, Amethyst, and Diopside turned around on the very slow, old sounding voice, and found that another, much larger Gem had crawled out to see them. Now the others looked different, but they were humanoid at least, but this giant Gem looked more like a caterpillar! She had six greenish-blue eyes with some pairs often staying closed. She has a large, bulbous nose and wavy, shoulder-length, fluffy, light-blue hair with a variety of intermixed styles. This Gem had a segmented body with each segment, in order from her head down, being green, blue, purple, and pink in color, though the lower colors may be a neck-down bodysuit. Each of her first two body segments has a pair of slender arms. The first of these arm pairs has elbow-length pale periwinkle gloves. Both arms are small-handed, and blue in color. The other three body segments had short, thick legs with corresponding darker-colored boots. Now Rhodonite and Garnet had two gemstones, Rutile had a gemstone split in two, but this one? She had a total of six gemstones: two on her forehead, three on her first body segment, and one on her second body segment. Her gemstones displayed vibrant colors: pink, green, blue, yellow and purple, interchangeable patterns and coloration arrangement depending on the lighting. She wears a pinkish-violet, bluish-purple, and dark blue striped vest that drapes over her top two body segments. Garnet was simply speechless on the sight of this one, much of the group backing up as the giant Gem moved closer to see, but the sweet smile didn't show any ill intent on her part.

"They don't look like Gems," the giant Gem noted, her voice very slow, and sounding as if she was a grandmother.

"That's what I said!" said right Rutile.

"I said the same thing!" added left Rutile.

"Eh, well some of us are: Amethyst, Diopside, Garnet. Connie's a full human, Steven's a half human, and the rest of us are ponies: one alicorn, two Pegesi, one unicorn and two Earth Ponies," Twilight explained, trying to keep calm. The Gem found this interesting.

"So that's why you look so ... unusual."

"WE look unusual?!" Amethyst gasped.

"Amethyst!" Rarity said.

"Well I can't lie!" Amethyst retorted.

"Of course you are! You can't walk around on the surface like that - you're off-color, just like the rest of us," Rhodonite said. Now that was a term many of them hadn't heard before.

"Off-color? What do you mean, we're pretty colorful, and you all look snazzy," Pinkie said.

"That's not what they meant," Diopside said.

"Then what does that mean?" Connie asked.

"You know. Wrong," said left Rutile.

"Not right," added right Rutile.

"Flawed," finished left Rutile.
Flawed? Well, in the eyes of the diamonds that might be the case, but what was actually wrong with them to their eyes?

"We don't see anything wrong with you," stated Garnet.

"Gems like us aren't needed. Padparadscha can only predict things that just happened," explained the giant gem.

"Here comes Fluorite," said Padparadscha. Well that explained that.

"And then there's me. I mean, you'd think that a Tiger's Eye quartz gem would be a strong and powerful soldier, but that didn't happen to me."

"Don't tell me; you've been in the ground too long?" Amethyst asked, thinking how she came to be.

"No, I was put in the wrong place: a stray Tiger's Eye got stuck in a ground of Lazulis, and ... well, it got to me," Tiger's Eye explained, showing herself to them again. Guess it would explain the more feminine features apart from a typical quartz Gem. Now that she pointed it out, she did look a lot like a Lapis Lazuli. Rhodonite spoke next.

"And a fusion like me? It's unforgivable," said Rhodonite.

"No it is not!" Garnet suddenly insisted. Last thing she wanted to hear was a Gem saying a fusion is unforgivable, especially since she was one herself! Rhodonite stepped back from the sudden statement.

"W-Well, nice of you to think so, but when my - er. our Morganite found out about this ... let's just say we were replaced," Rhodonite explained. Garnet found that act more unforgivable than the fusion itself. How dare they replace her? However, before Garnet could say, Rhodonite spoke again.

"But I'm nothing. Fluorite, how many are you now?"

"Six. Maybe more, if we meet the right gem."

"Six gems?! You're kidding me!" gasped Diopside, as Amethyst counted out how many gems were on her, and sure enough it was indeed six gems. And they thought a regular fusion was good. Then stepped over the Rutile Gems.

"And then there's us."

"Wait, you're not a fusion?" asked Twilight.

"We're a Rutile that ... came out wrong. We only survived because all the other Rutiles ran away," explained left Rutile.

"We only survived because ... they were afraid of us," finished right Rutile.

So. A Sapphire who can't predict the future, a rutile split in two, two Perma-fusions, and a Tiger's Eye with the wrong DNA. This was simply leaving Garnet without any words, having no idea what to say to any of them, but eventually she did end up having some sort of word.

"Right, we're sorry about that. Uh, listen, maybe you can help us find a way out of here?" asked Rainbow.

"Why would you want to do that?" asked Fluorite.

"Because we want to get home?"

"But they were just chasing you up there," Tiger's Eye pointed out to them.

"We know, but if we can get home, then maybe we can get away from those guys."

Before she could continue, Garnet tapped her by the wing and signaled her to come over with her for a moment, her and the others as well.

"Why would you want to leave?" asked Padparadscha, as they left.

"Just a second," Garnet said. The group then went over to a further distance away from the Off-Colors so they can discuss. They were the only Gems that found them, and actually helped them since that morning, and they could sense they all had a similar conclusion.

"You all thinking what I'm thinking?" asked Connie.

"Yes: we can't leave them here like this. They're practically another group of Crystal Gems," said Steven.

"Yeah, they'll fit right in at home at our home," Pinkie said.

Honestly their discussion didn't last very long, and soon they were all going back to them again, Garnet up first.

"I'm very sorry to hear all this. None of you should be treated the way you've had, you don't deserve any of it," Garnet said, feeling very sorrowful for them and removing her visors to see them with her three eyes.

"No, don't worry about it, it's bound to happen. Be glad you're not any different from any other Gems," Rhodonite insisted, feeling bashful on that too. All Garnet needed to do was show the Off-colors her gemstones to show she knew what they were talking about, especially for the other fusions in the group.

"We're all different in our own way, but that's not right to drive you all away like that. I enjoy fusion as much as you do, Rhodonite, I know how it is to have Gems think so bad of you," Garnet explained, remembering her own experience. Rhodonite wasn't sure what to say.

"Y-You're a fusion too?" Rhodonite asked.

"Indeed. If you can help us find a way out of the Supreme Kindergarten, we'll be more than happy to let you come back to Earth with us. You'll all be free there, no need to hide, no need to be afraid," Garnet offered, hand extended. While the idea sounds amazing, but many of them started to recoil a little.

"I predict that Garnet will show her true self. Oh, how exciting!" Padparadscha said. Fluorite sighed.

"It's not possible."

"Of course it is, just show us the way out of here and -"

"It does sound nice. But unfortunately, we all know that the Earth was -"

"Was decimated by the Diamond Attack! ... Sorry," Rhodonite finished, feeling antsy again. Well that news shot through them all pretty quickly, and rather surprisingly. A diamond Attack? They would've known something about that by now, but none of the Diamonds ever told them such a thing. Not White, not Yellow, not even Blue.

"... Diamond Attack? What?" Amethyst asked, Diopside shrugging.

"Look, Earth is still there, we swear, we just came from it this morning. We even got a Warp Pad to get there and everything, we just need to get to an exit and we can all get out of here," Steven offered again.

"You sure about that?" Rhodonite asked.

"Absolutely! We can play games, explore Earth, do all sorts of things," Pinkie said.

"And Earth is pretty much used to seeing Gems like us, so no need to be scared of it anymore," added Connie.

"It is a very nice place," Fluttershy said. The Off-colors started to think about it a little bit.

"Where we can be safe," said both Rutiles.

"To do what you wish," repeated Rhodonite.

"You just came here this morning?" asked Padparadscha, surprised and hopeful in tone.

"... They're telling the truth. We accept," Fluorite decided. That was just the thing they wanted to hear from them.

"Great! Now, uh, the way out?" Connie asked.

"There is one way that should be good to get out of the city, but getting there's going to be difficult," Tiger's Eye said.

"How come?" asked Steven.

"Eh ... well ..." Rather than answering them, Tiger's Eye got down on her fours again, and raced off to an opening in the same area, moving much like a hare or rabbit. Tiger's Eye hopped up onto a rock right by the exit, and the whole group, Off-Colors, Mane Six, and Crystal Gems together, looked out to see. The exact exit appeared to be a distant tunnel, but it was very far away, and they had a number of other pillars to get over there first. That, and no exact walking path seemed visible for them to just walk there.

"Oh ponyfeathers," sighed AJ. It was enough of a hassle just to get there, but now they had to fly basically everyone over. But how're they going to do that exactly? Especially with Fluorite to deal with.

"We'll do whatever it takes," Garnet said, fully determined to help the Off-Colors out. The others were just as well, but before they could do anything ...

Where're they?!

They couldn't have gone far!

Check the tunnels!

"O-Oh no, you we're followed! They're gonna find us - they're gonna break us!" gasped Rhodonite, starting to go in panic a bit.

"No one's getting broken, I promise," Garnet said firmly, them all hearing footsteps closing in.

"Quickly, block the entrance," Fluorite said, and a number of them immediately raced off to do so. A boulder was nearby the tunnel entrance, which looked just big enough to help pull this off. Rainbow, Diopside, Rutile and Garnet got right over to the boulder, and pushed it straight over to the entrance.

"I-Is it gonna be enough?" Rhodonite shivered. The Carnethysts just on the other side could be seen with the lights they were shining off, and time and time again they kept passing them up. None of them said a word at first ...

"Get ready everyone, something's going to come our way!" Padparadscha suddenly shouted, making everyone jump. If it was an actual future vision or just a reaction for earlier didn't matter, and Connie quickly covered her mouth. A shout like that was surely enough to get someone's attention.

"Padparadscha, why?!" whispered Rainbow. Connie and Steven went back over to the opening and tried to find an exit strategy. Their best bet was a arch far below them, down a good forty feet, but it reached the other side still.

"There's an arch down there, think it can work?" asked Steven.

Hear something?

It's over here!

"We don't have a choice. Geronimo!" said Applejack said, taking the first jump down. It didn't take very long until the others followed her, quickly leaving the area. The Rutile twins grabbed Padparadscha and Garnet grabbed Connie before they went. They all got down there just in time, and began to run straight to the exit tunnel.

"I'm going to regret warning everyone," said Padparadscha, now a little sad.

"No one's blaming you," said left Rutile.

"We all make mistakes," said right Rutile.
Now was not the time to put any blame on anyone. They all were just about half way across the arch when one of the Carnethysts looked out the opening, seeing them all running away. A loud whistle made them all aware they were found out, as they reached the other side. Tiger's Eye wasted no time and was already climbing up the wall fast, but it didn't help the others out too much. They looked back and were seeing the Carnethysts jumping down and rushing towards them.

"Oh no, oh no, we're found out! This is a terrible plan!" yelped Rhodonite, actually getting a little angry.

"Get up the wall," Garnet instructed, getting out her Gem weapons. That only freaked out Rhodonite even more.

"Are you crazy?! You can't fight them by yourself!" Rhodonite gasped. Fluorite though, wanting to keep them safe, actually grabbed Rhodonite and began to climb up the wall. Garnet turned and readied herself to charge ... or it seemed that way. What she actually did was raised her fists up, and slammed them down onto the ground. The force of her hit was strong enough to crack the entire arch. The weight of the Carnethysts was enough to break up the whole arch, and all the Gems after their tail ended up falling down, and poofing on impact with another arch underneath them. Only then did Garnet catch up with the others at the exit tunnel.

"Getting here wasn't difficult at all," noted Fluttershy.

"We can't leave you behind," Padparadscha said, reacting to Garnet readying to fight earlier.

"Don't worry. No one's getting left behind," Garnet finally said, and pretty soon, they all took the exit tunnel out of there.


"What do you mean you lost them?"

"My apologies, my diamond, but somehow we lost them in the Supreme Kindergarten, along with most of the Carnethysts I brought. ... Do what you will."

"... That law still stands against them. They're out of Homeworld, that's all that matters."

Author's Note:

... YEP. I'm going there. Prepare your brains ladies and gentlecolts, it's gonna be a wonky ride this time. And this time, I'm not gonna be holding back any punches, the kiddie gloves are coming off and that little (E) is gonna be tested :pinkiecrazy:.

Oh, and BTW, Bismuth and Jasper's little get-together in PT1? Well, I'll just leave ya with this for some reference:

... I mean, they're manly women right? I can't resist this kind of reference, seriously.

Tiger's Eye belongs to Base-Drop's cousin ^^